--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesome.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import vim, os, sys
+# Add the library to the Python path.
+for p in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(','):
+ plugin_dir = os.path.join(p, "autoload")
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "threesomelib")):
+ if plugin_dir not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.append(plugin_dir)
+ break
+import threesomelib.init as threesome
+# Wrapper functions ----------------------------------------------------------------
+def ThreesomeInit():
+ threesome.init()
+def ThreesomeOriginal():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_original()
+def ThreesomeOne():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_one()
+def ThreesomeTwo():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_two()
+def ThreesomeResult():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_result()
+def ThreesomeGrid():
+ threesome.modes.key_grid()
+def ThreesomeLoupe():
+ threesome.modes.key_loupe()
+def ThreesomeCompare():
+ threesome.modes.key_compare()
+def ThreesomePath():
+ threesome.modes.key_path()
+def ThreesomeDiff():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diff()
+def ThreesomeDiffoff():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diffoff()
+def ThreesomeScroll():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_scrollbind()
+def ThreesomeLayout():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_layout()
+def ThreesomeNext():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_next()
+def ThreesomePrev():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_prev()
+def ThreesomeUse():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use()
+def ThreesomeUse1():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use1()
+def ThreesomeUse2():
+ threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use2()
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesome.vim Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File: threesome.vim
+" Description: vim global plugin for resolving three-way merge conflicts
+" Maintainer: Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
+" License: MIT X11
+" Notes: Alpha. Not ready for real use yet.
+" ============================================================================
+"{{{ Init
+" Vim version check {{{
+if v:version < '703'
+ function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome unavailable: requires Vim 7.3+"|echohl None
+ endfunction
+ command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
+ finish
+" Python version check {{{
+if has('python')
+ let s:has_supported_python = 2
+python << ENDPYTHON
+import sys, vim
+if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 5):
+ vim.command('let s:has_supported_python = 0')
+ let s:has_supported_python = 0
+if !s:has_supported_python
+ function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
+ echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome requires Vim to be compiled with Python 2.5+"|echohl None
+ endfunction
+ command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
+ finish
+" Configuration variables {{{
+if !exists('g:threesome_disable') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_disable = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_mode') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_mode = 'grid'
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_grid') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_layout_grid = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_compare') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_layout_compare = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_path') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_layout_path = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_grid') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_diff_grid = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_compare') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_diff_compare = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_path') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_diff_path = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare = 0
+endif " }}}
+if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path') " {{{
+ let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path = 0
+endif " }}}
+"{{{ Wrappers
+function! threesome#ThreesomeInit()"{{{
+ let python_module = fnameescape(globpath(&runtimepath, 'autoload/threesome.py'))
+ exe 'pyfile ' . python_module
+ python ThreesomeInit()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeGrid()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeGrid()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeLoupe()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeLoupe()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeCompare()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeCompare()
+function! threesome#ThreesomePath()"{{{
+ python ThreesomePath()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeOriginal()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeOriginal()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeOne()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeOne()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeTwo()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeTwo()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeResult()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeResult()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeDiff()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeDiff()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeDiffoff()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeDiffoff()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeScroll()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeScroll()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeLayout()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeLayout()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeNext()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeNext()
+function! threesome#ThreesomePrev()"{{{
+ python ThreesomePrev()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeUse()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeUse()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeUse1()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeUse1()
+function! threesome#ThreesomeUse2()"{{{
+ python ThreesomeUse2()
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/init.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import vim
+import modes
+from settings import setting
+from util import buffers, keys, windows
+def process_result():
+ windows.close_all()
+ buffers.result.open()
+ lines = []
+ in_conflict = False
+ for line in buffers.result.lines:
+ if in_conflict:
+ lines.append(line)
+ in_conflict = False
+ continue
+ in_conflict = True
+ continue
+ lines.append(line)
+ buffers.result.set_lines(lines)
+def bind_global_keys():
+ keys.bind('g', ':ThreesomeGrid<cr>')
+ keys.bind('l', ':ThreesomeLoupe<cr>')
+ keys.bind('c', ':ThreesomeCompare<cr>')
+ keys.bind('p', ':ThreesomePath<cr>')
+ keys.bind('o', ':ThreesomeOriginal<cr>')
+ keys.bind('1', ':ThreesomeOne<cr>')
+ keys.bind('2', ':ThreesomeTwo<cr>')
+ keys.bind('r', ':ThreesomeResult<cr>')
+ keys.bind('d', ':ThreesomeDiff<cr>')
+ keys.bind('D', ':ThreesomeDiffoff<cr>')
+ keys.bind('s', ':ThreesomeScroll<cr>')
+ keys.bind('n', ':ThreesomeNext<cr>')
+ keys.bind('N', ':ThreesomePrev<cr>')
+ keys.bind('<space>', ':ThreesomeLayout<cr>')
+ keys.bind('u', ':ThreesomeUse<cr>')
+ keys.bind('q', ':wa<cr>:qa<cr>')
+ keys.bind('CC', ':cq<cr>')
+def setlocal_buffers():
+ buffers.original.open()
+ vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ if setting('wrap'):
+ vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+ buffers.one.open()
+ vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ if setting('wrap'):
+ vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+ buffers.two.open()
+ vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ if setting('wrap'):
+ vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+ buffers.result.open()
+ if setting('wrap'):
+ vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+ buffers.hud.open()
+ vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ vim.command('setlocal nobuflisted')
+ vim.command('setlocal buftype=nofile')
+ vim.command('setlocal noundofile')
+ vim.command('setlocal nolist')
+ vim.command('setlocal ft=threesome')
+ vim.command('setlocal nowrap')
+ vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
+def create_hud():
+ vim.command('new __Threesome_HUD__')
+def init():
+ process_result()
+ create_hud()
+ setlocal_buffers()
+ bind_global_keys()
+ initial_mode = setting('initial_mode', 'grid').lower()
+ if initial_mode not in ['grid', 'loupe', 'compare', 'path']:
+ initial_mode = 'grid'
+ modes.current_mode = getattr(modes, initial_mode)
+ modes.current_mode.activate()
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/modes.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import vim
+from util import buffers, keys, windows
+from settings import boolsetting, setting
+current_mode = None
+class Mode(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ return super(Mode, self).__init__()
+ def diff(self, diffmode):
+ with windows.remain():
+ getattr(self, '_diff_%d' % diffmode)()
+ # Reset the scrollbind to whatever it was before we diffed.
+ if not diffmode:
+ self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
+ def key_diff(self, diffmode=None):
+ next_diff_mode = self._current_diff_mode + 1
+ if next_diff_mode >= self._number_of_diff_modes:
+ next_diff_mode = 0
+ self.diff(next_diff_mode)
+ def diffoff(self):
+ with windows.remain():
+ for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
+ windows.focus(winnr)
+ curbuffer = buffers.current
+ for buffer in buffers.all:
+ buffer.open()
+ vim.command('diffoff')
+ if setting('wrap'):
+ vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
+ curbuffer.open()
+ def key_diffoff(self):
+ self.diff(0)
+ def scrollbind(self, enabled):
+ if self._current_diff_mode:
+ return
+ with windows.remain():
+ self._current_scrollbind = enabled
+ for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
+ windows.focus(winnr)
+ if enabled:
+ vim.command('set scrollbind')
+ else:
+ vim.command('set noscrollbind')
+ if enabled:
+ vim.command('syncbind')
+ def key_scrollbind(self):
+ self.scrollbind(not self._current_scrollbind)
+ def layout(self, layoutnr):
+ getattr(self, '_layout_%d' % layoutnr)()
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_layout(self, diffmode=None):
+ next_layout = self._current_layout + 1
+ if next_layout >= self._number_of_layouts:
+ next_layout = 0
+ self.layout(next_layout)
+ def key_original(self):
+ pass
+ def key_one(self):
+ pass
+ def key_two(self):
+ pass
+ def key_result(self):
+ pass
+ def key_use(self):
+ pass
+ def activate(self):
+ self.layout(self._current_layout)
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
+ def deactivate(self):
+ pass
+ def key_next(self):
+ self.goto_result()
+ vim.command(r'exe "normal! /\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\<cr>"')
+ def key_prev(self):
+ self.goto_result()
+ vim.command(r'exe "normal! ?\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\<cr>"')
+ def open_hud(self, winnr):
+ windows.split()
+ windows.focus(winnr)
+ buffers.hud.open()
+ vim.command('wincmd K')
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def hud_lines(self):
+ def pad(lines):
+ l = max([len(line) for line in lines])
+ return [line.ljust(l) for line in lines]
+ sep = ' | '
+ modes = pad([
+ r'Threesome Modes',
+ r'x[G]rid y[C]ompare'.replace('x', self._id == 'grid' and '*' or ' ')
+ .replace('y', self._id == 'comp' and '*' or ' '),
+ r'x[L]oupe y[P]ath'.replace('x', self._id == 'loup' and '*' or ' ')
+ .replace('y', self._id == 'path' and '*' or ' '),
+ ])
+ diagram = pad(self.hud_diagram())
+ commands = pad([
+ r'Threesome Commands',
+ r'd: cycle diffs n: next conflict space: cycle layouts',
+ r'D: diffs off N: prev conflict s: toggle scrollbind',
+ ])
+ lines = []
+ for line in modes:
+ lines.append(line + sep)
+ for i, line in enumerate(diagram):
+ lines[i] += line + sep
+ for i, line in enumerate(commands):
+ lines[i] += line + sep
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ lines[i] = line.rstrip()
+ return lines
+ def redraw_hud(self):
+ with windows.remain():
+ windows.focus(1)
+ vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
+ buffers.hud.set_lines(self.hud_lines())
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ vim.command('set winfixheight')
+ vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
+ vim.command('wincmd =')
+class GridMode(Mode):
+ """
+ Layout 0 Layout 1 Layout 2
+ +-------------------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------+
+ | Original | | One | Result | Two | | One |
+ |2 | | | | | |2 |
+ +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+
+ | One | Two | | | | | | Result |
+ |3 |4 | | | | | |3 |
+ +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+
+ | Result | | | | | | Two |
+ |5 | |2 |3 |4 | |4 |
+ +-------------------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------+
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id = 'grid'
+ self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_grid', 0))
+ self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_grid', 0))
+ self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_grid')
+ self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
+ self._number_of_layouts = 3
+ return super(GridMode, self).__init__()
+ def _layout_0(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 4
+ self._current_layout = 0
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.split()
+ windows.split()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ windows.vsplit()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ buffers.original.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.one.open()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.two.open()
+ windows.focus(4)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ self.open_hud(5)
+ windows.focus(5)
+ def _layout_1(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 3
+ self._current_layout = 1
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.vsplit()
+ windows.vsplit()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ buffers.one.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.two.open()
+ self.open_hud(4)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def _layout_2(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 4
+ self._current_layout = 2
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.split()
+ windows.split()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ buffers.one.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.two.open()
+ self.open_hud(4)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def _diff_0(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 0
+ def _diff_1(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 1
+ for i in range(2, self._number_of_windows + 2):
+ windows.focus(i)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def key_original(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ windows.focus(2)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ return
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ return
+ def key_one(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ windows.focus(2)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ windows.focus(2)
+ def key_two(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ windows.focus(4)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ windows.focus(4)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ windows.focus(4)
+ def key_result(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ windows.focus(5)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def _key_use_0(self, target):
+ targetwin = 3 if target == 1 else 4
+ with windows.remain():
+ self.diffoff()
+ windows.focus(5)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(targetwin)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _key_use_12(self, target):
+ targetwin = 2 if target == 1 else 4
+ with windows.remain():
+ self.diffoff()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(targetwin)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def key_use1(self):
+ current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ self._key_use_0(1)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ self._key_use_12(1)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ self._key_use_12(1)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ vim.command('diffget')
+ elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+ vim.command('diffput')
+ self.diff(current_diff)
+ def key_use2(self):
+ current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ self._key_use_0(2)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ self._key_use_12(2)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ self._key_use_12(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ vim.command('diffget')
+ elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+ vim.command('diffput')
+ self.diff(current_diff)
+ def goto_result(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ windows.focus(5)
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def activate(self):
+ keys.bind('u1', ':ThreesomeUse1<cr>')
+ keys.bind('u2', ':ThreesomeUse2<cr>')
+ return super(GridMode, self).activate()
+ def deactivate(self):
+ keys.unbind('u1')
+ keys.unbind('u2')
+ return super(GridMode, self).deactivate()
+ def hud_diagram(self):
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ return [
+ r' Original',
+ r'Layout -> One Two',
+ r' Result',
+ ]
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ return [
+ r'',
+ r'Layout -> One Result Two',
+ r'',
+ ]
+ elif self._current_layout == 2:
+ return [
+ r' One',
+ r'Layout -> Result',
+ r' Two',
+ ]
+class LoupeMode(Mode):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id = 'loup'
+ self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_loupe', 0))
+ self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_loupe', 0))
+ self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_loupe')
+ self._number_of_diff_modes = 1
+ self._number_of_layouts = 1
+ self._current_buffer = buffers.result
+ return super(LoupeMode, self).__init__()
+ def _diff_0(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 0
+ def _layout_0(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 1
+ self._current_layout = 0
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ self._current_buffer.open()
+ self.open_hud(2)
+ windows.focus(2)
+ def key_original(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.original.open()
+ self._current_buffer = buffers.original
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_one(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.one.open()
+ self._current_buffer = buffers.one
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_two(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.two.open()
+ self._current_buffer = buffers.two
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_result(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ self._current_buffer = buffers.result
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_use(self):
+ pass
+ def goto_result(self):
+ self.key_result()
+ def hud_diagram(self):
+ buf = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer.name]
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ return [
+ r'',
+ r'Layout -> %s ' % (buf,),
+ r'',
+ ]
+class CompareMode(Mode):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id = 'comp'
+ self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_compare', 0))
+ self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_compare', 0))
+ self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_compare')
+ self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
+ self._number_of_layouts = 2
+ self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
+ self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
+ return super(CompareMode, self).__init__()
+ def _diff_0(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 0
+ def _diff_1(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 1
+ windows.focus(2)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(3)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _layout_0(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 2
+ self._current_layout = 0
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.vsplit()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ self._current_buffer_first.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ self._current_buffer_second.open()
+ self.open_hud(3)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def _layout_1(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 2
+ self._current_layout = 1
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.split()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ self._current_buffer_first.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ self._current_buffer_second.open()
+ self.open_hud(3)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ def key_original(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ buffers.original.open()
+ self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_one(self):
+ def open_one(winnr):
+ buffers.one.open(winnr)
+ if winnr == 2:
+ self._current_buffer_first = buffers.one
+ else:
+ self._current_buffer_second = buffers.one
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ curwindow = windows.currentnr()
+ if curwindow == 1:
+ curwindow = 2
+ # If file one is showing, go to it.
+ windows.focus(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.one:
+ return
+ windows.focus(3)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.one:
+ return
+ # If both the original and result are showing, open file one in the
+ # current window.
+ windows.focus(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.original:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ open_one(curwindow)
+ return
+ # If file two is in window 1, then we open file one in window 1.
+ windows.focus(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+ open_one(2)
+ return
+ # Otherwise, open file one in the current window.
+ open_one(curwindow)
+ def key_two(self):
+ def open_two(winnr):
+ buffers.two.open(winnr)
+ if winnr == 2:
+ self._current_buffer_first = buffers.two
+ else:
+ self._current_buffer_second = buffers.two
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ curwindow = windows.currentnr()
+ if curwindow == 1:
+ curwindow = 2
+ # If file two is showing, go to it.
+ windows.focus(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+ return
+ windows.focus(3)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+ return
+ # If both the original and result are showing, open file two in the
+ # current window.
+ windows.focus(2)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.original:
+ windows.focus(3)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ open_two(curwindow)
+ return
+ # If file one is in window 2, then we open file two in window 2.
+ windows.focus(3)
+ if buffers.current == buffers.two:
+ open_two(3)
+ return
+ # Otherwise, open file two in window 2.
+ open_two(curwindow)
+ def key_result(self):
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_use(self):
+ active = (self._current_buffer_first, self._current_buffer_second)
+ if buffers.result not in active:
+ return
+ if buffers.one not in active and buffers.two not in active:
+ return
+ current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+ with windows.remain():
+ self._diff_1() # diff the windows
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ vim.command('diffget')
+ elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+ vim.command('diffput')
+ self.diff(current_diff)
+ def goto_result(self):
+ self.key_result()
+ def hud_diagram(self):
+ first = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_first.name]
+ second = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_second.name]
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ return [
+ r'',
+ r'Layout -> %s %s' % (first, second),
+ r'',
+ ]
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ return [
+ r'',
+ r'Layout -> %s' % first,
+ r' %s' % second,
+ ]
+class PathMode(Mode):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id = 'path'
+ self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_path', 0))
+ self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_path', 0))
+ self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_path')
+ self._number_of_diff_modes = 5
+ self._number_of_layouts = 2
+ self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
+ return super(PathMode, self).__init__()
+ def _diff_0(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 0
+ def _diff_1(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 1
+ windows.focus(2)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(4)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _diff_2(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 2
+ windows.focus(2)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(3)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _diff_3(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 3
+ windows.focus(3)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(4)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _diff_4(self):
+ self.diffoff()
+ self._current_diff_mode = 4
+ windows.focus(2)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(3)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ windows.focus(4)
+ vim.command('diffthis')
+ def _layout_0(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 3
+ self._current_layout = 0
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.vsplit()
+ windows.vsplit()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ buffers.original.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ self._current_mid_buffer.open()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ self.open_hud(4)
+ windows.focus(4)
+ def _layout_1(self):
+ self._number_of_windows = 3
+ self._current_layout = 1
+ # Open the layout
+ windows.close_all()
+ windows.split()
+ windows.split()
+ # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
+ windows.focus(1)
+ buffers.original.open()
+ windows.focus(2)
+ self._current_mid_buffer.open()
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.result.open()
+ self.open_hud(4)
+ windows.focus(4)
+ def key_original(self):
+ windows.focus(2)
+ def key_one(self):
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.one.open()
+ self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_two(self):
+ windows.focus(3)
+ buffers.two.open()
+ self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.two
+ self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
+ windows.focus(3)
+ self.redraw_hud()
+ def key_result(self):
+ windows.focus(4)
+ def key_use(self):
+ current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
+ with windows.remain():
+ self._diff_3() # diff the middle and result windows
+ if buffers.current == buffers.result:
+ vim.command('diffget')
+ elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
+ vim.command('diffput')
+ self.diff(current_diff)
+ def goto_result(self):
+ windows.focus(4)
+ def hud_diagram(self):
+ if self._current_mid_buffer == buffers.one:
+ buf = 'One'
+ else:
+ buf = 'Two'
+ if self._current_layout == 0:
+ return [
+ r'',
+ r'Layout -> Original %s Result' % buf,
+ r'',
+ ]
+ elif self._current_layout == 1:
+ return [
+ r' Original',
+ r'Layout -> %s' % buf,
+ r' Result',
+ ]
+grid = GridMode()
+loupe = LoupeMode()
+compare = CompareMode()
+path = PathMode()
+def key_grid():
+ global current_mode
+ current_mode = grid
+ grid.activate()
+def key_loupe():
+ global current_mode
+ current_mode = loupe
+ loupe.activate()
+def key_compare():
+ global current_mode
+ current_mode = compare
+ compare.activate()
+def key_path():
+ global current_mode
+ current_mode = path
+ path.activate()
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/settings.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import vim
+def setting(name, default=None):
+ full_name = 'g:threesome_' + name
+ if not int(vim.eval('exists("%s")' % full_name)):
+ return default
+ else:
+ return vim.eval(full_name)
+def boolsetting(name):
+ if int(setting(name, 0)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ False
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/util/__init__.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# This is kind of a dirty hack. Feels bad, man.
+from bufferlib import buffers
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/util/bufferlib.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import os
+import vim
+import windows
+ap = os.path.abspath
+class Buffer(object):
+ def __init__(self, i):
+ self.number = i + 1
+ self._buffer = vim.buffers[i]
+ self.name = self._buffer.name
+ def open(self, winnr=None):
+ if winnr is not None:
+ windows.focus(winnr)
+ vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.number)
+ def set_lines(self, lines):
+ self._buffer[:] = lines
+ @property
+ def lines(self):
+ for line in self._buffer:
+ yield line
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.name == other.name
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return self.name != other.name
+class _BufferList(object):
+ @property
+ def original(self):
+ return Buffer(0)
+ @property
+ def one(self):
+ return Buffer(1)
+ @property
+ def two(self):
+ return Buffer(2)
+ @property
+ def result(self):
+ return Buffer(3)
+ @property
+ def hud(self):
+ return Buffer(int(vim.eval("bufnr('__Threesome_HUD__')")) - 1)
+ @property
+ def current(self):
+ bufname = ap(vim.eval('bufname("%")'))
+ if bufname == ap(self.original.name):
+ return self.original
+ elif bufname == ap(self.one.name):
+ return self.one
+ elif bufname == ap(self.two.name):
+ return self.two
+ elif bufname == ap(self.result.name):
+ return self.result
+ @property
+ def all(self):
+ return [self.original, self.one, self.two, self.result]
+ @property
+ def labels(self):
+ return { buffers.original.name: 'Original',
+ buffers.one.name: 'One',
+ buffers.two.name: 'Two',
+ buffers.result.name: 'Result' }
+buffers = _BufferList()
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/util/io.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import sys
+def error(m):
+ sys.stdout.write(str(m) + '\n')
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/util/keys.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import vim
+def bind(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader='<localleader>'):
+ vim.command('nnoremap %s %s%s %s' % (options, leader, key, to))
+def unbind(key, options='', leader='<localleader>'):
+ vim.command('unmap %s %s%s' % (options, leader, key))
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/autoload/threesomelib/util/windows.py Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import vim
+def focus(winnr):
+ vim.command('%dwincmd w' % winnr)
+def close(winnr):
+ focus(winnr)
+ vim.command('wincmd c')
+def close_all():
+ for winnr in range(len(vim.windows) - 1):
+ close(winnr)
+def split():
+ vim.command('wincmd s')
+def vsplit():
+ vim.command('wincmd v')
+def currentnr():
+ return int(vim.eval('winnr()'))
+def pos():
+ return vim.current.window.cursor
+class remain:
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.curwindow = currentnr()
+ self.pos = pos()
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ focus(self.curwindow)
+ vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos
--- a/plugin/threesome.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import vim, os, sys
-# Add the library to the Python path.
-for p in vim.eval("&runtimepath").split(','):
- plugin_dir = os.path.join(p, "plugin")
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "threesomelib")):
- if plugin_dir not in sys.path:
- sys.path.append(plugin_dir)
- break
-# Wrapper functions
-threesome = None
-def ThreesomeInit():
- global threesome
- import threesomelib.init as init
- init.init()
- threesome = init
-def ThreesomeOriginal():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_original()
-def ThreesomeOne():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_one()
-def ThreesomeTwo():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_two()
-def ThreesomeResult():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_result()
-def ThreesomeGrid():
- threesome.modes.key_grid()
-def ThreesomeLoupe():
- threesome.modes.key_loupe()
-def ThreesomeCompare():
- threesome.modes.key_compare()
-def ThreesomePath():
- threesome.modes.key_path()
-def ThreesomeDiff():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diff()
-def ThreesomeDiffoff():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_diffoff()
-def ThreesomeScroll():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_scrollbind()
-def ThreesomeLayout():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_layout()
-def ThreesomeNext():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_next()
-def ThreesomePrev():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_prev()
-def ThreesomeUse():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use()
-def ThreesomeUse1():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use1()
-def ThreesomeUse2():
- threesome.modes.current_mode.key_use2()
--- a/plugin/threesome.vim Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ b/plugin/threesome.vim Tue Jun 28 17:48:57 2011 -0400
@@ -7,187 +7,37 @@
" ============================================================================
-"{{{ Init
-" Loading check {{{
+" Init {{{
if !exists('g:threesome_debug') && (exists('g:threesome_disable') || exists('loaded_threesome') || &cp)
let loaded_threesome = 1
-" Vim version check {{{
-if v:version < '703'
- function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
- echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome unavailable: requires Vim 7.3+"|echohl None
- endfunction
- command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
- finish
-" Python version check {{{
-if has('python')
- let s:has_supported_python = 2
-python << ENDPYTHON
-import sys, vim
-if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 5):
- vim.command('let s:has_supported_python = 0')
- let s:has_supported_python = 0
-if !s:has_supported_python
- function! s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
- echohl WarningMsg|echomsg "Threesome requires Vim to be compiled with Python 2.5+"|echohl None
- endfunction
- command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeDidNotLoad()
- finish
-" Configuration variables {{{
-if !exists('g:threesome_disable') " {{{
- let g:threesome_disable = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_mode') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_mode = 'grid'
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_grid') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_layout_grid = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_layout_loupe = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_compare') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_layout_compare = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_layout_path') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_layout_path = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_grid') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_diff_grid = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_diff_loupe = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_compare') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_diff_compare = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_diff_path') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_diff_path = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_grid = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_loupe = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_compare = 0
-endif " }}}
-if !exists('g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path') " {{{
- let g:threesome_initial_scrollbind_path = 0
-endif " }}}
-"{{{ Wrappers
-function! s:ThreesomeInit()"{{{
- let python_module = fnameescape(globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/threesome.py'))
- exe 'pyfile ' . python_module
- python ThreesomeInit()
-function! s:ThreesomeGrid()"{{{
- python ThreesomeGrid()
-function! s:ThreesomeLoupe()"{{{
- python ThreesomeLoupe()
-function! s:ThreesomeCompare()"{{{
- python ThreesomeCompare()
-function! s:ThreesomePath()"{{{
- python ThreesomePath()
-function! s:ThreesomeOriginal()"{{{
- python ThreesomeOriginal()
-function! s:ThreesomeOne()"{{{
- python ThreesomeOne()
-function! s:ThreesomeTwo()"{{{
- python ThreesomeTwo()
-function! s:ThreesomeResult()"{{{
- python ThreesomeResult()
-function! s:ThreesomeDiff()"{{{
- python ThreesomeDiff()
-function! s:ThreesomeDiffoff()"{{{
- python ThreesomeDiffoff()
-function! s:ThreesomeScroll()"{{{
- python ThreesomeScroll()
-function! s:ThreesomeLayout()"{{{
- python ThreesomeLayout()
-function! s:ThreesomeNext()"{{{
- python ThreesomeNext()
-function! s:ThreesomePrev()"{{{
- python ThreesomePrev()
-function! s:ThreesomeUse()"{{{
- python ThreesomeUse()
-function! s:ThreesomeUse1()"{{{
- python ThreesomeUse1()
-function! s:ThreesomeUse2()"{{{
- python ThreesomeUse2()
+" }}}
"{{{ Commands
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call s:ThreesomeInit()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeInit call threesome#ThreesomeInit()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeGrid call s:ThreesomeGrid()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLoupe call s:ThreesomeLoupe()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeCompare call s:ThreesomeCompare()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePath call s:ThreesomePath()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeGrid call threesome#ThreesomeGrid()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLoupe call threesome#ThreesomeLoupe()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeCompare call threesome#ThreesomeCompare()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePath call threesome#ThreesomePath()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOriginal call s:ThreesomeOriginal()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOne call s:ThreesomeOne()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeTwo call s:ThreesomeTwo()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeResult call s:ThreesomeResult()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOriginal call threesome#ThreesomeOriginal()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeOne call threesome#ThreesomeOne()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeTwo call threesome#ThreesomeTwo()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeResult call threesome#ThreesomeResult()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiff call s:ThreesomeDiff()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiffoff call s:ThreesomeDiffoff()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeScroll call s:ThreesomeScroll()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLayout call s:ThreesomeLayout()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeNext call s:ThreesomeNext()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePrev call s:ThreesomePrev()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse call s:ThreesomeUse()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse1 call s:ThreesomeUse1()
-command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse2 call s:ThreesomeUse2()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiff call threesome#ThreesomeDiff()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeDiffoff call threesome#ThreesomeDiffoff()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeScroll call threesome#ThreesomeScroll()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeLayout call threesome#ThreesomeLayout()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeNext call threesome#ThreesomeNext()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomePrev call threesome#ThreesomePrev()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse call threesome#ThreesomeUse()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse1 call threesome#ThreesomeUse1()
+command! -nargs=0 ThreesomeUse2 call threesome#ThreesomeUse2()
-" vim:se fdm=marker:sw=4:
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/init.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-import modes
-from settings import setting
-from util import buffers, keys, windows
-def process_result():
- windows.close_all()
- buffers.result.open()
- lines = []
- in_conflict = False
- for line in buffers.result.lines:
- if in_conflict:
- lines.append(line)
- in_conflict = False
- continue
- in_conflict = True
- continue
- lines.append(line)
- buffers.result.set_lines(lines)
-def bind_global_keys():
- keys.bind('g', ':ThreesomeGrid<cr>')
- keys.bind('l', ':ThreesomeLoupe<cr>')
- keys.bind('c', ':ThreesomeCompare<cr>')
- keys.bind('p', ':ThreesomePath<cr>')
- keys.bind('o', ':ThreesomeOriginal<cr>')
- keys.bind('1', ':ThreesomeOne<cr>')
- keys.bind('2', ':ThreesomeTwo<cr>')
- keys.bind('r', ':ThreesomeResult<cr>')
- keys.bind('d', ':ThreesomeDiff<cr>')
- keys.bind('D', ':ThreesomeDiffoff<cr>')
- keys.bind('s', ':ThreesomeScroll<cr>')
- keys.bind('n', ':ThreesomeNext<cr>')
- keys.bind('N', ':ThreesomePrev<cr>')
- keys.bind('<space>', ':ThreesomeLayout<cr>')
- keys.bind('u', ':ThreesomeUse<cr>')
- keys.bind('q', ':wa<cr>:qa<cr>')
- keys.bind('CC', ':cq<cr>')
-def setlocal_buffers():
- buffers.original.open()
- vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
- vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
- if setting('wrap'):
- vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
- buffers.one.open()
- vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
- vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
- if setting('wrap'):
- vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
- buffers.two.open()
- vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
- vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
- if setting('wrap'):
- vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
- buffers.result.open()
- if setting('wrap'):
- vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
- buffers.hud.open()
- vim.command('setlocal noswapfile')
- vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
- vim.command('setlocal nobuflisted')
- vim.command('setlocal buftype=nofile')
- vim.command('setlocal noundofile')
- vim.command('setlocal nolist')
- vim.command('setlocal ft=threesome')
- vim.command('setlocal nowrap')
- vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
-def create_hud():
- vim.command('new __Threesome_HUD__')
-def init():
- process_result()
- create_hud()
- setlocal_buffers()
- bind_global_keys()
- initial_mode = setting('initial_mode', 'grid').lower()
- if initial_mode not in ['grid', 'loupe', 'compare', 'path']:
- initial_mode = 'grid'
- modes.current_mode = getattr(modes, initial_mode)
- modes.current_mode.activate()
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/modes.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,904 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import vim
-from util import buffers, keys, windows
-from settings import boolsetting, setting
-current_mode = None
-class Mode(object):
- def __init__(self):
- return super(Mode, self).__init__()
- def diff(self, diffmode):
- with windows.remain():
- getattr(self, '_diff_%d' % diffmode)()
- # Reset the scrollbind to whatever it was before we diffed.
- if not diffmode:
- self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
- def key_diff(self, diffmode=None):
- next_diff_mode = self._current_diff_mode + 1
- if next_diff_mode >= self._number_of_diff_modes:
- next_diff_mode = 0
- self.diff(next_diff_mode)
- def diffoff(self):
- with windows.remain():
- for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
- windows.focus(winnr)
- curbuffer = buffers.current
- for buffer in buffers.all:
- buffer.open()
- vim.command('diffoff')
- if setting('wrap'):
- vim.command('setlocal ' + setting('wrap'))
- curbuffer.open()
- def key_diffoff(self):
- self.diff(0)
- def scrollbind(self, enabled):
- if self._current_diff_mode:
- return
- with windows.remain():
- self._current_scrollbind = enabled
- for winnr in range(2, 2 + self._number_of_windows):
- windows.focus(winnr)
- if enabled:
- vim.command('set scrollbind')
- else:
- vim.command('set noscrollbind')
- if enabled:
- vim.command('syncbind')
- def key_scrollbind(self):
- self.scrollbind(not self._current_scrollbind)
- def layout(self, layoutnr):
- getattr(self, '_layout_%d' % layoutnr)()
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_layout(self, diffmode=None):
- next_layout = self._current_layout + 1
- if next_layout >= self._number_of_layouts:
- next_layout = 0
- self.layout(next_layout)
- def key_original(self):
- pass
- def key_one(self):
- pass
- def key_two(self):
- pass
- def key_result(self):
- pass
- def key_use(self):
- pass
- def activate(self):
- self.layout(self._current_layout)
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.scrollbind(self._current_scrollbind)
- def deactivate(self):
- pass
- def key_next(self):
- self.goto_result()
- vim.command(r'exe "normal! /\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\<cr>"')
- def key_prev(self):
- self.goto_result()
- vim.command(r'exe "normal! ?\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\<cr>"')
- def open_hud(self, winnr):
- windows.split()
- windows.focus(winnr)
- buffers.hud.open()
- vim.command('wincmd K')
- self.redraw_hud()
- def hud_lines(self):
- def pad(lines):
- l = max([len(line) for line in lines])
- return [line.ljust(l) for line in lines]
- sep = ' | '
- modes = pad([
- r'Threesome Modes',
- r'x[G]rid y[C]ompare'.replace('x', self._id == 'grid' and '*' or ' ')
- .replace('y', self._id == 'comp' and '*' or ' '),
- r'x[L]oupe y[P]ath'.replace('x', self._id == 'loup' and '*' or ' ')
- .replace('y', self._id == 'path' and '*' or ' '),
- ])
- diagram = pad(self.hud_diagram())
- commands = pad([
- r'Threesome Commands',
- r'd: cycle diffs n: next conflict space: cycle layouts',
- r'D: diffs off N: prev conflict s: toggle scrollbind',
- ])
- lines = []
- for line in modes:
- lines.append(line + sep)
- for i, line in enumerate(diagram):
- lines[i] += line + sep
- for i, line in enumerate(commands):
- lines[i] += line + sep
- for i, line in enumerate(lines):
- lines[i] = line.rstrip()
- return lines
- def redraw_hud(self):
- with windows.remain():
- windows.focus(1)
- vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
- buffers.hud.set_lines(self.hud_lines())
- vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
- vim.command('set winfixheight')
- vim.command('resize ' + setting('hud_size', '3'))
- vim.command('wincmd =')
-class GridMode(Mode):
- """
- Layout 0 Layout 1 Layout 2
- +-------------------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------+
- | Original | | One | Result | Two | | One |
- |2 | | | | | |2 |
- +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+
- | One | Two | | | | | | Result |
- |3 |4 | | | | | |3 |
- +-------------------+ | | | | +---------------+
- | Result | | | | | | Two |
- |5 | |2 |3 |4 | |4 |
- +-------------------+ +--------------------------+ +---------------+
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = 'grid'
- self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_grid', 0))
- self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_grid', 0))
- self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_grid')
- self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
- self._number_of_layouts = 3
- return super(GridMode, self).__init__()
- def _layout_0(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 4
- self._current_layout = 0
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.split()
- windows.split()
- windows.focus(2)
- windows.vsplit()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- buffers.original.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.one.open()
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.two.open()
- windows.focus(4)
- buffers.result.open()
- self.open_hud(5)
- windows.focus(5)
- def _layout_1(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 3
- self._current_layout = 1
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.vsplit()
- windows.vsplit()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- buffers.one.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.result.open()
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.two.open()
- self.open_hud(4)
- windows.focus(3)
- def _layout_2(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 4
- self._current_layout = 2
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.split()
- windows.split()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- buffers.one.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.result.open()
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.two.open()
- self.open_hud(4)
- windows.focus(3)
- def _diff_0(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 0
- def _diff_1(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 1
- for i in range(2, self._number_of_windows + 2):
- windows.focus(i)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def key_original(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- windows.focus(2)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- return
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- return
- def key_one(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- windows.focus(3)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- windows.focus(2)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- windows.focus(2)
- def key_two(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- windows.focus(4)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- windows.focus(4)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- windows.focus(4)
- def key_result(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- windows.focus(5)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- windows.focus(3)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- windows.focus(3)
- def _key_use_0(self, target):
- targetwin = 3 if target == 1 else 4
- with windows.remain():
- self.diffoff()
- windows.focus(5)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(targetwin)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _key_use_12(self, target):
- targetwin = 2 if target == 1 else 4
- with windows.remain():
- self.diffoff()
- windows.focus(3)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(targetwin)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def key_use1(self):
- current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- self._key_use_0(1)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- self._key_use_12(1)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- self._key_use_12(1)
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- vim.command('diffget')
- elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
- vim.command('diffput')
- self.diff(current_diff)
- def key_use2(self):
- current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- self._key_use_0(2)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- self._key_use_12(2)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- self._key_use_12(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- vim.command('diffget')
- elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
- vim.command('diffput')
- self.diff(current_diff)
- def goto_result(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- windows.focus(5)
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- windows.focus(3)
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- windows.focus(3)
- def activate(self):
- keys.bind('u1', ':ThreesomeUse1<cr>')
- keys.bind('u2', ':ThreesomeUse2<cr>')
- return super(GridMode, self).activate()
- def deactivate(self):
- keys.unbind('u1')
- keys.unbind('u2')
- return super(GridMode, self).deactivate()
- def hud_diagram(self):
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- return [
- r' Original',
- r'Layout -> One Two',
- r' Result',
- ]
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- return [
- r'',
- r'Layout -> One Result Two',
- r'',
- ]
- elif self._current_layout == 2:
- return [
- r' One',
- r'Layout -> Result',
- r' Two',
- ]
-class LoupeMode(Mode):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = 'loup'
- self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_loupe', 0))
- self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_loupe', 0))
- self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_loupe')
- self._number_of_diff_modes = 1
- self._number_of_layouts = 1
- self._current_buffer = buffers.result
- return super(LoupeMode, self).__init__()
- def _diff_0(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 0
- def _layout_0(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 1
- self._current_layout = 0
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- self._current_buffer.open()
- self.open_hud(2)
- windows.focus(2)
- def key_original(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.original.open()
- self._current_buffer = buffers.original
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_one(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.one.open()
- self._current_buffer = buffers.one
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_two(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.two.open()
- self._current_buffer = buffers.two
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_result(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.result.open()
- self._current_buffer = buffers.result
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_use(self):
- pass
- def goto_result(self):
- self.key_result()
- def hud_diagram(self):
- buf = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer.name]
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- return [
- r'',
- r'Layout -> %s ' % (buf,),
- r'',
- ]
-class CompareMode(Mode):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = 'comp'
- self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_compare', 0))
- self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_compare', 0))
- self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_compare')
- self._number_of_diff_modes = 2
- self._number_of_layouts = 2
- self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
- self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
- return super(CompareMode, self).__init__()
- def _diff_0(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 0
- def _diff_1(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 1
- windows.focus(2)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(3)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _layout_0(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 2
- self._current_layout = 0
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.vsplit()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- self._current_buffer_first.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- self._current_buffer_second.open()
- self.open_hud(3)
- windows.focus(3)
- def _layout_1(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 2
- self._current_layout = 1
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.split()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- self._current_buffer_first.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- self._current_buffer_second.open()
- self.open_hud(3)
- windows.focus(3)
- def key_original(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- buffers.original.open()
- self._current_buffer_first = buffers.original
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_one(self):
- def open_one(winnr):
- buffers.one.open(winnr)
- if winnr == 2:
- self._current_buffer_first = buffers.one
- else:
- self._current_buffer_second = buffers.one
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.redraw_hud()
- curwindow = windows.currentnr()
- if curwindow == 1:
- curwindow = 2
- # If file one is showing, go to it.
- windows.focus(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.one:
- return
- windows.focus(3)
- if buffers.current == buffers.one:
- return
- # If both the original and result are showing, open file one in the
- # current window.
- windows.focus(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.original:
- windows.focus(3)
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- open_one(curwindow)
- return
- # If file two is in window 1, then we open file one in window 1.
- windows.focus(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.two:
- open_one(2)
- return
- # Otherwise, open file one in the current window.
- open_one(curwindow)
- def key_two(self):
- def open_two(winnr):
- buffers.two.open(winnr)
- if winnr == 2:
- self._current_buffer_first = buffers.two
- else:
- self._current_buffer_second = buffers.two
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.redraw_hud()
- curwindow = windows.currentnr()
- if curwindow == 1:
- curwindow = 2
- # If file two is showing, go to it.
- windows.focus(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.two:
- return
- windows.focus(3)
- if buffers.current == buffers.two:
- return
- # If both the original and result are showing, open file two in the
- # current window.
- windows.focus(2)
- if buffers.current == buffers.original:
- windows.focus(3)
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- open_two(curwindow)
- return
- # If file one is in window 2, then we open file two in window 2.
- windows.focus(3)
- if buffers.current == buffers.two:
- open_two(3)
- return
- # Otherwise, open file two in window 2.
- open_two(curwindow)
- def key_result(self):
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.result.open()
- self._current_buffer_second = buffers.result
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_use(self):
- active = (self._current_buffer_first, self._current_buffer_second)
- if buffers.result not in active:
- return
- if buffers.one not in active and buffers.two not in active:
- return
- current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
- with windows.remain():
- self._diff_1() # diff the windows
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- vim.command('diffget')
- elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
- vim.command('diffput')
- self.diff(current_diff)
- def goto_result(self):
- self.key_result()
- def hud_diagram(self):
- first = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_first.name]
- second = buffers.labels[self._current_buffer_second.name]
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- return [
- r'',
- r'Layout -> %s %s' % (first, second),
- r'',
- ]
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- return [
- r'',
- r'Layout -> %s' % first,
- r' %s' % second,
- ]
-class PathMode(Mode):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id = 'path'
- self._current_layout = int(setting('initial_layout_path', 0))
- self._current_diff_mode = int(setting('initial_diff_path', 0))
- self._current_scrollbind = boolsetting('initial_scrollbind_path')
- self._number_of_diff_modes = 5
- self._number_of_layouts = 2
- self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
- return super(PathMode, self).__init__()
- def _diff_0(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 0
- def _diff_1(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 1
- windows.focus(2)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(4)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _diff_2(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 2
- windows.focus(2)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(3)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _diff_3(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 3
- windows.focus(3)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(4)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _diff_4(self):
- self.diffoff()
- self._current_diff_mode = 4
- windows.focus(2)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(3)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- windows.focus(4)
- vim.command('diffthis')
- def _layout_0(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 3
- self._current_layout = 0
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.vsplit()
- windows.vsplit()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- buffers.original.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- self._current_mid_buffer.open()
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.result.open()
- self.open_hud(4)
- windows.focus(4)
- def _layout_1(self):
- self._number_of_windows = 3
- self._current_layout = 1
- # Open the layout
- windows.close_all()
- windows.split()
- windows.split()
- # Put the buffers in the appropriate windows
- windows.focus(1)
- buffers.original.open()
- windows.focus(2)
- self._current_mid_buffer.open()
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.result.open()
- self.open_hud(4)
- windows.focus(4)
- def key_original(self):
- windows.focus(2)
- def key_one(self):
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.one.open()
- self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.one
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- windows.focus(3)
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_two(self):
- windows.focus(3)
- buffers.two.open()
- self._current_mid_buffer = buffers.two
- self.diff(self._current_diff_mode)
- windows.focus(3)
- self.redraw_hud()
- def key_result(self):
- windows.focus(4)
- def key_use(self):
- current_diff = self._current_diff_mode
- with windows.remain():
- self._diff_3() # diff the middle and result windows
- if buffers.current == buffers.result:
- vim.command('diffget')
- elif buffers.current in (buffers.one, buffers.two):
- vim.command('diffput')
- self.diff(current_diff)
- def goto_result(self):
- windows.focus(4)
- def hud_diagram(self):
- if self._current_mid_buffer == buffers.one:
- buf = 'One'
- else:
- buf = 'Two'
- if self._current_layout == 0:
- return [
- r'',
- r'Layout -> Original %s Result' % buf,
- r'',
- ]
- elif self._current_layout == 1:
- return [
- r' Original',
- r'Layout -> %s' % buf,
- r' Result',
- ]
-grid = GridMode()
-loupe = LoupeMode()
-compare = CompareMode()
-path = PathMode()
-def key_grid():
- global current_mode
- current_mode = grid
- grid.activate()
-def key_loupe():
- global current_mode
- current_mode = loupe
- loupe.activate()
-def key_compare():
- global current_mode
- current_mode = compare
- compare.activate()
-def key_path():
- global current_mode
- current_mode = path
- path.activate()
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/settings.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-def setting(name, default=None):
- full_name = 'g:threesome_' + name
- if not int(vim.eval('exists("%s")' % full_name)):
- return default
- else:
- return vim.eval(full_name)
-def boolsetting(name):
- if int(setting(name, 0)):
- return True
- else:
- False
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/util/__init__.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# This is kind of a dirty hack. Feels bad, man.
-from bufferlib import buffers
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/util/bufferlib.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import vim
-import windows
-ap = os.path.abspath
-class Buffer(object):
- def __init__(self, i):
- self.number = i + 1
- self._buffer = vim.buffers[i]
- self.name = self._buffer.name
- def open(self, winnr=None):
- if winnr is not None:
- windows.focus(winnr)
- vim.command('%dbuffer' % self.number)
- def set_lines(self, lines):
- self._buffer[:] = lines
- @property
- def lines(self):
- for line in self._buffer:
- yield line
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.name == other.name
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return self.name != other.name
-class _BufferList(object):
- @property
- def original(self):
- return Buffer(0)
- @property
- def one(self):
- return Buffer(1)
- @property
- def two(self):
- return Buffer(2)
- @property
- def result(self):
- return Buffer(3)
- @property
- def hud(self):
- return Buffer(int(vim.eval("bufnr('__Threesome_HUD__')")) - 1)
- @property
- def current(self):
- bufname = ap(vim.eval('bufname("%")'))
- if bufname == ap(self.original.name):
- return self.original
- elif bufname == ap(self.one.name):
- return self.one
- elif bufname == ap(self.two.name):
- return self.two
- elif bufname == ap(self.result.name):
- return self.result
- @property
- def all(self):
- return [self.original, self.one, self.two, self.result]
- @property
- def labels(self):
- return { buffers.original.name: 'Original',
- buffers.one.name: 'One',
- buffers.two.name: 'Two',
- buffers.result.name: 'Result' }
-buffers = _BufferList()
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/util/io.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-def error(m):
- sys.stdout.write(str(m) + '\n')
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/util/keys.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-def bind(key, to, options='', mode=None, leader='<localleader>'):
- vim.command('nnoremap %s %s%s %s' % (options, leader, key, to))
-def unbind(key, options='', leader='<localleader>'):
- vim.command('unmap %s %s%s' % (options, leader, key))
--- a/plugin/threesomelib/util/windows.py Mon Jun 13 23:01:59 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-def focus(winnr):
- vim.command('%dwincmd w' % winnr)
-def close(winnr):
- focus(winnr)
- vim.command('wincmd c')
-def close_all():
- for winnr in range(len(vim.windows) - 1):
- close(winnr)
-def split():
- vim.command('wincmd s')
-def vsplit():
- vim.command('wincmd v')
-def currentnr():
- return int(vim.eval('winnr()'))
-def pos():
- return vim.current.window.cursor
-class remain:
- def __enter__(self):
- self.curwindow = currentnr()
- self.pos = pos()
- def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
- focus(self.curwindow)
- vim.current.window.cursor = self.pos