Commit Log

commit description author date
443af0e76dd6 Add with-eof-handled default tip Steve Losh 8 months ago
322aefbbcb9f Add `(reductions ... :result-type ...)` argument Steve Losh 12 months ago
edf43f3bf670 Add `reductions` Steve Losh 12 months ago
09232fd60df5 Add slot-value-or Steve Losh 15 months ago
f6d74c247168 Add #! and #; readers Steve Losh 15 months ago
04ad2212b90f Add custom readtable Steve Losh 15 months ago
218a430ec1a7 Fix ensuref return value for subsequent runs Steve Losh 2023-03-10
65478981d36d Add ensuref, profile-when Steve Losh 2023-03-02
896559ec54b1 Add do-hash-set Steve Losh 2023-02-09
bfa9e871b3c0 Update documentation Steve Losh 2023-02-09
844651032c48 Merge Steve Losh 2023-02-09
b51a18850dc5 Add chunk, ngrams, ensure-slot-value, scratch Steve Losh 2023-02-09
95a549a2c55b Update license date Steve Losh 2022-08-29
461876acdff5 Add astar and tweak a few other things Steve Losh 2022-08-05
c2970d9e6ea7 Merge Steve Losh 2021-12-15
95393d6a5226 Add `with-result` iterate clause Steve Losh 2021-12-15
656f2f6975bc Fix separator in `concatenating` iterate macro Steve Losh 2021-12-15
7a3907583b2d Fix `:skip-origin t` in `within-radius` Steve Losh 2021-12-15
0d62d291dfb1 Add missing test file to ASDF system Steve Losh 2021-12-15
72fe2afc82c7 Fix (for :within-radius ... :origin ... :skip-origin t) and add tests Steve Losh 2021-12-02
a1be2be82e9d Add default to pbcopy's arg Steve Losh 2021-12-02
1b8a1cc764c4 Remove -<> Steve Losh 2021-11-30
55c796d79111 Add `window` and a few other things that have been sitting around Steve Losh 2021-11-11
eb9bf5de0279 Add (if|when|unless)-first-(time|iteration) sugar macros Steve Losh 2021-07-13
8a7cfee11dea Add `plot` convenience wrapper Steve Losh 2021-05-24
6740e201e636 Fix concatenating to handle separators properly Steve Losh 2021-05-24
91ea751ccd9f Add do-vector Steve Losh 2021-05-24
acf6a1d4de2e Add options placeholder to `with-gnuplot` Steve Losh 2021-05-23
ec9067ea1894 Allow gnuplot to take alists Steve Losh 2021-05-23
25d07c157495 Redo gnuplot interface, add CONCATENATING iterate driver Steve Losh 2021-05-23
6bf064d46006 Add rb-clear and (rb-contents ... :result-type 'vector) Steve Losh 2021-04-10
e9553a14c887 Purge quickutils, add some more tests Steve Losh 2021-04-10
4bbec114ea86 Add sketchy ring buffer implementation Steve Losh 2021-04-09
40d63316cd3c Merge Steve Losh 2021-04-09
4e5867a99afe Sort package exports Steve Losh 2021-04-09
c5fc3602d000 Add do-file Steve Losh 2021-04-09
f9fec2ff0ff5 Add assocar/assocdr/rassocar/rassocdr accessors Steve Losh 2021-04-09
f56991dfcaea Add (sh … :result-type 'vector) Steve Losh 2021-04-09
2db6543352b6 Add sorting predicate generators Steve Losh 2020-12-23
38a1fbc6688e Enhance `prefix-sums` Steve Losh 2020-11-10
1d3928ec556d Fix typo Steve Losh 2020-10-24
cacafa0cae85 Add phr Steve Losh 2020-10-24
d8fe9c6ee9f4 Add truncatef Steve Losh 2020-10-23
ea581753e904 Add range functions Steve Losh 2020-09-27
1aa2e5785e6f Make pbcopy/pbpaste executables configurable Steve Losh 2020-09-02
d6cc6af60002 Optimize FOR ... AROUND Steve Losh 2020-08-31
e389a847e003 Move gathering-vector destructuring into the macro lamda list Steve Losh 2020-08-31
1ca3e16900aa Fix typo Steve Losh 2020-07-28
aee9ba1c4913 Fix defclass* to accept non-standard slot options Steve Losh 2020-07-27
54ec08936d37 Make defun-inline's lambda list more explicit Steve Losh 2020-07-27
f077c455877a Update documentation Steve Losh 2019-12-15
765870ef20f7 Add `define-condition*`, allow `do-[i]range` to go down, add `key` to `frequencies` and `proportions` Steve Losh 2019-12-15
164b3e41c13b Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-11
a996dd9ad3eb Add `_` Steve Losh 2019-12-11
f3327aa93670 Add `:initial-contents` for `make-queue` Steve Losh 2019-12-08
2309743a485d Typos Steve Losh 2019-12-07
b839a83bbf2e Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-07
0b09e1b70887 Add iterate `returning`, `finding-first`, `matching` and remove unused iterate stuff Steve Losh 2019-12-07
18da0214d5a9 Update documentation Steve Losh 2019-12-06
1745fd2d70d6 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-12-06
a85855efde4a Fix/refactor `sh` for CCL and others Steve Losh 2019-12-06
19519aba4cb5 Add `:key` for `extrema` Steve Losh 2019-12-06
f0254c404ef4 Move `sh` and friends from CACL into this repo Steve Losh 2019-10-03
3b355cd31642 Move dependencies around Steve Losh 2019-10-03
1afaa33589b2 Change default conc-name of with macros Steve Losh 2019-06-09
e48985ef1aac Merge. Steve Losh 2019-05-05
28724d30efef Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-30
861b0bbcb319 Add remhash-* utilities Steve Losh 2019-04-30
5e42deadf773 Improve prl, remove dep on alexandria Steve Losh 2019-05-05
71b34a9a3413 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-03-09
72093637ac8b Merge. Steve Losh 2019-03-01
9b6480080f38 Add profiling modes Steve Losh 2018-12-24
782fc1421b16 Update documentation Steve Losh 2019-03-09
d967c07b5f35 Add iterate (finding-all ...) clauses Steve Losh 2019-03-09
dc630773f98a Tweak gnuplot Steve Losh 2019-03-09
3cf5a5efd686 Add iterate (collect-set ...) clause Steve Losh 2019-02-26
ba5b4efb5872 Add iterate (for ... seed ... then ...) driver Steve Losh 2019-02-24
e844dad54ef3 Update documentation Steve Losh 2019-02-24
1028d690ab05 Add read-all Steve Losh 2019-02-24
957d61081ff7 Add `allocation` support in `defclass*` Steve Losh 2019-02-02
a8b03be59283 Support :conc-name nil and fix clampf Steve Losh 2019-01-07
6b2d21a74a45 Remove the awful gnuplot-expr to avoid exporting X Steve Losh 2018-12-16
73c14a96cb0e Add DO-IRANGE Steve Losh 2018-12-08
f2f853a0d29e Add string-join Steve Losh 2018-11-23
edbdc9c9cb0a Add key/start/end to the bisect functions Steve Losh 2018-11-11
aaf09c52cad9 Fix hash table pretty printing. Thanks, CLR. Steve Losh 2018-11-10
3cddaf4f6564 Add `initial-value` and `modulo` to `summation` and `product` Steve Losh 2018-11-07
30253ddf17b7 Use WXT for gnuplot Steve Losh 2018-07-13
40e426c5982b Clean up if-let Steve Losh 2018-07-08
57bdaf80a448 oops Steve Losh 2018-07-07
6dbc64f70f9b Add list tests Steve Losh 2018-06-18
7db631c1cf60 Add array tests Steve Losh 2018-06-18
a0c69729ade3 Add a few more control-flow tests Steve Losh 2018-06-17
0dd5e94be86b Get ABCL to shut up about unused gensyms Steve Losh 2018-06-17
de9d10a9b4b5 Split this mess into separate files Steve Losh 2018-06-17
566c907b762a Add a couple of unit tests Steve Losh 2018-06-17
75ad31007bf3 Simplify `if-let` and friends Steve Losh 2018-06-03
30327aad2f08 Minor updates from blog post Steve Losh 2018-05-21
5e92a2e5cf49 Add `seconds` to `timing`, add `spew-output` to `gnuplot-histogram` Steve Losh 2018-05-20
db6c924e7738 Update docs Steve Losh 2018-02-25
80f8e86b0e31 Add `element-type` to `gathering-vector`, add `doseq` Steve Losh 2018-02-25
b46ad82523a6 Add generator to random utils, remove automatic - from with-macro conc name Steve Losh 2018-02-03
08b21b4d8af6 Make `somelist` variadic Steve Losh 2017-12-02
8cf0978477a8 Add some more useful functions Steve Losh 2017-12-02
1e90139a06b1 Add `hset-reduce` Steve Losh 2017-10-13
8fe530a607d6 Use nested blocks instead of gotos Steve Losh 2017-09-28
280b721cfa9f Add `[if/when]-let(*)` variants that actually might work Steve Losh 2017-09-27
0cf1ef232b1c Docs Steve Losh 2017-09-26
126034bff1da Add Fare's `nest` macro Steve Losh 2017-09-26
7528d18f2430 Add `hex` and some other minor features/fixes Steve Losh 2017-08-09
61ec616b45f8 A few extra functions Steve Losh 2017-08-05
15ab2e1331a1 Make queue functions inlineable Steve Losh 2017-07-04
410ea6dead95 Add `gimme` and `gnuplot-histogram` and a couple other things Steve Losh 2017-06-22
94e507bedb6b Add `anding` and `oring` iterate clauses Steve Losh 2017-05-07
6a26564cc9a8 A few minor tweaks Steve Losh 2017-04-12
1a0146c5e62d Add LICENSE Steve Losh 2017-03-14
c49425b33f17 Add jankass priority queues Steve Losh 2017-03-01
4d881c990060 `take-while` and `drop-while` Steve Losh 2017-03-01
2746fc7667d9 Add `gathering-vector` Steve Losh 2017-02-27
85823854b8cb Add `in-hashset` iterate driver Steve Losh 2017-02-22
12fd42abb3ba Add `profile` Steve Losh 2017-02-21
a0a09fcf271b Add read-all functions Steve Losh 2017-02-20
9bcadce51853 Export `not=` Steve Losh 2017-02-17
60d7a9c10969 Fix `dis` for empty arglists Steve Losh 2017-02-10
a845f6820d65 Fix FASL Fuckery Steve Losh 2017-02-09
3fea2a14eb5f Update docs Steve Losh 2017-02-07
29f67f70f4b4 Add `collect-hash` Steve Losh 2017-02-07
5f26482784a6 Add `eval-dammit` Steve Losh 2017-02-06
4d4ad6ac3bf6 More graphviz options Steve Losh 2017-02-06
df57ee048761 Unfuck `-<>` Steve Losh 2017-01-21
8b5c27a2d2de Add some hash table printing stuff Steve Losh 2017-01-21
ba324d052c50 Be friendlier Steve Losh 2017-01-20
d25b6f52fad1 Add `enumerate`, expose `-<>`, add gnuplot terms Steve Losh 2017-01-20
5dd997c40424 Add `extrema` Steve Losh 2017-01-19
fbd9837856a8 Add `defclass*` Steve Losh 2017-01-17
3913e79377c1 Add bisect functions, add more gnuplot options Steve Losh 2017-01-16
1aaec79f2887 Fix wonky indentation Steve Losh 2017-01-05
c3e4c4c8afa0 Cleanup Steve Losh 2016-12-27
7f37cc5260ec Try to unfuck the random-range stuff for floats Steve Losh 2016-12-27
18e71146fb25 Add `random-range-inclusive` Steve Losh 2016-12-27
0f627d8ff8c3 Add some bit stuff, sort packages Steve Losh 2016-12-26
04de8001e1e0 Clean up gnuplot stuff, add `digit` Steve Losh 2016-12-21
363d33f1b089 Add plot.png to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2016-12-21
7d475c7bf05e Beefier lines Steve Losh 2016-12-17
c62d7dfcaed7 Add `in-range-p` Steve Losh 2016-12-16
0f2460b0b42e Hack together `gnuplot` so I can see my math Steve Losh 2016-12-15
6f1c9878ddbe Fix some docs Steve Losh 2016-12-15
e9910edd311c Add `multiple-value-bind*` Steve Losh 2016-12-14
fd8c40ec26ee Add `take` and `drop` from Serapeum Steve Losh 2016-12-14
e15746e52914 Fix typo Steve Losh 2016-12-08
d5f5a30b7eee Add basic hash set implementation Steve Losh 2016-12-08
1c23d5693192 Add `every-nth` iterate driver Steve Losh 2016-11-22
66fc93caa1c6 Add iterate `FOR var MODULO divisor` driver Steve Losh 2016-11-22
344ee2fa239e Add `prl` Steve Losh 2016-11-21
21296e2bf834 Add `when-let*` Steve Losh 2016-11-17
0e60bff93317 Add `comment` and the profiling functions Steve Losh 2016-11-15
71fe6a16fcef Style cleanup Steve Losh 2016-11-12
2c76ffecc45e Add `proportions` and `mutate-hash-values` Steve Losh 2016-11-12
3d34f6a99a24 Make `print-hash-table` friendlier Steve Losh 2016-11-10
66af3dc24580 Add `group-by` and silly bitset thing Steve Losh 2016-11-08
1c5dff36922b Remove `hash-sets` package. Use cl-hamt or something instead Steve Losh 2016-11-03
784e50fe72f6 Add `fixed-point` Steve Losh 2016-11-03
1c26cbbe73b6 Make sure we're portable Steve Losh 2016-11-03
b7509448269e Fix up `print-hash-table` Steve Losh 2016-11-01
d49a710b5fcc Simplify `for ... :in-array` iterate macro Steve Losh 2016-11-01
56f6ff3b225f Fix numeric contagion in `cycling` Steve Losh 2016-10-15
756273274876 Allow keywords in `timing` time type argument Steve Losh 2016-10-15
ee0d61f41802 Clean up `timing` macroexpansion a bit Steve Losh 2016-10-15
96818717e72d Don't render `previous-var` in `timing` unless needed Steve Losh 2016-10-15
f1e161fed238 Add `print-hash-table` Steve Losh 2016-09-27
8f9411271fd7 Add license-finding utilities Steve Losh 2016-09-26
66e02df8c0b3 Minor cleanup Steve Losh 2016-09-20
6aec014eb591 Fix the docstring Steve Losh 2016-09-19
147d800c551e Simplify `averaging` Steve Losh 2016-09-19
75229fb62b8c Moar tau Steve Losh 2016-09-18
ca0a5dd96216 Fix documentation Steve Losh 2016-09-18
ee7247080256 Add `macroexpand-iterate` Steve Losh 2016-09-18
6aeaaa9a56bf Vendorize quickutils Steve Losh 2016-09-18
1475bc2740d2 Shut up Steve Losh 2016-09-16
4ce0e524240d Add `conc-name` to `define-with-macro` and fix some warnings Steve Losh 2016-09-15
d980f1e0d0fa Make `pr` a bit nicer behaving Steve Losh 2016-09-14
e7bd00f6516f Fix package inheriting fuckery Steve Losh 2016-08-23
a0189c68f58e Inline basic math functions Steve Losh 2016-08-23
0221e1d8de22 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
6bf3ae7ae6ad Fix parameter name Steve Losh 2016-08-23
0d0a740ed42e Typo Steve Losh 2016-08-23
4bb629601097 Typo Steve Losh 2016-08-23
fa83aaeca52d Typo Steve Losh 2016-08-23
a90a598db9e9 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
aa3afb09e910 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
7641d7796f4d Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
af7866087dc8 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
a67a98352d5b Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
42e0432fc20e Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
8e95ffb4e969 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-23
22e0cd523d11 Typo Steve Losh 2016-08-23
eb328be4e513 Remove `symbolize` Steve Losh 2016-08-23
d39af38a14f8 Document and type-hint queues Steve Losh 2016-08-23
4e6bf7dc3093 Add `notf` Steve Losh 2016-08-23
fcc9fc4cb7c2 Fix typo Steve Losh 2016-08-23
b6b6000308ea Remove `slurp` and `spit` Steve Losh 2016-08-23
768bd70efb57 Update docs Steve Losh 2016-08-22
2255eeb67076 Clean up `when-found`, add `if-found` and `gathering` Steve Losh 2016-08-22
5b5e1b9adbbd Remove `gethash-or-init`, it's already in Alexandria as `ensure-gethash` Steve Losh 2016-08-22
a1bc13ae51e7 Improve `timing` driver Steve Losh 2016-08-22
e21b181efc55 Clean up `averaging` Steve Losh 2016-08-22
8e950d7312af Fix modify macros to comply with the spec Steve Losh 2016-08-20
70f3c369fedb Add weightlists Steve Losh 2016-08-20
25f352f92356 Add `within-radius` iterate driver Steve Losh 2016-08-18
f556a4cf23b0 Add different type versions of `fill-multidimensional-array` for speed Steve Losh 2016-08-18
d5a7efa01e93 Add `fill-multidimensional-array` Steve Losh 2016-08-18
2c1b47535281 Fix iterate fuckery Steve Losh 2016-08-17
a166fff3732b Remove useless env from docs Steve Losh 2016-08-17
f9b70c145500 Whitespace Steve Losh 2016-08-17
3ba725d5a905 Split into multiple packages Steve Losh 2016-08-17
f67e0d7ace27 Add some docs Steve Losh 2016-08-17
cf3fce2172bc Add `negatef` Steve Losh 2016-08-16
b0292af3444e Add more mutation functions Steve Losh 2016-08-15
5ef5b5b223ed Refactor `zap%` to have a nicer interface Steve Losh 2016-08-15
3c0ce7d959f9 Fix docstring Steve Losh 2016-08-15
f71d1be7cd2f Add `define-with-macro` which nobody should ever use Steve Losh 2016-08-15
ccba9d609da8 Add `cycling` and `for-nested`, god forgive me Steve Losh 2016-08-13
cc066896ae0c Add `clampf` Steve Losh 2016-08-13
1a685df116ab Add iterate docstrings, finally write in-array Steve Losh 2016-08-13
e14d7729f02a Add `nullary` Steve Losh 2016-08-11
2991413e9fa6 Add `across-flat-array` and `do-array` Steve Losh 2016-08-11
4744b5c5d33d Add `random-gaussian-integer` Steve Losh 2016-08-10
5502971bb4bb Add `random-gaussian` Steve Losh 2016-08-10
b1426e8648ef Fix `random-around` for integer spreads Steve Losh 2016-08-08
a25df85e26e5 Add take, fix a bug Steve Losh 2016-08-08
e5c5cf8143a2 Let `zapf` take many pairs Steve Losh 2016-08-08
5dda89e955a3 Fix up `dis` Steve Losh 2016-08-07
cb1e9c623738 Add `dis` Steve Losh 2016-08-07
c276ee07daac Add in-whatever Steve Losh 2016-08-06
b31619a5b09c Fix readme Steve Losh 2016-08-05
5c813bb6d9fe Initial commit Steve Losh 2016-08-05