Document a few things
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:23:52 +0000 |
parents |
251cea71ed58 |
children |
04d792fae37f |
(in-package #:ggp)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)
(defparameter *debug*
(defparameter *ggp-package*
(find-package :ggp))
;;;; GGP Player
(defclass ggp-player ()
:initarg :name
:initform "CL-GGP"
:reader player-name
:type string
:documentation "The name of the player.")
:initarg :port
:initform 9999
:reader player-port
:type (integer 0)
:documentation "The port the HTTP server should listen on.")
:initform nil
:documentation "The ID of the current match the player is playing, or `nil` if it is waiting. **Do not touch this.**")
:documentation "The Clack server object of the player. **Do not touch this.** Use `start-player` and `kill-player` to start/stop the server safely."))
(:documentation "The base class for a GGP player. Custom players should extend this."))
(defgeneric player-start-game (player rules role start-clock play-clock)
(:documentation "Called when the game is started.
`rules` is a list of lists/symbols representing the GDL description of the
game. Note that all symbols are interned in the `GGP` package.
(defgeneric player-update-game (player moves)
(:documentation "Called after all player have made their moves.
`moves` will be a list of moves made by the players.
(defgeneric player-select-move (player)
(:documentation "Called when it's time for the player to select a move to play.
Must return a list/symbol of the GDL move to play. Note that any symbols in
the move should be ones that are interned in the `GGP` package. The author is
aware that this sucks and welcomes suggestions on how to make it less awful.
(defgeneric player-stop-game (player)
(:documentation "Called when the game is stopped.
This is a good place to do any teardown stuff your player might need, or maybe
to suggest a GC to your Lisp implementation.
(defmethod player-start-game ((player ggp-player) rules role start-clock play-clock)
(defmethod player-update-game ((player ggp-player) moves)
(defmethod player-select-move ((player ggp-player))
(error "Required method player-select-move is not implemented for ~A" player))
(defmethod player-stop-game ((player ggp-player))
;;;; Utils
(defun safe-read-from-string (s)
;; what could go wrong
(let ((*read-eval* nil)
(*package* *ggp-package*))
(read-from-string s)))
(defun render-to-string (e)
(let ((*package* *ggp-package*))
(format nil "~A" e)))
;;;; Clack Horseshit
(defun l (&rest args)
(when *debug*
(apply #'format *debug-io* args)))
(defun resp (body &key (code 200) (content-type "text/acl"))
(list code
(list :content-type content-type
:content-length (length body))
(list body)))
(defun get-body (env)
;; jesus christ clack why do i have to write this shit
(let ((body (make-array (getf env :content-length)
:element-type 'flex:octet)))
(read-sequence body (getf env :raw-body))
(flex:octets-to-string body)))
;;;; GGP Protocol
(defun handle-info (player)
`((name ,(slot-value player 'name))
(status ,(if (slot-value player 'current-match) 'busy 'available))
(species alien)))
(defun handle-start (player match-id role rules start-clock play-clock)
(declare (ignore play-clock))
(setf (slot-value player 'current-match) match-id)
(l "Starting match ~S as ~S~%" match-id role)
(player-start-game player rules role start-clock play-clock)
(defun handle-play (player match-id moves)
(l "Handling play request with moves ~S~%" moves)
(player-update-game player moves)
(player-select-move player))
(defun handle-stop (player match-id moves)
(l "Handling stop request for ~S~%" match-id)
(player-stop-game player)
(setf (slot-value player 'current-match) nil)
(defun route (player request)
"Route the request to the appropriate player function."
(match request
(handle-info player))
(`(play ,match-id ,moves)
(handle-play player match-id moves))
(`(stop ,match-id ,moves)
(handle-stop player match-id moves))
(`(start ,match-id ,role ,rules ,start-clock ,play-clock)
(handle-start player match-id role rules start-clock play-clock))
(l "UNKNOWN REQUEST: ~S~%~%" unknown-request)
;;;; Boilerplate
(defun should-log-p (request)
(match request
(`(info) nil)
(_ t)))
(defun app (player env)
(let* ((body (get-body env))
(request (safe-read-from-string body))
(should-log (should-log-p request)))
(when should-log
(l "~%~%Got a request ====================================~%")
(l "~S~%" request)
(l "==================================================~%"))
(let* ((response (route player request))
(rendered-response (render-to-string response)))
(when should-log
(l "==================================================~%")
(l "Responding with:~%~A~%" rendered-response)
(l "==================================================~%"))
(resp rendered-response))))
;;;; Spinup/spindown
(defun start-player (player)
"Start the HTTP server for the given player."
(let* ((player-handler #'(lambda (env) (app player env)))
(server (clack:clackup player-handler
:port (player-port player))))
(setf (slot-value player 'server) server)
(defun kill-player (player)
"Kill the HTTP server for the given player.
This will **not** be done gently. No cleanup will be performed if the player
is in the middle of a game. Be careful.
(clack.handler:stop (slot-value player 'server)))