docs/source/events.rst @ 29631ac2b821

More docs.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 10 Aug 2011 01:48:55 -0400
parents 2e42d7f29dde
children dfb084418ef9

The main way you'll interact with your Clojurecraft bots is through event handlers.

Event handlers are functions you create that respond to events that happen in the
Minecraft world.  They return a list of Actions that you want your bot to perform.

Event handlers are pure functions that should take the bot as their first argument.
Their other arguments will depend on the particular handler.

Creating and Registering Event Handlers

The first thing you need to do is create an event handling function::

    (defn jump-on-chat [bot message]
      [(clojurecraft.actions/jump bot)])

Then register the handler for the action::

    ( bot :chat `jump-on-chat)

Notice that you don't pass the function directly to the ``add-handler`` function.
You pass a syntax quoted symbol to the function.  This is an extra character to type,
but it means you can redefine the function in the REPL and your changes will take
effect immediately in all of the currently running bots.

Available Events

You can register handlers for the following events.



    (defn chat-handler [message]
      [... actions ...])

Chat events are fired when a chat message arrives.