
More random playing
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 26 Aug 2016 23:19:06 +0000
parents 8f91275f1233
children 56edfdd18674
branches/tags (none)
files package.lisp sand.asd src/ascii.lisp src/ffi.lisp src/markov.lisp vendor/make-quickutils.lisp vendor/quickutils.lisp


--- a/package.lisp	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -125,3 +125,15 @@
+(defpackage #:sand.ffi
+  (:use
+    #:sb-alien
+    #:cl
+    #:cl-arrows
+    #:losh
+    #:iterate
+    #:sand.quickutils
+    #:sand.utils)
+  (:export
+    ))
--- a/sand.asd	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/sand.asd	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
                  (:file "ascii")
                  (:file "markov")
                  (:file "dijkstra-maps")
+                 (:file "ffi")
                  (:file "binary-decision-diagrams")
                  (:file "huffman-trees")
                  (:module "terrain"
--- a/src/ascii.lisp	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/ascii.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -8,12 +8,99 @@
 (defparameter *width* 1)
 (defparameter *height* 1)
+;;;; Color --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defmethod print-object ((object hash-table) stream)
+  (let* ((keys (hash-table-keys object))
+         (vals (hash-table-values object))
+         (count (hash-table-count object))
+         (key-width (-<> keys
+                      (mapcar (compose #'length #'prin1-to-string) <>)
+                      (reduce #'max <> :initial-value 0)
+                      (clamp 0 20 <>))))
+    (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity nil)
+      (format stream ":test ~A :count ~D {~%~{~{  ~vs ~s~}~%~}}"
+              (hash-table-test object)
+              count
+              (loop
+                :with limit = 40
+                :for key :in keys
+                :for val :in vals
+                :for i :from 0 :to limit
+                :collect (if (= i limit)
+                           (list key-width 'too-many-items (list (- count i) 'more))
+                           (list key-width key val)))))))
+(defvar *colors* (make-hash-table))
+(defvar *color-pairs* (make-hash-table))
+(defvar *color-pair-counter* 100)
+(defun initialize-color ()
+  (charms/ll:start-color)
+  (clrhash *color-pairs*)
+  (setf *color-pair-counter* 100)
+  (iterate
+    (for (nil (number r g b)) :in-hashtable *colors*)
+    (charms/ll:init-color number r g b)))
+(defun color-content (color-index)
+  (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((r :short) (g :short) (b :short))
+    (charms/ll:color-content 1 r g b)
+    (list (cffi:mem-ref r :short)
+          (cffi:mem-ref g :short)
+          (cffi:mem-ref b :short))))
+(defmacro with-attr (attr &body body)
+  `(prog2
+    (charms/ll:attron ,attr)
+    (progn ,@body)
+    (charms/ll:attroff ,attr)))
+(defun define-color (name number r g b)
+  (flet ((conv (fl)
+           (clamp 0 999 (truncate (* 1000 fl)))))
+    (setf (gethash name *colors*)
+          (list number (conv r) (conv g) (conv b)))
+    (clrhash *color-pairs*) ; fuck it
+    t))
+(define-color :black    100 0 0 0)
+(define-color :lavender 101 0.733 0.549 0.757)
+(define-color :peach    102 0.831 0.537 0.416)
+(define-color :red      103 1 0 0)
+(defun setup-color-pair (fg bg)
+  (let ((pair-id (incf *color-pair-counter*)))
+    (charms/ll:init-pair pair-id
+                         (first (gethash fg *colors*))
+                         (first (gethash bg *colors*)))
+    pair-id))
+(defun retrieve-color-pair (fg bg)
+  (-<> *color-pairs*
+    (ensure-gethash bg <> (make-hash-table))
+    (ensure-gethash fg <> (setup-color-pair fg bg))
+    (charms/ll:color-pair <>)))
+(defmacro with-color ((fg bg) &body body)
+  `(with-attr (retrieve-color-pair ,fg ,bg)
+    ,@body))
 (defun render ()
+  (with-color (:red :red)
+    (charms:write-string-at-point charms:*standard-window*
+                                  "KINGBREAKER"
+                                  10 8))
   (charms:move-cursor charms:*standard-window*
                       (getf *ball* :x)
                       (getf *ball* :y))
   (charms:write-char-at-cursor charms:*standard-window* #\o)
-  (charms:move-cursor charms:*standard-window* 0 0))
+  (charms:move-cursor charms:*standard-window* 0 0)
+  )
 (defun tick ()
@@ -40,6 +127,7 @@
     (charms:enable-raw-input :interpret-control-characters t)
     (charms:enable-non-blocking-mode charms:*standard-window*)
+    (initialize-color)
       (while *running*)
@@ -49,7 +137,8 @@
       (charms:refresh-window charms:*standard-window*)
-      (sleep 0.03))))
+      (sleep 0.1))))
 ; (run)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ffi.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(in-package #:sand.ffi)
+(define-alien-routine ("strlen" c-str-len) size-t
+  (s c-string :in))
+(define-alien-routine ("hypot" hypotenuse) double
+  (x double :in)
+  (y double :in))
+(define-alien-routine ("strchr" string-char) c-string
+  (s c-string)
+  (c int))
+(declaim (inline is-upper))
+(define-alien-routine ("isupper" is-upper) int
+  (ch int))
+(defun uppercasep (character)
+  (not (zerop (is-upper (char-code character)))))
+(c-str-len "Hello!")
+(load-shared-object "~/src/linenoise/linenoise.dylib")
+(define-alien-routine linenoise c-string
+  (prompt c-string))
+  ("linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen" linenoise-history-set-max-len)
+  int
+  (max-length int))
+(define-alien-routine ("linenoiseHistoryAdd" linenoise-history-add) int
+  (string c-string))
+(define-alien-routine ("linenoiseClearScreen" linenoise-clear-screen) void)
+(linenoise-history-set-max-len 10)
+(linenoise-history-add "Alice")
+(linenoise-history-add "Bob")
+(iterate (for i :from 0 :to 20)
+         (linenoise-history-add (format nil "history entry ~d" i)))
+(linenoise "? ")
--- a/src/markov.lisp	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/markov.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (in-package #:sand.markov)
-(defparameter *text*
-  (read-file-into-string "data/lightships-and-lighthouses.txt"))
+; (defparameter *text*
+;   (read-file-into-string "data/lightships-and-lighthouses.txt"))
 (defclass markov ()
   ((database :initarg :database :accessor markov-database)
--- a/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -3,24 +3,23 @@
   :utilities '(
-               :with-gensyms
-               :once-only
-               :rcurry
+               :define-constant
+               :ensure-gethash
+               :hash-table-alist
+               :hash-table-plist
+               :hash-table-keys
+               :hash-table-values
-               :define-constant
+               :once-only
+               :rcurry
+               :read-file-into-string
+               :required-argument
-               :ensure-gethash
-               :required-argument
-               :read-file-into-string
-               :hash-table-alist
-               :hash-table-plist
-               ; :switch
-               ; :while
-               ; :ensure-boolean
-               ; :iota
-               ; :zip
+               :with-gensyms
   :package "SAND.QUICKUTILS")
--- a/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Tue Aug 23 21:59:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Fri Aug 26 23:19:06 2016 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
 ;;;; To regenerate:
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (find-package "SAND.QUICKUTILS")
@@ -13,59 +13,18 @@
 (in-package "SAND.QUICKUTILS")
 (when (boundp '*utilities*)
-  (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:STRING-DESIGNATOR :WITH-GENSYMS
-                                         :MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ONCE-ONLY
-                                         :ENSURE-FUNCTION :COMPOSE :CURRY
-                                         :RCURRY :TAKE :N-GRAMS
-                                         :DEFINE-CONSTANT :RIFFLE :TREE-COLLECT
-                                         :ENSURE-GETHASH :REQUIRED-ARGUMENT
-                                         :WITH-OPEN-FILE* :WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE
+  (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ENSURE-FUNCTION
+                                         :COMPOSE :CURRY :DEFINE-CONSTANT
+                                         :ENSURE-GETHASH :HASH-TABLE-ALIST
+                                         :HASH-TABLE-PLIST :MAPHASH-KEYS
+                                         :HASH-TABLE-KEYS :MAPHASH-VALUES
+                                         :HASH-TABLE-VALUES :TAKE :N-GRAMS
+                                         :ONCE-ONLY :RCURRY :WITH-OPEN-FILE*
+                                         :WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE
-                                         :HASH-TABLE-ALIST :HASH-TABLE-PLIST))))
-  (deftype string-designator ()
-    "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
-or a character."
-    `(or symbol string character))
-  (defmacro with-gensyms (names &body forms)
-    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
-`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
-    (symbol string-designator)
-Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
-    (symbol symbol)
-The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
-unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
-    `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name)
-                     (multiple-value-bind (symbol string)
-                         (etypecase name
-                           (symbol
-                            (values name (symbol-name name)))
-                           ((cons symbol (cons string-designator null))
-                            (values (first name) (string (second name)))))
-                       `(,symbol (gensym ,string))))
-            names)
-       ,@forms))
-  (defmacro with-unique-names (names &body forms)
-    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
-`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
-    (symbol string-designator)
-Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
-    (symbol symbol)
-The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
-unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
-    `(with-gensyms ,names ,@forms))
+                                         :REQUIRED-ARGUMENT :RIFFLE
+                                         :TREE-COLLECT :STRING-DESIGNATOR
+                                         :WITH-GENSYMS))))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (defun make-gensym-list (length &optional (x "G"))
     "Returns a list of `length` gensyms, each generated as if with a call to `make-gensym`,
@@ -74,45 +33,6 @@
       (loop repeat length
             collect (gensym g))))
   )                                        ; eval-when
-  (defmacro once-only (specs &body forms)
-    "Evaluates `forms` with symbols specified in `specs` rebound to temporary
-variables, ensuring that each initform is evaluated only once.
-Each of `specs` must either be a symbol naming the variable to be rebound, or of
-the form:
-    (symbol initform)
-Bare symbols in `specs` are equivalent to
-    (symbol symbol)
-    (defmacro cons1 (x) (once-only (x) `(cons ,x ,x)))
-      (let ((y 0)) (cons1 (incf y))) => (1 . 1)"
-    (let ((gensyms (make-gensym-list (length specs) "ONCE-ONLY"))
-          (names-and-forms (mapcar (lambda (spec)
-                                     (etypecase spec
-                                       (list
-                                        (destructuring-bind (name form) spec
-                                          (cons name form)))
-                                       (symbol
-                                        (cons spec spec))))
-                                   specs)))
-      ;; bind in user-macro
-      `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g n) (list g `(gensym ,(string (car n)))))
-              gensyms names-and-forms)
-         ;; bind in final expansion
-         `(let (,,@(mapcar (lambda (g n)
-                             ``(,,g ,,(cdr n)))
-                           gensyms names-and-forms))
-            ;; bind in user-macro
-            ,(let ,(mapcar (lambda (n g) (list (car n) g))
-                    names-and-forms gensyms)
-               ,@forms)))))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   ;;; To propagate return type and allow the compiler to eliminate the IF when
   ;;; it is known if the argument is function or not.
@@ -178,37 +98,6 @@
            (apply ,fun ,@curries more)))))
-  (defun rcurry (function &rest arguments)
-    "Returns a function that applies the arguments it is called
-with and `arguments` to `function`."
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-    (let ((fn (ensure-function function)))
-      (lambda (&rest more)
-        (declare (dynamic-extent more))
-        (multiple-value-call fn (values-list more) (values-list arguments)))))
-  (defun take (n sequence)
-    "Take the first `n` elements from `sequence`."
-    (subseq sequence 0 n))
-  (defun n-grams (n sequence)
-    "Find all `n`-grams of the sequence `sequence`."
-    (assert (and (plusp n)
-                 (<= n (length sequence))))
-    (etypecase sequence
-      ;; Lists
-      (list (loop :repeat (1+ (- (length sequence) n))
-                  :for seq :on sequence
-                  :collect (take n seq)))
-      ;; General sequences
-      (sequence (loop :for i :to (- (length sequence) n)
-                      :collect (subseq sequence i (+ i n))))))
   (defun %reevaluate-constant (name value test)
     (if (not (boundp name))
@@ -246,33 +135,6 @@
        ,@(when documentation `(,documentation))))
-  (defun riffle (list obj)
-    "Insert the item `obj` in between each element of `list`."
-    (loop :for (x . xs) :on list
-          :collect x
-          :when xs
-            :collect obj))
-  (defun tree-collect (predicate tree)
-    "Returns a list of every node in the `tree` that satisfies the `predicate`. If there are any improper lists in the tree, the `predicate` is also applied to their dotted elements."
-    (let ((sentinel (gensym)))
-      (flet ((my-cdr (obj)
-               (cond ((consp obj)
-                      (let ((result (cdr obj)))
-                        (if (listp result)
-                            result
-                            (list result sentinel))))
-                     (t
-                      (list sentinel)))))
-        (loop :for (item . rest) :on tree :by #'my-cdr
-              :until (eq item sentinel)
-              :if (funcall predicate item) collect item
-                :else
-                  :if (listp item)
-                    :append (tree-collect predicate item)))))
   (defmacro ensure-gethash (key hash-table &optional default)
     "Like `gethash`, but if `key` is not found in the `hash-table` saves the `default`
 under key before returning it. Secondary return value is true if key was
@@ -283,11 +145,130 @@
            (values (setf (gethash ,key ,hash-table) ,default) nil))))
-  (defun required-argument (&optional name)
-    "Signals an error for a missing argument of `name`. Intended for
-use as an initialization form for structure and class-slots, and
-a default value for required keyword arguments."
-    (error "Required argument ~@[~S ~]missing." name))
+  (defun hash-table-alist (table)
+    "Returns an association list containing the keys and values of hash table
+    (let ((alist nil))
+      (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                 (push (cons k v) alist))
+               table)
+      alist))
+  (defun hash-table-plist (table)
+    "Returns a property list containing the keys and values of hash table
+    (let ((plist nil))
+      (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                 (setf plist (list* k v plist)))
+               table)
+      plist))
+  (declaim (inline maphash-keys))
+  (defun maphash-keys (function table)
+    "Like `maphash`, but calls `function` with each key in the hash table `table`."
+    (maphash (lambda (k v)
+               (declare (ignore v))
+               (funcall function k))
+             table))
+  (defun hash-table-keys (table)
+    "Returns a list containing the keys of hash table `table`."
+    (let ((keys nil))
+      (maphash-keys (lambda (k)
+                      (push k keys))
+                    table)
+      keys))
+  (declaim (inline maphash-values))
+  (defun maphash-values (function table)
+    "Like `maphash`, but calls `function` with each value in the hash table `table`."
+    (maphash (lambda (k v)
+               (declare (ignore k))
+               (funcall function v))
+             table))
+  (defun hash-table-values (table)
+    "Returns a list containing the values of hash table `table`."
+    (let ((values nil))
+      (maphash-values (lambda (v)
+                        (push v values))
+                      table)
+      values))
+  (defun take (n sequence)
+    "Take the first `n` elements from `sequence`."
+    (subseq sequence 0 n))
+  (defun n-grams (n sequence)
+    "Find all `n`-grams of the sequence `sequence`."
+    (assert (and (plusp n)
+                 (<= n (length sequence))))
+    (etypecase sequence
+      ;; Lists
+      (list (loop :repeat (1+ (- (length sequence) n))
+                  :for seq :on sequence
+                  :collect (take n seq)))
+      ;; General sequences
+      (sequence (loop :for i :to (- (length sequence) n)
+                      :collect (subseq sequence i (+ i n))))))
+  (defmacro once-only (specs &body forms)
+    "Evaluates `forms` with symbols specified in `specs` rebound to temporary
+variables, ensuring that each initform is evaluated only once.
+Each of `specs` must either be a symbol naming the variable to be rebound, or of
+the form:
+    (symbol initform)
+Bare symbols in `specs` are equivalent to
+    (symbol symbol)
+    (defmacro cons1 (x) (once-only (x) `(cons ,x ,x)))
+      (let ((y 0)) (cons1 (incf y))) => (1 . 1)"
+    (let ((gensyms (make-gensym-list (length specs) "ONCE-ONLY"))
+          (names-and-forms (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+                                     (etypecase spec
+                                       (list
+                                        (destructuring-bind (name form) spec
+                                          (cons name form)))
+                                       (symbol
+                                        (cons spec spec))))
+                                   specs)))
+      ;; bind in user-macro
+      `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g n) (list g `(gensym ,(string (car n)))))
+              gensyms names-and-forms)
+         ;; bind in final expansion
+         `(let (,,@(mapcar (lambda (g n)
+                             ``(,,g ,,(cdr n)))
+                           gensyms names-and-forms))
+            ;; bind in user-macro
+            ,(let ,(mapcar (lambda (n g) (list (car n) g))
+                    names-and-forms gensyms)
+               ,@forms)))))
+  (defun rcurry (function &rest arguments)
+    "Returns a function that applies the arguments it is called
+with and `arguments` to `function`."
+    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
+    (let ((fn (ensure-function function)))
+      (lambda (&rest more)
+        (declare (dynamic-extent more))
+        (multiple-value-call fn (values-list more) (values-list arguments)))))
   (defmacro with-open-file* ((stream filespec &key direction element-type
@@ -342,29 +323,87 @@
               :while (= bytes-read buffer-size)))))))
-  (defun hash-table-alist (table)
-    "Returns an association list containing the keys and values of hash table
-    (let ((alist nil))
-      (maphash (lambda (k v)
-                 (push (cons k v) alist))
-               table)
-      alist))
+  (defun required-argument (&optional name)
+    "Signals an error for a missing argument of `name`. Intended for
+use as an initialization form for structure and class-slots, and
+a default value for required keyword arguments."
+    (error "Required argument ~@[~S ~]missing." name))
+  (defun riffle (list obj)
+    "Insert the item `obj` in between each element of `list`."
+    (loop :for (x . xs) :on list
+          :collect x
+          :when xs
+            :collect obj))
+  (defun tree-collect (predicate tree)
+    "Returns a list of every node in the `tree` that satisfies the `predicate`. If there are any improper lists in the tree, the `predicate` is also applied to their dotted elements."
+    (let ((sentinel (gensym)))
+      (flet ((my-cdr (obj)
+               (cond ((consp obj)
+                      (let ((result (cdr obj)))
+                        (if (listp result)
+                            result
+                            (list result sentinel))))
+                     (t
+                      (list sentinel)))))
+        (loop :for (item . rest) :on tree :by #'my-cdr
+              :until (eq item sentinel)
+              :if (funcall predicate item) collect item
+                :else
+                  :if (listp item)
+                    :append (tree-collect predicate item)))))
+  (deftype string-designator ()
+    "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
+or a character."
+    `(or symbol string character))
-  (defun hash-table-plist (table)
-    "Returns a property list containing the keys and values of hash table
-    (let ((plist nil))
-      (maphash (lambda (k v)
-                 (setf plist (list* k v plist)))
-               table)
-      plist))
+  (defmacro with-gensyms (names &body forms)
+    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
+`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
+    (symbol string-designator)
+Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
+    (symbol symbol)
+The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
+unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
+    `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name)
+                     (multiple-value-bind (symbol string)
+                         (etypecase name
+                           (symbol
+                            (values name (symbol-name name)))
+                           ((cons symbol (cons string-designator null))
+                            (values (first name) (string (second name)))))
+                       `(,symbol (gensym ,string))))
+            names)
+       ,@forms))
+  (defmacro with-unique-names (names &body forms)
+    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
+`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
+    (symbol string-designator)
+Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
+    (symbol symbol)
+The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
+unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
+    `(with-gensyms ,names ,@forms))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (export '(with-gensyms with-unique-names once-only compose curry rcurry
-            n-grams define-constant riffle tree-collect ensure-gethash
-            required-argument read-file-into-string hash-table-alist
-            hash-table-plist)))
+  (export '(compose curry define-constant ensure-gethash hash-table-alist
+            hash-table-plist hash-table-keys hash-table-values n-grams
+            once-only rcurry read-file-into-string required-argument riffle
+            tree-collect with-gensyms with-unique-names)))
 ;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;