--- a/plugin/gundo.vim Sat Oct 09 12:27:34 2010 -0400
+++ b/plugin/gundo.vim Tue Oct 12 18:36:02 2010 -0400
@@ -508,6 +508,13 @@
def _goto_window_for_buffer_name(bn):
b = vim.eval('bufnr("%s")' % bn)
+" Gundo for %s [%d]
+" j/k - move between undo states
+" <cr> - revert to that state
@@ -561,51 +568,48 @@
function! s:GundoRender()
python << ENDPYTHON
-ut = vim.eval('undotree()')
-entries = ut['entries']
-root, nodes = make_nodes(entries)
+def GundoRender():
+ ut = vim.eval('undotree()')
+ entries = ut['entries']
-for node in nodes:
- node.children = [n for n in nodes if n.parent == node]
+ root, nodes = make_nodes(entries)
-tips = [node for node in nodes if not node.children]
+ for node in nodes:
+ node.children = [n for n in nodes if n.parent == node]
-def walk_nodes(nodes):
- for node in nodes:
- yield(node, [node.parent] if node.parent else [])
+ tips = [node for node in nodes if not node.children]
+ def walk_nodes(nodes):
+ for node in nodes:
+ yield(node, [node.parent] if node.parent else [])
-dag = sorted(nodes, key=lambda n: int(n.n), reverse=True) + [root]
-current = changenr(nodes)
+ dag = sorted(nodes, key=lambda n: int(n.n), reverse=True) + [root]
+ current = changenr(nodes)
-result = generate(walk_nodes(dag), asciiedges, current).splitlines()
-result = [' ' + l for l in result]
+ result = generate(walk_nodes(dag), asciiedges, current).splitlines()
+ result = [' ' + l for l in result]
-target = (vim.eval('g:gundo_target_f'), int(vim.eval('g:gundo_target_n')))
-INLINE_HELP = ('''\
-" Gundo for %s [%d]
-" j/k - move between undo states
-" <cr> - revert to that state
+ target = (vim.eval('g:gundo_target_f'), int(vim.eval('g:gundo_target_n')))
+ header = (INLINE_HELP % target).splitlines()
-''' % target).splitlines()
+ vim.command('GundoOpenBuffer')
+ vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
+ vim.command('normal ggdG')
+ vim.current.buffer[:] = (header + result)
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
-vim.command('normal ggdG')
-vim.current.buffer[:] = (INLINE_HELP + result)
-vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ i = 1
+ for line in result:
+ try:
+ line.split('[')[0].index('@')
+ i += 1
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ i += 1
+ vim.command('%d' % (i+len(header)-1))
-i = 1
-for line in result:
- try:
- line.split('[')[0].index('@')
- i += 1
- break
- except ValueError:
- pass
- i += 1
-vim.command('%d' % (i+3))
@@ -615,31 +619,36 @@
python << ENDPYTHON
import difflib
+def GundoRenderPreview():
+ _goto_window_for_buffer(vim.eval('g:gundo_target_n'))
-root, nodes = make_nodes(entries)
-current = changenr(nodes)
+ root, nodes = make_nodes(entries)
+ current = changenr(nodes)
-target_n = int(vim.eval('a:target'))
-node_after = [node for node in nodes if node.n == target_n][0]
-node_before = node_after.parent
+ target_n = int(vim.eval('a:target'))
+ node_after = [node for node in nodes if node.n == target_n][0]
+ node_before = node_after.parent
-vim.command('silent undo %d' % node_before.n)
-before = vim.current.buffer[:]
-vim.command('silent undo %d' % node_after.n)
-after = vim.current.buffer[:]
-vim.command('silent undo %d' % current)
+ if not node_before.n:
+ before = []
+ else:
+ vim.command('silent undo %d' % node_before.n)
+ before = vim.current.buffer[:]
+ vim.command('silent undo %d' % node_after.n)
+ after = vim.current.buffer[:]
+ vim.command('silent undo %d' % current)
-vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
+ _goto_window_for_buffer_name('__Gundo_Preview__')
+ vim.command('setlocal modifiable')
+ diff = list(difflib.unified_diff(before, after, node_before.n, node_after.n))
+ vim.current.buffer[:] = diff
-diff = list(difflib.unified_diff(before, after, node_before.n, node_after.n))
-vim.current.buffer[:] = diff
+ vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
-vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable')
+ _goto_window_for_buffer_name('__Gundo__')