
Episode 30: Tweening Part 2
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 30 Jun 2016 13:01:54 +0000
parents 7f6f46164312
children 82a47826346d
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords package.lisp src/2d/demo.lisp src/tween.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Tue Jun 28 21:45:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Thu Jun 30 13:01:54 2016 +0000
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
 (1 setf-slots)
 (2 with-cga)
 (1 with-elapsed)
+(1 tween-places!)
--- a/package.lisp	Tue Jun 28 21:45:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Thu Jun 30 13:01:54 2016 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-    #:with-elapsed
@@ -71,6 +70,9 @@
+    #:tween-place!
+    #:tween-places!
+    #:update-tweens!
--- a/src/2d/demo.lisp	Tue Jun 28 21:45:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/2d/demo.lisp	Thu Jun 30 13:01:54 2016 +0000
@@ -48,18 +48,11 @@
       (outsidep (- 0 r) (+ *height* r) (vec-y p))))
 (defsketch cm
     ((width *width*) (height *height*) (y-axis :down) (title "Coding Math 2D")
      (mouse (make-vec 0 0))
      ;; Data
-     (start (make-vec 100 100))
-     (current start)
-     (target nil)
-     (amount nil)
-     (ease-time 0.0)
-     (duration 2.0)
-     (timestamp nil)
+     (current (make-vec 100 100))
      ;; Pens
      (particle-pen (make-pen :fill (gray 0.9) :stroke (gray 0.4)))
      (line-pen (make-pen :curve-steps 40 :stroke (gray 0.7)))
@@ -68,19 +61,7 @@
       (draw-axes *width* *height*)
-      (with-elapsed (timestamp elapsed)
-        (when ease-time
-          (incf ease-time elapsed)))
-      (when target
-        (with-vecs ((sx sy) start
-                    (ax ay) amount)
-          (setf current
-                (make-vec (tween-quadratic-out sx ax duration ease-time)
-                          (tween-quadratic-out sy ay duration ease-time)))))
-      (when (> ease-time duration)
-        (setf target nil
-              amount nil
-              ease-time 0.0))
+      (update-tweens!)
       (with-pen particle-pen
         (draw-circle current)))
@@ -97,15 +78,25 @@
+(defun draw-time ()
+  (text (format nil "~d" (get-internal-real-time))
+        300 300))
 (defun mousedown-left (instance x y)
   (declare (ignorable instance x y))
-  (setf-slots instance
-              start current
-              current start
-              target (make-vec x y)
-              amount (vec-sub target start)
-              ease-time 0.0))
+  (with-slots (current) instance
+    (tween-places!
+        (#'tween-quadratic-out 2.0
+         :callback-progress #'draw-time
+         :callback-finished
+         (let ((x (vec-x current))
+               (y (vec-y current)))
+           (lambda ()
+             (tween-places! (#'tween-quadratic-in 2.0)
+               (vec-x current) x
+               (vec-y current) y))))
+      (vec-x current) x
+      (vec-y current) y)))
 (defun mousedown-right (instance x y)
   (declare (ignorable instance x y))
@@ -171,4 +162,3 @@
 ;;;; Run
 ; (defparameter *demo* (make-instance 'cm))
--- a/src/tween.lisp	Tue Jun 28 21:45:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/tween.lisp	Thu Jun 30 13:01:54 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,59 @@
 (in-package #:coding-math.tween)
+;;;; Utils
+(declaim (inline get-seconds-real-time))
+(defun get-seconds-real-time ()
+  (/ (get-internal-real-time) internal-time-units-per-second))
+;;;; Framework
+(defvar *active-tweens* nil)
+(defvar *callbacks* nil)
+(defmacro tween-place!  (place target duration tweening-function
+                         &key callback-progress callback-finished
+                         &environment env)
+  "Tween `place` to `target` over `duration` seconds with `tweening-function`"
+  (multiple-value-bind (temp-vars temp-vals stores store-expr access-expr)
+      (get-setf-expansion place env)
+    (once-only (duration callback-progress callback-finished)
+      (with-gensyms (start-time start-value change time finished)
+        `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list temp-vars temp-vals)
+                (,start-value ,access-expr)
+                (,start-time (get-seconds-real-time))
+                (,change (- ,target ,start-value)))
+          (push
+            (lambda ()
+              (let* ((,time (- (get-seconds-real-time) ,start-time))
+                     (,finished (> ,time ,duration))
+                     (,(car stores)
+                      (funcall ,tweening-function
+                               ,start-value ,change ,duration ,time)))
+                ,store-expr
+                (when ,callback-progress
+                  (push ,callback-progress *callbacks*))
+                (when (and ,finished ,callback-finished)
+                  (push ,callback-finished *callbacks*))
+                ,finished))
+            *active-tweens*))))))
+(defmacro tween-places!
+    ((tweening-function duration &key callback-progress callback-finished)
+     &rest places)
+  (once-only (duration tweening-function)
+    `(progn
+      ,@(loop :for (place target . remaining) :on places :by #'cddr :collect
+              `(tween-place! ,place ,target ,duration ,tweening-function
+                ,@(when (null remaining)
+                    `(:callback-progress ,callback-progress
+                      :callback-finished ,callback-finished)))))))
+(defun update-tweens! ()
+  (setf *active-tweens* (remove-if #'funcall *active-tweens*)
+        *callbacks* (map nil #'funcall *callbacks*)))
+;;;; Tweening Functions
 (defun tween-linear (start amount duration time)
   (let ((time (/ time duration)))
     (+ start (* amount time))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Tue Jun 28 21:45:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Thu Jun 30 13:01:54 2016 +0000
@@ -66,25 +66,6 @@
     (mapcar (rcurry #'apply args) fns)))
-(defmacro with-elapsed ((timestamp-place elapsed-symbol)
-                        &body body &environment env)
-  (multiple-value-bind (temps exprs stores store-expr access-expr)
-      (get-setf-expansion timestamp-place env)
-    (with-gensyms (previous-time current-time)
-      `(let* ((,current-time (get-internal-real-time)) ; get current time
-              ,@(mapcar #'list temps exprs) ; grab prev timestamp from place
-              (,previous-time ,access-expr)
-              (,(car stores) ,current-time))
-        ,store-expr ; update timestamp place
-        (let ((,elapsed-symbol ; bind lexical elapsed var
-               (if (null ,previous-time)
-                 0.0
-                 (/ (- ,current-time ,previous-time)
-                    internal-time-units-per-second))))
-          ,@body)))))
 ;;;; Handy drawing functions
 (defparameter axis-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0.7)))