
The great packaging of 2020
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 19 Jan 2020 20:38:29 -0500 (2020-01-20)
parents 2d34585c5704
children 870270771fde
branches/tags (none)
files src/package.lisp src/problems/cons.lisp src/problems/dna.lisp src/problems/eval.lisp src/problems/fib.lisp src/problems/fibd.lisp src/problems/gc.lisp src/problems/grph.lisp src/problems/hamm.lisp src/problems/iev.lisp src/problems/inod.lisp src/problems/iprb.lisp src/problems/kmer.lisp src/problems/lcsm.lisp src/problems/lexf.lisp src/problems/lexv.lisp src/problems/lgis.lisp src/problems/lia.lisp src/problems/long.lisp src/problems/mprt.lisp src/problems/mrna.lisp src/problems/orf.lisp src/problems/perm.lisp src/problems/pmch.lisp src/problems/pper.lisp src/problems/prob.lisp src/problems/prot.lisp src/problems/prtm.lisp src/problems/rear.lisp src/problems/revc.lisp src/problems/revp.lisp src/problems/rna.lisp src/problems/rstr.lisp src/problems/seto.lisp src/problems/sign.lisp src/problems/splc.lisp src/problems/sseq.lisp src/problems/sset.lisp src/problems/subs.lisp src/problems/tran.lisp src/problems/tree.lisp src/problems/trie.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/src/package.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/package.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,9 +1,49 @@
-(defpackage :rosalind
+(defpackage :rosalind/utils
+  (:nicknames :u)
   (:use :cl :iterate :losh)
-  (:import-from :1am :is)
   (:import-from :alexandria
     :curry :rcurry :compose
     :with-gensyms :once-only :symbolicate)
-  (:shadowing-import-from :1am :test)
-  (:export :run-tests))
+  (:export
+    :curry :rcurry :compose
+    :ensure-gethash
+    :with-gensyms :once-only :symbolicate
+    :define-problem :solve
+    :factorial
+    :permutations
+    :dna-complement :reverse-complement :nreverse-complement
+    :transcribe :ntranscribe
+    :translate
+    :gcp :base-probability :sequence-probability
+    :mapcount
+    :string-empty-p
+    :first-char
+    :Σ :Π :binomial-coefficient
+    :returning-final
+    :read-lines
+    :read-fasta
+    :read-fasta-into-hash-table
+    :read-fasta-into-alist
+    :buffering
+    :uniprot
+    :float-string
+    :run-tests :solve))
+(defpackage :rosalind
+  (:import-from :rosalind/utils :run-tests :define-problem :solve)
+  (:export :run-tests :define-problem :solve))
--- a/src/problems/cons.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/cons.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/cons (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/cons)
-(defparameter *input-cons* ">Rosalind_1
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_1
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
-(defparameter *output-cons* "ATGCAACT
+(defparameter *output* "ATGCAACT
 A: 5 1 0 0 5 5 0 0
 C: 0 0 1 4 2 0 6 1
 G: 1 1 6 3 0 1 0 0
@@ -114,9 +115,7 @@
     (collecting winner :result-type 'string)))
-(define-problem cons (data stream)
-    *input-cons*
-    *output-cons*
+(define-problem cons (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((profile-matrix (profile-matrix-from-fasta data))
          (consensus-string (consensus-string profile-matrix))
          (length (length consensus-string)))
--- a/src/problems/dna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/dna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/dna (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/dna)
 ;; Nucleic acids are polymers, which means they're long, repeating chains of
 ;; smaller molecules called monomers.
--- a/src/problems/eval.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/eval.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/eval (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/eval)
-(defparameter *input-eval* "10
+(defparameter *input* "10
 0.25 0.5 0.75")
-(defparameter *output-eval* "0.422 0.563 0.422")
+(defparameter *output* "0.422 0.563 0.422")
-(define-problem eval (data stream)
-    *input-eval*
-    *output-eval*
+(define-problem eval (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((string-length (read data))
          (substring (read-line data))
          (gc-contents (read-all data))
          (chances (- string-length (1- (length substring)))))
-    (float-string (mapcar (lambda (gc-content)
-                            (* chances (sequence-probability
-                                         (coerce gc-content 'double-float)
-                                         substring)))
-                          gc-contents))))
+    (u:float-string (mapcar (lambda (gc-content)
+                              (* chances (u:sequence-probability
+                                           (coerce gc-content 'double-float)
+                                           substring)))
+                            gc-contents))))
--- a/src/problems/fib.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/fib.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/fib (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/fib)
 (define-problem fib (data stream)
     "5 3"
--- a/src/problems/fibd.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/fibd.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/fibd (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/fibd)
 (define-problem fibd (data stream)
     "6 3"
-  (iter
+  (iterate
     (with months = (read data))
     (with lifespan = (read data))
     (for month :from 2 :to months)
@@ -23,12 +24,14 @@
                   (births month))))
       ;; We initialize the buffers with NIL in index 0 for the 1-based months,
       ;; and 1 in index 0 for the initial pair of rabbits.
-      (buffering (returning-final (population month))
-                 :into population
-                 :initial-contents '(nil 1))
-      (buffering (births month)
-                 :into births
-                 :initial-contents '(nil 1)))))
+      (u:buffering (u:returning-final (population month))
+                   :into population
+                   :initial-contents '(nil 1))
+      (u:buffering (births month)
+                   :into births
+                   :initial-contents '(nil 1)))))
+#; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
 (problem-fibd "45 6")
 ;; (solve fibd)
--- a/src/problems/gc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/gc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/gc (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/gc)
-(defparameter *input-gc* ">Rosalind_6404
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_6404
@@ -10,13 +11,11 @@
-(defparameter *output-gc* "Rosalind_0808
+(defparameter *output* "Rosalind_0808
-(define-problem gc (data stream)
-    *input-gc*
-    *output-gc*
+(define-problem gc (data stream) *input* *output*
   (labels ((gcp (base)
              (or (char= #\G base)
                  (char= #\C base)))
@@ -28,7 +27,3 @@
       (for gc = (gc-content dna))
       (finding (format nil "~A~%~,6F" label (* 100 gc))
                :maximizing gc))))
-;; (problem-gc *input-gc*)
-;; (solve gc)
--- a/src/problems/grph.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/grph.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/grph (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/grph)
-(defparameter *input-grph*
+(defparameter *input*
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
-(defparameter *output-grph*
+(defparameter *output*
   "Rosalind_0498 Rosalind_0442
 Rosalind_0498 Rosalind_2391
 Rosalind_2391 Rosalind_2323
@@ -34,10 +35,8 @@
            :end2 k))
-(define-problem grph (data stream)
-    *input-grph*
-    *output-grph*
-  (let* ((data (read-fasta-into-hash-table data))
+(define-problem grph (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let* ((data (u:read-fasta-into-hash-table data))
          (graph (digraph:make-digraph
                   :test #'equal
                   :initial-vertices (alexandria:hash-table-keys data))))
--- a/src/problems/hamm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/hamm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/hamm (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/hamm)
+(defparameter *input* "GAGCCTACTAACGGGAT
-(defparameter *input-hamm* "GAGCCTACTAACGGGAT
+(defun hamming (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
+  "Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
+  ;; todo assert length=?
+  (let ((result 0))
+    (map nil (lambda (x y)
+               (unless (funcall test x y)
+                 (incf result)))
+         sequence1
+         sequence2)
+    result))
 (define-problem hamm (data stream)
-    *input-hamm*
+    *input*
   (hamming (read-line data) (read-line data) :test #'char=))
-;; (problem-hamm *input-hamm*)
-;; (solve hamm)
--- a/src/problems/iev.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/iev.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/iev (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/iev)
 (define-problem iev (data stream)
     "1 0 0 1 0 1"
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@
          (hh (read data))
          (hr (read data))
          (rr (read data)))
-    (float-string
+    (u:float-string
       ;; It's just a weighted average…
       (* 2 (+ (* dd 1)
               (* dh 1)
--- a/src/problems/inod.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/inod.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/inod (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/inod)
 ;; This one is trivial once you know the closed-form solution of N-2.  The
 ;; intuition for that can come in two parts.
--- a/src/problems/iprb.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/iprb.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/iprb (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/iprb)
 (define-problem iprb (data stream)
     "2 2 2"
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
              ;;          = 2XY/N²-N
              (/ (* 2 x y)
                 (- (* n n) n))))
-      (float-string
+      (u:float-string
         (+ (* (p-same d d) 1)      ;; AA AA
            (* (p-diff d h) 1)      ;; AA Aa
            (* (p-diff d r) 1)      ;; AA aa
@@ -32,6 +33,3 @@
            (* (p-diff h r) 1/2)    ;; Aa aa
            (* (p-same r r) 0))
         5)))) ;; aa aa
-;; (problem-iprb)
-;; (solve iprb)
--- a/src/problems/kmer.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/kmer.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/kmer (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/kmer)
-(defparameter *input-kmer* ">Rosalind_6431
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_6431
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@
-(defparameter *output-kmer* "4 1 4 3 0 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 3 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 5 5 1 5 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 3 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 4 3 0 1 5 0 2 0 1 2 1 3 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 4 5 0 3 0 2 1 1 3 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 2 0 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 0 3 0 1 3 1 2 3 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 3 0 2 1 2 2 0 2 1 1")
+(defparameter *output* "4 1 4 3 0 1 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 3 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 5 5 1 5 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 3 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 4 3 0 1 5 0 2 0 1 2 1 3 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 4 5 0 3 0 2 1 1 3 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 2 0 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 0 3 0 1 3 1 2 3 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 3 0 2 1 2 2 0 2 1 1")
 (defun mapc-kmers (function n &key (copy t))
@@ -25,18 +26,16 @@
           (map nil #'branch "ACGT"))))))
 (defun map-kmers (function n)
-  (gathering (mapc-kmers (compose #'gather function) n)))
+  (gathering (mapc-kmers (u:compose #'gather function) n)))
 (defun kmers (n)
   (map-kmers #'identity n))
-(define-problem kmer (data stream)
-    *input-kmer*
-    *output-kmer*
+(define-problem kmer (data stream) *input* *output*
     (with n = 4)
-    (with seq = (nth-value 1 (read-fasta data)))
+    (with seq = (nth-value 1 (u:read-fasta data)))
     (with counts = (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
     (for i :from 0 :to (- (length seq) n))
     (for kmer = (subseq seq i (+ i n)))
--- a/src/problems/lcsm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/lcsm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/lcsm (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/lcsm)
 ;; This one sucked.  We should use suffix trees some day but I just hacked this
 ;; together for now.
-(defparameter *input-lcsm* ">Rosalind_1
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_1
+(defparameter *output* "AC")
 (defun compute-substring-table% (string1 string2)
   ;; Compute the table of substring lengths.
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@
 (defun longest (strings)
   "Return a list of the longest strings in `strings`."
-    (curry #'= (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'length strings) #'>))
+    (u:curry #'= (alexandria:extremum (mapcar #'length strings) #'>))
     strings :key #'length))
 (defun longest-common-substrings-of-any (substrings string)
@@ -68,10 +71,8 @@
     (remove-duplicates <> :test #'string=)))
-(define-problem lcsm (data stream)
-    *input-lcsm*
-    "AC"
-  (let ((lines (mapcar #'cdr (read-fasta-into-alist data))))
+(define-problem lcsm (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let ((lines (mapcar #'cdr (u:read-fasta-into-alist data))))
     (-<> (reduce #'longest-common-substrings-of-any (rest lines)
                  :initial-value (list (first lines)))
       (sort <> #'string<) ; tests
--- a/src/problems/lexf.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/lexf.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/lexf (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/lexf)
-(defparameter *input-lexf*
+(defparameter *input*
   "A C G T
-(defparameter *output-lexf*
+(defparameter *output*
@@ -24,9 +25,7 @@
-(define-problem lexf (data stream)
-    *input-lexf*
-    *output-lexf*
+(define-problem lexf (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((alphabet (sort (remove #\space (read-line data)) #'char<))
          (n (read data))
          (string (make-string n)))
--- a/src/problems/lexv.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/lexv.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/lexv (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/lexv)
-(defparameter *input-lexv*
+(defparameter *input*
   "D N A
-(defparameter *output-lexv*
+(defparameter *output*
@@ -47,9 +48,7 @@
-(define-problem lexv (data stream)
-    *input-lexv*
-    *output-lexv*
+(define-problem lexv (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((alphabet (remove #\space (read-line data)))
          (n (read data))
          (string (make-string n)))
--- a/src/problems/lgis.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/lgis.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/lgis (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/lgis)
-(defparameter *input-lgis*
+(defparameter *input*
 5 1 4 2 3")
-(defparameter *output-lgis*
+(defparameter *output*
   "1 2 3
 5 4 3")
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@
             (for (values nil tail-index) =
                  (bisect-right predicate tail-indexes value
                                :start 1 ; ignore the garbage
-                               :key (curry #'aref sequence))) ; deref when bisecting
+                               :key (u:curry #'aref sequence))) ; deref when bisecting
             (if tail-index
                 ;; Found a more minimal tail for existing subseq
@@ -122,9 +123,7 @@
-(define-problem lgis (data stream)
-    *input-lgis*
-    *output-lgis*
+(define-problem lgis (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((size (read data))
          (elements (gimme size (read data))))
     (with-output-to-string (s)
--- a/src/problems/lia.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/lia.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/lia (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/lia)
 ;; When a heterozygous organism mates, its offspring have a 50% chance to be
 ;; heterozygous themselves, *regardless of what the other mate happens to be*:
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
   ;; so we just sum up the probabilities of all of them.
   (let ((failures (- trials successes))
         (failure-probability (- 1 success-probability)))
-    (* (binomial-coefficient trials successes)
+    (* (u:binomial-coefficient trials successes)
        (expt success-probability successes)
        (expt failure-probability failures))))
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
   ;; P(≥S) = P(=S) + P(=S+1) + … + P(N)
-  (Σ (n successes trials)
+  (u:Σ (n successes trials)
     (bernoulli-exactly n trials success-probability)))
 (define-problem lia (data stream)
@@ -51,4 +52,4 @@
   (let* ((generations (read data))
          (target (read data))
          (population (expt 2 generations)))
-    (float-string (bernoulli-at-least target population 1/4))))
+    (u:float-string (bernoulli-at-least target population 1/4))))
--- a/src/problems/long.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/long.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/long (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/long)
-(defparameter *input-long*
+(defparameter *input*
@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@
-(defparameter *output-long*
+(defparameter *output*
@@ -26,10 +27,8 @@
   (concatenate 'string left (subseq right (overlap left right))))
-(define-problem long (data stream)
-    *input-long*
-    *output-long*
-  (let* ((dna (mapcar #'cdr (read-fasta-into-alist data)))
+(define-problem long (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let* ((dna (mapcar #'cdr (u:read-fasta-into-alist data)))
          (graph (digraph:make-digraph :initial-vertices dna :test #'equal)))
     (dolist (left dna)
       (dolist (right dna)
--- a/src/problems/mprt.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/mprt.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/mprt (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/mprt)
 ;; This was pretty simple, except for discovering that cl-ppcre's all-matches
 ;; function skips overlapping matches.  Otherwise we just convert the motif to
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
       (with n-glycosylation = (motif-to-regex *motif-n-glycosylation*))
       (for id :in-stream data :using #'read-line)
-      (for (nil . protein) = (uniprot id))
+      (for (nil . protein) = (u:uniprot id))
       (for matches = (all-matches-dammit n-glycosylation protein))
       (when matches
         (format s "~A~%~{~D~*~^ ~}~%" id (mapcar #'1+ matches))))))
--- a/src/problems/mrna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/mrna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/mrna (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/mrna)
 ;; We're using a real programming language, so we have actual numbers and don't
 ;; need to bother with modular arithmetic for the tiny inputs they're giving us
@@ -49,9 +50,7 @@
   (length (acid-to-codons acid)))
-(define-problem mrna (data string)
-    "MA"
-    "12"
+(define-problem mrna (data string) "MA" "12"
   (product (delete #\newline data)
            :modulo 1000000
            :key #'acid-codon-count
--- a/src/problems/orf.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/orf.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/orf (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/orf)
-(defparameter *input-orf*
+(defparameter *input*
-(defparameter *output-orf*
+(defparameter *output*
@@ -15,16 +16,14 @@
   "Return all possible proteins that can be translated from `rna`."
     (for start :first 0 :then (1+ protein-start))
-    (for (values protein protein-start) = (translate rna :start start))
+    (for (values protein protein-start) = (u:translate rna :start start))
     (while protein)
     (collect protein)))
-(define-problem orf (data stream)
-    *input-orf*
-    *output-orf*
-  (let* ((dna (cdr (first (read-fasta-into-alist data))))
-         (rna1 (transcribe dna))
-         (rna2 (transcribe (reverse-complement dna))))
+(define-problem orf (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let* ((dna (cdr (first (u:read-fasta-into-alist data))))
+         (rna1 (u:transcribe dna))
+         (rna2 (u:transcribe (u:reverse-complement dna))))
     (-<> (append (translate-all rna1)
                  (translate-all rna2))
       (remove-duplicates <> :test #'string=)
--- a/src/problems/perm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/perm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/perm (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/perm)
-(defparameter *input-perm* "3")
+(defparameter *input* "3")
-(defparameter *output-perm* "6
+(defparameter *output* "6
 1 2 3
 1 3 2
 2 1 3
@@ -11,16 +12,11 @@
 3 2 1")
-(define-problem perm (data string)
-    *input-perm*
-    *output-perm*
+(define-problem perm (data string) *input* *output*
   (let* ((n (parse-integer data))
-         (count (factorial n))
-         (perms (permutations (alexandria:iota n :start 1))))
+         (count (u:factorial n))
+         (perms (u:permutations (alexandria:iota n :start 1))))
     (format nil "~D~%~{~A~^~%~}"
             ;; sort to ensure consistent output for the unit test
-            (sort (mapcar (curry #'str:join " ") perms) #'string<))))
-;; (problem-perm "3")
-;; (solve perm)
+            (sort (mapcar (u:curry #'str:join " ") perms) #'string<))))
--- a/src/problems/pmch.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/pmch.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/pmch (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/pmch)
-(defparameter *input-pmch* ">Rosalind_23
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_23
-(defparameter *output-pmch* "12")
+(defparameter *output* "12")
 ;; We can make a few observations to make things easier (well, trivial).
@@ -24,9 +25,7 @@
 ;; adenine we have N-1 uracils.  And so on down to the final pair.  So the total
 ;; number of choices we have for each graph is N(N-1)(N-2)…(1) = N!
-(define-problem pmch (data stream)
-    *input-pmch*
-    *output-pmch*
-  (let ((bases (nth-value 1 (read-fasta data))))
-    (* (factorial (count #\A bases))
-       (factorial (count #\G bases)))))
+(define-problem pmch (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let ((bases (nth-value 1 (u:read-fasta data))))
+    (* (u:factorial (count #\A bases))
+       (u:factorial (count #\G bases)))))
--- a/src/problems/pper.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/pper.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/pper (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/pper)
-(defparameter *input-pper*
+(defparameter *input*
   "21 7")
-(defparameter *output-pper*
+(defparameter *output*
-(define-problem pper (data stream)
-    *input-pper*
-    *output-pper*
+(define-problem pper (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let ((total (read data))
         (size (read data)))
     ;; The number of combinations of k out of n elements is:
--- a/src/problems/prob.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/prob.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/prob (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/prob)
-(defparameter *input-prob*
+(defparameter *input*
 0.129 0.287 0.423 0.476 0.641 0.742 0.783")
-(defparameter *output-prob*
+(defparameter *output*
   "-5.737 -5.217 -5.263 -5.360 -5.958 -6.628 -7.009")
-(define-problem prob (data stream)
-    *input-prob*
-    *output-prob*
+(define-problem prob (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let ((dna (read-line data))
         (gc-contents (read-all-from-string (read-line data))))
-    (flet
-        ((prob (gc-content)
-           (iterate
-             (for base :in-string dna)
-             (summing (log (base-probability gc-content base) 10)))))
-      (float-string (mapcar #'prob gc-contents)))))
+    (flet ((prob (gc-content)
+             (iterate
+               (for base :in-string dna)
+               (summing (log (u:base-probability gc-content base) 10)))))
+      (u:float-string (mapcar #'prob gc-contents)))))
--- a/src/problems/prot.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/prot.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,91 +1,7 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
-(defmacro codon-case ((vector index) &rest clauses)
-  ;; Compiles a giant list of clauses into a tree of ECASEs.
-  ;;
-  ;; Each codon will have at most 3 ECASEs to pass through.  Each ECASE has at
-  ;; most four options, so in the worst case we end up with 3 * 4 = 12
-  ;; comparisons instead of 64.
-  ;;
-  ;; If we ever convert bases to vectors of (unsigned-byte 2)s we could
-  ;; potentially use a lookup table here, e.g.:
-  ;;
-  ;;     (aref +amino-acids+ (+ x (ash y 2) (ash z 4)))
-  (alexandria:once-only (vector index)
-    (alexandria:with-gensyms (x y z)
-      `(let ((,x (aref ,vector ,index))
-             (,y (aref ,vector (+ ,index 1)))
-             (,z (aref ,vector (+ ,index 2))))
-         ,(labels ((strip (clauses)
-                     (if (= 1 (length (caar clauses)))
-                       (cadar clauses)
-                       (iterate (for (head body) :in clauses)
-                                (collect (list (subseq head 1) body)))))
-                   (split (clauses)
-                     (-<> clauses
-                       (group-by (rcurry #'aref 0) <> :key #'first)
-                       (iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable <>)
-                                (collect (list k (strip v)))))))
-            (recursively ((clauses (split clauses))
-                          (codons (list x y z))
-                          (i 0))
-              `(ecase ,(first codons)
-                 ,@(iterate (for (k remaining) :in clauses)
-                            (collect `(,k ,(if (atom remaining)
-                                             remaining
-                                             (recur (split remaining)
-                                                    (rest codons)
-                                                    (1+ i)))))))))))))
-(defun codon-to-protein (vector index)
-  "Return the amino acid encoded by the codon in `vector` at `index`."
-  (codon-case (vector index)
-    ("UUU" #\F) ("CUU" #\L) ("AUU" #\I) ("GUU" #\V)
-    ("UUC" #\F) ("CUC" #\L) ("AUC" #\I) ("GUC" #\V)
-    ("UUA" #\L) ("CUA" #\L) ("AUA" #\I) ("GUA" #\V)
-    ("UUG" #\L) ("CUG" #\L) ("AUG" #\M) ("GUG" #\V)
-    ("UCU" #\S) ("CCU" #\P) ("ACU" #\T) ("GCU" #\A)
-    ("UCC" #\S) ("CCC" #\P) ("ACC" #\T) ("GCC" #\A)
-    ("UCA" #\S) ("CCA" #\P) ("ACA" #\T) ("GCA" #\A)
-    ("UCG" #\S) ("CCG" #\P) ("ACG" #\T) ("GCG" #\A)
-    ("UAU" #\Y) ("CAU" #\H) ("AAU" #\N) ("GAU" #\D)
-    ("UAC" #\Y) ("CAC" #\H) ("AAC" #\N) ("GAC" #\D)
-    ("UAA" nil) ("CAA" #\Q) ("AAA" #\K) ("GAA" #\E)
-    ("UAG" nil) ("CAG" #\Q) ("AAG" #\K) ("GAG" #\E)
-    ("UGU" #\C) ("CGU" #\R) ("AGU" #\S) ("GGU" #\G)
-    ("UGC" #\C) ("CGC" #\R) ("AGC" #\S) ("GGC" #\G)
-    ("UGA" nil) ("CGA" #\R) ("AGA" #\R) ("GGA" #\G)
-    ("UGG" #\W) ("CGG" #\R) ("AGG" #\R) ("GGG" #\G)))
-(defun translate (rna &key (start 0))
-  "Translate a string of RNA bases into a protein string of amino acids.
-  `rna` will be searched (beginning at `start`) for a start codon and
-  translation will proceed from there.  If no start codon occurs after `start`
-  then `nil` will be returned.
-  Once a start codon has been found, translation proceeds to the next stop
-  codon.  If no stop codon is present, `nil` will be returned.
-  Otherwise two values are returned: the protein string and the index into `rna`
-  where it started.
-  "
-  (when-let ((start (search "AUG" rna :start2 start)))
-    (values
-      (iterate (with limit = (- (length rna) 3))
-               (for i :from start :by 3)
-               (when (> i limit)
-                 (return-from translate (values nil nil)))
-               (for protein = (codon-to-protein rna i))
-               (while protein)
-               (collect protein :result-type 'string))
-      start)))
+(defpackage :rosalind/prot (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/prot)
 (define-problem prot (data string)
-  (translate data))
-;; (solve prot)
+  (u:translate data))
--- a/src/problems/prtm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/prtm.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/prtm (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/prtm)
 (defconstant +monoisotopic-mass-of-water+ 18.01056d0
   "The monoisotopic mass of a single water molecule, in Daltons.")
@@ -33,9 +34,9 @@
 (define-problem prtm (data string)
-  (-<> data
-    (delete #\newline <>)
-    (summation <> :key #'monoisotopic-mass)
-    float-string))
+  (_ data
+    (delete #\newline _)
+    (summation _ :key #'monoisotopic-mass)
+    u:float-string))
--- a/src/problems/rear.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
-(defparameter *input-rear* "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-3 1 5 2 7 4 9 6 10 8
-3 10 8 2 5 4 7 1 6 9
-5 2 3 1 7 4 10 8 6 9
-8 6 7 9 4 1 3 10 2 5
-8 2 7 6 9 1 5 3 10 4
-3 9 10 4 1 8 6 7 5 2
-2 9 8 5 1 7 3 4 6 10
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10")
-(defparameter *output-rear* "9 4 5 7 0")
-(defun bounds-list (start end &key (min-length 0))
-  "Return a list of all subseq bounds between `start` and `end`."
-  (iterate outer
-    (for s :from start :below end)
-    (iterate (for e :from (+ s min-length) :to end)
-      (in outer (collect (cons s e))))))
-(defun nreverse-vector (vector &key start end)
-  (iterate (for i :from start)
-           (for j :downfrom (1- end))
-           (repeat (floor (- end start) 2))
-           (rotatef (aref vector i)
-                    (aref vector j)))
-  vector)
-(defun reverse-vector (vector &key start end)
-  (nreverse-vector (copy-seq vector) :start start :end end))
-(defun reversals (vector &key start end)
-  (iterate (for (s . e) :in (bounds-list start end :min-length 2))
-           (collect (reverse-vector vector :start s :end e))))
-(defun reversals-required (from to)
-  (iterate
-    (with remaining = (make-queue)) ; queue of (score . state)
-    (initially (enqueue (cons 0 from) remaining))
-    (for (n . v) = (dequeue remaining))
-    (for start = (mismatch v to))
-    (for end = (mismatch v to :from-end t))
-    (when (null start)
-      (return n))
-    (incf n)
-    (dolist (r (reversals v :start start :end end))
-      (enqueue (cons n r) remaining))))
-;; todo: finish this one
-;; (define-problem rear (data string)
-;;     *input-rear*
-;;     *output-rear*
-;;   (let ((pairs (-<> data
-;;                  (str:split (format nil "~2%") <>)
-;;                  (mapcar (curry #'str:split #\newline) <>)
-;;                  (mapcar (curry #'mapcar #'read-all-from-string) <>)
-;;                  (mapcar (curry #'mapcar (rcurry #'coerce 'vector)) <>))))
-;;     (iterate (for (from to) :in pairs)
-;;              (collect (time (reversals-required from to))))))
--- a/src/problems/revc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/revc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/revc (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/revc)
 ;; DNA is made up of two strands running in opposite directions, usually twisted
 ;; into a double helix, with the bases bonded:
@@ -28,16 +29,8 @@
 ;; polarized ends, with one end being called 3′ and the other being 5′, but I'm
 ;; not 100% sure.
-(defun nreverse-complement (dna)
-  (map-into dna #'dna-complement dna)
-  (nreverse dna))
-(defun reverse-complement (dna)
-  (nreverse-complement (copy-seq dna)))
 (define-problem revc (data string)
-  "Return the reverse complement of `data`."
-  (nreverse-complement (delete #\newline data)))
+  (u:nreverse-complement (delete #\newline data)))
--- a/src/problems/revp.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/revp.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/revp (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/revp)
 ;; The problem explanation provided a clever trick: you can cut the comparison
 ;; size in half by comparing the first half of the string to the reverse
@@ -9,11 +10,11 @@
 ;;     AAC reverse
 ;; AAC=AAC palindrome!
-(defparameter *input-revp*
+(defparameter *input*
-(defparameter *output-revp*
+(defparameter *output*
   "4 6
 5 4
 6 6
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
         (end (+ start length)))
     (unless (> end (length dna))
       (string= dna
-               (reverse-complement (subseq dna mid end))
+               (u:reverse-complement (subseq dna mid end))
                :start1 start
                :end1 mid))))
@@ -38,12 +39,10 @@
   (iterate (for i :from 12 :downto 4 :by 2)
            (finding i :such-that (reverse-palindrome-p dna start i))))
-(define-problem revp (data stream)
-    *input-revp*
-    *output-revp*
+(define-problem revp (data stream) *input* *output*
   (with-output-to-string (s)
-      (with dna = (cdr (first (read-fasta-into-alist data))))
+      (with dna = (cdr (first (u:read-fasta-into-alist data))))
       (for i :index-of-vector dna)
       (when-let ((l (reverse-palindrome-length dna i)))
         (format s "~D ~D~%" (1+ i) l)))))
--- a/src/problems/rna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/rna.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/rna (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/rna)
 ;; RNA is a another nucleic acid that is similar to DNA, with the following
 ;; differences:
@@ -16,17 +17,9 @@
 ;; After that the mRNA exists the nucleus.  Then proteins are produced from the
 ;; mRNA by ribosomes.  That process is called "translation".
-(defun transcribe (dna)
-  "Transcribe a fresh RNA string from `DNA`."
-  (substitute #\U #\T dna))
-(defun ntranscribe (dna)
-  "Destructively transcribe `DNA` to RNA in-place."
-  (nsubstitute #\U #\T dna))
 (define-problem rna (data string)
   "Transcribe `data` from DNA into RNA."
-  (ntranscribe data))
+  (u:ntranscribe data))
--- a/src/problems/rstr.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/rstr.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/rstr (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/rstr)
-(defparameter *input-rstr* "90000 0.6
+(defparameter *input* "90000 0.6
-(defparameter *output-rstr* "0.689")
+(defparameter *output* "0.689")
-(define-problem rstr (data stream)
-    *input-rstr*
-    *output-rstr*
+(define-problem rstr (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let* ((n (read data))
          (gc (coerce (read data) 'double-float))
          (dna (read-line data))
-         (prob (sequence-probability gc dna)))
-    (float-string (- 1 (expt (- 1 prob) n)))))
+         (prob (u:sequence-probability gc dna)))
+    (u:float-string (- 1 (expt (- 1 prob) n)))))
--- a/src/problems/seto.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/seto.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/seto (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/seto)
-(defparameter *input-seto*
+(defparameter *input*
 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
 {2, 8, 5, 10}")
-(defparameter *output-seto*
+(defparameter *output*
   "{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10}
 {2, 5}
 {1, 3, 4}
@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@
   (mapcar #'parse-integer (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "\\d+" string)))
 (define-problem seto (data stream)
-    *input-seto*
-    *output-seto*
+    *input*
+    *output*
   (let ((u (alexandria:iota (read data) :start 1))
         (a (parse-set (read-line data)))
         (b (parse-set (read-line data))))
@@ -37,5 +38,3 @@
 #; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/src/problems/sign.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/sign.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/sign (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/sign)
-(defparameter *input-sign* "2")
+(defparameter *input* "2")
-(defparameter *output-sign* "8
+(defparameter *output* "8
 -1 -2
 -1 2
 -2 -1
@@ -17,21 +18,16 @@
   (if (null list)
     (list '()) ;; there is exactly one permutation of the empty list: ()
     (destructuring-bind (n . more) list
-      (append (mapcar (curry #'cons n) (sign-permutations more))
-              (mapcar (curry #'cons (- n)) (sign-permutations more))))))
+      (append (mapcar (u:curry #'cons n) (sign-permutations more))
+              (mapcar (u:curry #'cons (- n)) (sign-permutations more))))))
-(define-problem sign (data string)
-    *input-sign*
-    *output-sign*
+(define-problem sign (data string) *input* *output*
   (let* ((n (parse-integer data))
          (count (* (expt 2 n)
-                   (factorial n)))
+                   (u:factorial n)))
          (perms (mapcan #'sign-permutations
-                        (permutations (alexandria:iota n :start 1)))))
+                        (u:permutations (alexandria:iota n :start 1)))))
     ;; sort to ensure consistent output for the unit test
     (format nil "~D~%~{~A~^~%~}"
-            (sort (mapcar (curry #'str:join " ") perms) #'string<))))
-;; (problem-sign "2")
-;; (solve sign)
+            (sort (mapcar (u:curry #'str:join " ") perms) #'string<))))
--- a/src/problems/splc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/splc.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/splc (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/splc)
-(defparameter *input-splc* ">Rosalind_10
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_10
-(defparameter *output-splc* "MVYIADKQHVASREAYGHMFKVCA")
+(defparameter *output* "MVYIADKQHVASREAYGHMFKVCA")
 (defun prefixp (prefix vector &key (start 0) (test #'eql))
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
   (prefixp intron dna :start start))
 (defun find-intron (introns dna &key (start 0))
-  (find-if (rcurry #'intron-matches-p dna :start start) introns))
+  (find-if (u:rcurry #'intron-matches-p dna :start start) introns))
 (defun remove-introns (dna introns)
@@ -43,11 +44,11 @@
 (define-problem splc (data stream)
-    *input-splc*
-    *output-splc*
+    *input*
+    *output*
   (destructuring-bind (dna . introns)
-      (mapcar #'cdr (read-fasta-into-alist data))
-    (-<> dna
-      (remove-introns <> introns)
-      transcribe
-      translate)))
+      (mapcar #'cdr (u:read-fasta-into-alist data))
+    (_ dna
+      (remove-introns _ introns)
+      u:transcribe
+      u:translate)))
--- a/src/problems/sseq.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/sseq.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/sseq (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/sseq)
-(defparameter *input-sseq* ">Rosalind_14
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_14
-(defparameter *output-sseq* "3 4 5")
+(defparameter *output* "3 4 5")
 ;; todo: make this more efficient for lists
 (defun subsequence-positions (needle haystack &key
@@ -26,11 +27,9 @@
         (return result)
         (setf n (elt needle ni))))))
-(define-problem sseq (data stream)
-    *input-sseq*
-    *output-sseq*
-  (let* ((haystack (nth-value 1 (read-fasta data)))
-         (needle (nth-value 1 (read-fasta data))))
+(define-problem sseq (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let* ((haystack (nth-value 1 (u:read-fasta data)))
+         (needle (nth-value 1 (u:read-fasta data))))
     (-<> (subsequence-positions needle haystack :test #'char=)
       (mapcar #'1+ <>)
       (format nil "~{~D~^ ~}" <>))))
--- a/src/problems/sset.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/sset.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/sset (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/sset)
 ;; The cardinality of a power set is 2ⁿ, because you can represent an individual
 ;; set as a binary string where 1 means the element is included and 0 is not,
 ;; and there are 2ⁿ possible binary strings of length n.
-(define-problem sset (data stream)
-    "3"
-    "8"
+(define-problem sset (data stream) "3" "8"
   (mod (expt 2 (read data)) 1000000))
 #; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
-(solve sset)
--- a/src/problems/subs.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/subs.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/subs (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/subs)
-(defparameter *input-subs* "GATATATGCATATACTT
+(defparameter *input* "GATATATGCATATACTT
-(defparameter *output-subs* "2 4 10")
+(defparameter *output* "2 4 10")
-(define-problem subs (data stream)
-    *input-subs*
-    *output-subs*
+(define-problem subs (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let ((haystack (read-line data))
         (needle (read-line data)))
--- a/src/problems/tran.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/tran.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,13 +1,26 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/tran (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/tran)
-(defparameter *input-tran* ">Rosalind_0209
+(defparameter *input* ">Rosalind_0209
-(defparameter *output-tran* "1.21428571429")
+(defparameter *output* "1.21428571429")
+(defun rings (base)
+  "Return the number of rings in the structure of `base`.
+  Pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine, and uracil) have a single-ring structure.
+  Purines (adenine and guanine) have a double-ring structure.
+  "
+  (ecase base
+    ((#\A #\G) 2)
+    ((#\C #\T #\U) 1)))
 (defun transitionp (x y)
   (and (char/= x y)
@@ -17,14 +30,9 @@
   (and (char/= x y)
        (/= (rings x) (rings y))))
-(define-problem tran (data stream)
-    *input-tran*
-    *output-tran*
+(define-problem tran (data stream) *input* *output*
   (destructuring-bind (x y)
-      (mapcar #'cdr (read-fasta-into-alist data))
-    (format nil "~,11F" (coerce (/ (mapcount #'transitionp x y)
-                                   (mapcount #'transversionp x y))
+      (mapcar #'cdr (u:read-fasta-into-alist data))
+    (format nil "~,11F" (coerce (/ (u:mapcount #'transitionp x y)
+                                   (u:mapcount #'transversionp x y))
-;; (problem-tran "2")
-;; (solve tran)
--- a/src/problems/tree.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/tree.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/tree (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/tree)
 ;; For every edge we add we can link up two previously-unconnected trees.  If we
 ;; have N separate trees, we just need N-1 edges to connect them.  So the
@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@
 ;; given graph.  Some day I really need to add that as a utility function to
 ;; cl-digraph.
-(defparameter *input-tree*
+(defparameter *input*
 1 2
 2 8
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 6 10
 7 9")
-(defparameter *output-tree*
+(defparameter *output*
 (defun subgraph-vertices (graph start)
@@ -29,11 +30,9 @@
       (while found)
       (for subgraph = (subgraph-vertices graph vertex))
       (collect subgraph)
-      (map nil (curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) subgraph))))
+      (map nil (u:curry #'digraph:remove-vertex graph) subgraph))))
-(define-problem tree (data stream)
-    *input-tree*
-    *output-tree*
+(define-problem tree (data stream) *input* *output*
   (let ((graph (digraph:make-digraph
                  :initial-vertices (alexandria:iota (read data) :start 1))))
@@ -45,5 +44,3 @@
 #; Scratch --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/src/problems/trie.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/problems/trie.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(defpackage :rosalind/trie (:use :cl :rosalind :losh :iterate))
+(in-package :rosalind/trie)
-(defparameter *input-trie*
+(defparameter *input*
-(defparameter *output-trie*
+(defparameter *output*
   "1 2 A
 2 3 T
 3 4 A
@@ -22,12 +23,12 @@
 (defun make-trie (strings)
   (recursively ((strings strings))
-    (let ((terminal (find-if #'string-empty-p strings))
-          (strings (remove-if #'string-empty-p strings)))
+    (let ((terminal (find-if #'u:string-empty-p strings))
+          (strings (remove-if #'u:string-empty-p strings)))
         :terminal (if terminal t nil)
         :children (iterate
-                    (for (ch kids) :in-hashtable (group-by #'first-char strings))
+                    (for (ch kids) :in-hashtable (group-by #'u:first-char strings))
                     (collect-hash (ch (recur (mapcar (lambda (s) (subseq s 1))
@@ -78,10 +79,8 @@
             (gather (list (n node) (n child) ch))
             (recur child)))))))
-(define-problem trie (data stream)
-    *input-trie*
-    *output-trie*
-  (let* ((strings (read-lines data))
+(define-problem trie (data stream) *input* *output*
+  (let* ((strings (u:read-lines data))
          (trie (make-trie strings)))
     ;; (dot-graph 'trie trie :rankdir :tb)
     (format nil "~{~{~A~^ ~}~^~%~}" (trie-adjacency-list trie))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Sun Jan 19 19:51:35 2020 -0500
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Sun Jan 19 20:38:29 2020 -0500
@@ -1,29 +1,6 @@
-(in-package :rosalind)
+(in-package :rosalind/utils)
 ;;;; Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun sh (command input)
-  (declare (ignorable command input))
-  #+sbcl
-  (sb-ext:run-program (first command) (rest command)
-                      :search t
-                      :input (make-string-input-stream input))
-  #+ccl
-  (ccl:run-program (first command) (rest command)
-                   :input (make-string-input-stream input))
-  #+abcl
-  (let ((p (system:run-program (first command) (rest command)
-                               :input :stream
-                               :output t
-                               :wait nil)))
-    (write-string input (system:process-input p))
-    (close (system:process-input p)))
-  #-(or sbcl ccl abcl)
-  (error "Not implemented for this Lisp implementation, sorry"))
-(defun pbcopy (string)
-  (values string (sh '("pbcopy") string)))
 (defun ensure-stream (input)
   (ctypecase input
     (stream input)
@@ -34,61 +11,11 @@
     (stream (alexandria:read-stream-content-into-string input))
     (string (copy-seq input))))
-(defun ensure-list (value)
-  (if (listp value)
-    value
-    (list value)))
-(defun hamming (sequence1 sequence2 &key (test #'eql))
-  "Return the Hamming distance between `sequence1` and `sequence2`."
-  ;; todo assert length=?
-  (let ((result 0))
-    (map nil (lambda (x y)
-               (unless (funcall test x y)
-                 (incf result)))
-         sequence1
-         sequence2)
-    result))
-(defun factorial (x)
-  (check-type x (integer 0))
-  (iterate (for i :from 1 :to x)
-           (multiplying i)))
 (defun permutations (items)
   (gathering (alexandria:map-permutations #'gather items)))
-(defun dna-complement (base)
-  (ecase base
-    (#\A #\T)
-    (#\T #\A)
-    (#\G #\C)
-    (#\C #\G)))
-(defun rna-complement (base)
-  (ecase base
-    (#\A #\U)
-    (#\U #\A)
-    (#\G #\C)
-    (#\C #\G)))
-(defun rings (base)
-  "Return the number of rings in the structure of `base`.
-  Pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine, and uracil) have a single-ring structure.
-  Purines (adenine and guanine) have a double-ring structure.
-  "
-  (ecase base
-    ((#\A #\G) 2)
-    ((#\C #\T #\U) 1)))
 (defun-inline gcp (base)
   "Return whether `base` is G or C."
   (or (char= #\G base)
@@ -116,6 +43,112 @@
+;;;; Dogma --------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun dna-complement (base)
+  (ecase base
+    (#\A #\T)
+    (#\T #\A)
+    (#\G #\C)
+    (#\C #\G)))
+(defun nreverse-complement (dna)
+  (map-into dna #'dna-complement dna)
+  (nreverse dna))
+(defun reverse-complement (dna)
+  (nreverse-complement (copy-seq dna)))
+(defun transcribe (dna)
+  "Transcribe a fresh RNA string from `DNA`."
+  (substitute #\U #\T dna))
+(defun ntranscribe (dna)
+  "Destructively transcribe `DNA` to RNA in-place."
+  (nsubstitute #\U #\T dna))
+(defmacro codon-case ((vector index) &rest clauses)
+  ;; Compiles a giant list of clauses into a tree of ECASEs.
+  ;;
+  ;; Each codon will have at most 3 ECASEs to pass through.  Each ECASE has at
+  ;; most four options, so in the worst case we end up with 3 * 4 = 12
+  ;; comparisons instead of 64.
+  ;;
+  ;; If we ever convert bases to vectors of (unsigned-byte 2)s we could
+  ;; potentially use a lookup table here, e.g.:
+  ;;
+  ;;     (aref +amino-acids+ (+ x (ash y 2) (ash z 4)))
+  (alexandria:once-only (vector index)
+    (alexandria:with-gensyms (x y z)
+      `(let ((,x (aref ,vector ,index))
+             (,y (aref ,vector (+ ,index 1)))
+             (,z (aref ,vector (+ ,index 2))))
+         ,(labels ((strip (clauses)
+                     (if (= 1 (length (caar clauses)))
+                       (cadar clauses)
+                       (iterate (for (head body) :in clauses)
+                                (collect (list (subseq head 1) body)))))
+                   (split (clauses)
+                     (-<> clauses
+                       (group-by (rcurry #'aref 0) <> :key #'first)
+                       (iterate (for (k v) :in-hashtable <>)
+                                (collect (list k (strip v)))))))
+            (recursively ((clauses (split clauses))
+                          (codons (list x y z))
+                          (i 0))
+              `(ecase ,(first codons)
+                 ,@(iterate (for (k remaining) :in clauses)
+                            (collect `(,k ,(if (atom remaining)
+                                             remaining
+                                             (recur (split remaining)
+                                                    (rest codons)
+                                                    (1+ i)))))))))))))
+(defun codon-to-protein (vector index)
+  "Return the amino acid encoded by the codon in `vector` at `index`."
+  (codon-case (vector index)
+    ("UUU" #\F) ("CUU" #\L) ("AUU" #\I) ("GUU" #\V)
+    ("UUC" #\F) ("CUC" #\L) ("AUC" #\I) ("GUC" #\V)
+    ("UUA" #\L) ("CUA" #\L) ("AUA" #\I) ("GUA" #\V)
+    ("UUG" #\L) ("CUG" #\L) ("AUG" #\M) ("GUG" #\V)
+    ("UCU" #\S) ("CCU" #\P) ("ACU" #\T) ("GCU" #\A)
+    ("UCC" #\S) ("CCC" #\P) ("ACC" #\T) ("GCC" #\A)
+    ("UCA" #\S) ("CCA" #\P) ("ACA" #\T) ("GCA" #\A)
+    ("UCG" #\S) ("CCG" #\P) ("ACG" #\T) ("GCG" #\A)
+    ("UAU" #\Y) ("CAU" #\H) ("AAU" #\N) ("GAU" #\D)
+    ("UAC" #\Y) ("CAC" #\H) ("AAC" #\N) ("GAC" #\D)
+    ("UAA" nil) ("CAA" #\Q) ("AAA" #\K) ("GAA" #\E)
+    ("UAG" nil) ("CAG" #\Q) ("AAG" #\K) ("GAG" #\E)
+    ("UGU" #\C) ("CGU" #\R) ("AGU" #\S) ("GGU" #\G)
+    ("UGC" #\C) ("CGC" #\R) ("AGC" #\S) ("GGC" #\G)
+    ("UGA" nil) ("CGA" #\R) ("AGA" #\R) ("GGA" #\G)
+    ("UGG" #\W) ("CGG" #\R) ("AGG" #\R) ("GGG" #\G)))
+(defun translate (rna &key (start 0))
+  "Translate a string of RNA bases into a protein string of amino acids.
+  `rna` will be searched (beginning at `start`) for a start codon and
+  translation will proceed from there.  If no start codon occurs after `start`
+  then `nil` will be returned.
+  Once a start codon has been found, translation proceeds to the next stop
+  codon.  If no stop codon is present, `nil` will be returned.
+  Otherwise two values are returned: the protein string and the index into `rna`
+  where it started.
+  "
+  (when-let ((start (search "AUG" rna :start2 start)))
+    (values
+      (iterate (with limit = (- (length rna) 3))
+               (for i :from start :by 3)
+               (when (> i limit)
+                 (return-from translate (values nil nil)))
+               (for protein = (codon-to-protein rna i))
+               (while protein)
+               (collect protein :result-type 'string))
+      start)))
 ;;;; Strings ------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun string-empty-p (string)
   (zerop (length string)))
@@ -127,6 +160,12 @@
 ;;;; Math ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun factorial (x)
+  (check-type x (integer 0))
+  (iterate (for i :from 1 :to x)
+           (multiplying i)))
 (defmacro do-sum ((var from to) &body body)
   "Sum `body` with `var` iterating over `[from, to]`.
@@ -252,13 +291,6 @@
       (replace buffer initial-contents))
-(defun make-string-buffer
-    (&key initial-contents
-          (initial-capacity (max 64 (length initial-contents))))
-  (make-buffer :initial-contents initial-contents
-               :initial-capacity initial-capacity
-               :element-type 'character))
 (defun buffer-push (buffer element)
   (vector-push-extend element buffer)
@@ -360,7 +392,7 @@
 ;;;; Uniprot ------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defparameter *uniprot-cache* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defvar *uniprot-cache* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (defmacro get-cached (key cache expr)
   (once-only (key cache)
@@ -374,7 +406,7 @@
 (defun uniprot (id)
   (get-cached id *uniprot-cache*
-              (-<> (uniprot-url id)
+              (_ (uniprot-url id)
@@ -383,14 +415,14 @@
 ;;;; Output -------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun float-string (float-or-floats &optional (precision 3))
   (with-output-to-string (s)
-    (loop :for (float . more) :on (ensure-list float-or-floats)
+    (loop :for (float . more) :on (alexandria:ensure-list float-or-floats)
           :do (format s "~,VF~:[~; ~]" precision float more))))
 ;;;; Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defmacro define-test (problem input output &optional (test 'string=))
-  `(test ,(alexandria:symbolicate 'test- problem)
-     (is (,test ,output (aesthetic-string (,problem ,input))))))
+  `(1am:test ,(symbolicate 'test- problem)
+     (1am:is (,test ,output (aesthetic-string (,problem ,input))))))
 (defun run-tests ()
@@ -400,7 +432,7 @@
 (defmacro define-problem (name (arg type) sample-input sample-output &body body)
   (multiple-value-bind (body declarations docstring)
       (alexandria:parse-body body :documentation t)
-    (let ((symbol (alexandria:symbolicate 'problem- name)))
+    (let ((symbol (symbolicate 'problem- name)))
          (defun ,symbol (&optional (,arg ,sample-input))
            ,@(when docstring (list docstring))
@@ -423,5 +455,5 @@
 (defmacro solve (name)
   (assert (symbolp name) ()
     "Usage: (solve foo)~%foo should not be quoted.")
-  `(solve% ',(alexandria:symbolicate 'problem- name)))
+  `(solve% ',(symbolicate 'problem- name)))