
Add indentation

Not sure if I'm going to keep this or not.  We'll see...
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 31 Aug 2020 23:11:35 -0400
parents f0020e905c94
children 11d14162a533
branches/tags (none)
files .TODO.done TODO src/basic.lisp src/mop.lisp src/wrappers.lisp test/tests.lisp


--- a/.TODO.done	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/.TODO.done	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Indentation. | id:0184922ad2c249da5361f439f6449fadcb27d43c
 Add read/print disabling mechanism | id:1268bf0b10c13aec23aafbd8f5e236db1e485fa5
 Fix :allow-print and :allow-read to set t when removing them during class redef. | id:21cce1bed829a138de33b33e3ad3219f7888be04
 Input wrapping. | id:7bc7f71a7dd85e13efde40b5ea2a5b6bfe13cf58
--- a/TODO	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/TODO	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-Indentation. | id:0184922ad2c249da5361f439f6449fadcb27d43c
 Clean up error hierarchy | id:3d3efa4af649474151661a9d294080ab24e22ff7
 Fuzz against other JSON implementations | id:ccfe488e219c9454228a0510c61f8c59946e5875
 Ensure slots are coalesced properly. | id:d800e6516a5bf5f8ce843f442956078e7a1b672e
--- a/src/basic.lisp	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/basic.lisp	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
   If both the size and depth limits are exceeded by exactly the same character,
   it is unspecified which of the two errors will be signaled.")
+(defparameter *indent* nil)
 (defstruct (input (:constructor make-input%))
   (stream nil :type stream)
@@ -366,12 +368,20 @@
     (t (format stream "\\u~4,'0X" (char-code char)))))
-(defgeneric print% (thing stream))
+(declaim (inline indent))
-(defmethod print% ((thing null) stream)
+(defun indent (i stream)
+  (when i
+    (format stream "~%~v@T" i)))
+(defgeneric print% (thing stream indent))
+(defmethod print% ((thing null) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (write-string "null" stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing string) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing string) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (write-char #\" stream)
   (loop :for char :across thing
         :do (if (requires-escape-p char)
@@ -379,44 +389,57 @@
               (write-char char stream)))
   (write-char #\" stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing vector) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing vector) stream indent &aux (first t))
   (write-char #\[ stream)
-  (loop :with first = t
-        :for object :across thing
-        :do (progn (if first
-                     (setf first nil)
-                     (write-char #\, stream))
-                   (print% object stream)))
-  (write-char #\] stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing hash-table) stream)
-  (write-char #\{ stream)
-  (loop :with first = t
-        :for name :being :the hash-keys :in thing :using (hash-value value)
+  (when indent (incf indent 2))
+  (loop :for object :across thing
         :do (progn (if first
                      (setf first nil)
                      (write-char #\, stream))
-                   (assert (stringp name))
-                   (print% name stream)
-                   (write-char #\: stream)
-                   (print% value stream)))
+                   (indent indent stream)
+                   (print% object stream indent)))
+  (when (and indent (not first))
+    (indent (- indent 2) stream))
+  (write-char #\] stream))
+(defmethod print% ((thing hash-table) stream indent &aux (first t))
+  (write-char #\{ stream)
+  (when indent (incf indent 2))
+  (maphash (lambda (name value)
+             (if first
+               (setf first nil)
+               (write-char #\, stream))
+             (indent indent stream)
+             (assert (stringp name))
+             (print% name stream indent)
+             (write-char #\: stream)
+             (when indent (write-char #\space stream))
+             (print% value stream indent))
+           thing)
+  (when (and indent (not first))
+    (indent (- indent 2) stream))
   (write-char #\} stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing single-float) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing single-float) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
     (princ thing stream)))
-(defmethod print% ((thing double-float) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing double-float) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
     (princ thing stream)))
-(defmethod print% ((thing integer) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing integer) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (format stream "~D" thing))
-(defmethod print% ((thing (eql :false)) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing (eql :false)) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (write-string "false" stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing (eql :true)) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing (eql :true)) stream indent)
+  (declare (ignore indent))
   (write-string "true" stream))
@@ -456,9 +479,10 @@
 (defun print (object &optional (stream *standard-output*))
   (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
-        (*print-base* 10))
+        (*print-base* 10)
+        (indent (if *indent* 0 nil)))
     (etypecase stream
-      (stream (print% object stream) (values))
-      ((eql t) (print% object *standard-output*) (values))
-      (null (with-output-to-string (s) (print% object s))))))
+      (stream (print% object stream indent) (values))
+      ((eql t) (print% object *standard-output* indent) (values))
+      (null (with-output-to-string (s) (print% object s indent))))))
--- a/src/mop.lisp	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/mop.lisp	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -240,15 +240,18 @@
 ;;;; Printing -----------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun print-json-class (class thing stream &aux (first t))
+(defun print-json-class (class thing stream indent &aux (first t))
   (write-char #\{ stream)
+  (when indent (incf indent 2))
   (flet ((print-pair (k v)
            (if first
              (setf first nil)
              (write-char #\, stream))
-           (print% k stream)
+           (indent indent stream)
+           (print% k stream indent)
            (write-char #\: stream)
-           (print% v stream)))
+           (when indent (write-char #\space stream))
+           (print% v stream indent)))
     (loop :for (slot name before-print) :in (slot-alist class)
           :when (slot-boundp thing slot)
           :do (let ((value (slot-value thing slot)))
@@ -257,10 +260,12 @@
           :finally (when (slot-boundp thing 'preserved)
                      (maphash #'print-pair (slot-value thing 'preserved)))))
+  (when (and indent (not first))
+    (terpri stream))
   (write-char #\} stream))
-(defmethod print% ((thing json-object) stream)
+(defmethod print% ((thing json-object) stream indent)
   (let ((class (class-of thing)))
     (if (allow-print class)
-      (print-json-class class thing stream)
+      (print-json-class class thing stream indent)
       (error "Class ~S does not allow printing." class))))
--- a/src/wrappers.lisp	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/src/wrappers.lisp	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
   (funcall (wrapper-read wrapper)
            (read% (wrapper-c wrapper) (wrapper-cc wrapper) input)))
-(defun print-with-wrapper (wrapper thing stream)
-  (print% (funcall (wrapper-print wrapper) thing) stream))
+(defun print-with-wrapper (wrapper thing stream indent)
+  (print% (funcall (wrapper-print wrapper) thing) stream indent))
-(defmethod print% (thing stream)
+(defmethod print% (thing stream indent)
   (let* ((class (class-of thing))
          (wrapper (find-wrapper (class-name class))))
     (if wrapper
-      (print-with-wrapper wrapper thing stream)
+      (print-with-wrapper wrapper thing stream indent)
       (error "Don't know how to print object ~S of class ~S as JSON, ~
               because it's not a JSON class and doesn't have any wrapper(s)."
              thing class))))
--- a/test/tests.lisp	Mon Aug 31 22:18:48 2020 -0400
+++ b/test/tests.lisp	Mon Aug 31 23:11:35 2020 -0400
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@
   (jarl:read class-designator (jarl:print object nil)))
 (defun check-roundtrips (object)
-  (is (same object (roundtrip-object t object))))
+  (is (same object (roundtrip-object t object)))
+  (let ((jarl::*indent* t))
+    (is (same object (roundtrip-object t object)))))
 (defun check-errors (line col string)
   (dolist (class '(t nil)) ; todo check discarding errors too
@@ -468,6 +470,11 @@
        :id nil
        :foos (v (foo :i 10) (foo :n nil :v (v)))))
+(define-test class-indent
+  (let ((jarl::*indent* t))
+    (is (string= (format nil "{~%  \"v\": [~%    1,~%    2,~%    3~%  ]~%}")
+                 (jarl:print (make-instance 'foo :v #(1 2 3)) nil)))))
 ;;;; Wrappers -----------------------------------------------------------------
 (defclass w ()