
Document a few things
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:23:52 +0000 (2016-03-23)
parents de43434e6311
children ce6aa58d27da
branches/tags (none)
files Makefile docs/03-reference.markdown docs/api.lisp src/ggp.lisp


--- a/Makefile	Wed Mar 23 15:22:05 2016 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Wed Mar 23 16:23:52 2016 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 docs: docs/build/index.html
-docs/build/index.html: $(docfiles) docs/title
+docs/build/index.html: $(docfiles) $(apidoc) docs/title
 	cd docs && ~/.virtualenvs/d/bin/d
 pubdocs: docs
--- a/docs/03-reference.markdown	Wed Mar 23 15:22:05 2016 +0000
+++ b/docs/03-reference.markdown	Wed Mar 23 16:23:52 2016 +0000
@@ -12,3 +12,96 @@
 ## Package GGP
+### GGP-PLAYER (class)
+The base class for a GGP player.  Custom players should extend this.
+#### Slot NAME
+* Allocation: INSTANCE
+* Type: `STRING`
+* Reader: `PLAYER-NAME`
+The name of the player.
+#### Slot PORT
+* Allocation: INSTANCE
+* Type: `(INTEGER 0)`
+* Reader: `PLAYER-PORT`
+The port the HTTP server should listen on.
+* Allocation: INSTANCE
+The ID of the current match the player is playing, or `nil` if it is waiting.  **Do not touch this.**
+#### Slot SERVER
+* Allocation: INSTANCE
+The Clack server object of the player.  **Do not touch this.**  Use `start-player` and `kill-player` to start/stop the server safely.
+### KILL-PLAYER (function)
+Kill the HTTP server for the given player.
+  This will **not** be done gently.  No cleanup will be performed if the player
+  is in the middle of a game.  Be careful.
+### PLAYER-SELECT-MOVE (generic function)
+Called when it's time for the player to select a move to play.
+  Must return a list/symbol of the GDL move to play.  Note that any symbols in
+  the move should be ones that are interned in the `GGP` package.  The author is
+  aware that this sucks and welcomes suggestions on how to make it less awful.
+### PLAYER-START-GAME (generic function)
+Called when the game is started.
+  `rules` is a list of lists/symbols representing the GDL description of the
+  game.  Note that all symbols are interned in the `GGP` package.
+### PLAYER-STOP-GAME (generic function)
+Called when the game is stopped.
+  This is a good place to do any teardown stuff your player might need, or maybe
+  to suggest a GC to your Lisp implementation.
+### PLAYER-UPDATE-GAME (generic function)
+Called after all player have made their moves.
+  `moves` will be a list of moves made by the players.
+### START-PLAYER (function)
+Start the HTTP server for the given player.
--- a/docs/api.lisp	Wed Mar 23 15:22:05 2016 +0000
+++ b/docs/api.lisp	Wed Mar 23 16:23:52 2016 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
   (ql:quickload "docparser"))
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3))) ; dammit sbcl
 (defparameter *index*
   (docparser:parse :cl-ggp))
@@ -38,10 +40,12 @@
 ;;;; Documentation Utils
 (defun get-doc (package-name symbol-name)
-  (elt (docparser:query *index*
-                        :package-name package-name
-                        :symbol-name symbol-name)
-       0))
+  (let ((results (docparser:query *index*
+                                  :package-name package-name
+                                  :symbol-name symbol-name)))
+    (when (> (length results) 0)
+      (elt results 0))))
 (defun get-package-doc (package-name)
   ;; good god, lemon
   (docparser::find-package-index *index* package-name))
@@ -75,6 +79,26 @@
 (defgeneric render-documentation (node symbol-name))
+(defun render-class-slot (node)
+  (let ((name (docparser:node-name node))
+        (type (docparser:slot-type node))
+        (readers (docparser:slot-readers node))
+        (writers (docparser:slot-writers node))
+        (accessors (docparser:slot-accessors node)))
+    (format t "#### Slot ~A~%~%" name )
+    (format t "* Allocation: ~A~%" (docparser:slot-allocation node))
+    (when type (format t "* Type: `~A`~%" type))
+    (when readers (format t "* Reader~p: ~{`~A`~^, ~}~%" (length readers) readers))
+    (when writers (format t "* Writer~p: ~{`~A`~^, ~}~%" (length writers) writers))
+    (when accessors (format t "* Accessor~p: ~{`~A`~^, ~}~%" (length accessors) accessors))
+    (format t "~%")
+    (render-docstring node)))
+(defmethod render-documentation ((node docparser:class-node) symbol-name)
+  (render-symbol-header symbol-name " (class)")
+  (render-docstring node)
+  (mapc #'render-class-slot (docparser:record-slots node)))
 (defmethod render-documentation ((node docparser:documentation-node) symbol-name)
   (render-symbol-header symbol-name "")
@@ -90,6 +114,11 @@
   (render-lambda-list node)
   (render-docstring node))
+(defmethod render-documentation ((node docparser:generic-function-node) symbol-name)
+  (render-symbol-header symbol-name " (generic function)")
+  (render-lambda-list node)
+  (render-docstring node))
 (defmethod render-documentation ((node docparser:macro-node) symbol-name)
   (render-symbol-header symbol-name " (macro)")
   (render-lambda-list node)
@@ -100,7 +129,7 @@
 (defun document-symbol (package-name symbol)
   (let* ((symbol-name (symbol-name symbol))
          (doc-node (get-doc package-name symbol-name)))
-    (render-documentation doc-node symbol-name)))
+    (when doc-node (render-documentation doc-node symbol-name))))
 (defun document-package (package-name)
   (render-package-header package-name)
--- a/src/ggp.lisp	Wed Mar 23 15:22:05 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/ggp.lisp	Wed Mar 23 16:23:52 2016 +0000
@@ -10,15 +10,57 @@
 ;;;; GGP Player
 (defclass ggp-player ()
-  ((name :initarg :name :initform "CL-GGP" :reader player-name)
-   (port :initarg :port :initform 9999 :reader player-port)
-   (current-match :initform nil)
-   (server)))
+  ((name
+     :initarg :name
+     :initform "CL-GGP"
+     :reader player-name
+     :type string
+     :documentation "The name of the player.")
+   (port
+     :initarg :port
+     :initform 9999
+     :reader player-port
+     :type (integer 0)
+     :documentation "The port the HTTP server should listen on.")
+   (current-match
+     :initform nil
+     :documentation "The ID of the current match the player is playing, or `nil` if it is waiting.  **Do not touch this.**")
+   (server
+     :documentation "The Clack server object of the player.  **Do not touch this.**  Use `start-player` and `kill-player` to start/stop the server safely."))
+  (:documentation "The base class for a GGP player.  Custom players should extend this."))
+(defgeneric player-start-game (player rules role start-clock play-clock)
+  (:documentation "Called when the game is started.
+  `rules` is a list of lists/symbols representing the GDL description of the
+  game.  Note that all symbols are interned in the `GGP` package.
-(defgeneric player-start-game (player rules role start-clock play-clock))
-(defgeneric player-update-game (player moves))
-(defgeneric player-select-move (player))
-(defgeneric player-stop-game (player))
+  "))
+(defgeneric player-update-game (player moves)
+  (:documentation "Called after all player have made their moves.
+  `moves` will be a list of moves made by the players.
+  "))
+(defgeneric player-select-move (player)
+  (:documentation "Called when it's time for the player to select a move to play.
+  Must return a list/symbol of the GDL move to play.  Note that any symbols in
+  the move should be ones that are interned in the `GGP` package.  The author is
+  aware that this sucks and welcomes suggestions on how to make it less awful.
+  "))
+(defgeneric player-stop-game (player)
+  (:documentation "Called when the game is stopped.
+  This is a good place to do any teardown stuff your player might need, or maybe
+  to suggest a GC to your Lisp implementation.
+  "))
 (defmethod player-start-game ((player ggp-player) rules role start-clock play-clock)
@@ -109,12 +151,13 @@
       (l "UNKNOWN REQUEST: ~S~%~%" unknown-request)
+;;;; Boilerplate
 (defun should-log-p (request)
   (match request
     (`(info) nil)
     (_ t)))
-;;;; Boilerplate
 (defun app (player env)
   (let* ((body (get-body env))
          (request (safe-read-from-string body))
@@ -134,6 +177,7 @@
 ;;;; Spinup/spindown
 (defun start-player (player)
+  "Start the HTTP server for the given player."
   (let* ((player-handler #'(lambda (env) (app player env)))
          (server (clack:clackup player-handler
                                 :port (player-port player))))
@@ -141,4 +185,10 @@
 (defun kill-player (player)
+  "Kill the HTTP server for the given player.
+  This will **not** be done gently.  No cleanup will be performed if the player
+  is in the middle of a game.  Be careful.
+  "
   (clack.handler:stop (slot-value player 'server)))