Links, etc6 months ago, by Steve Losh
Fix9 months ago, by Steve Losh
Update12 months ago, by Steve Losh
Fix name12 months ago, by Steve Losh
Update some info, add pubkeys18 months ago, by Steve Losh
Tweak links2022-09-15, by Steve Losh
Update2022-08-27, by Steve Losh
Time2022-08-26, by Steve Losh
New entry, plus some other stuff2022-08-26, by Steve Losh
Bonus2022-04-21, by Steve Losh
Publish do-file2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Remove draft entries from RSS too2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Rename draft post2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Add do-file post2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Hide draft pages2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Common Lisp is stable, I am not2022-04-19, by Steve Losh
Draft2021-10-01, by Steve Losh
Crush2021-03-18, by Steve Losh
Publish2021-03-17, by Steve Losh
Finish post2021-03-17, by Steve Losh
Start draft2020-12-28, by Steve Losh
Add more Lisp projects2020-04-18, by Steve Losh
Add forty-one bytes of salt to every page on my site to detach the leeches2020-03-25, by Steve Losh
Remove the last few remaining Source Hut links2020-01-23, by Steve Losh
Remove Source Hut link2020-01-11, by Steve Losh
Fix link, make headers a little bigger2020-01-10, by Steve Losh
Merge the Lisp refactor. Good riddance, Hugo.2020-01-10, by Steve Losh
Atlassian is telling Mercurial users to Eat Shit2019-12-23, by Steve Losh
Fix typo2019-09-28, by Steve Losh
Add translation link2018-09-03, by Steve Losh
Define REPL2018-09-03, by Steve Losh
Typo2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Portacle2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Typo2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Fuck2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Publish2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Impersonalize2018-08-27, by Steve Losh
Links2018-08-24, by Steve Losh
Start type/class post2018-08-20, by Steve Losh
So close!2018-08-18, by Steve Losh
Typos, more2018-08-15, by Steve Losh
More todos2018-08-15, by Steve Losh
more2018-08-13, by Steve Losh
More cleanup2018-08-13, by Steve Losh
Fucking backwards-incompatible changes in Hugo2018-08-12, by Steve Losh
PUSH2018-08-12, by Steve Losh
final final v2.psd2018-08-04, by Steve Losh
Finally2018-08-04, by Steve Losh
This took a while2018-08-04, by Steve Losh
more text oh god2018-08-04, by Steve Losh
Planes2018-08-04, by Steve Losh
Start new post, continue work on expunging JS2018-07-25, by Steve Losh
Add Mastodon link2018-07-21, by Steve Losh
Try to unfuck the CSS2018-07-21, by Steve Losh
if-let post2018-07-08, by Steve Losh
More linux tweaks2018-07-08, by Steve Losh
Continue the expunging of Javascript2018-07-08, by Steve Losh
Tweaks for Linux2018-07-08, by Steve Losh
Commit updates from proofreading2018-05-21, by Steve Losh
Clean snip2018-05-20, by Steve Losh
Add `gathering` entry2018-05-20, by Steve Losh
Remove GA2018-05-20, by Steve Losh
Transfer maintainership2018-04-05, by Steve Losh
Minor updates2018-02-11, by Steve Losh
Update2017-12-30, by Steve Losh
Pass on flask-lesscss2017-12-22, by Steve Losh
Fuck it2017-12-18, by Steve Losh
Update project list2017-12-18, by Steve Losh
Fix hugo layout2017-12-18, by Steve Losh
.plan again2017-11-04, by Steve Losh
Fix JS demos (thanks, Weend)2017-09-18, by Steve Losh
Clean images2017-08-11, by Steve Losh
Typo2017-08-04, by Steve Losh
This about page is useless, kill it2017-08-04, by Steve Losh
Merge.2017-08-04, by Steve Losh
I moved :(2017-08-01, by Steve Losh
Merge.2017-08-01, by Steve Losh
Defer2017-04-11, by Steve Losh
MathJaxpocalypse2017-04-10, by Steve Losh
Links2017-04-08, by Steve Losh
Update bots2017-04-08, by Steve Losh
Add cl-pcg, fix bitbucket bullshit2017-04-06, by Steve Losh
Update projects2017-03-09, by Steve Losh
Found a maintainer for clojure-lanterna2017-01-30, by Steve Losh
Fix TOC2017-01-16, by Steve Losh
Typo2017-01-14, by Steve Losh
remove the gonorrhea public licensed stuff2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
typo2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
lolutils2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Fix tocs2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Dot2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Rochester Made logo is fucked2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Update links2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Update projects2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Add Antipodes2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Transfer clojure-postmark2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Add more links2017-01-13, by Steve Losh
Fucking links2017-01-10, by Steve Losh
Publish the menus post2017-01-10, by Steve Losh
First draft of menus article2017-01-05, by Steve Losh
Hurrrrr2017-01-05, by Steve Losh
Proof and publish2017-01-05, by Steve Losh
Typo2017-01-05, by Steve Losh
Update fixer2017-01-05, by Steve Losh
Publish2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Proofread2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Finish debugger first draft2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Words2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Happy New Year2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Start writing debugger entry2017-01-02, by Steve Losh
Update projects2016-12-28, by Steve Losh
Publish projects2016-12-28, by Steve Losh
Add project page2016-12-28, by Steve Losh
Start timer thread2016-12-26, by Steve Losh
Fix headings2016-12-26, by Steve Losh
Fix all the old link bullshit2016-12-26, by Steve Losh
Publish sound2016-12-26, by Steve Losh
Finish up disassembly entry2016-12-26, by Steve Losh
Merge.2016-12-25, by Steve Losh
Fixes unordered list2013-04-08, by Robin Wellner
Finish sentence, add ack2016-12-25, by Steve Losh
Merge.2016-12-25, by Steve Losh
Start debugging entry2016-12-25, by Steve Losh
chip8-sound.markdown proofread joekarl/chip8soundmarkdown-proofread-14826444038892016-12-25, by joekarl
pngquant the chip8 images2016-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add sound post2016-12-23, by Steve Losh
Publish input2016-12-23, by Steve Losh
Clean up2016-12-21, by Steve Losh
Clarify video memory2016-12-21, by Steve Losh
Publish graphics2016-12-21, by Steve Losh
Add input entry2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Typo2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Spacing2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Typo2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Fix typo2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Flip draft2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Timestamp2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Add draft of CHIP-8 graphics post2016-12-19, by Steve Losh
Clean up the BCD stuff2016-12-18, by Steve Losh
Finish first draft of the chip8 post2016-12-18, by Steve Losh
Start CHIP-8 entry2016-12-18, by Steve Losh
Remove the web font garbage2016-12-17, by Steve Losh
Add timing entry2016-10-10, by Steve Losh
Hugo's TOC support is fucked, reimplement in JS2016-10-10, by Steve Losh
Unfuck the makefile2016-10-10, by Steve Losh
Fix Zsh images2016-10-10, by Steve Losh
Fix feed redirection2016-10-07, by Steve Losh
Update Makefile2016-10-07, by Steve Losh
Add public to .hgignore.2016-10-07, by Steve Losh
Switch to Hugo2016-10-07, by Steve Losh
Spec2016-09-20, by Steve Losh
Averaging2016-09-20, by Steve Losh
Bump timestamp2016-08-19, by Steve Losh
More links2016-08-16, by Steve Losh
Add playing with syntax entry2016-08-15, by Steve Losh
Fix up timestamp2016-08-15, by Steve Losh
Update links2016-08-14, by Steve Losh
Fuck it2016-08-13, by Steve Losh
Update with iterate driver2016-08-13, by Steve Losh
Add Lisp Game Jam Entry2016-08-13, by Steve Losh
Add initial Links page2016-08-10, by Steve Losh
Fix links and timestamp2016-06-29, by Steve Losh
Merge.2016-06-29, by Steve Losh
Proofread2016-06-28, by Steve Losh
Add URLs2016-06-27, by Steve Losh
Link my .plan2016-06-27, by Steve Losh
Timestamp2016-06-27, by Steve Losh
Proofread DS2016-06-26, by Steve Losh
Initial draft of symbol post2016-06-26, by Steve Losh
Finish the fucking diamond square entry already2016-06-25, by Steve Losh
Timestamp2016-03-07, by Steve Losh
Recursive MPD2016-03-05, by Steve Losh
Add node_modules to .hgignore.2016-02-28, by Steve Losh
Just Use Makeâ„¢2016-02-28, by Steve Losh
Final tweaks2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
Midpoint displacement2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
Add support for Wisp2016-02-19, by Steve Losh
telnet'2015-12-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the fucking timestamp2015-12-15, by Steve Losh
LD342015-12-15, by Steve Losh
Permutation patterns2015-12-10, by Steve Losh
just beat the data out of it2015-11-30, by Steve Losh
how do i copy paste2015-11-21, by Steve Losh
Merge.2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
fix the date im dumb2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
lets put a happy little blog post right here2015-11-20, by Steve Losh
Fix typo2015-09-17, by Jordan Eldredge
I guess I moved.2015-08-16, by Steve Losh
Another bag review2015-07-26, by Steve Losh
Nat Geo A2540 review post2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Oh maybe I should commit my articles2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Update a bit2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
Fix a bunch of shit2015-07-24, by Steve Losh
timestamp2013-04-08, by Steve Losh
git.2013-04-08, by Steve Losh
Fix sub() in list-out-of-lambda.html2013-03-31, by Ivan Vyshnevskyi
Merge.2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
Add gittip.2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
List out of Lambda2013-03-30, by Steve Losh
Add ffind and peat.2012-11-20, by Steve Losh
Fix typo.2012-10-25, by Steve Losh
Mention timeout.2012-10-14, by Steve Losh
Caves of Clojure part 7.1.2012-10-13, by Steve Losh
Replace scrolly headers on resize too.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fix timezones2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Fix Vims idiotic lack of a bare domain.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Time2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Two space entry.2012-10-12, by Steve Losh
Times, unhdr_order2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Proofreading.2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Time2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Space cadet2012-10-03, by Steve Losh
Times.2012-10-01, by Steve Losh
Rename threesome to splice.2012-09-30, by Steve Losh
Add the Mutt entry.2012-09-30, by Steve Losh
all things are pain2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Are you fucking serious Cloudflare?2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Dammit Cloudflare.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Update Flattr script.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Remove Forrst link, replace Flickr with 500px.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
Merge.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
footer: use https:// where appropriate2012-09-27, by David Chambers
footer: change "BitBucket" to "Bitbucket"2012-09-27, by David Chambers
Remove half-finished entry for now so I can publish.2012-09-29, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-30, by Steve Losh
Moar.2012-07-29, by Steve Losh
hurr typing durr2012-07-14, by Steve Losh
Another entry.2012-07-14, by Steve Losh
time2012-07-13, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-13, by Steve Losh
moar2012-07-12, by Steve Losh
taimes2012-07-11, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-11, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
...2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
...2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
an blog post2012-07-09, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
hurr durr time2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
another blog post2012-07-08, by Steve Losh
holy shit a blog post2012-07-07, by Steve Losh
Volatile software.2012-04-23, by Steve Losh
bitrot2012-04-23, by Steve Losh
Add vitality.2012-04-13, by Steve Losh
Add Clam and Roul project pages.2012-04-08, by Steve Losh
Typo.2012-03-18, by Steve Losh
Moar.2012-02-12, by Steve Losh
Rochester Made2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
.2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
.2012-02-04, by Steve Losh
Add a screenshot of t.2012-01-29, by Steve Losh
moar.2012-01-24, by Steve Losh
Fix broken link.2011-12-31, by Steve Losh
Remove broken link.2011-12-23, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-12-22, by Steve Losh
Remove colorbox.2011-12-22, by Steve Losh
Holy shit I updated my site.2011-10-10, by Steve Losh
Gaug.es2011-10-07, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-09-06, by Steve Losh
Date.2011-09-06, by Steve Losh
The Twitters -- I has them.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Add the Writing Vim Plugins entry.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Move.2011-09-04, by Steve Losh
Fix typo.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add the outline of the Vim Plugin post.2011-07-13, by Steve Losh
Filetypes.2011-07-13, by Steve Losh
Typo.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
HAY GUYS I KNOW ABOUT RENDER()2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Switch to Syntastic.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
A couple of updates to the Django entry.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Fixed a couple of typos.2011-06-30, by Alex Vidal
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Formatting.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Add the Django entry.2011-06-30, by Steve Losh
Add paper-free.2011-05-26, by Steve Losh
DERP2011-05-23, by Steve Losh
Derp.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Fix steps.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Teaching article.2011-05-22, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-02-17, by Steve Losh
More work on the Django entry.2011-02-07, by Steve Losh
Merge.2011-02-06, by Steve Losh
Add YUI and start the Django blog entry.2011-02-06, by Steve Losh
Clean up some styling.2011-02-17, by Steve Losh
Removed an extra slash from the title of splash2011-02-17, by myfreeweb
Microformatted the splash page2011-02-17, by myfreeweb
Add the damn YUI compressor.2011-01-25, by Steve Losh
Make the front page suck less.2011-01-25, by Steve Losh
Finish keep calm.2010-11-05, by Steve Losh
More content.2010-11-04, by Steve Losh
Keep Calm post.2010-11-04, by Steve Losh
Mention Gundo.2010-10-18, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the pathogen/filetype bit of the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the stupid link.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Mention Command-T in the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Link the other Vim post.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Fix some mistakes in the Vim entry.2010-09-21, by Steve Losh
Ugh, fix the time.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Turn on Flattr for the Vim entry.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Add the Vim entry.2010-09-20, by Steve Losh
Fix the size of h3 elements.2010-09-19, by Steve Losh
Switch to Google Analytics.2010-09-15, by Steve Losh
Redesign the site.2010-09-09, by Steve Losh
Add the "MQ for Git Users" entry.2010-08-11, by Steve Losh
Add print links.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Fix work status.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Change the Rochester link.2010-07-04, by Steve Losh
Mention pushable bookmarks.2010-07-03, by Steve Losh
Fix the feed, for now.2010-06-20, by Steve Losh
Move the unnecessarily nested pages out.2010-06-18, by Steve Losh
More server updates.2010-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove the apache file.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Merge2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Fuck you, nginx.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Update the fabfile for the new server.2010-06-17, by Steve Losh
Add OpenID delegation.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
blog: add the translation branches entry2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Style tweaks.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Split the fabfile tasks a bit more.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Clean up a URL.2010-06-11, by Steve Losh
Add the stable/default entry.2010-05-17, by Steve Losh
Merge with the MODI change.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Add the AFFA entry.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Add the "Branching as Needed" entry and refactor some HTML/CSS/blocks.2010-02-28, by Steve Losh
Add a requirements.txt file.2010-02-27, by Steve Losh
Change the virtualenv name.2010-02-27, by Steve Losh
Add MODI to my javascript utils.2010-03-03, by Steve Losh
Fix a typo in the Hyde entry.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Update the Hyde entry with recent changes.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Move the main CSS file (mostly) over to LessCSS.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Add the LessCSS processor and rename base.css2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Add timeago.js to generate "ago" dates on the fly.2010-02-03, by Steve Losh
Update with the beginnings of a Linux battery cap script.2010-02-02, by Steve Losh
Update to mention the new collapse_pwd method.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Reduce margins on blockquotes in disqus comments.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Add the Zsh Prompt entry.2010-02-01, by Steve Losh
Update the Deploying with Fab/Hg entry.2010-01-31, by Steve Losh
Fix the feed header link.2010-01-28, by Steve Losh
Oh great, Disqus' sample code isn't valid XHTML. That's nice.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Restructure tag lists to pass validation.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Adjust the tag structures and styles a bit.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Remove an extra attribute that was causing validation to fail.2010-01-24, by Steve Losh
Www is evil. Kill it with mod_rewrite.2010-01-23, by Steve Losh
Update the About page.2010-01-23, by Steve Losh
Fix the AAL link in the Hyde post.2010-01-22, by Steve Losh
Update resume to mention Dumbwaiter.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Fix the MVG date.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Add the Mercurial vs. Git entry.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Exclude the 404 page to prevent it from showing up in the feed.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Update the t project documentation.2010-01-21, by Steve Losh
Make jquery local, and adjust the header size.2010-01-19, by Steve Losh
Fix Disqus code blocks.2010-01-19, by Steve Losh
Make a 404 page.2010-01-18, by Steve Losh
Fix the resume links.2010-01-17, by Steve Losh
Update resume.2010-01-17, by Steve Losh
Update the Hyde Rewrite entry to mention category changes.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the projects/photography title.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add categories.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Massive cleanup (linebreaks, tocs, doc links, etc).2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the date on the Hyde entry.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add the Hyde Rewrite entry.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Properly codehilite the blog entries.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Properly codehilite the projects.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Add a dict of links to the context and use it.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fix the extra / problem in .htaccess.2010-01-16, by Steve Losh
Don't wrap inline code snippets.2010-01-15, by Steve Losh
Add code styles.2010-01-15, by Steve Losh
Fix the iPhone font resizing issue on listing pages.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Exclude .htaccess from the feed.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Well that certianly did not work.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Exclude the .htaccess file from the RSS feed.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Switch back to FeedBurner.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add an MIT/X11 LICENSE file.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Merge the Hyde rewrite.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add Mint stats.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add Disqus comments.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Go to hell, trailing slashes.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
I hate you, mod_rewrite, I hate you so goddamned much.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Fix the diagram backgrounds.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add a publish task to the fabfile.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add a smush task to the fabfile.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Smush images with, by Steve Losh
Add an ATOM feed.2010-01-08, by Steve Losh
Add and use the jQuery ColorBox plugin.2010-01-08, by Steve Losh
Add thumbnailing and remove the custom gallery JS.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Get the images working, except for the gallery.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Float the About page image to the right.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Wrap lines on the About page.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Adjust the ampersand size.2010-01-07, by Steve Losh
Add the rest of the project photos, and the gallery script.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Add more images.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Add the first set of images.2009-12-26, by Steve Losh
Move the bottom padding in the CSS.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add dquo styles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Link the article titles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add the post stats.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Switch a header around in the DJ post.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Add TOC styles.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Adjust the markdown and typogrify tags.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Lots of style adjustments.2009-12-25, by Steve Losh
Adjust list margins.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Adjust more styles (code blocks).2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add the project content.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add the rest of the blog entries.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add a modified version of Aardvark legs.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Remove the useless Hyde post.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Fix the article comment tag issue.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Switch around the title.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add real snippet support.2009-12-24, by Steve Losh
Add snippet support.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Adjust listing styles.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Finish adding the 2008 articles.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Add some articles to have some content to play with.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
More style changes.2009-12-23, by Steve Losh
Start fixing the splash page.2009-12-22, by Steve Losh
Remove some extraneous titles.2009-12-22, by Steve Losh
More structure changes.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Start reworking the layout.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More cleanup.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More cleanup.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Remove the footer.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Format the templates to keep me sane.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
More shuffling.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Shuffling.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Switch back to index.html for listings.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Add some sample content.2009-12-17, by Steve Losh
Add more directories to the ignore file.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Add a simple fabfile.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Initial commit.2009-12-16, by Steve Losh
Fix some comment exporting issues.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Add the comment export script.2010-01-09, by Steve Losh
Move the settings to work.2009-12-12, by Steve Losh
Add django-simplebackup settings.2009-12-12, by Steve Losh
Change the source link to point at the REAL BitBucket link.2009-10-01, by Steve Losh
Okay, okay, names can be two letters.2009-09-17, by Steve Losh
Adjust the code font in blog comments.2009-09-01, by Steve Losh
Add an extra style for unbordered images.2009-08-31, by Steve Losh
Group the snip code so it appears correctly.2009-08-23, by Steve Losh
Add the snip functions and use them for the admin.2009-08-22, by Steve Losh
Split the projects by type really fast. This can be done better.2009-08-21, by Steve Losh
Add the .venv file.2009-07-30, by Steve Losh
Add the TOC extension to project and entry bodies.2009-07-26, by Steve Losh
Fix the project code comments.2009-07-16, by Steve Losh
Add aardvark legs to make the CSS stronger.2009-07-16, by Steve Losh
Add a meta element to specify the charset as UTF-8.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove a lot of useless stuff from the feed templates.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Reduce the number of items in the RSS feed to five.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Add RSS autodiscovery to every page.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Switch the RSS link to point to feedburner.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Remove extraneous feeds and bird feeder stuff.2009-06-18, by Steve Losh
Move the link URLs to lists when printing.2009-06-16, by Steve Losh
Add a print stylesheet to hide unnecessary elements.2009-06-15, by Steve Losh
Fix the formatting of inline code snippets in list items.2009-06-02, by Steve Losh
Cleaned up the silly hardcoding of the BASE_DIR.2009-04-08, by Steve Losh
Updated some MB styles, templates.2009-03-27, by Steve Losh
Update the MB templates.2009-03-27, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned up the project URLs.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned up the entry URLs in the templates.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Cleaned the URLs up a bit.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Forgot some of the photoblog stuff.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Removed the silly ProjectFile model. I know how to use FTP...2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Cleanup Tuesdays - Removed the photoblog, removed the silly ProjectPhoto thing too.2009-03-24, by Steve Losh
Really, Firefox? I actually have to tell you to inherit the font-weight for a *div*?2009-03-20, by Steve Losh
Mmm, candy.2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Thats what I get for demoing with my live repo...2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Removed the photoblog link, replaced with source.2009-03-19, by Steve Losh
Reversed the site title - definitely better this way.2009-03-18, by Steve Losh
Added a bad loginurl.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Fixing the ampersand color in links.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Stupid hgignore!2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Adding styling for messengerbag.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Added messengerbag to URLs and settings.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Updated the ignore to hide messengerbag.2009-03-11, by Steve Losh
Goodbye thoughts, youll live on in version control!2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Everything feed is once again unborked, and the templates are cleaner!2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
De-borking the Everything feed, part 1.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Made the spec path mroe specific.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Pretty much done with the photo blog.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
More changes for the photo blog.2009-02-15, by Steve Losh
Got a working photoblog (almost).2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Fixed the plural for blog entries too.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Figured out the verbose_name_plural stuff.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Started the photoblog app.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Pulled out the URLs into app-specific files.2009-02-14, by Steve Losh
Adjusted the blogs orphan value.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
The blog now uses Djangos paginator.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Added some spacing to the thoughts.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Refactored Thoughts to use Djangos built-in pagination.2009-02-12, by Steve Losh
Fixed what I just screwed up.2009-02-10, by Steve Losh
Centered non-inline blog images.2009-02-10, by Steve Losh
No, really, I did.2009-02-09, by Steve Losh
Added an h4 style.2009-02-09, by Steve Losh
Added some extra css classes for non-blog photos.2009-02-07, by Steve Losh
Added a tiny border to blog post images.2009-02-06, by Steve Losh
Started using Bugs Everywhere for bug tracking.2009-01-30, by Steve Losh
Added the Typogrify template tag and started using it everywhere!2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Fixed the import bug. Stupid cwd being on the python path by default...2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Added Akismet spam filtering for comments.2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Filtered spam from the RSS comment feeds.2009-01-24, by Steve Losh
Added a field to mark spams to the Comment models.2009-01-23, by Steve Losh
Fixed a gallery bug.2009-01-21, by Steve Losh
Added image styling for projects.2009-01-21, by Steve Losh
Mobileadmin install instructions = slight fail.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Installed the django-mobileadmin stuff.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Added support for photos to the projects app.2009-01-19, by Steve Losh
Fixed some comment formatting issues.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
A few changes in the CSS styles for the site.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added syntax highlighting support for blog entries.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
CSS changes for inline code blocks.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Changed the styling of h3's on the site.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Self-dot, damn you, self-dot!2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Stupid mistake.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Oh my god Bird Feeder is a pain to use with dynamic feeds.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Got *all* the feeds working this time.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Got the Seeds working with Mint's Bird Feeder plugin.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Fixed the feed Mint stats.2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added Mint tracking to the RSS feeds (part 1).2009-01-16, by Steve Losh
Added a template for, by Steve Losh
Fixed the baseline rhythm issue on the iPhone.2009-01-15, by Steve Losh
Finished implementing all the feeds.2009-01-15, by Steve Losh
Added project and comment feeds.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh
Blog post RSS implemented.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh
Initial open-source revision of the site.2009-01-14, by Steve Losh