
Lean into iterate
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 02 Jul 2016 20:47:28 +0000
parents 367e393b0992
children 7a7ea0a56cbe
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords package.lisp src/demo.lisp src/generation.lisp src/grid.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Thu Jun 30 23:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Sat Jul 02 20:47:28 2016 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 (1 scancode-case)
 (1 make-sketch)
-(2 grid-loop-cells grid-loop-rows)
 (1 recursively)
 (1 with-cell-active)
 (1 when-let)
--- a/package.lisp	Thu Jun 30 23:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Sat Jul 02 20:47:28 2016 +0000
@@ -82,10 +82,8 @@
-    #:grid-map-cells
-    #:grid-map-rows
-    #:grid-loop-cells
-    #:grid-loop-rows
+    #:in-grid
+    #:row-of-grid
--- a/src/demo.lisp	Thu Jun 30 23:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/demo.lisp	Sat Jul 02 20:47:28 2016 +0000
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
                             (grid-ref grid 0 0))))
            (max (dm-distance distances (dm-max distances))))
       (when (plusp max)
-        (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+        (iterate
+          (for cell :in-grid grid)
           (when-let (distance (dm-distance distances cell))
                 (make-pen :fill (lerp-color
@@ -102,24 +103,26 @@
       (when end (draw-cell end)))))
 (defun draw-active (instance)
-  (grid-loop-cells cell (slot-value instance 'grid)
-    (when (cell-active-group cell)
-      (with-pen *active-group-pen* (draw-cell cell)))
-    (when (cell-active cell)
-      (with-pen *active-pen* (draw-cell cell)))))
+  (iterate (for cell :in-grid (slot-value instance 'grid))
+           (when (cell-active-group cell)
+             (with-pen *active-group-pen* (draw-cell cell)))
+           (when (cell-active cell)
+             (with-pen *active-pen* (draw-cell cell)))))
 (defun draw-maze (instance)
-  (with-slots (grid) instance
+  (with-slots (finished-generating grid) instance
       (translate (/ (* (grid-cols grid) *cell-size*) -2)
                  (/ (* (grid-rows grid) *cell-size*) -2))
-      (draw-colors instance)
-      (draw-longest instance)
-      (draw-path instance)
+      (when finished-generating
+        (draw-colors instance)
+        (draw-longest instance)
+        (draw-path instance))
       (draw-active instance)
       (with-pen *wall-pen*
-        (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+        (iterate
+          (for cell :in-grid grid)
           (let ((x1 (cell-x cell))
                 (y1 (cell-y cell))
                 (x2 (cell-x cell 1))
--- a/src/generation.lisp	Thu Jun 30 23:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/generation.lisp	Sat Jul 02 20:47:28 2016 +0000
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
 ;;; picked, which results in signature long corridors on those edges.
 (defgenerator binary-tree-generator (grid)
-  (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+  (iterate
+    (for cell :in-grid grid)
+    (for other = (random-elt (full-list (cell-north cell)
+                                        (cell-east cell))))
     (with-cell-active (cell)
-      (let ((other (random-elt (full-list (cell-north cell)
-                                          (cell-east cell)))))
-        (when other
-          (cell-link cell other)))
+      (when other
+        (cell-link cell other))
 (defun binary-tree (grid)
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@
 ;;; results in a signature long corridor along the top of the maze.
 (defgenerator sidewinder-generator (grid)
-  (grid-loop-rows row grid
+  (iterate
+    (for row :row-of-grid grid)
       (with run = nil)
       (for cell :in-vector row)
@@ -124,7 +126,8 @@
 (defgenerator wilson-generator (grid)
-    (with unvisited = (make-set :initial-data (grid-map-cells #'identity grid)))
+    (with unvisited = (make-set :initial-data (iterate (for cell :in-grid grid)
+                                                       (collect cell))))
     (initially (setf (cell-active-group (set-pop unvisited)) t))
     (with path = nil)
     (with cell = (set-random unvisited))
@@ -169,10 +172,11 @@
            (random-unvisited-neighbor (cell)
              (random-elt (remove-if #'visited-p (cell-neighbors cell))))
            (hunt ()
-             (grid-loop-cells cell grid
-               (when (and (not (visited-p cell))
-                          (some #'visited-p (cell-neighbors cell)))
-                 (return cell)))))
+             (iterate
+               (for cell :in-grid grid)
+               (finding cell :such-that
+                        (and (not (visited-p cell))
+                             (some #'visited-p (cell-neighbors cell)))))))
       (with cell = (grid-ref grid 0 0))
       (initially (setf (cell-active-group cell) t))
--- a/src/grid.lisp	Thu Jun 30 23:23:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/grid.lisp	Sat Jul 02 20:47:28 2016 +0000
@@ -90,39 +90,30 @@
-(defun grid-map-cells (fn grid)
-  (with-slots (cells) grid
-    (loop :for i :from 0 :below (array-total-size cells)
-          :collect (funcall fn (row-major-aref cells i)))))
+(defun grid-row (grid row)
+  (let ((cells (grid-cells grid)))
+    (make-array (grid-cols grid)
+      :element-type 'cell
+      :displaced-to cells
+      :displaced-index-offset (array-row-major-index cells row 0))))
-(defun grid-map-rows (fn grid)
-  (with-slots (rows cols cells) grid
-    (loop :for row :from 0 :below rows
-          :do (funcall fn (make-array cols
-                            :element-type 'cell
-                            :displaced-to cells
-                            :displaced-index-offset
-                            (array-row-major-index cells row 0))))))
-(defmacro grid-loop-cells (cell-symbol grid &body body)
-  (with-gensyms (i)
-    (once-only (grid)
-      `(loop :for ,i :from 0 :below (array-total-size (grid-cells ,grid))
-        :for ,cell-symbol = (row-major-aref (grid-cells ,grid) ,i)
-        :do (progn ,@body)))))
+(defclause-sequence IN-GRID nil
+  :access-fn (lambda (grid index)
+               (row-major-aref (grid-cells grid) index))
+  :size-fn (lambda (grid)
+             (array-total-size (grid-cells grid)))
+  :sequence-type 'grid
+  :element-type 'cell
+  :element-doc-string "All cells in a grid")
-(defmacro grid-loop-rows (row-symbol grid &body body)
-  (with-gensyms (row cols)
-    (once-only (grid)
-      `(loop
-        :with ,cols = (grid-cols ,grid)
-        :for ,row :from 0 :below (grid-rows ,grid)
-        :for ,row-symbol = (make-array ,cols
-                             :element-type 'cell
-                             :displaced-to (grid-cells ,grid)
-                             :displaced-index-offset
-                             (array-row-major-index (grid-cells grid) ,row 0))
-        :do (progn ,@body)))))
+(defclause-sequence ROW-OF-GRID nil
+  :access-fn #'grid-row
+  :size-fn (lambda (grid)
+             (array-dimension (grid-cells grid) 0))
+  :sequence-type 'grid
+  :element-type '(vector cell)
+  :element-doc-string "All rows in a grid")
 (defun grid-size (grid)
@@ -152,7 +143,8 @@
                         (make-cell r c)))))))
 (defmethod grid-configure-cells ((grid grid))
-  (grid-loop-cells cell grid
+  (iterate
+    (for cell :in-grid grid)
     (with-slots (row col north south east west) cell
       (setf north (grid-ref grid (1- row) col)
             south (grid-ref grid (1+ row) col)
@@ -161,9 +153,9 @@
 (defun grid-clear-active (grid)
-  (grid-loop-cells cell grid
-    (setf (cell-active cell) nil
-          (cell-active-group cell) nil)))
+  (iterate (for cell :in-grid grid)
+           (setf (cell-active cell) nil
+                 (cell-active-group cell) nil)))
 (defmethod print-object ((grid grid) stream)
@@ -171,7 +163,8 @@
       (grid stream :type t :identity nil)
     (format stream "~%+~A~%"
             (cl-strings:repeat "---+" (grid-cols grid)))
-    (grid-loop-rows row grid
+    (iterate
+      (for row :row-of-grid grid)
       (let ((top "|")
             (bottom "+"))
         (loop :for contents :across row