
Refactor the world code into separate files.

This pulls out the world generation code into its own file.  It was
getting a bit crowded in there.
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 01 Aug 2012 21:13:37 -0400
parents 67ba4c7c0a90
children a5c19c0eb8f1
branches/tags (none)
files src/caves/core.clj src/caves/entities/aspects/attacker.clj src/caves/entities/aspects/digger.clj src/caves/entities/aspects/mobile.clj src/caves/entities/aspects/receiver.clj src/caves/entities/bunny.clj src/caves/entities/core.clj src/caves/entities/lichen.clj src/caves/entities/player.clj src/caves/entities/silverfish.clj src/caves/ui/input.clj src/caves/world.clj src/caves/world/core.clj src/caves/world/generation.clj


--- a/src/caves/core.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/core.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -59,3 +59,5 @@
   (main :swing false)
   (main :swing true)
--- a/src/caves/entities/aspects/attacker.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/aspects/attacker.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
         (send-message this "You strike the %s for %d damage!"
                       [(:name target) damage])
         (send-message target "The %s strikes you for %d damage!"
-                      [(:name target) damage]))))
+                      [(:name this) damage]))))
   (attack-value [this world]
     (get this :attack 1)))
--- a/src/caves/entities/aspects/digger.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/aspects/digger.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (ns caves.entities.aspects.digger
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [defaspect]]
-        [caves.world :only [check-tile set-tile-floor]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [check-tile set-tile-floor]]))
 (defaspect Digger
--- a/src/caves/entities/aspects/mobile.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/aspects/mobile.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (ns caves.entities.aspects.mobile
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [defaspect]]
-        [caves.world :only [is-empty?]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [is-empty?]]))
 (defaspect Mobile
--- a/src/caves/entities/aspects/receiver.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/aspects/receiver.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 (ns caves.entities.aspects.receiver
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [defaspect]]
-        [caves.world :only [get-entities-around]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [get-entities-around]]))
 (defaspect Receiver
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 (defn send-message-nearby [coord message world]
   (let [entities (get-entities-around world coord 7)
-        sm #(send-message %2 message [] %1)]
+        sm (fn [world entity]
+             (send-message entity message [] world))]
     (reduce sm world entities)))
--- a/src/caves/entities/bunny.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/bunny.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [Entity get-id add-aspect]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.destructible :only [Destructible]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.mobile :only [Mobile move]]
-        [caves.world :only [find-empty-neighbor]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [find-empty-neighbor]]))
 (defrecord Bunny [id glyph color location hp max-hp name])
--- a/src/caves/entities/core.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/core.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
   This is similar to extend-type, with two differences:
-  * It must be used on a protocol defined with defaspect
+  * It must be used on a protocol defined with defaspect.
   * It will use the aspect's default function implementation for any functions
     not given.
--- a/src/caves/entities/lichen.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/lichen.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [Entity get-id add-aspect]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.receiver :only [send-message-nearby]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.destructible :only [Destructible]]
-        [caves.world :only [find-empty-neighbor]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [find-empty-neighbor]]))
 (defrecord Lichen [id glyph color location hp max-hp name])
--- a/src/caves/entities/player.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/player.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
         [caves.entities.aspects.attacker :only [Attacker attack]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.destructible :only [Destructible]]
         [caves.coords :only [destination-coords]]
-        [caves.world :only [get-entity-at]]))
+        [caves.world.core :only [get-entity-at]]))
 (defrecord Player [id glyph color location hp max-hp attack name])
--- a/src/caves/entities/silverfish.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/entities/silverfish.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   (:use [caves.entities.core :only [Entity get-id add-aspect]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.destructible :only [Destructible]]
         [caves.entities.aspects.mobile :only [Mobile move can-move?]]
-        [caves.world :only [get-entity-at get-tile-kind]]
+        [caves.world.core :only [get-entity-at get-tile-kind]]
         [caves.coords :only [neighbors]]))
--- a/src/caves/ui/input.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ b/src/caves/ui/input.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (ns caves.ui.input
-  (:use [caves.world :only [random-world smooth-world find-empty-tile]]
+  (:use [caves.world.generation :only [random-world smooth-world]]
+        [caves.world.core :only [find-empty-tile]]
         [caves.ui.core :only [->UI]]
         [caves.entities.player :only [move-player make-player]]
         [caves.entities.lichen :only [make-lichen]]
--- a/src/caves/world.clj	Tue Jul 31 10:05:58 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(ns caves.world
-  (:use [caves.coords :only [neighbors radial-distance]]))
-; Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------
-(def world-size [160 50])
-; Data structures -------------------------------------------------------------
-(defrecord World [tiles entities])
-(defrecord Tile [kind glyph color])
-(def tiles
-  {:floor (->Tile :floor "." :white)
-   :wall  (->Tile :wall  "#" :white)
-   :bound (->Tile :bound "X" :black)})
-; Convenience functions -------------------------------------------------------
-(defn get-tile-from-tiles [tiles [x y]]
-  (get-in tiles [y x] (:bound tiles)))
-(defn random-coordinate []
-  (let [[cols rows] world-size]
-    [(rand-int cols) (rand-int rows)]))
-; World generation ------------------------------------------------------------
-(defn random-tiles []
-  (let [[cols rows] world-size]
-    (letfn [(random-tile []
-              (tiles (rand-nth [:floor :wall])))
-            (random-row []
-              (vec (repeatedly cols random-tile)))]
-      (vec (repeatedly rows random-row)))))
-(defn get-smoothed-tile [block]
-  (let [tile-counts (frequencies (map :kind block))
-        floor-threshold 5
-        floor-count (get tile-counts :floor 0)
-        result (if (>= floor-count floor-threshold)
-                 :floor
-                 :wall)]
-    (tiles result)))
-(defn block-coords [x y]
-  (for [dx [-1 0 1]
-        dy [-1 0 1]]
-    [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))
-(defn get-block [tiles x y]
-  (map (partial get-tile-from-tiles tiles)
-       (block-coords x y)))
-(defn get-smoothed-row [tiles y]
-  (mapv (fn [x]
-          (get-smoothed-tile (get-block tiles x y)))
-        (range (count (first tiles)))))
-(defn get-smoothed-tiles [tiles]
-  (mapv (fn [y]
-          (get-smoothed-row tiles y))
-        (range (count tiles))))
-(defn smooth-world [{:keys [tiles] :as world}]
-  (assoc world :tiles (get-smoothed-tiles tiles)))
-(defn random-world []
-  (let [world (->World (random-tiles) {})
-        world (nth (iterate smooth-world world) 3)]
-    world))
-; Querying a world ------------------------------------------------------------
-(defn get-tile [world coord]
-  (get-tile-from-tiles (:tiles world) coord))
-(defn get-tile-kind [world coord]
-  (:kind (get-tile world coord)))
-(defn set-tile [world [x y] tile]
-  (assoc-in world [:tiles y x] tile))
-(defn set-tile-floor [world coord]
-  (set-tile world coord (:floor tiles)))
-(defn get-entities-at [world coord]
-  (filter #(= coord (:location %))
-          (vals (:entities world))))
-(defn get-entity-at [world coord]
-  (first (get-entities-at world coord)))
-(defn get-entities-around
-  ([world coord] (get-entities-around world coord 1))
-  ([world coord radius]
-     (filter #(<= (radial-distance coord (:location %))
-                  radius)
-             (vals (:entities world)))))
-(defn is-empty? [world coord]
-  (and (#{:floor} (get-tile-kind world coord))
-       (not (get-entity-at world coord))))
-(defn find-empty-tile [world]
-  (loop [coord (random-coordinate)]
-    (if (is-empty? world coord)
-      coord
-      (recur (random-coordinate)))))
-(defn find-empty-neighbor [world coord]
-  (let [candidates (filter #(is-empty? world %) (neighbors coord))]
-    (when (seq candidates)
-      (rand-nth candidates))))
-(defn check-tile
-  "Check that the tile at the destination passes the given predicate."
-  [world dest pred]
-  (pred (get-tile-kind world dest)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/caves/world/core.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(ns caves.world.core
+  (:use [caves.coords :only [neighbors radial-distance]]))
+; Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------
+(def world-size [160 50])
+; Data structures -------------------------------------------------------------
+(defrecord World [tiles entities])
+(defrecord Tile [kind glyph color])
+(def tiles
+  {:floor (->Tile :floor "." :white)
+   :wall  (->Tile :wall  "#" :white)
+   :up    (->Tile :up    "<" :white)
+   :down  (->Tile :down  ">" :white)
+   :bound (->Tile :bound "X" :black)})
+; Convenience functions -------------------------------------------------------
+(defn get-tile-from-tiles [tiles [x y]]
+  (get-in tiles [y x] (:bound tiles)))
+(defn random-coordinate []
+  (let [[cols rows] world-size]
+    [(rand-int cols) (rand-int rows)]))
+; Querying a world ------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn get-tile [world coord]
+  (get-tile-from-tiles (:tiles world) coord))
+(defn get-tile-kind [world coord]
+  (:kind (get-tile world coord)))
+(defn set-tile [world [x y] tile]
+  (assoc-in world [:tiles y x] tile))
+(defn set-tile-floor [world coord]
+  (set-tile world coord (:floor tiles)))
+(defn get-entities-at [world coord]
+  (filter #(= coord (:location %))
+          (vals (:entities world))))
+(defn get-entity-at [world coord]
+  (first (get-entities-at world coord)))
+(defn get-entities-around
+  ([world coord] (get-entities-around world coord 1))
+  ([world coord radius]
+     (filter #(<= (radial-distance coord (:location %))
+                  radius)
+             (vals (:entities world)))))
+(defn is-empty? [world coord]
+  (and (#{:floor} (get-tile-kind world coord))
+       (not (get-entity-at world coord))))
+(defn find-empty-tile [world]
+  (loop [coord (random-coordinate)]
+    (if (is-empty? world coord)
+      coord
+      (recur (random-coordinate)))))
+(defn find-empty-neighbor [world coord]
+  (let [candidates (filter #(is-empty? world %) (neighbors coord))]
+    (when (seq candidates)
+      (rand-nth candidates))))
+(defn check-tile
+  "Check that the tile at the destination passes the given predicate."
+  [world dest pred]
+  (pred (get-tile-kind world dest)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/caves/world/generation.clj	Wed Aug 01 21:13:37 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(ns caves.world.generation
+  (:use [caves.world.core :only [tiles get-tile-from-tiles random-coordinate
+                                 world-size ->World]]))
+(defn random-tiles []
+  (let [[cols rows] world-size]
+    (letfn [(random-tile []
+              (tiles (rand-nth [:floor :wall])))
+            (random-row []
+              (vec (repeatedly cols random-tile)))]
+      (vec (repeatedly rows random-row)))))
+(defn get-smoothed-tile [block]
+  (let [tile-counts (frequencies (map :kind block))
+        floor-threshold 5
+        floor-count (get tile-counts :floor 0)
+        result (if (>= floor-count floor-threshold)
+                 :floor
+                 :wall)]
+    (tiles result)))
+(defn block-coords [x y]
+  (for [dx [-1 0 1]
+        dy [-1 0 1]]
+    [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))
+(defn get-block [tiles x y]
+  (map (partial get-tile-from-tiles tiles)
+       (block-coords x y)))
+(defn get-smoothed-row [tiles y]
+  (mapv (fn [x]
+          (get-smoothed-tile (get-block tiles x y)))
+        (range (count (first tiles)))))
+(defn get-smoothed-tiles [tiles]
+  (mapv (fn [y]
+          (get-smoothed-row tiles y))
+        (range (count tiles))))
+(defn smooth-world [{:keys [tiles] :as world}]
+  (assoc world :tiles (get-smoothed-tiles tiles)))
+(defn random-world []
+  (let [world (->World (random-tiles) {})
+        world (nth (iterate smooth-world world) 3)]
+    world))