Add some basic Django stuff to goodwolf8 months ago, by Steve Losh
Tweak LaTeX hilighting in goodwolf10 months ago, by Steve Losh
Add string bold toggling to goodwolf11 months ago, by Steve Losh
Add Jinja for goodwolf2022-09-13, by Steve Losh
Merge pull request #37 from 8633brown/patch-12020-02-19, by Steve Losh
Update badwolf.dircolors2020-02-06, by 8633brown
Add dircolors for st, and add some more dircolors2020-02-09, by Steve Losh
Colorize Fish variables in goodwolf2019-07-17, by Steve Losh
Clean up Fish files2019-02-06, by Steve Losh
Add goodwolf colors for new Fugitive stuff2019-01-14, by Steve Losh
Unfuck Scala garbage2017-09-29, by Steve Losh