
vim: add vimkata
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 26 May 2010 12:34:24 -0400 (2010-05-26)
parents 2ffdbbd7baa1
children 54156d2faedc
branches/tags (none)
files vim/ftdetect/kata.vim vim/ftplugin/kata.vim vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/INSTALL vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/README vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/chatlogs/VimKata_freenode_chat_20100523.log vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/duane.kata vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/ftdetect/kata.vim vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/ftplugin/kata.vim vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/resources/vim_sites.txt vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/syntax/kata.vim vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.kata vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.master vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.steps vim/syntax/kata.vim


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/ftdetect/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/ftplugin/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/INSTALL	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
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+I haven't created a proper plugin for this project yet.
+For now, create the following symlinks to the corresponding files in this tree:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/README	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+= VimKata: The path to Vim Mastery
+VimKata is a series of exercises specially graded to progressively develop your
+skills in the venerable vim editor.
+    Tell me and I'll forget;
+    Show me and I may remember;
+    Involve me and I'll understand.
+                 -- Chinese Proverb
+VimKata assumes the student has taken VimTutor before and feels somewhat comfortable with the concepts there.  Our objective is to bring the student from the basic lessons learned in VimTutor to a place of mastery--both of the VimTutor concepts as well as more advanced concepts.
+VimKata is intended to unite the discipline of martial arts to the methods of modern science.  The premise for the learning style of VimKata is what psychologists call "Deliberate Practice" which:
+	- is explicitly intended to improve performance
+	- reaches for objectives just beyond one's level of competence
+	- provides feedback on results
+	- involves high levels of repetition
+(These 4 takeaways are from "What it takes to be great". See also the original paper, "The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance.")
+The VimKata moves through 6 belts: white, yellow, green, blue, red and black.  After the 6 belts, there will be even more detailed kata for further development (e.g. kata for the NERD Comment plugin, other plugins, etc.)
+The project is currently maintained by Duane Johnson and Barry Arthur.
+== Quick Start
+Once installed, diving into VimKata is as simple as:
+  :VimKata <belt>
+where <belt> is a color such as white, yellow, green, blue, red, or black.
+== Resources
+=== Website:
+=== Katas:
+=== Bug Tracker / Wiki:
+=== Source Code:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/chatlogs/VimKata_freenode_chat_20100523.log	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 23 01:53:01 2010
+May 23 08:25:25 <canadaduane>	yeah i'm glad you found that stack overflow thread
+May 23 08:25:49 <canadaduane>	kind of puts some objections out there for us to consider
+May 23 08:26:09 <canadaduane>	so...
+May 23 08:26:36 <canadaduane>	what do you think of my thoughts written on the github wiki?
+May 23 08:26:44 <dahu>	i have no objections
+May 23 08:29:42 <dahu>	naming scheme sounds good - i like the story idea
+May 23 08:30:01 <canadaduane>	ok
+May 23 08:30:11 <dahu>	as for vim_1.p et al, I think we can have multiple indexes
+May 23 08:30:22 <dahu>	you suggest something similar with your helptags idea
+May 23 08:30:38 <canadaduane>	yeah, well, I have a question about this area
+May 23 08:30:48 <dahu>	i have no objections to unfolded questions
+May 23 08:31:03 <canadaduane>	do we want to lump all functionality of each type of task into one practice session, or spread them out?
+May 23 08:31:09 <dahu>	have you ever used anki?
+May 23 08:31:15 <canadaduane>	for example, if we have "folding" in chapter 1
+May 23 08:31:17 <canadaduane>	(no)
+May 23 08:31:25 <canadaduane>	should we have "advanced folding" in chapter 2?
+May 23 08:31:32 <canadaduane>	or keep all folding practice in chapter 1
+May 23 08:31:37 <dahu>	no
+May 23 08:31:46 <dahu>	definitely progress with the belts
+May 23 08:31:52 <canadaduane>	ok, good
+May 23 08:31:56 <dahu>	advanced folding should reappear in a higher belt level
+May 23 08:32:25 <canadaduane>	I was thinking our objective should be to provide basic skills, and then tie them together in useful task-oriented ways
+May 23 08:32:26 <dahu>	as an aside, folding may not even appear in level 1
+May 23 08:32:42 <canadaduane>	yes, that may be a good idea :)
+May 23 08:32:46 <canadaduane>	kind of like vimtutor?
+May 23 08:32:50 <dahu>	yes
+May 23 08:32:57 <canadaduane>	sounds good
+May 23 08:33:15 <dahu>	hmm... I wonder
+May 23 08:33:49 <canadaduane>	so what I mean by task-oriented, is we could find clever ways to use things together, such as "comment this block of code" and "tab this block of code over by 2"
+May 23 08:33:53 <canadaduane>	(or whatever)
+May 23 08:34:05 <dahu>	each nugget is a separate concept, sometimes standalone, sometimes related to other concepts
+May 23 08:34:07 <canadaduane>	then we get the benefit of wiring our skills up together in the brain
+May 23 08:34:11 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 08:34:20 <dahu>	I would like to be able to thread concepts in different ways
+May 23 08:34:26 <dahu>	but that might not be easy to achieve
+May 23 08:34:27 <canadaduane>	yes, me too
+May 23 08:34:36 <canadaduane>	right, because there are so many options
+May 23 08:34:45 <dahu>	let's say we have a big pool (right) of concepts
+May 23 08:35:05 <canadaduane>	yeah, basic concepts
+May 23 08:35:16 <canadaduane>	and then related concepts
+May 23 08:35:17 <dahu>	we might create a vim_1.p that has some of those concepts
+May 23 08:35:29 <canadaduane>	for some reason this reminds me of a game like Mortal Kombat or something
+May 23 08:35:31 <dahu>	and then a vim_patterns.p that has some of the same concepts plus others
+May 23 08:35:38 <canadaduane>	where you learn some basic punches and kicks
+May 23 08:35:43 <canadaduane>	and then get powerful with the combos
+May 23 08:35:44 <canadaduane>	lol
+May 23 08:35:57 <dahu>	(hehe... haven't played games since 2nd year in uni ^_^ )
+May 23 08:36:14 <dahu>	but the story is powerful
+May 23 08:36:20 <dahu>	and if people want to think of it like that
+May 23 08:36:25 <dahu>	then it will help their learning
+May 23 08:36:28 <dahu>	which is all good
+May 23 08:36:46 <canadaduane>	what is vim_patterns.practice? (sorry, I didn't quite understand)
+May 23 08:36:55 <dahu>	pattern matching
+May 23 08:37:03 <dahu>	I was thinking of having separate paths
+May 23 08:37:11 <canadaduane>	oh, I thought we were going to move away from topics
+May 23 08:37:11 <dahu>	one path might be for newbies
+May 23 08:37:14 <canadaduane>	in the filenames?
+May 23 08:37:19 <dahu>	numbered as in vim_1, _2, etc
+May 23 08:37:50 <dahu>	other paths might be names after the concepts they teach (for more advanced users who now know *what* they want to focus on)
+May 23 08:37:57 <dahu>	named*
+May 23 08:38:01 <canadaduane>	Ah, I see
+May 23 08:38:15 <canadaduane>	so we have the color belts for the first round, then separate tracks?
+May 23 08:38:24 <dahu>	well... in martial arts
+May 23 08:38:29 <dahu>	the colours are for newbies
+May 23 08:38:40 <canadaduane>	even black?
+May 23 08:38:46 <dahu>	the black belts have their own separate ranks, called dans
+May 23 08:38:52 <canadaduane>	oh, ok
+May 23 08:38:53 <dahu>	usually around 9 dans
+May 23 08:39:37 <dahu>	we don't have to copy that exactly, but maybe the named threads could be considered for either advanced users...
+May 23 08:39:45 <canadaduane>	idea: why not use .vimkata as the filetype? 
+May 23 08:39:47 <dahu>	or a different way to approach the learning
+May 23 08:39:55 <dahu>	for example, what level do you or I jump in at?
+May 23 08:40:01 <dahu>	Are we a 2 or a 3 or a 4?
+May 23 08:40:11 <dahu>	I know I wanna know more about x, though...
+May 23 08:40:11 <canadaduane>	I'm not sure
+May 23 08:40:16 <canadaduane>	I see
+May 23 08:40:26 <canadaduane>	hmm
+May 23 08:48:49 <canadaduane>	ok, so I think I'm following your plan
+May 23 08:49:00 <canadaduane>	basically we'll have a bunch of "beginner" files
+May 23 08:49:03 <dahu>	yep
+May 23 08:49:16 <dahu>	and they can just be numbered
+May 23 08:49:16 <canadaduane>	but these will become fairly broad in topics, as you suggested in the original txt file
+May 23 08:49:20 <dahu>	(and coloured)
+May 23 08:49:49 <canadaduane>	and then we'll branch off into more advanced topics from there
+May 23 08:49:54 <canadaduane>	so what should the filetype be?
+May 23 08:50:04 <canadaduane>	.vimkata? .practice? .vimpractice?
+May 23 08:50:13 <dahu>	.kata
+May 23 08:50:26 <canadaduane>	I like it
+May 23 08:50:32 <canadaduane>	short and simple :)
+May 23 08:50:33 <dahu>	sorry - that was just a brainstorm
+May 23 08:50:39 <dahu>	not concrete :-)
+May 23 08:50:41 <dahu>	but yes
+May 23 08:50:43 <dahu>	it is short
+May 23 08:50:47 <dahu>	and to the point...
+May 23 08:50:50 <dahu>	does it clash?
+May 23 08:51:25 <canadaduane>	i think it goes well with the project name
+May 23 08:51:47 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 08:53:13 <canadaduane>	how long should it take to do a kata file (for the user)?
+May 23 08:53:35 <dahu>	hmm... good question...
+May 23 08:53:42 <canadaduane>	20 min?
+May 23 08:53:44 <dahu>	it will depend on the grade, of course
+May 23 08:53:48 <dahu>	seems reasonable
+May 23 08:53:56 <dahu>	just asking around. hangon.
+May 23 08:54:23 <dahu>	anki sets a 20 min learning session by default
+May 23 08:54:24 <canadaduane>	also, is that time target for the "first time" or the "last time"?
+May 23 08:54:27 <dahu>	my wife suggests 15 - 20
+May 23 08:54:34 <dahu>	good point
+May 23 08:54:57 <dahu>	hmm..
+May 23 08:55:03 <canadaduane>	so maybe for intermediate
+May 23 08:55:05 <dahu>	i'd say that should be the learn time...
+May 23 08:55:14 <dahu>	the goal time should be *much* quicker
+May 23 08:55:16 <dahu>	right?
+May 23 08:55:25 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 08:56:16 <canadaduane>	I think we could say something like this though: "Each kata will take you about 20 minutes, but possibly longer for your first attempt.  If you reach 5 minutes or less, you've mastered it."
+May 23 08:56:28 <dahu>	that sounds good
+May 23 08:57:02 <canadaduane>	so this time target actually limits us quite a bit with our "belts" idea
+May 23 08:57:09 <canadaduane>	what we can pack into 20 minutes for a beginner
+May 23 08:57:13 <dahu>	maybe
+May 23 08:57:18 <canadaduane>	might not be the full scope of everything you mentioned in the .txt
+May 23 08:57:30 <canadaduane>	but anyway, I think it's a good target
+May 23 08:57:34 <canadaduane>	so we should work with it
+May 23 08:57:36 <dahu>	no - just have less nuggets in the file
+May 23 08:57:38 <canadaduane>	and split things out as necessary
+May 23 08:57:45 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 08:58:46 <dahu>	as you go up in levels, your skills will be improving, so you're faster at doing the simpler things (covered in lower belt levels)
+May 23 08:59:10 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 08:59:11 <canadaduane>	good point
+May 23 08:59:19 <canadaduane>	Great! I'm pumped
+May 23 08:59:26 <canadaduane>	this is going to be really useful
+May 23 09:00:38 <dahu>	me too. It sounds good. I've wanted to do a project like this for a while now
+May 23 09:00:49 <dahu>	I never thought it would be based on vim, though. lol
+May 23 09:00:54 <canadaduane>	heh
+May 23 09:01:04 <dahu>	I mean, I've wanted to do an OSS project
+May 23 09:01:05 <canadaduane>	oh, btw, I have seen anki before
+May 23 09:01:13 <canadaduane>	I haven't used it, but something similar called spicy elephant
+May 23 09:01:18 <dahu>	cool. I use it to study Chinese
+May 23 09:01:24 <canadaduane>	nice
+May 23 09:02:01 <dahu>	i was dreaming of incorporating some of the spaced repetition algorithms into our learning paths
+May 23 09:02:51 <canadaduane>	wow, that would be quite something... in vim
+May 23 09:03:01 <canadaduane>	hey so the github issue tracker has upvoting
+May 23 09:03:04 <canadaduane>	so i was thinking...
+May 23 09:03:14 <canadaduane>	we could go around the vim wiki collecting tidbits
+May 23 09:03:19 <canadaduane>	and also invite others to help out
+May 23 09:03:36 <canadaduane>	and then use the issue tracker as a way of both voting on what should be included and making corrections
+May 23 09:03:37 <dahu>	you might have to explain more - upvoting?
+May 23 09:03:41 <dahu>	ok
+May 23 09:03:42 <dahu>	ic
+May 23 09:03:53 <canadaduane>	not at first of course
+May 23 09:03:58 <canadaduane>	we need to make a skeleton ourselves
+May 23 09:04:02 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 09:04:08 <canadaduane>	but the community has so much to offer here
+May 23 09:04:18 <dahu>	we might go through a few iterations before we're happy
+May 23 09:04:24 <canadaduane>	I am a very small "vim user" :)
+May 23 09:04:28 <dahu>	let's do that inside the fence before inviting a crowd :-)
+May 23 09:04:34 <canadaduane>	sounds good
+May 23 09:04:49 <dahu>	i have spoken to some of the #vim gurus about deliberate practice
+May 23 09:04:54 <dahu>	and it falls on deaf ears
+May 23 09:05:05 <canadaduane>	interesting, but that's fine
+May 23 09:05:06 <dahu>	but I think, if we build it, they will come :-)
+May 23 09:05:21 <canadaduane>	they don't have to recognize a great thing until it slaps them in the face
+May 23 09:05:22 <canadaduane>	hehe
+May 23 09:05:26 <canadaduane>	what you said
+May 23 09:05:28 <canadaduane>	:)
+May 23 09:05:48 <canadaduane>	So it sounds like my original file format is going to work pretty much as is?
+May 23 09:05:56 <canadaduane>	We'll keep the answers folded
+May 23 09:05:59 <canadaduane>	but the questions open
+May 23 09:06:00 <dahu>	oh
+May 23 09:06:02 <dahu>	one thing
+May 23 09:06:05 <canadaduane>	sure
+May 23 09:06:12 <dahu>	not sure if I like the leading > in the answers...
+May 23 09:06:16 <dahu>	wanna explain the point?
+May 23 09:06:31 <canadaduane>	it was only for making it a different color
+May 23 09:06:47 <dahu>	the folded answer block not obvious enough? ;-)
+May 23 09:06:47 <canadaduane>	but I'm happy with anything that makes it easy to read and differentiate
+May 23 09:07:29 <canadaduane>	Actually, there might be a good use for some kind of marker
+May 23 09:07:40 <canadaduane>	I noticed you provided some alternate answers
+May 23 09:07:44 <canadaduane>	and that made sense to me
+May 23 09:07:53 <canadaduane>	I think we should have a "canonical" answer
+May 23 09:07:57 <canadaduane>	and then 1 or 2 alternates
+May 23 09:07:59 <dahu>	yep - I'd like to separate them - so it's clear they are alternates
+May 23 09:08:04 <dahu>	fine
+May 23 09:08:04 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 09:08:06 <dahu>	sounds good
+May 23 09:08:12 <canadaduane>	so maybe that could be the purpose of color coding there
+May 23 09:08:32 <canadaduane>	how should we designate the lines that are "canonical"? with a ">" ?
+May 23 09:08:32 <dahu>	one colour for the definitive answer? a separate colour for alternates?
+May 23 09:08:37 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 09:08:41 <canadaduane>	that's what I was thinking
+May 23 09:08:44 <dahu>	urgh.... lemme think about it...
+May 23 09:08:47 <dahu>	can I just dump a few crazy ideas I've had about this on you? I'm not suggesting that we can implement all of these, or maybe any...
+May 23 09:08:53 <canadaduane>	sure
+May 23 09:08:58 <dahu>	idea 1:
+May 23 09:09:08 <dahu>	executing the definitive answer
+May 23 09:09:14 <dahu>	do this on the 'practice' block
+May 23 09:09:23 <dahu>	as a demonstration of workingness
+May 23 09:09:32 <dahu>	crazy idea 2: timing
+May 23 09:09:46 <dahu>	have the user start his practice session which kicks off a timer
+May 23 09:09:57 <dahu>	when he's done, he's shown the time
+May 23 09:10:21 <dahu>	there are more CI, but when I explain one, the others flee :-)
+May 23 09:10:31 <canadaduane>	heh
+May 23 09:10:53 <canadaduane>	I like idea 1
+May 23 09:10:58 <canadaduane>	idea 2, not sure if it's important
+May 23 09:11:43 <dahu>	idea 2: hmm... only in that it might serve as nice feedback. Well done, you're 3 minutes under your personal best today!    that sort of thing...
+May 23 09:11:58 <canadaduane>	I see
+May 23 09:12:14 <dahu>	initially I didn't like your > because I thought it might clash with idea 1
+May 23 09:12:20 <dahu>	but now I see it will actually help
+May 23 09:12:27 <dahu>	so, liking the > now :-)
+May 23 09:12:56 <canadaduane>	what I meant was it might not be important for us to implement as part of the practice since people can time themselves
+May 23 09:13:04 <canadaduane>	but maybe as a feature later on...
+May 23 09:13:15 <dahu>	of course
+May 23 09:13:33 <canadaduane>	you know what
+May 23 09:13:35 <canadaduane>	I take that all back
+May 23 09:13:38 <canadaduane>	timing is really important
+May 23 09:13:44 <canadaduane>	that's one of the reasons DP works
+May 23 09:13:50 <dahu>	ok
+May 23 09:13:53 <dahu>	that sounds fair
+May 23 09:13:56 <canadaduane>	you have to have a clear objective
+May 23 09:14:05 <canadaduane>	what are we trying to help users do? lower their time
+May 23 09:14:25 <dahu>	ok - an objectives brainstorm
+May 23 09:14:33 <dahu>	lower times
+May 23 09:14:39 <dahu>	increase knowledge
+May 23 09:14:43 <dahu>	(skills)
+May 23 09:15:27 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 09:15:29 <dahu>	identify bad habbits
+May 23 09:15:34 <dahu>	and correct them
+May 23 09:16:00 <dahu>	hmm... just had another crazy idea... but it reminds me too much of the paperclip to even utter it :-)
+May 23 09:26:28 <dahu>	you mentioned taking stuff from the vim wiki, which I fully agree with. This vim tips page also has an unordered mess of useful nuggets too: http://rayninfo.co.uk/vimtips.html
+May 23 09:26:49 <dahu>	but we'll want to be... judicious about checking our facts.
+May 23 09:28:12 <dahu>	some of the #vim gurus criticise the vim wiki as being populated by newbies as they discover a new vim trick, quite often not showing the full story or abusing a tool for an unintended purpose (missing the canonical tool vim does provide for that purpose)
+May 23 09:28:24 <dahu>	just saying, we need to make sure we're promoting good practice
+May 23 09:28:34 <dahu>	best, even, where appropriate
+May 23 09:37:28 <canadaduane>	back
+May 23 09:37:42 <canadaduane>	I agree with everything you said while I was away :)
+May 23 09:38:12 <canadaduane>	so your talk of objectives reminded me of a "touch typing" course I took in high school
+May 23 09:38:21 <canadaduane>	it was actually very much like this DP idea
+May 23 09:38:25 <canadaduane>	and it had some similar objectives
+May 23 09:38:53 <canadaduane>	I had forgotten about the "identify bad habits"-related objective of "minimizing typing mistakes"
+May 23 09:38:58 <canadaduane>	I think this is an important one as well
+May 23 09:39:03 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 09:39:08 <canadaduane>	the way they integrated the idea
+May 23 09:39:13 <canadaduane>	was by penalizing the time for mistakes
+May 23 09:39:28 <canadaduane>	so if you were typing at a good 90 WPM but made several mistakes and had to back up and re-type
+May 23 09:39:32 <canadaduane>	you were double-penalized
+May 23 09:39:33 <dahu>	i think there is a lot of overlap with these ideas over the years, but I hadn't put them together until recently - reading Ericsson's stuff
+May 23 09:39:42 <dahu>	right
+May 23 09:39:53 <canadaduane>	Can you point me to a link?
+May 23 09:39:57 <dahu>	and that was my last crazy idea - of having vim 'watch' you and comment...
+May 23 09:40:08 <dahu>	but like I said, paperclip territory. :-/
+May 23 09:40:44 <canadaduane>	yes, we'll have to see
+May 23 09:41:31 <canadaduane>	is it possible to create a vim plugin like you seek?
+May 23 09:41:47 <canadaduane>	Compiled C code perhaps?
+May 23 09:42:11 <dahu>	I guess it doesn't really matter what language it's in
+May 23 09:42:18 <dahu>	C might be better for pure portability purposes
+May 23 09:42:21 <dahu>	do you Ruby?
+May 23 09:42:24 <canadaduane>	yeah
+May 23 09:42:31 <dahu>	cool
+May 23 09:42:44 <canadaduane>	Vim plugins can be written in Ruby?
+May 23 09:42:56 <dahu>	maybe we could cut early stuff in ruby - as a good... (yep) proving ground
+May 23 09:43:06 <canadaduane>	interesting
+May 23 09:43:15 <canadaduane>	you'll have to lead the way there, but I'm intrigued
+May 23 09:43:16 <dahu>	https://wincent.com/products/command-t
+May 23 09:43:48 <canadaduane>	nice
+May 23 09:43:49 <dahu>	sorry, a better link would be: https://wincent.com/blog/bringing-textmate-style-command-t-to-vim
+May 23 09:44:17 <dahu>	and some good Ericsson links: http://www.hooversbiz.com/2008/04/14/deliberate-practice-in-the-working-world/
+May 23 09:44:50 <canadaduane>	great! thanks
+May 23 09:45:03 <canadaduane>	wow, this is really good stuff, plugins
+May 23 09:45:09 <canadaduane>	I hadn't realized how much you could do
+May 23 09:45:13 <dahu>	learning vimscript has been my latest project
+May 23 09:45:26 <dahu>	but I will be learning to write Ruby plugins in vim too
+May 23 09:45:41 <dahu>	I intended to use Wincent's plugin as a guide
+May 23 09:45:47 <dahu>	perhaps we could learn each other :-)
+May 23 09:46:09 <dahu>	Ruby is my preferred language
+May 23 09:47:08 <dahu>	Damian Conway has a great vimscript series here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-vim-script-1/index.html
+May 23 09:47:17 <dahu>	i'm eagerly awaiting number 6 - plugins :-)
+May 23 09:48:14 <dahu>	(aside: someone just posted this gem on #vim: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1218390/what-is-your-most-productive-shortcut-with-vim/1220118#1220118)
+May 23 09:48:28 <canadaduane>	nice
+May 23 09:49:26 <canadaduane>	so I have one more question for discussion
+May 23 09:49:29 <dahu>	ok
+May 23 09:49:37 <canadaduane>	What should we do about the infinite customizations that people make?
+May 23 09:49:38 <canadaduane>	for example,
+May 23 09:49:58 <canadaduane>	I realized that my practice file for NERD Comment includes a reference to the '?' key
+May 23 09:50:04 <canadaduane>	which I remapped to mean "toggle comment"
+May 23 09:50:12 <canadaduane>	in visual momde
+May 23 09:50:13 <canadaduane>	mode
+May 23 09:50:17 <dahu>	hmm... we *should* stick to vanilla vim
+May 23 09:50:32 <dahu>	I have seen this before (Blender), where all the tutorials are given on a vanilla install
+May 23 09:50:45 <dahu>	I think the Ubuntu community does something similar
+May 23 09:50:47 <canadaduane>	so no kata for plugins?
+May 23 09:50:51 <dahu>	no
+May 23 09:50:53 <dahu>	not saying that
+May 23 09:51:01 <dahu>	kata for plugins is fine
+May 23 09:51:11 <canadaduane>	so vanilla vim = (vim + plugins) without customizations
+May 23 09:51:15 <dahu>	yep
+May 23 09:51:19 <canadaduane>	k
+May 23 09:51:21 <canadaduane>	that makes sense
+May 23 09:51:39 <dahu>	if there are customisations, then the kata should be explicit about them
+May 23 09:51:52 <dahu>	say, given the map blah, use it to do blah
+May 23 09:52:00 <canadaduane>	Right
+May 23 09:52:16 <canadaduane>	so I will have to take that part out of the nerd comment kata
+May 23 09:52:38 <dahu>	but every kata that uses that map should mention it (either explicitly, or implicitly through a Dependencies chain)
+May 23 09:53:04 <dahu>	I wonder... can we auto-source the dependent kata...
+May 23 09:53:11 <dahu>	so the maps are inherited
+May 23 09:53:36 <dahu>	might shelve that idea for now.
+May 23 09:53:40 <canadaduane>	sounds complicated
+May 23 09:54:40 <canadaduane>	alright, so plan of attack
+May 23 09:54:58 <canadaduane>	Should we focus entirely on the kata first?
+May 23 09:55:03 <dahu>	yep
+May 23 09:55:09 <dahu>	we need to create a test case
+May 23 09:55:14 <dahu>	that we can throw rocks at
+May 23 09:55:19 <dahu>	that's our core
+May 23 09:55:24 <dahu>	let's get it working
+May 23 09:55:30 <canadaduane>	what do you mean by test case?
+May 23 09:55:39 <dahu>	a single kata
+May 23 09:55:56 <dahu>	that serves as a test of the engine: file format, supporting plugin code, etc
+May 23 09:56:20 <dahu>	like your suggested vimtutor kata
+May 23 09:56:37 <canadaduane>	question about terminology: is a "kata" a group of practices (i.e. a .kata file) or is a "kata" a single question/answer?
+May 23 09:56:50 <dahu>	kata = group
+May 23 09:56:54 <dahu>	i was thinking
+May 23 09:57:00 <canadaduane>	ok
+May 23 09:57:14 <canadaduane>	I see
+May 23 09:57:14 <dahu>	a kata contains a set of related steps
+May 23 09:58:16 <dahu>	ideally, related
+May 23 09:58:39 <dahu>	so - as your issue tracker says: we need our first kata
+May 23 09:59:30 <dahu>	we can also start building a plugin that supports kata mode
+May 23 10:00:32 <dahu>	the 'plugin' doesn't have to be fancy at this stage - it's nothing more than the practice.vim (renamed to kata.vim ?) that we've been playing with, along with some autocmd stuff so .kata files are recognised
+May 23 10:00:44 <dahu>	oh, and the syntax file
+May 23 10:01:00 <canadaduane>	yeah, that syntax file I wrote is pretty rudimentary
+May 23 10:01:04 <canadaduane>	I don't really know much about vim :)
+May 23 10:01:07 <dahu>	that's ok
+May 23 10:01:15 <dahu>	we can put what we have together for now
+May 23 10:01:19 <dahu>	and stepwise refine it
+May 23 10:01:28 <dahu>	release early, release often! :-)
+May 23 10:01:41 <canadaduane>	sounds like a good philosophy
+May 23 10:01:46 <canadaduane>	:)
+May 23 10:02:00 <dahu>	it's one of the OSS mantras
+May 23 10:02:12 <dahu>	ok
+May 23 10:02:20 <dahu>	so, which part do you want to focus on?
+May 23 10:02:24 <canadaduane>	yes, sorry, it's hard to communicate subtlety
+May 23 10:02:45 <canadaduane>	I'd be happy to start the first kata based on vimtutor
+May 23 10:02:52 <canadaduane>	I'm sure I will learn some more just by doing it
+May 23 10:03:06 <dahu>	cool. I look forward to doing your first kata. :-)
+May 23 10:03:19 <dahu>	I'll have a look at bundling the plugin code then
+May 23 10:03:30 <canadaduane>	ok
+May 23 10:03:53 <canadaduane>	Oh, and I'll switch the code and filenames we have so far to reflect the change to ".kata"
+May 23 10:03:57 <dahu>	any idea how long vimtutor takes a newbie to complete?
+May 23 10:04:05 <dahu>	I wonder how long it takes me to do...
+May 23 10:04:12 <dahu>	the name switch sounds good
+May 23 10:04:14 <canadaduane>	It took me about a half hour
+May 23 10:04:29 <dahu>	ok. I'll do it later and see how I go.
+May 23 10:05:27 <dahu>	so you'll need to have slightly less than the vimtutor file for your kata, yeah? So it stays around 20 mins...
+May 23 10:05:49 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 10:06:17 <dahu>	just had a look - it says it should take 25-30 mins
+May 23 10:06:48 <canadaduane>	Is the license open enough that we can do what we want with it?
+May 23 10:06:57 <dahu>	for vimtutor?
+May 23 10:07:03 <canadaduane>	Should I begin our "story" ?
+May 23 10:07:06 <canadaduane>	yeah, vimtutor
+May 23 10:07:21 <dahu>	just looking now... no mention of license
+May 23 10:07:31 <canadaduane>	k
+May 23 10:07:36 <canadaduane>	probably the same as vim then
+May 23 10:07:48 <dahu>	probably
+May 23 10:07:52 <canadaduane>	GPL compatible
+May 23 10:08:02 <dahu>	three authors are mentioned at the bottom
+May 23 10:08:05 <dahu>	including Bram
+May 23 10:08:18 <dahu>	there's an email
+May 23 10:08:32 <dahu>	if you're worried, you could drop him a line - he might even like the kata idea...
+May 23 10:09:00 <canadaduane>	might as well, it would be courteous at the least
+May 23 10:09:03 <dahu>	bware, I mean, not Bram
+May 23 10:09:12 <canadaduane>	what's the email?
+May 23 10:09:29 <dahu>	bware@mines.colorado.edu
+May 23 10:09:33 <canadaduane>	thx
+May 23 10:09:41 <dahu>	np
+May 23 10:14:08 <canadaduane>	How will we license our project?
+May 23 10:14:14 <canadaduane>	GPL compatible?
+May 23 10:14:20 <canadaduane>	You mentioned CC
+May 23 10:14:38 <canadaduane>	I think there are many variants of CC if I'm not mistaken
+May 23 10:15:05 <dahu>	urgh... I'm not that familiar with the merits of the various licenses
+May 23 10:15:10 <dahu>	I don't mind GPL
+May 23 10:15:29 <dahu>	but I'm not sure if GPL3 is right for our purposes...
+May 23 10:15:39 <canadaduane>	Maybe we can do a dual MIT/GPL type license
+May 23 10:15:40 <dahu>	there are various CC licenses, yes
+May 23 10:15:45 <dahu>	sure
+May 23 10:15:46 <canadaduane>	"take your pick"
+May 23 10:16:05 <dahu>	as long as that works (from both camp
+May 23 10:16:10 <dahu>	's perspectives)
+May 23 10:16:14 <dahu>	damn enter key :-)
+May 23 10:16:48 <dahu>	I'm flexible, so long as it's open source
+May 23 10:16:51 <canadaduane>	yes, as far as I understand, many projects do this nowadays
+May 23 10:16:57 <canadaduane>	makes both camps happy
+May 23 10:16:58 <canadaduane>	and me too
+May 23 10:16:59 <dahu>	cool. then that's fine.
+May 23 10:17:09 <canadaduane>	because then I can use it at work (as opposed to pure GPL projects... :) )
+May 23 10:17:16 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 10:17:51 <dahu>	not that I think there will be any commercial derivatives of this work, but never say never, eh?
+May 23 10:18:01 <canadaduane>	right
+May 23 10:19:52 <canadaduane>	email sent
+May 23 10:19:55 <dahu>	cool
+May 23 10:20:23 <canadaduane>	DNS Error: Domain name not found
+May 23 10:20:47 <dahu>	i feared that when I saw it was an edu...
+May 23 10:20:52 <canadaduane>	well, I guess he'll be ok with us using it then
+May 23 10:20:59 <canadaduane>	although it means if we use it, we can't license using MIT
+May 23 10:21:17 <canadaduane>	I'll base my work off of it
+May 23 10:21:19 <dahu>	his full name is Robert K. Ware
+May 23 10:21:20 <canadaduane>	but do my own thing
+May 23 10:21:43 <dahu>	i think that's the best way - then it's wholly our work
+May 23 10:21:49 <canadaduane>	yeah
+May 23 10:22:39 <dahu>	nice email. pity he won't see it. :-)
+May 23 10:22:40 <dahu>	ok
+May 23 10:22:53 <canadaduane>	lol
+May 23 10:22:54 <dahu>	what is it, Saturday there?
+May 23 10:22:58 <canadaduane>	yes
+May 23 10:23:13 <dahu>	You'll like it. It was good.
+May 23 10:23:16 <dahu>	:-)
+May 23 10:23:24 <canadaduane>	ha
+May 23 10:24:39 <dahu>	well, time for some DP! :-) I'm gonna dive into Wincent's ruby plugin to see how he did it.
+May 23 10:24:49 <canadaduane>	super
+May 23 10:24:51 <canadaduane>	thanks for the chat
+May 23 10:24:55 <dahu>	same here
+May 23 10:24:59 <dahu>	have a lovely night
+May 23 10:25:03 <canadaduane>	it's been nice meeting you and beginning the work
+May 23 10:25:11 <dahu>	likewise
+May 23 10:25:32 <dahu>	let's stay in touch. My presence on github might be... low in the beginning.
+May 23 10:25:43 <dahu>	(not much of a public contributor yet)
+May 23 10:25:51 <dahu>	but my email contact should be fine
+May 23 10:26:55 <dahu>	(I was having difficulty setting up my ssh for github, so that's another thing I'll look into today)
+May 23 10:27:12 <dahu>	anyway, I'll let you go.
+May 23 10:27:14 <dahu>	bye for now
+May 23 10:28:30 <canadaduane>	take care
+May 23 11:32:16 <canadaduane>	Are you there?
+May 23 11:33:07 <dahu>	yep
+May 23 11:33:17 <canadaduane>	oh good. Question for you
+May 23 11:33:35 <canadaduane>	So in my original practice file, I put the answers *before* the question for one (kind of silly) reason
+May 23 11:33:51 <dahu>	i noticed that... I kinda like after. What's your reasoning?
+May 23 11:33:53 <canadaduane>	It was so I could skip from one question to the next by using "zj" (next fold) command
+May 23 11:34:05 <dahu>	we can code our way around that...
+May 23 11:34:22 <canadaduane>	I might like that
+May 23 11:34:23 <canadaduane>	but
+May 23 11:34:31 <dahu>	I think it makes more logical sense to seek the answer after the question
+May 23 11:34:33 <canadaduane>	it is kind of nice to force the user to get used to navigating folds
+May 23 11:34:39 <dahu>	that is true
+May 23 11:34:40 <canadaduane>	rather than some arbitrary "vim kata" command
+May 23 11:34:54 <canadaduane>	but yeah, the answer before the question is kind of weird
+May 23 11:35:10 <canadaduane>	so here's another possibility
+May 23 11:35:17 <canadaduane>	we could teach the search command / first
+May 23 11:35:27 <canadaduane>	and mark our questions with a common something
+May 23 11:35:30 <canadaduane>	like ~
+May 23 11:35:38 <canadaduane>	or > or whatever
+May 23 11:35:45 <canadaduane>	then doing "n" for next question
+May 23 11:35:56 <canadaduane>	this kind of makes sense to me
+May 23 11:35:56 <dahu>	yeah, I was thinking along those lines... I think you'll find the common /^\w will be sufficient
+May 23 11:36:07 <canadaduane>	since navigating search terms is much more common than navigating folds
+May 23 11:36:12 <dahu>	agreed
+May 23 11:36:31 <dahu>	we could number the steps in the kata...
+May 23 11:36:37 <dahu>	so /^3
+May 23 11:36:52 <canadaduane>	Well, but then you can't press "n" for next
+May 23 11:36:56 <dahu>	and /^\d
+May 23 11:37:02 <canadaduane>	I see
+May 23 11:37:08 <canadaduane>	I wish there were something easier
+May 23 11:37:14 <dahu>	let me have a look at it
+May 23 11:37:27 <dahu>	I'll get back to you later if I find a vimier way
+May 23 11:37:28 <dahu>	:-)
+May 23 11:37:31 <canadaduane>	since ^ and \d are not intuitive for first-time users (esp. if they've never used regexp)
+May 23 11:37:37 <canadaduane>	ok
+May 23 11:37:38 <dahu>	any other concerns?
+May 23 11:37:47 <canadaduane>	No, that was it
+May 23 11:37:52 <canadaduane>	I'm having fun with the first kata
+May 23 11:37:56 <dahu>	you might be able to "story" your way around the /^\d
+May 23 11:37:59 <canadaduane>	I'll check in what I have tonight before going to bed
+May 23 11:38:01 <dahu>	sweet
+May 23 11:38:05 <dahu>	I look forward to seeing it :-D
+May 23 11:38:41 <dahu>	as for the stories (given my lack of bloginess), I'll leave the narratives up to you. :-)
+May 23 11:38:56 <canadaduane>	heh, ok
+May 23 11:39:03 <canadaduane>	but it is open to your review
+May 23 11:39:19 <dahu>	cool
+May 23 11:39:34 <canadaduane>	hey, how about wrapping the numbers in ()?
+May 23 11:39:36 <canadaduane>	(1)
+May 23 11:39:41 <canadaduane>	then search using /(
+May 23 11:39:59 <dahu>	might work... depends on whether we have other () in the file
+May 23 11:40:07 <dahu>	not start of line bound, I mean
+May 23 11:40:24 <dahu>	is     /^(     that ugly?
+May 23 11:40:35 <canadaduane>	well, we can introduce that later
+May 23 11:40:42 <canadaduane>	but /( will get people started
+May 23 11:41:11 <canadaduane>	I like line numbers, but we may have to create a line re-numberer if it gets crazy
+May 23 11:41:15 <dahu>	heh... then     /^<     takes you to the squinting master and his answer     ;-p
+May 23 11:41:25 <canadaduane>	e.g. if we have to insert something between Q2 and Q3 and there are 40 questions...
+May 23 11:41:30 <dahu>	i understand
+May 23 11:41:31 <canadaduane>	hehe
+May 23 11:41:37 <dahu>	that might not be too hard
+May 23 11:41:41 <canadaduane>	k
+May 23 11:41:50 <dahu>	i think i've done similar work for asciidoc numbered lists in the past
+May 23 11:41:59 <dahu>	i'll dig through my old code and have a look
+May 23 11:42:10 <canadaduane>	cool
+May 23 11:42:15 <canadaduane>	thanks for the dialog
+May 23 11:42:16 <canadaduane>	ttyl
+May 23 11:42:25 <dahu>	same here. bye
+May 23 12:26:31 <canadaduane>	ok, headed to bed. Files checked in.
+May 23 12:27:06 <dahu>	sweet. have a good night. :-)
+May 23 12:36:54 *	canadaduane has quit (Quit: canadaduane)
+May 23 12:44:09 *	canadaduane has quit (Client Quit)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/duane.kata	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# Vim Practice
+# by Duane Johnson
+Use 'j' to move down.
+Use 'k' to move up.
+Open the following fold: (move to the line and press 'l', or 'za' to toggle)
+# Here is the fold {{{1
+  1. This folds over 4 lines
+  2. Line 2
+  3. Line 3
+  4. Line 4
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :set fdm=manual<Cr>
+> Vjzf
+Create a manual fold:
+  1. Two-line fold
+  2. Second line
+#{{{ Answer:
+> zkzk
+Navigate to the previous fold, and then to the one before that.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> mm
+Mark this line.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> gg
+Move to the top of the file, then return to the mark.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> G
+Move to the bottom of the file, then return to the mark.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> H
+Move the cursor to the top of the window.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> L
+Move the cursor to the bottom of the window.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> M
+Move the cursor to the middle of the window.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> C-O
+Go back to previous jump (i.e. bottom of the window, top of window, bottom of the file, etc.), then go forward to this.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> qqI--<Esc>lwwi--<Esc>jq@q@@
+Using a macro recording, prefix the first and third words of each
+line with a double dash ("--"):
+  one two three four
+  five six seven eight
+  nine ten eleven twelve
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "qp
+Display the contents of the register where you recorded the macro:
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :s/-/_/g
+> "qy
+Modify the above macro to use underscores instead of dashes, and
+then read the macro back into the register.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> V4j?
+Using the NERD Comment plugin, toggle comment these lines:
+  test {
+    this {
+      line
+    }
+  }
+#{{{ Answer:
+> gv
+Restore the Visual Mode selection that you just used above.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> wds'
+Using the 'surround' plugin, remove the single quotes. 
+  'surround'
+#{{{ Answer:
+> wds)
+Remove parentheses:
+  (this is a parenthetical statement)
+#{{{ Answer:
+> C-T
+Remove tags:
+  <b>Word</b>
+#{{{ Answer:
+> f_xves'vEs]
+Using 'surround', remove the _value and replace with ['value']:
+  config_value
+#{{{ Answer:
+> fxvf3s)
+Add parentheses around the x == 3:
+  if x == 3 {
+  }
+#{{{ Answer:
+> VjS{
+Surround the above two lines in curly braces.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :reg
+Show the contents of all registers.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "ayy
+Yank the following line into register 'a':
+  A line for register 'a'.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "Ayy
+Append the following line to register 'a':
+  Now register 'a' has two lines.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "ap
+Put the two lines in register 'a' below:
+#{{{ Answer:
+> wwdw
+Delete the middle word:
+  Fabulous Text Editing
+#{{{ Answer:
+> dd
+Delete this line:
+  You have a job to do.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> dd
+And this one:
+  Now show how capable you are!
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "2p
+Put the 'You have a job to do' line below, using the register for "two deletes ago":
+#{{{ Answer:
+> "-p
+Put the word 'Text' below, using the register for "small deletes":
+#{{{ Answer:
+> f|C
+Change the text from the | mark to the end of the line:
+  This is a sent|ence with stuff that needs to change.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> C-T
+In Insert Mode, shift the following line right by 2 tab widths:
+  I feel too left
+#{{{ Answer:
+> C-D
+In Insert Mode, shift the following line LEFT by 2 tab widths:
+      I feel too right
+#{{{ Answer:
+> word C-O w word
+In Insert Mode, add a word at the | mark, then use a temporary Normal Mode command to skip a word, then insert another word:
+  Feel free to |insert a word.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> C-U
+In Insert Mode, delete everything before the |:
+  If you add |words, please clean up after you're done
+#{{{ Answer:
+> \sbear<Cr>
+Replace the word 'tiger' with 'bear' in the following three lines:
+  The tiger lived in the jungle.
+  There were no other tigers like this tiger.
+  Tigers are dangerous.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :g/\#/d
+Highlight the following lines and delete those that contain hash symbols:
+  # Comment
+  This is text
+  # Another comment
+  Some more text
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :v/\#/d
+Undo the changes, and remove lines that DO NOT contain hash symbols
+#{{{ Answer:
+> V4j:g/^/m'<
+Reverse the following lines:
+  1. First line
+  2. Second line
+  3. Third line
+  4. Fourth line
+#{{{ Answer:
+> mm
+> (select 4 lines)
+> :g//t'm
+Mark the following line, then select the above 4 lines and copy them to the mark:
+  Mark this line.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :hide e other.txt
+Edit another file in this window, but don't save the changes you've made to this file.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> \f
+Open the NERD Explorer as a vertical split window.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> s
+Choose a file in the Explorer and then open it in a new vertical split window.
+#{{{ Answer:
+> :h
+Open a help window, then rearrange as a vertical split.
+# vim:foldmethod=marker
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/ftdetect/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin
+" Language:		VimKata
+" Maintainer:		Duane Johnson
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.kata  set filetype=kata
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/ftplugin/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin
+" Language:		VimKata
+" Maintainer:		Duane Johnson
+" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+  finish
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+" preserve user's options
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+setlocal commentstring=#%s foldmethod=marker
+setlocal nospell nohlsearch
+function! s:Renumber() range
+  let b:k_count = 1
+  exe a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . "g/^(\\d\\+/s//\\='('.b:k_count/ | let b:k_count += 1"
+function! s:GroupRenumber()
+  let group_boundary = '^\[.\{-}\]$'
+  " Locate the boundary of the group we're in
+  let firstline  = search(group_boundary,'bnW') + 1
+  let lastline   = search(group_boundary, 'nW') - 1
+  if lastline < 0
+    let lastline = line('$')
+  endif
+  exe firstline . ',' . lastline 'call s:Renumber()' 
+function! s:NextQuestion()
+  call search("^(\\d\\+)")
+  normal j
+function! s:NextQuestionWithPrep()
+  call s:NextQuestion()
+  call s:ExecutePreparation()
+function! s:PrevQuestion()
+  call s:ThisQuestion()
+  normal k
+  call s:ThisInput()
+function! s:ThisQuestion()
+  call search("^(\\d\\+)", "bc")
+function! s:ThisInput()
+  call s:ThisQuestion()
+  normal j
+function! s:ThisAnswer()
+  call s:ThisQuestion()
+  call search("^>")
+  normal ll
+function! s:ThisPreparationLine()
+  call s:ThisQuestion()
+  let prepline = search("^<", "nW")
+  let nextqline = search("^(\\d\\+)", "nW")
+  if nextqline < 0
+    nextqline = search("$", "nW")
+  end
+  if prepline > 0 && prepline < nextqline
+    return prepline
+  else
+    return -1
+  endif
+function! s:ExecuteAnswer()
+  call s:ThisAnswer()
+  exe "normal \"ay$"
+  call s:ThisInput()
+  exe "normal @a"
+function! s:ExecutePreparation()
+  let prepline = s:ThisPreparationLine()
+  if prepline > 0
+    exe prepline + "G"
+    normal ll
+    exe "normal \"ay$"
+    call s:ThisInput()
+    exe "normal @a"
+  else
+    call s:ThisInput()
+  end
+" maps
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>Renumber')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kr <Plug>Renumber
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>Renumber <SID>Renumber
+nnoremap <SID>Renumber ms:1,$ call <SID>Renumber()<CR>`s
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>GroupRenumber')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kgr <Plug>GroupRenumber
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>GroupRenumber <SID>GroupRenumber
+nnoremap <SID>GroupRenumber ms:call <SID>GroupRenumber()<CR>`s
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>NextQuestionWithPrep')
+  nmap <unique> Q <Plug>NextQuestionWithPrep
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>NextQuestionWithPrep <SID>NextQuestionWithPrep
+nnoremap <SID>NextQuestionWithPrep :call <SID>NextQuestionWithPrep()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>NextQuestion')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kn <Plug>NextQuestion
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>NextQuestion <SID>NextQuestion
+nnoremap <SID>NextQuestion :call <SID>NextQuestion()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>PrevQuestion')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kp <Plug>PrevQuestion
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>PrevQuestion <SID>PrevQuestion
+nnoremap <SID>PrevQuestion :call <SID>PrevQuestion()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>ThisQuestion')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kq <Plug>ThisQuestion
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>ThisQuestion <SID>ThisQuestion
+nnoremap <SID>ThisQuestion :call <SID>ThisQuestion()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>ThisInput')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>ki <Plug>ThisInput
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>ThisInput <SID>ThisInput
+nnoremap <SID>ThisInput :call <SID>ThisInput()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>ThisAnswer')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>ka <Plug>ThisAnswer
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>ThisAnswer <SID>ThisAnswer
+nnoremap <SID>ThisAnswer :call <SID>ThisAnswer()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>ExecutePreparation')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>kx <Plug>ExecutePreparation
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>ExecutePreparation <SID>ExecutePreparation
+nnoremap <SID>ExecutePreparation :call <SID>ExecutePreparation()<CR>
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>ExecuteAnswer')
+  nmap <unique> <LocalLeader>ke <Plug>ExecuteAnswer
+nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <silent> <script> <Plug>ExecuteAnswer <SID>ExecuteAnswer
+nnoremap <SID>ExecuteAnswer :call <SID>ExecuteAnswer()<CR>
+" restore user's options
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+" vim:set sw=2:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/resources/vim_sites.txt	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Vim Sites
+== Blogs ==
+== Config ==
+== Recipes ==
+== Tips ==
+== Tutorials ==
+== Scripting ==
+== Plugins ==
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/syntax/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+" Kata syntax file
+" Language:     VimKata
+" Author:       Barry Arthur <barry.arthur@gmail.com> (based on Duane
+"               Johnson's original practice.vim script).
+" URL:          http://github.com/canadaduane/VimKata
+" Licence:      GPL (http://www.gnu.org) + MIT (url?)
+" Remarks:      Vim 6 or greater
+" Limitations:  See 'Appendix E: Vim Syntax Highlighter' in the AsciiDoc 'User
+"               Guide'.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn clear
+syn sync fromstart
+syn sync linebreaks=1
+syntax region KataPlainText start="^[a-zA-Z0-9]" end="\n"
+syntax region KataAnswer start="^>" end="\n"
+syntax region KataComment start="#" end="\n"
+highlight link KataPlainText Function
+highlight link KataAnswer Define
+highlight link KataComment Comment
+let b:current_syntax = "kata"
+" vim: wrap et sw=2 sts=2:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.kata	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+|    Vim Kata  -  White Belt (Level 1)                                        |
+Welcome, young Vim warrior.  It is an honor to meet someone such as yourself
+who seeks more than a mere grasping of a few concepts along the Vim path.  If
+you discipline your mind and dedicate yourself to the practice of Vim Kata,
+you will learn to edit text like you touch type.  You will feel the flow of
+the text in you, and around you, and by your will you will bend its shape and
+cause it to flow as you see fit.  If you continue to apply yourself and repeat
+the kata each day, then before long, you will join the few who have become
+Masters of Vim.
+Each practice session--called a 'kata'--should take about 20 minutes, or a
+little more if it is your first time.  When you have reduced the time to under
+5 minutes, you should move on to the next kata.
+You will find the answer to each question marked by a '>'.  You should be able
+to type the answer exactly and get the correct result. Each answer assumes that
+your cursor is positioned on the first character of the line below the question
+Tip: Press 'j' to move down.
+Tip: To quit this kata at any time, press <ESC>:q! and then press enter.
+Pressing <ESC>:q! will discard any changes.
+|    Ready?  Begin!                                                           |
+(1)  Move the cursor down:
+> j
+(2) Move the cursor up:
+> k
+(3) Move the cursor right, then left:
+> lh
+(4) Follow the path from 'o' to 'x':
+o---|  |--|   |--|
+    |--|  | |-|  |
+  |-----| |-|  |-|
+  |---x |------|
+> lllljlllkllljjllkllkllljjhhjhhhhhhhkhhhhhhjllll
+(5) Delete the . in the following line:
+> x
+(6) Delete the .'s in the following lines:
+> xlxxlxlllxjhhxllxlx
+(7) Insert the text 'welcome', and return to normal mode:
+> iwelcome
+(8) Insert the missing text in line 1 using line 2 as a guide:
+Exclene is; del prac is wa we.
+Excellence is our goal; deliberate practice is what we praise.
+> llliellillllicllllli our goallllllliiberatelllllliticellllllihllitlllli praise
+(9) Append 'kata' to the end of this line:
+The end of one kata is the beginning of another
+> A kata
+(10) Without moving the cursor, append 'ndigo' to the letter 'I':
+I will make the world beautiful.
+> andigo
+		     Lesson 1.6: EDITING A FILE
+		    ** Use  :wq  to save a file and exit. **
+  !! NOTE: Before executing any of the steps below, read this entire lesson!!
+  1. Exit this tutor as you did in lesson 1.2:  :q!
+     Or, if you have access to another terminal, do the following there.
+  2. At the shell prompt type this command:  vim tutor <ENTER>
+     'vim' is the command to start the Vim editor, 'tutor' is the name of the
+     file you wish to edit.  Use a file that may be changed.
+  3. Insert and delete text as you learned in the previous lessons.
+  4. Save the file with changes and exit Vim with:  :wq  <ENTER>
+  5. If you have quit vimtutor in step 1 restart the vimtutor and move down to
+     the following summary.
+  6. After reading the above steps and understanding them: do it.
+			       Lesson 1 SUMMARY
+  1. The cursor is moved using either the arrow keys or the hjkl keys.
+	 h (left)	j (down)       k (up)	    l (right)
+  2. To start Vim from the shell prompt type:  vim FILENAME <ENTER>
+  3. To exit Vim type:	   <ESC>   :q!	 <ENTER>  to trash all changes.
+	     OR type:	   <ESC>   :wq	 <ENTER>  to save the changes.
+  4. To delete the character at the cursor type:  x
+  5. To insert or append text type:
+	 i   type inserted text   <ESC>		insert before the cursor
+	 A   type appended text   <ESC>         append after the line
+NOTE: Pressing <ESC> will place you in Normal mode or will cancel
+      an unwanted and partially completed command.
+Now continue with Lesson 2.
+		       ** Type  dw  to delete a word. **
+  1. Press  <ESC>  to make sure you are in Normal mode.
+  2. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  3. Move the cursor to the beginning of a word that needs to be deleted.
+  4. Type   dw	 to make the word disappear.
+  NOTE: The letter  d  will appear on the last line of the screen as you type
+	it.  Vim is waiting for you to type  w .  If you see another character
+	than  d  you typed something wrong; press  <ESC>  and start over.
+---> There are a some words fun that don't belong paper in this sentence.
+  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the sentence is correct and go to Lesson 2.2.
+		      Lesson 2.2: MORE DELETION COMMANDS
+	   ** Type  d$	to delete to the end of the line. **
+  1. Press  <ESC>  to make sure you are in Normal mode.
+  2. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  3. Move the cursor to the end of the correct line (AFTER the first . ).
+  4. Type    d$    to delete to the end of the line.
+---> Somebody typed the end of this line twice. end of this line twice.
+  5. Move on to Lesson 2.3 to understand what is happening.
+		     Lesson 2.3: ON OPERATORS AND MOTIONS
+  Many commands that change text are made from an operator and a motion.
+  The format for a delete command with the  d  delete operator is as follows:
+  	d   motion
+  Where:
+    d      - is the delete operator.
+    motion - is what the operator will operate on (listed below).
+  A short list of motions:
+    w - until the start of the next word, EXCLUDING its first character.
+    e - to the end of the current word, INCLUDING the last character.
+    $ - to the end of the line, INCLUDING the last character.
+  Thus typing  de  will delete from the cursor to the end of the word.
+NOTE:  Pressing just the motion while in Normal mode without an operator will
+       move the cursor as specified.
+		     Lesson 2.4: USING A COUNT FOR A MOTION
+   ** Typing a number before a motion repeats it that many times. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the start of the line marked ---> below.
+  2. Type  2w  to move the cursor two words forward.
+  3. Type  3e  to move the cursor to the end of the third word forward.
+  4. Type  0  (zero) to move to the start of the line.
+  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with different numbers.
+---> This is just a line with words you can move around in.
+  6. Move on to Lesson 2.5.
+		     Lesson 2.5: USING A COUNT TO DELETE MORE
+   ** Typing a number with an operator repeats it that many times. **
+  In the combination of the delete operator and a motion mentioned above you
+  insert a count before the motion to delete more:
+	 d   number   motion
+  1. Move the cursor to the first UPPER CASE word in the line marked --->.
+  2. Type  d2w  to delete the two UPPER CASE words
+  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with a different count to delete the consecutive
+     UPPER CASE words with one command
+--->  this ABC DE line FGHI JK LMN OP of words is Q RS TUV cleaned up.
+			 Lesson 2.6: OPERATING ON LINES
+		   ** Type  dd   to delete a whole line. **
+  Due to the frequency of whole line deletion, the designers of Vi decided
+  it would be easier to simply type two d's to delete a line.
+  1. Move the cursor to the second line in the phrase below.
+  2. Type  dd  to delete the line.
+  3. Now move to the fourth line.
+  4. Type   2dd   to delete two lines.
+--->  1)  Roses are red,
+--->  2)  Mud is fun,
+--->  3)  Violets are blue,
+--->  4)  I have a car,
+--->  5)  Clocks tell time,
+--->  6)  Sugar is sweet
+--->  7)  And so are you.
+			 Lesson 2.7: THE UNDO COMMAND
+   ** Press  u	to undo the last commands,   U  to fix a whole line. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the line below marked ---> and place it on the
+     first error.
+  2. Type  x  to delete the first unwanted character.
+  3. Now type  u  to undo the last command executed.
+  4. This time fix all the errors on the line using the  x  command.
+  5. Now type a capital  U  to return the line to its original state.
+  6. Now type  u  a few times to undo the  U  and preceding commands.
+  7. Now type CTRL-R (keeping CTRL key pressed while hitting R) a few times
+     to redo the commands (undo the undo's).
+---> Fiix the errors oon thhis line and reeplace them witth undo.
+  8. These are very useful commands.  Now move on to the Lesson 2 Summary.
+			       Lesson 2 SUMMARY
+  1. To delete from the cursor up to the next word type:    dw
+  2. To delete from the cursor to the end of a line type:    d$
+  3. To delete a whole line type:    dd
+  4. To repeat a motion prepend it with a number:   2w
+  5. The format for a change command is:
+               operator   [number]   motion
+     where:
+       operator - is what to do, such as  d  for delete
+       [number] - is an optional count to repeat the motion
+       motion   - moves over the text to operate on, such as  w (word),
+		  $ (to the end of line), etc.
+  6. To move to the start of the line use a zero:  0
+  7. To undo previous actions, type: 	       u  (lowercase u)
+     To undo all the changes on a line, type:  U  (capital U)
+     To undo the undo's, type:		       CTRL-R
+			 Lesson 3.1: THE PUT COMMAND
+       ** Type	p  to put previously deleted text after the cursor. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first ---> line below.
+  2. Type  dd  to delete the line and store it in a Vim register.
+  3. Move the cursor to the c) line, ABOVE where the deleted line should go.
+  4. Type   p   to put the line below the cursor.
+  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to put all the lines in correct order.
+---> d) Can you learn too?
+---> b) Violets are blue,
+---> c) Intelligence is learned,
+---> a) Roses are red,
+		       Lesson 3.2: THE REPLACE COMMAND
+       ** Type  rx  to replace the character at the cursor with  x . **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.
+  2. Move the cursor so that it is on top of the first error.
+  3. Type   r	and then the character which should be there.
+  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the first line is equal to the second one.
+--->  Whan this lime was tuoed in, someone presswd some wrojg keys!
+--->  When this line was typed in, someone pressed some wrong keys!
+  5. Now move on to Lesson 3.3.
+NOTE: Remember that you should be learning by doing, not memorization.
+	   ** To change until the end of a word, type  ce . **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.
+  2. Place the cursor on the  u  in  lubw.
+  3. Type  ce  and the correct word (in this case, type  ine ).
+  4. Press <ESC> and move to the next character that needs to be changed.
+  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the first sentence is the same as the second.
+---> This lubw has a few wptfd that mrrf changing usf the change operator.
+---> This line has a few words that need changing using the change operator.
+Notice that  ce  deletes the word and places you in Insert mode.
+		       Lesson 3.4: MORE CHANGES USING c
+     ** The change operator is used with the same motions as delete. **
+  1. The change operator works in the same way as delete.  The format is:
+         c    [number]   motion
+  2. The motions are the same, such as   w (word) and  $ (end of line).
+  3. Move to the first line below marked --->.
+  4. Move the cursor to the first error.
+  5. Type  c$  and type the rest of the line like the second and press <ESC>.
+---> The end of this line needs some help to make it like the second.
+---> The end of this line needs to be corrected using the  c$  command.
+NOTE:  You can use the Backspace key to correct mistakes while typing.
+			       Lesson 3 SUMMARY
+  1. To put back text that has just been deleted, type   p .  This puts the
+     deleted text AFTER the cursor (if a line was deleted it will go on the
+     line below the cursor).
+  2. To replace the character under the cursor, type   r   and then the
+     character you want to have there.
+  3. The change operator allows you to change from the cursor to where the
+     motion takes you.  eg. Type  ce  to change from the cursor to the end of
+     the word,  c$  to change to the end of a line.
+  4. The format for change is:
+	 c   [number]   motion
+Now go on to the next lesson.
+  ** Type CTRL-G to show your location in the file and the file status.
+     Type  G  to move to a line in the file. **
+  NOTE: Read this entire lesson before executing any of the steps!!
+  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and press  g .  We call this CTRL-G.
+     A message will appear at the bottom of the page with the filename and the
+     position in the file.  Remember the line number for Step 3.
+NOTE:  You may see the cursor position in the lower right corner of the screen
+       This happens when the 'ruler' option is set (see  :help 'ruler'  )
+  2. Press  G  to move you to the bottom of the file.
+     Type  gg  to move you to the start of the file.
+  3. Type the number of the line you were on and then  G .  This will
+     return you to the line you were on when you first pressed CTRL-G.
+  4. If you feel confident to do this, execute steps 1 through 3.
+			Lesson 4.2: THE SEARCH COMMAND
+     ** Type  /  followed by a phrase to search for the phrase. **
+  1. In Normal mode type the  /  character.  Notice that it and the cursor
+     appear at the bottom of the screen as with the  :	command.
+  2. Now type 'errroor' <ENTER>.  This is the word you want to search for.
+  3. To search for the same phrase again, simply type  n .
+     To search for the same phrase in the opposite direction, type  N .
+  4. To search for a phrase in the backward direction, use  ?  instead of  / .
+  5. To go back to where you came from press  CTRL-O  (Keep Ctrl down while
+     pressing the letter o).  Repeat to go back further.  CTRL-I goes forward.
+--->  "errroor" is not the way to spell error;  errroor is an error.
+NOTE: When the search reaches the end of the file it will continue at the
+      start, unless the 'wrapscan' option has been reset.
+	      ** Type  %  to find a matching ),], or } . **
+  1. Place the cursor on any (, [, or { in the line below marked --->.
+  2. Now type the  %  character.
+  3. The cursor will move to the matching parenthesis or bracket.
+  4. Type  %  to move the cursor to the other matching bracket.
+  5. Move the cursor to another (,),[,],{ or } and see what  %  does.
+---> This ( is a test line with ('s, ['s ] and {'s } in it. ))
+NOTE: This is very useful in debugging a program with unmatched parentheses!
+		      Lesson 4.4: THE SUBSTITUTE COMMAND
+	** Type  :s/old/new/g  to substitute 'new' for 'old'. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  2. Type  :s/thee/the <ENTER> .  Note that this command only changes the
+     first occurrence of "thee" in the line.
+  3. Now type  :s/thee/the/g .  Adding the  g  flag means to substitute
+     globally in the line, change all occurrences of "thee" in the line.
+---> thee best time to see thee flowers is in thee spring.
+  4. To change every occurrence of a character string between two lines,
+     type   :#,#s/old/new/g    where #,# are the line numbers of the range
+                               of lines where the substitution is to be done.
+     Type   :%s/old/new/g      to change every occurrence in the whole file.
+     Type   :%s/old/new/gc     to find every occurrence in the whole file,
+     			       with a prompt whether to substitute or not.
+			       Lesson 4 SUMMARY
+  1. CTRL-G  displays your location in the file and the file status.
+             G  moves to the end of the file.
+     number  G  moves to that line number.
+            gg  moves to the first line.
+  2. Typing  /	followed by a phrase searches FORWARD for the phrase.
+     Typing  ?	followed by a phrase searches BACKWARD for the phrase.
+     After a search type  n  to find the next occurrence in the same direction
+     or  N  to search in the opposite direction.
+     CTRL-O takes you back to older positions, CTRL-I to newer positions.
+  3. Typing  %	while the cursor is on a (,),[,],{, or } goes to its match.
+  4. To substitute new for the first old in a line type    :s/old/new
+     To substitute new for all 'old's on a line type	   :s/old/new/g
+     To substitute phrases between two line #'s type	   :#,#s/old/new/g
+     To substitute all occurrences in the file type	   :%s/old/new/g
+     To ask for confirmation each time add 'c'		   :%s/old/new/gc
+   ** Type  :!	followed by an external command to execute that command. **
+  1. Type the familiar command	:  to set the cursor at the bottom of the
+     screen.  This allows you to enter a command-line command.
+  2. Now type the  !  (exclamation point) character.  This allows you to
+     execute any external shell command.
+  3. As an example type   ls   following the ! and then hit <ENTER>.  This
+     will show you a listing of your directory, just as if you were at the
+     shell prompt.  Or use  :!dir  if ls doesn't work.
+NOTE:  It is possible to execute any external command this way, also with
+       arguments.
+NOTE:  All  :  commands must be finished by hitting <ENTER>
+       From here on we will not always mention it.
+		      Lesson 5.2: MORE ON WRITING FILES
+     ** To save the changes made to the text, type  :w FILENAME. **
+  1. Type  :!dir  or  :!ls  to get a listing of your directory.
+     You already know you must hit <ENTER> after this.
+  2. Choose a filename that does not exist yet, such as TEST.
+  3. Now type:	 :w TEST   (where TEST is the filename you chose.)
+  4. This saves the whole file (the Vim Tutor) under the name TEST.
+     To verify this, type    :!dir  or  :!ls   again to see your directory.
+NOTE: If you were to exit Vim and start it again with  vim TEST , the file
+      would be an exact copy of the tutor when you saved it.
+  5. Now remove the file by typing (MS-DOS):    :!del TEST
+				or (Unix):	:!rm TEST
+		    Lesson 5.3: SELECTING TEXT TO WRITE
+	** To save part of the file, type  v  motion  :w FILENAME **
+  1. Move the cursor to this line.
+  2. Press  v  and move the cursor to the fifth item below.  Notice that the
+     text is highlighted.
+  3. Press the  :  character.  At the bottom of the screen  :'<,'> will appear.
+  4. Type  w TEST  , where TEST is a filename that does not exist yet.  Verify
+     that you see  :'<,'>w TEST  before you press Enter.
+  5. Vim will write the selected lines to the file TEST.  Use  :!dir  or  !ls
+     to see it.  Do not remove it yet!  We will use it in the next lesson.
+NOTE:  Pressing  v  starts Visual selection.  You can move the cursor around
+       to make the selection bigger or smaller.  Then you can use an operator
+       to do something with the text.  For example,  d  deletes the text.
+       ** To insert the contents of a file, type  :r FILENAME  **
+  1. Place the cursor just above this line.
+NOTE:  After executing Step 2 you will see text from Lesson 5.3.  Then move
+       DOWN to see this lesson again.
+  2. Now retrieve your TEST file using the command   :r TEST   where TEST is
+     the name of the file you used.
+     The file you retrieve is placed below the cursor line.
+  3. To verify that a file was retrieved, cursor back and notice that there
+     are now two copies of Lesson 5.3, the original and the file version.
+NOTE:  You can also read the output of an external command.  For example,
+       :r !ls  reads the output of the ls command and puts it below the
+       cursor.
+			       Lesson 5 SUMMARY
+  1.  :!command  executes an external command.
+      Some useful examples are:
+	 (MS-DOS)	  (Unix)
+	  :!dir		   :!ls		   -  shows a directory listing.
+	  :!del FILENAME   :!rm FILENAME   -  removes file FILENAME.
+  2.  :w FILENAME  writes the current Vim file to disk with name FILENAME.
+  3.  v  motion  :w FILENAME  saves the Visually selected lines in file
+      FILENAME.
+  4.  :r FILENAME  retrieves disk file FILENAME and puts it below the
+      cursor position.
+  5.  :r !dir  reads the output of the dir command and puts it below the
+      cursor position.
+			 Lesson 6.1: THE OPEN COMMAND
+ ** Type  o  to open a line below the cursor and place you in Insert mode. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  2. Type the lowercase letter  o  to open up a line BELOW the cursor and place
+     you in Insert mode.
+  3. Now type some text and press <ESC> to exit Insert mode.
+---> After typing  o  the cursor is placed on the open line in Insert mode.
+  4. To open up a line ABOVE the cursor, simply type a capital	O , rather
+     than a lowercase  o.  Try this on the line below.
+---> Open up a line above this by typing O while the cursor is on this line.
+			Lesson 6.2: THE APPEND COMMAND
+	     ** Type  a  to insert text AFTER the cursor. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the start of the line below marked --->.
+  2. Press  e  until the cursor is on the end of  li .
+  3. Type an  a  (lowercase) to append text AFTER the cursor.
+  4. Complete the word like the line below it.  Press <ESC> to exit Insert
+     mode.
+  5. Use  e  to move to the next incomplete word and repeat steps 3 and 4.
+---> This li will allow you to pract appendi text to a line.
+---> This line will allow you to practice appending text to a line.
+NOTE:  a, i and A all go to the same Insert mode, the only difference is where
+       the characters are inserted.
+		    Lesson 6.3: ANOTHER WAY TO REPLACE
+      ** Type a capital  R  to replace more than one character. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.  Move the cursor to
+     the beginning of the first  xxx .
+  2. Now press  R  and type the number below it in the second line, so that it
+     replaces the xxx .
+  3. Press <ESC> to leave Replace mode.  Notice that the rest of the line
+     remains unmodified.
+  4. Repeat the steps to replace the remaining xxx.
+---> Adding 123 to xxx gives you xxx.
+---> Adding 123 to 456 gives you 579.
+NOTE:  Replace mode is like Insert mode, but every typed character deletes an
+       existing character.
+			Lesson 6.4: COPY AND PASTE TEXT
+	  ** Use the  y  operator to copy text and  p  to paste it **
+  1. Go to the line marked with ---> below and place the cursor after "a)".
+  2. Start Visual mode with  v  and move the cursor to just before "first".
+  3. Type  y  to yank (copy) the highlighted text.
+  4. Move the cursor to the end of the next line:  j$
+  5. Type  p  to put (paste) the text.  Then type:  a second <ESC> .
+  6. Use Visual mode to select " item.", yank it with  y , move to the end of
+     the next line with  j$  and put the text there with  p .
+--->  a) this is the first item.
+      b)
+  NOTE: you can also use  y  as an operator;  yw  yanks one word.
+			    Lesson 6.5: SET OPTION
+	  ** Set an option so a search or substitute ignores case **
+  1. Search for 'ignore' by entering:   /ignore  <ENTER>
+     Repeat several times by pressing  n .
+  2. Set the 'ic' (Ignore case) option by entering:   :set ic
+  3. Now search for 'ignore' again by pressing  n
+     Notice that Ignore and IGNORE are now also found.
+  4. Set the 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' options:  :set hls is
+  5. Now type the search command again and see what happens:  /ignore <ENTER>
+  6. To disable ignoring case enter:  :set noic
+NOTE:  To remove the highlighting of matches enter:   :nohlsearch 
+NOTE:  If you want to ignore case for just one search command, use  \c
+       in the phrase:  /ignore\c  <ENTER>
+			       Lesson 6 SUMMARY
+  1. Type  o  to open a line BELOW the cursor and start Insert mode.
+     Type  O  to open a line ABOVE the cursor.
+  2. Type  a  to insert text AFTER the cursor.
+     Type  A  to insert text after the end of the line.
+  3. The  e  command moves to the end of a word.
+  4. The  y  operator yanks (copies) text,  p  puts (pastes) it.
+  5. Typing a capital  R  enters Replace mode until  <ESC>  is pressed.
+  6. Typing ":set xxx" sets the option "xxx".  Some options are:
+  	'ic' 'ignorecase'	ignore upper/lower case when searching
+	'is' 'incsearch'	show partial matches for a search phrase
+	'hls' 'hlsearch'	highlight all matching phrases
+     You can either use the long or the short option name.
+  7. Prepend "no" to switch an option off:   :set noic
+		       Lesson 7.1: GETTING HELP
+		      ** Use the on-line help system **
+  Vim has a comprehensive on-line help system.  To get started, try one of
+  these three:
+	- press the <HELP> key (if you have one)
+	- press the <F1> key (if you have one)
+	- type   :help <ENTER>
+  Read the text in the help window to find out how the help works.
+  Type  CTRL-W CTRL-W   to jump from one window to another.
+  Type    :q <ENTER>    to close the help window.
+  You can find help on just about any subject, by giving an argument to the
+  ":help" command.  Try these (don't forget pressing <ENTER>):
+	:help w
+	:help c_CTRL-D
+	:help insert-index
+	:help user-manual
+		      Lesson 7.2: CREATE A STARTUP SCRIPT
+			  ** Enable Vim features **
+  Vim has many more features than Vi, but most of them are disabled by
+  default.  To start using more features you have to create a "vimrc" file.
+  1. Start editing the "vimrc" file.  This depends on your system:
+	:e ~/.vimrc		for Unix
+	:e $VIM/_vimrc		for MS-Windows
+  2. Now read the example "vimrc" file contents:
+	:r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+  3. Write the file with:
+	:w
+  The next time you start Vim it will use syntax highlighting.
+  You can add all your preferred settings to this "vimrc" file.
+  For more information type  :help vimrc-intro
+			     Lesson 7.3: COMPLETION
+	      ** Command line completion with CTRL-D and <TAB> **
+  1. Make sure Vim is not in compatible mode:  :set nocp
+  2. Look what files exist in the directory:  :!ls   or  :!dir
+  3. Type the start of a command:  :e
+  4. Press  CTRL-D  and Vim will show a list of commands that start with "e".
+  5. Press <TAB>  and Vim will complete the command name to ":edit".
+  6. Now add a space and the start of an existing file name:  :edit FIL
+  7. Press <TAB>.  Vim will complete the name (if it is unique).
+NOTE:  Completion works for many commands.  Just try pressing CTRL-D and
+       <TAB>.  It is especially useful for  :help .
+			       Lesson 7 SUMMARY
+  1. Type  :help  or press <F1> or <Help>  to open a help window.
+  2. Type  :help cmd  to find help on  cmd .
+  3. Type  CTRL-W CTRL-W  to jump to another window
+  4. Type  :q  to close the help window
+  5. Create a vimrc startup script to keep your preferred settings.
+  6. When typing a  :  command, press CTRL-D to see possible completions.
+     Press <TAB> to use one completion.
+  This concludes the Vim Tutor.  It was intended to give a brief overview of
+  the Vim editor, just enough to allow you to use the editor fairly easily.
+  It is far from complete as Vim has many many more commands.  Read the user
+  manual next: ":help user-manual".
+  For further reading and studying, this book is recommended:
+	Vim - Vi Improved - by Steve Oualline
+	Publisher: New Riders
+  The first book completely dedicated to Vim.  Especially useful for beginners.
+  There are many examples and pictures.
+  See http://iccf-holland.org/click5.html
+  This book is older and more about Vi than Vim, but also recommended:
+	Learning the Vi Editor - by Linda Lamb
+	Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
+  It is a good book to get to know almost anything you want to do with Vi.
+  The sixth edition also includes information on Vim.
+  This tutorial was written by Michael C. Pierce and Robert K. Ware,
+  Colorado School of Mines using ideas supplied by Charles Smith,
+  Colorado State University.  E-mail: bware@mines.colorado.edu.
+  Modified for Vim by Bram Moolenaar.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.master	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+|    Vim Kata  -  White Belt (Level 1)                                        |
+Welcome, young Vim warrior.  It is an honor to meet someone such as yourself
+who seeks more than a mere grasping of a few concepts along the Vim path.  If
+you discipline your mind and dedicate yourself to the practice of Vim Kata,
+you will learn to edit text like you touch type.  You will feel the flow of
+the text in you, and around you, and by your will you will bend its shape and
+cause it to flow as you see fit.  If you continue to apply yourself and repeat
+the kata each day, then before long, you will join the few who have become
+Masters of Vim.
+Each practice session--called a 'kata'--should take about 20 minutes, or a
+little more if it is your first time.  When you have reduced the time to under
+5 minutes, you should move on to the next kata.
+You will find the answer to each question marked by a '>'.  You should be able
+to type the answer exactly and get the correct result. Each answer assumes that
+your cursor is positioned on the first character of the line below the question
+Tip: Press 'j' to move down.
+Tip: To quit this kata at any time, press <ESC>:q! and then press enter.
+Pressing <ESC>:q! will discard any changes.
+|    Ready?  Begin!                                                           |
+(1) Follow the path from 'o' to 'x':
+o-|  x-----------|
+  |-| |-| |----| |
+ |--| | | |--| | |
+ |----| |----| |-|
+(2) Using 'l' and 'i' keys, insert the missing text in line 1 using line 2 as a guide:
+Deliberate Practice
+> lielliillielllitlli lllliclliic
+(3) Using 'h' and 'a' keys, insert the missing text in line 1 using line 2 as a guide
+Repttion s Wrtwhie
+Repetition is Worthwhile
+< $
+> halhhhhahhhhaohhhhaihhhhhhaihhae
+(4) Using 'A', append each parenthetical word to the end of its line:
+(not) Seek not
+(the) to follow in the
+(old;) footsteps of men of old;
+(sought.) seek what they sought.
+~ Matsu Basho
+> A notjA thejA old;jA sought.
+(5) Without moving the cursor, append 'ndigo' to the letter 'I':
+I will make the world beautiful.
+> andigo
+(6) Move to the beginning of each word in succession:
+Excellence is our goal; deliberate practice is what we praise.
+No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.
+> wwwwwwwwwwww
+(7) Delete the following word:
+> dw
+(8) Remove the words that do not belong:
+Long trouble long ago, in a land wheel far far away...
+> wdwwwwwwwdw
+> wdw6wdw
+(9) Delete from the '|' to the end of the line:
+The weakest of all |weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
+~ Mark Twain
+> wwwwD
+> wwwwd$
+> 4wD
+> f|D
+(10) Move to the 'd' in the word 'word':
+I encourage you to move a word at a time.
+> eeeeee
+> /word/e
+> 6e
+(11) Move to the 3rd word and then back to the beginning of the line:
+Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought.
+~ Matsu Basho
+> eee0
+> 3e0
+(12) Delete the first 4 words:
+Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
+~ Napoleon Bonaparte
+> d4w
+> 4dw
+(13) Move to the 3rd word and then back one word, ending at the 'f' in force:
+Who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe.
+~ John Milton
+> wwwwb
+(14) Move to the 2nd word and then delete the line:
+We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
+~ Aristotle
+> wdd
+> w0D
+(15) Delete both lines:
+I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once,
+but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
+~ Bruce Lee
+> d2d
+> 2dd
+(16) Delete the UPPER CASE words:
+Never AB CDEF interrupt your GHIJKL MNOP QRS enemy when he TUVWXYZ is making a mistake.
+~ Napoleon Bonaparte
+> w2dwww3dwwwwdw
+(17) Delete every second word, then undo all changes to the line:
+A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
+> wdwwdwwwdwwdwwdwU
+> wdww.W.w.w.U
+> qqWdwq4@qU
+(18) Delete the second word on each line, then undo both deletions:
+Begin at the beginning, the King said, gravely,
+and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
+~ Lewis Caroll
+> wdwjbdwuu
+> wdw0jwdw
+> wdw0jw.
+! KataRandom(movement-along-a-path)
+! KataRandom(move-and-delete)
+There are two rules for being successful in martial arts.
+Rule 1: Never tell others everything you know.
+The end of one kata is the beginning of another.
+			 Lesson 3.1: THE PUT COMMAND
+       ** Type	p  to put previously deleted text after the cursor. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first ---> line below.
+  2. Type  dd  to delete the line and store it in a Vim register.
+  3. Move the cursor to the c) line, ABOVE where the deleted line should go.
+  4. Type   p   to put the line below the cursor.
+  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to put all the lines in correct order.
+---> d) Can you learn too?
+---> b) Violets are blue,
+---> c) Intelligence is learned,
+---> a) Roses are red,
+		       Lesson 3.2: THE REPLACE COMMAND
+       ** Type  rx  to replace the character at the cursor with  x . **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.
+  2. Move the cursor so that it is on top of the first error.
+  3. Type   r	and then the character which should be there.
+  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the first line is equal to the second one.
+--->  Whan this lime was tuoed in, someone presswd some wrojg keys!
+--->  When this line was typed in, someone pressed some wrong keys!
+  5. Now move on to Lesson 3.3.
+NOTE: Remember that you should be learning by doing, not memorization.
+	   ** To change until the end of a word, type  ce . **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.
+  2. Place the cursor on the  u  in  lubw.
+  3. Type  ce  and the correct word (in this case, type  ine ).
+  4. Press <ESC> and move to the next character that needs to be changed.
+  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the first sentence is the same as the second.
+---> This lubw has a few wptfd that mrrf changing usf the change operator.
+---> This line has a few words that need changing using the change operator.
+Notice that  ce  deletes the word and places you in Insert mode.
+		       Lesson 3.4: MORE CHANGES USING c
+     ** The change operator is used with the same motions as delete. **
+  1. The change operator works in the same way as delete.  The format is:
+         c    [number]   motion
+  2. The motions are the same, such as   w (word) and  $ (end of line).
+  3. Move to the first line below marked --->.
+  4. Move the cursor to the first error.
+  5. Type  c$  and type the rest of the line like the second and press <ESC>.
+---> The end of this line needs some help to make it like the second.
+---> The end of this line needs to be corrected using the  c$  command.
+NOTE:  You can use the Backspace key to correct mistakes while typing.
+			       Lesson 3 SUMMARY
+  1. To put back text that has just been deleted, type   p .  This puts the
+     deleted text AFTER the cursor (if a line was deleted it will go on the
+     line below the cursor).
+  2. To replace the character under the cursor, type   r   and then the
+     character you want to have there.
+  3. The change operator allows you to change from the cursor to where the
+     motion takes you.  eg. Type  ce  to change from the cursor to the end of
+     the word,  c$  to change to the end of a line.
+  4. The format for change is:
+	 c   [number]   motion
+Now go on to the next lesson.
+  ** Type CTRL-G to show your location in the file and the file status.
+     Type  G  to move to a line in the file. **
+  NOTE: Read this entire lesson before executing any of the steps!!
+  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and press  g .  We call this CTRL-G.
+     A message will appear at the bottom of the page with the filename and the
+     position in the file.  Remember the line number for Step 3.
+NOTE:  You may see the cursor position in the lower right corner of the screen
+       This happens when the 'ruler' option is set (see  :help 'ruler'  )
+  2. Press  G  to move you to the bottom of the file.
+     Type  gg  to move you to the start of the file.
+  3. Type the number of the line you were on and then  G .  This will
+     return you to the line you were on when you first pressed CTRL-G.
+  4. If you feel confident to do this, execute steps 1 through 3.
+			Lesson 4.2: THE SEARCH COMMAND
+     ** Type  /  followed by a phrase to search for the phrase. **
+  1. In Normal mode type the  /  character.  Notice that it and the cursor
+     appear at the bottom of the screen as with the  :	command.
+  2. Now type 'errroor' <ENTER>.  This is the word you want to search for.
+  3. To search for the same phrase again, simply type  n .
+     To search for the same phrase in the opposite direction, type  N .
+  4. To search for a phrase in the backward direction, use  ?  instead of  / .
+  5. To go back to where you came from press  CTRL-O  (Keep Ctrl down while
+     pressing the letter o).  Repeat to go back further.  CTRL-I goes forward.
+--->  "errroor" is not the way to spell error;  errroor is an error.
+NOTE: When the search reaches the end of the file it will continue at the
+      start, unless the 'wrapscan' option has been reset.
+	      ** Type  %  to find a matching ),], or } . **
+  1. Place the cursor on any (, [, or { in the line below marked --->.
+  2. Now type the  %  character.
+  3. The cursor will move to the matching parenthesis or bracket.
+  4. Type  %  to move the cursor to the other matching bracket.
+  5. Move the cursor to another (,),[,],{ or } and see what  %  does.
+---> This ( is a test line with ('s, ['s ] and {'s } in it. ))
+NOTE: This is very useful in debugging a program with unmatched parentheses!
+		      Lesson 4.4: THE SUBSTITUTE COMMAND
+	** Type  :s/old/new/g  to substitute 'new' for 'old'. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  2. Type  :s/thee/the <ENTER> .  Note that this command only changes the
+     first occurrence of "thee" in the line.
+  3. Now type  :s/thee/the/g .  Adding the  g  flag means to substitute
+     globally in the line, change all occurrences of "thee" in the line.
+---> thee best time to see thee flowers is in thee spring.
+  4. To change every occurrence of a character string between two lines,
+     type   :#,#s/old/new/g    where #,# are the line numbers of the range
+                               of lines where the substitution is to be done.
+     Type   :%s/old/new/g      to change every occurrence in the whole file.
+     Type   :%s/old/new/gc     to find every occurrence in the whole file,
+     			       with a prompt whether to substitute or not.
+			       Lesson 4 SUMMARY
+  1. CTRL-G  displays your location in the file and the file status.
+             G  moves to the end of the file.
+     number  G  moves to that line number.
+            gg  moves to the first line.
+  2. Typing  /	followed by a phrase searches FORWARD for the phrase.
+     Typing  ?	followed by a phrase searches BACKWARD for the phrase.
+     After a search type  n  to find the next occurrence in the same direction
+     or  N  to search in the opposite direction.
+     CTRL-O takes you back to older positions, CTRL-I to newer positions.
+  3. Typing  %	while the cursor is on a (,),[,],{, or } goes to its match.
+  4. To substitute new for the first old in a line type    :s/old/new
+     To substitute new for all 'old's on a line type	   :s/old/new/g
+     To substitute phrases between two line #'s type	   :#,#s/old/new/g
+     To substitute all occurrences in the file type	   :%s/old/new/g
+     To ask for confirmation each time add 'c'		   :%s/old/new/gc
+   ** Type  :!	followed by an external command to execute that command. **
+  1. Type the familiar command	:  to set the cursor at the bottom of the
+     screen.  This allows you to enter a command-line command.
+  2. Now type the  !  (exclamation point) character.  This allows you to
+     execute any external shell command.
+  3. As an example type   ls   following the ! and then hit <ENTER>.  This
+     will show you a listing of your directory, just as if you were at the
+     shell prompt.  Or use  :!dir  if ls doesn't work.
+NOTE:  It is possible to execute any external command this way, also with
+       arguments.
+NOTE:  All  :  commands must be finished by hitting <ENTER>
+       From here on we will not always mention it.
+		      Lesson 5.2: MORE ON WRITING FILES
+     ** To save the changes made to the text, type  :w FILENAME. **
+  1. Type  :!dir  or  :!ls  to get a listing of your directory.
+     You already know you must hit <ENTER> after this.
+  2. Choose a filename that does not exist yet, such as TEST.
+  3. Now type:	 :w TEST   (where TEST is the filename you chose.)
+  4. This saves the whole file (the Vim Tutor) under the name TEST.
+     To verify this, type    :!dir  or  :!ls   again to see your directory.
+NOTE: If you were to exit Vim and start it again with  vim TEST , the file
+      would be an exact copy of the tutor when you saved it.
+  5. Now remove the file by typing (MS-DOS):    :!del TEST
+				or (Unix):	:!rm TEST
+		    Lesson 5.3: SELECTING TEXT TO WRITE
+	** To save part of the file, type  v  motion  :w FILENAME **
+  1. Move the cursor to this line.
+  2. Press  v  and move the cursor to the fifth item below.  Notice that the
+     text is highlighted.
+  3. Press the  :  character.  At the bottom of the screen  :'<,'> will appear.
+  4. Type  w TEST  , where TEST is a filename that does not exist yet.  Verify
+     that you see  :'<,'>w TEST  before you press Enter.
+  5. Vim will write the selected lines to the file TEST.  Use  :!dir  or  !ls
+     to see it.  Do not remove it yet!  We will use it in the next lesson.
+NOTE:  Pressing  v  starts Visual selection.  You can move the cursor around
+       to make the selection bigger or smaller.  Then you can use an operator
+       to do something with the text.  For example,  d  deletes the text.
+       ** To insert the contents of a file, type  :r FILENAME  **
+  1. Place the cursor just above this line.
+NOTE:  After executing Step 2 you will see text from Lesson 5.3.  Then move
+       DOWN to see this lesson again.
+  2. Now retrieve your TEST file using the command   :r TEST   where TEST is
+     the name of the file you used.
+     The file you retrieve is placed below the cursor line.
+  3. To verify that a file was retrieved, cursor back and notice that there
+     are now two copies of Lesson 5.3, the original and the file version.
+NOTE:  You can also read the output of an external command.  For example,
+       :r !ls  reads the output of the ls command and puts it below the
+       cursor.
+			       Lesson 5 SUMMARY
+  1.  :!command  executes an external command.
+      Some useful examples are:
+	 (MS-DOS)	  (Unix)
+	  :!dir		   :!ls		   -  shows a directory listing.
+	  :!del FILENAME   :!rm FILENAME   -  removes file FILENAME.
+  2.  :w FILENAME  writes the current Vim file to disk with name FILENAME.
+  3.  v  motion  :w FILENAME  saves the Visually selected lines in file
+      FILENAME.
+  4.  :r FILENAME  retrieves disk file FILENAME and puts it below the
+      cursor position.
+  5.  :r !dir  reads the output of the dir command and puts it below the
+      cursor position.
+			 Lesson 6.1: THE OPEN COMMAND
+ ** Type  o  to open a line below the cursor and place you in Insert mode. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
+  2. Type the lowercase letter  o  to open up a line BELOW the cursor and place
+     you in Insert mode.
+  3. Now type some text and press <ESC> to exit Insert mode.
+---> After typing  o  the cursor is placed on the open line in Insert mode.
+  4. To open up a line ABOVE the cursor, simply type a capital	O , rather
+     than a lowercase  o.  Try this on the line below.
+---> Open up a line above this by typing O while the cursor is on this line.
+			Lesson 6.2: THE APPEND COMMAND
+	     ** Type  a  to insert text AFTER the cursor. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the start of the line below marked --->.
+  2. Press  e  until the cursor is on the end of  li .
+  3. Type an  a  (lowercase) to append text AFTER the cursor.
+  4. Complete the word like the line below it.  Press <ESC> to exit Insert
+     mode.
+  5. Use  e  to move to the next incomplete word and repeat steps 3 and 4.
+---> This li will allow you to pract appendi text to a line.
+---> This line will allow you to practice appending text to a line.
+NOTE:  a, i and A all go to the same Insert mode, the only difference is where
+       the characters are inserted.
+		    Lesson 6.3: ANOTHER WAY TO REPLACE
+      ** Type a capital  R  to replace more than one character. **
+  1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked --->.  Move the cursor to
+     the beginning of the first  xxx .
+  2. Now press  R  and type the number below it in the second line, so that it
+     replaces the xxx .
+  3. Press <ESC> to leave Replace mode.  Notice that the rest of the line
+     remains unmodified.
+  4. Repeat the steps to replace the remaining xxx.
+---> Adding 123 to xxx gives you xxx.
+---> Adding 123 to 456 gives you 579.
+NOTE:  Replace mode is like Insert mode, but every typed character deletes an
+       existing character.
+			Lesson 6.4: COPY AND PASTE TEXT
+	  ** Use the  y  operator to copy text and  p  to paste it **
+  1. Go to the line marked with ---> below and place the cursor after "a)".
+  2. Start Visual mode with  v  and move the cursor to just before "first".
+  3. Type  y  to yank (copy) the highlighted text.
+  4. Move the cursor to the end of the next line:  j$
+  5. Type  p  to put (paste) the text.  Then type:  a second <ESC> .
+  6. Use Visual mode to select " item.", yank it with  y , move to the end of
+     the next line with  j$  and put the text there with  p .
+--->  a) this is the first item.
+      b)
+  NOTE: you can also use  y  as an operator;  yw  yanks one word.
+			    Lesson 6.5: SET OPTION
+	  ** Set an option so a search or substitute ignores case **
+  1. Search for 'ignore' by entering:   /ignore  <ENTER>
+     Repeat several times by pressing  n .
+  2. Set the 'ic' (Ignore case) option by entering:   :set ic
+  3. Now search for 'ignore' again by pressing  n
+     Notice that Ignore and IGNORE are now also found.
+  4. Set the 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' options:  :set hls is
+  5. Now type the search command again and see what happens:  /ignore <ENTER>
+  6. To disable ignoring case enter:  :set noic
+NOTE:  To remove the highlighting of matches enter:   :nohlsearch 
+NOTE:  If you want to ignore case for just one search command, use  \c
+       in the phrase:  /ignore\c  <ENTER>
+			       Lesson 6 SUMMARY
+  1. Type  o  to open a line BELOW the cursor and start Insert mode.
+     Type  O  to open a line ABOVE the cursor.
+  2. Type  a  to insert text AFTER the cursor.
+     Type  A  to insert text after the end of the line.
+  3. The  e  command moves to the end of a word.
+  4. The  y  operator yanks (copies) text,  p  puts (pastes) it.
+  5. Typing a capital  R  enters Replace mode until  <ESC>  is pressed.
+  6. Typing ":set xxx" sets the option "xxx".  Some options are:
+  	'ic' 'ignorecase'	ignore upper/lower case when searching
+	'is' 'incsearch'	show partial matches for a search phrase
+	'hls' 'hlsearch'	highlight all matching phrases
+     You can either use the long or the short option name.
+  7. Prepend "no" to switch an option off:   :set noic
+		       Lesson 7.1: GETTING HELP
+		      ** Use the on-line help system **
+  Vim has a comprehensive on-line help system.  To get started, try one of
+  these three:
+	- press the <HELP> key (if you have one)
+	- press the <F1> key (if you have one)
+	- type   :help <ENTER>
+  Read the text in the help window to find out how the help works.
+  Type  CTRL-W CTRL-W   to jump from one window to another.
+  Type    :q <ENTER>    to close the help window.
+  You can find help on just about any subject, by giving an argument to the
+  ":help" command.  Try these (don't forget pressing <ENTER>):
+	:help w
+	:help c_CTRL-D
+	:help insert-index
+	:help user-manual
+		      Lesson 7.2: CREATE A STARTUP SCRIPT
+			  ** Enable Vim features **
+  Vim has many more features than Vi, but most of them are disabled by
+  default.  To start using more features you have to create a "vimrc" file.
+  1. Start editing the "vimrc" file.  This depends on your system:
+	:e ~/.vimrc		for Unix
+	:e $VIM/_vimrc		for MS-Windows
+  2. Now read the example "vimrc" file contents:
+	:r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+  3. Write the file with:
+	:w
+  The next time you start Vim it will use syntax highlighting.
+  You can add all your preferred settings to this "vimrc" file.
+  For more information type  :help vimrc-intro
+			     Lesson 7.3: COMPLETION
+	      ** Command line completion with CTRL-D and <TAB> **
+  1. Make sure Vim is not in compatible mode:  :set nocp
+  2. Look what files exist in the directory:  :!ls   or  :!dir
+  3. Type the start of a command:  :e
+  4. Press  CTRL-D  and Vim will show a list of commands that start with "e".
+  5. Press <TAB>  and Vim will complete the command name to ":edit".
+  6. Now add a space and the start of an existing file name:  :edit FIL
+  7. Press <TAB>.  Vim will complete the name (if it is unique).
+NOTE:  Completion works for many commands.  Just try pressing CTRL-D and
+       <TAB>.  It is especially useful for  :help .
+			       Lesson 7 SUMMARY
+  1. Type  :help  or press <F1> or <Help>  to open a help window.
+  2. Type  :help cmd  to find help on  cmd .
+  3. Type  CTRL-W CTRL-W  to jump to another window
+  4. Type  :q  to close the help window
+  5. Create a vimrc startup script to keep your preferred settings.
+  6. When typing a  :  command, press CTRL-D to see possible completions.
+     Press <TAB> to use one completion.
+  This concludes the Vim Tutor.  It was intended to give a brief overview of
+  the Vim editor, just enough to allow you to use the editor fairly easily.
+  It is far from complete as Vim has many many more commands.  Read the user
+  manual next: ":help user-manual".
+  For further reading and studying, this book is recommended:
+	Vim - Vi Improved - by Steve Oualline
+	Publisher: New Riders
+  The first book completely dedicated to Vim.  Especially useful for beginners.
+  There are many examples and pictures.
+  See http://iccf-holland.org/click5.html
+  This book is older and more about Vi than Vim, but also recommended:
+	Learning the Vi Editor - by Linda Lamb
+	Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
+  It is a good book to get to know almost anything you want to do with Vi.
+  The sixth edition also includes information on Vim.
+  This tutorial was written by Michael C. Pierce and Robert K. Ware,
+  Colorado School of Mines using ideas supplied by Charles Smith,
+  Colorado State University.  E-mail: bware@mines.colorado.edu.
+  Modified for Vim by Bram Moolenaar.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/vim_1_white.steps	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(1) Follow the path from 'o' to 'x':
+o---|  |--|   |--|
+    |--|  | |-|  |
+  |-----| |-|  |-|
+  |---x |------|
+> lllljlllkllljjllkllkllljjhhjhhhhhhhkhhhhhhjllll
+(2) Follow the path from 'o' to 'x':
+o-| |-|  |--| |--|
+  |-| ||-|  | |  |
+ |----||--| | |x-|
+ |--------| |-|
+> lljllklljjhhhhhjlllllllllkhhhkllkllljjjllkkkllljjhh
+(1) Delete the .'s in the following lines:
+> xlxxlxlllxjhhxllxlx
+(2) Delete the .'s in the following lines:
+> lllxllxlxjhxhhxhxhhxlllllx
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/syntax/kata.vim	Wed May 26 12:34:24 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file