
Add a simple UI skeleton
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 19 Jul 2020 18:24:27 -0400
parents 3835748a929e
children c689117887e3
branches/tags (none)
files .hgignore Makefile src/main.lisp src/package.lisp tdcb.asd


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Sun Jul 19 18:24:27 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Sun Jul 19 18:24:27 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+.PHONY: all
+sources := $(shell hg files)
+all: c e
+c: $(sources)
+	sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :tdcb)' --eval '(tdcb/main:build/compress)'
+e: $(sources)
+	sbcl --eval '(ql:quickload :tdcb)' --eval '(tdcb/main:build/extract)'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/main.lisp	Sun Jul 19 18:24:27 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(in-package :tdcb/main)
+(defparameter *version* "0.0.0")
+(defparameter *compressors* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defparameter *extractors* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defun ensure-compressor (name summary function)
+  (setf (gethash name *compressors*) (cons summary function)))
+(defun ensure-extractor (name summary function)
+  (setf (gethash name *extractors*) (cons summary function)))
+(defparameter *option-help*
+  (adopt:make-option 'help
+    :help "Print help and exit."
+    :long "help"
+    :short #\h
+    :reduce (constantly t)))
+(defparameter *option-version*
+  (adopt:make-option 'version
+    :help "Print version information and exit."
+    :long "version"
+    :reduce (constantly t)))
+(defparameter *option-algorithms*
+  (adopt:make-option 'algorithms
+    :help "Print a list of available algorithms and exit."
+    :long "algorithms"
+    :short #\A
+    :reduce (constantly t)))
+(adopt:define-string *help-compress*
+  "This program compresses files using one of a variety of compression algorithms.~@
+   ~@
+   Use --algorithms to view a list of available algorithms.")
+(adopt:define-string *help-extract*
+  "This program extracts files that were compressed using one of a variety of ~
+   compression algorithms.~@
+   ~@
+   Use --algorithms to view a list of available algorithms.")
+(defparameter *compress-ui*
+  (adopt:make-interface
+    :name "c"
+    :summary "compress files with a variety of algorithms"
+    :usage "ALGORITHM [OPTIONS] [FILE...]"
+    :help *help-compress*
+    :contents (list
+                *option-help*
+                *option-version*
+                *option-algorithms*)))
+(defparameter *extract-ui*
+  (adopt:make-interface
+    :name "e"
+    :summary "extract files with a variety of algorithms"
+    :usage "ALGORITHM [OPTIONS] [FILE...]"
+    :help *help-extract*
+    :contents (list
+                *option-help*
+                *option-version*
+                *option-algorithms*)))
+(defun print-algorithms (algorithms)
+  (maphash (lambda (name value)
+             (format t "~A - ~A" name (first value)))
+           algorithms))
+(defun toplevel (ui algorithms)
+  (handler-case
+      (handler-bind ((adopt:unrecognized-option #'adopt:treat-as-argument))
+        (multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options ui)
+          (cond
+            ((gethash 'help options) (adopt:print-help-and-exit ui))
+            ((gethash 'version options) (write-line *version*) (adopt:exit))
+            ((gethash 'algorithms options) (print-algorithms algorithms) (adopt:exit))
+            ((null arguments) (adopt:print-help-and-exit ui :stream *error-output* :exit-code 1))
+            (t (let ((algorithm (gethash (first arguments) algorithms)))
+                 (if algorithm
+                   (funcall (second algorithm) (rest arguments))
+                   (error "Unknown algorithm ~S." (first arguments))))))))
+    (error (e) (adopt:print-error-and-exit e))))
+(defun build/compress ()
+  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "c"
+    :executable t
+    :save-runtime-options t
+    :toplevel (lambda () (toplevel *compress-ui* *compressors*))))
+(defun build/extract ()
+  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die
+    "e"
+    :executable t
+    :save-runtime-options t
+    :toplevel (lambda () (toplevel *extract-ui* *extractors*))))
--- a/src/package.lisp	Sat Jul 18 22:49:13 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/package.lisp	Sun Jul 19 18:24:27 2020 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
 (defpackage :tdcb
   (:use :cl)
+(defpackage :tdcb/main
+  (:use :cl)
+  (:export
+    :build/compress
+    :build/extract
+    :ensure-compressor
+    :ensure-extractor))
--- a/tdcb.asd	Sat Jul 18 22:49:13 2020 -0400
+++ b/tdcb.asd	Sun Jul 19 18:24:27 2020 -0400
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
   :license "MIT"
-  :depends-on ()
+  :depends-on (:adopt)
   :serial t
   :components ((:module "src" :serial t
                 :components ((:file "package")
                              (:file "utilities")
-                             (:file "bits")))))
+                             (:file "bits")
+                             (:file "main")))))