--- a/src/problems/fibd.lisp Fri Nov 02 21:08:20 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/problems/fibd.lisp Sat Nov 03 12:45:52 2018 -0400
@@ -19,19 +19,10 @@
(define-problem fibd (data stream)
"6 3"
- (iterate
+ (iter
(with months = (read data))
(with lifespan = (read data))
- (with population = (make-array 16 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 1 :initial-element nil))
- (with births = (make-array 16 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 1 :initial-element nil))
- ;; the hand of god reaches down and creates a baby rabbit from the dust
- (initially (vector-push-extend 1 population)
- (vector-push-extend 1 births))
(for month :from 2 :to months)
(labels ((ref (array index)
(if (plusp index)
(aref array index)
@@ -46,8 +37,14 @@
(population (month)
(+ (breeding month)
(births month))))
- (vector-push-extend (returning-final (population month)) population)
- (vector-push-extend (births month) births))))
+ ;; We initialize the buffers with NIL in index 0 for the 1-based months,
+ ;; and 1 in index 0 for the initial pair of rabbits.
+ (buffering (returning-final (population month))
+ :into population
+ :initial-contents '(nil 1))
+ (buffering (births month)
+ :into births
+ :initial-contents '(nil 1)))))
-;; (problem-fibd "6 3")
+(problem-fibd "45 6")
;; (solve fibd)
--- a/src/utils.lisp Fri Nov 02 21:08:20 2018 -0400
+++ b/src/utils.lisp Sat Nov 03 12:45:52 2018 -0400
@@ -33,19 +33,6 @@
(stream (alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string input))
(string (copy-seq input))))
-(defun nconcatenate (v1 v2)
- (let* ((l1 (length v1))
- (l2 (length v2))
- (needed (+ l1 l2)))
- (when (< (array-total-size v1) needed)
- (adjust-array v1 (max needed (* l1 2))))
- (setf (fill-pointer v1) needed)
- (replace v1 v2 :start1 l1)
- (values)))
-(defun make-buffer (&optional (capacity 64))
- (make-array capacity :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
(defun hamming (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
"Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
;; todo assert length=?
@@ -66,7 +53,6 @@
(gathering (alexandria:map-permutations #'gather items)))
-;;;; Iterate ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro-driver (FOR var SEED seed THEN then)
"Bind `var` to `seed` initially, then to `then` on every iteration.
@@ -92,7 +78,7 @@
(,kwd ,var :next ,then)
(initially (setf ,var ,seed)))))
-(defmacro returning-final (form)
+(defmacro-clause (RETURNING-FINAL form)
"Evaluate `form` each iteration and return its final value from the `iterate`.
@@ -116,6 +102,50 @@
(setf ,result ,form))))
+;;;; Buffers ------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun make-buffer (&key initial-contents
+ (element-type t)
+ (initial-capacity (max 64 (length initial-contents))))
+ (let ((buffer (make-array initial-capacity
+ :element-type element-type
+ :adjustable t
+ :fill-pointer (length initial-contents))))
+ (when initial-contents
+ (replace buffer initial-contents))
+ buffer))
+(defun make-string-buffer
+ (&key initial-contents
+ (initial-capacity (max 64 (length initial-contents))))
+ (make-buffer :initial-contents initial-contents
+ :initial-capacity initial-capacity
+ :element-type 'character))
+(defun buffer-push (buffer element)
+ (vector-push-extend element buffer)
+ element)
+(defun buffer-append (buffer sequence)
+ (let* ((l1 (length buffer))
+ (l2 (length sequence))
+ (needed (+ l1 l2)))
+ (when (< (array-total-size buffer) needed)
+ (adjust-array buffer (max needed (* l1 2))))
+ (setf (fill-pointer buffer) needed)
+ (replace buffer sequence :start1 l1)
+ sequence))
+(defmacro-clause (BUFFERING expr &optional
+ APPEND (append nil)
+ INTO (var iterate::*result-var*)
+ INITIAL-CONTENTS (initial-contents '())
+ ELEMENT-TYPE (element-type t))
+ `(progn
+ (with ,var = (make-buffer :initial-contents ,initial-contents
+ :element-type ,element-type))
+ (,(if append 'buffer-append 'buffer-push) ,var ,expr)))
;;;; Translation --------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro codon-case ((vector index) &rest clauses)
;; Compiles a giant list of clauses into a tree of ECASEs.
@@ -183,29 +213,68 @@
;;;; File Formats -------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun read-fasta (stream)
+ "Read and return the next FASTA label/data pair from `stream`.
+ `(values label data)` will be returned for each label/data pair. All the
+ lines of FASTA data for a given label will be concatenated and returned as
+ a single buffer.
+ `(values nil nil)` will be returned if there is no remaining data.
+ "
+ (iterate
+ (with label = nil)
+ (case (peek-char nil stream nil :eof)
+ (:eof (finish))
+ (#\Newline (read-char stream))
+ (#\> (if label
+ (finish)
+ (setf label (subseq (read-line stream) 1))))
+ (t (buffering (read-line stream) :into data
+ :append t
+ :element-type 'character)))
+ (finally (return (values label data)))))
(defmacro-driver (FOR vars IN-FASTA source)
- (nest
- (destructuring-bind (label line) vars)
- (with-gensyms (stream l))
- (let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for))))
- `(progn
- (with ,label = nil)
- (with ,stream = (ensure-stream ,source))
- (,kwd ,line :do-next
- (labels ((labelp (line)
- (char= #\> (aref line 0)))
- (parse-next ()
- (let ((,l (read-line ,stream nil nil nil)))
- (cond
- ((null ,l) (terminate))
- ((zerop (length ,l)) (parse-next))
- ((labelp ,l) (progn (setf ,label (subseq ,l 1)
- ,line (make-buffer))
- (parse-next)))
- (t (progn (nconcatenate ,line ,l)
- (unless (char= #\> (peek-char nil ,stream nil #\>)) ; yuck
- (parse-next))))))))
- (parse-next))))))
+ "Iterate over label/data pairs from the FASTA data in `source`.
+ `vars` must be a list of two symbols that will be bound to the label and data,
+ respectively, on each iteration.
+ `stream` can be either a string or a character input stream.
+ `generate` is supported.
+ Example:
+ (iterate
+ (with data = (remove #\\space \">foo
+ >bar
+ >baz
+ >frob\"))
+ (for (label dna) :in-fasta data)
+ (collect (list label dna)))
+ ; =>
+ ((\"foo\" \"CATGGGAA\")
+ (\"bar\" \"CCCTTG\")
+ (\"baz\" \"\")
+ (\"frob\" \"\"))
+ "
+ (destructuring-bind (label data) vars
+ (with-gensyms (stream)
+ (let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
+ `(progn
+ (with ,stream = (ensure-stream ,source))
+ (,kwd (values ,label ,data) :next (multiple-value-bind (l d)
+ (read-fasta ,stream)
+ (if l
+ (values l d)
+ (terminate)))))))))
;;;; Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------