ReadMe.markdown @ a1ca051886bd

Move info to ReadMe.markdown. Tweak theme.
author Chris Eldredge <>
date Thu, 09 Aug 2012 18:37:12 -0400
parents (none)
children 737c9dda302a
Markdown Extension for hgweb

Similar to GitHub, this module looks for a file named or
ReadMe.markdown (case insensitive) in the "default" revision.

A custom theme is provided that displays the formatted contents on the summary (index) view.

In addition to showing formatted information on the summary view, this module enables any
other markdown content to be rendered using the url pattern `/repo/markdown/changeid/`.


1. Install Python-Markdown (
1. Clone this repository to /example/hgext.markdown
1. Add the following to your hgweb config


	templates = /example/hgext.markdown
	style = markdown

##Usage with TortoiseHg##

If you want to use this extension with TortoiseHg, you will need to
obtain the python markdown package (
and uncomment the section in [\_\_init\_\](\_\_init\_\ that adjusts the python module path.


You can preview changes before committing them by browsing to `/repo/markdown/_preview/ReadMe.markdown`.
The `_preview` keyword makes this extension look for content in the working copy.