
Days 5 and 6
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 06 Dec 2018 21:23:40 -0500
parents e22f6a54b6d5
children e24866ca76d6
branches/tags (none)
files src/2018/main.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/src/2018/main.lisp	Tue Dec 04 19:26:33 2018 -0500
+++ b/src/2018/main.lisp	Thu Dec 06 21:23:40 2018 -0500
@@ -122,3 +122,59 @@
                 (* predictable-guard
+(define-problem (2018 5) (data read-file-into-string)
+  (setf data (remove #\newline data))
+  (labels ((reactivep (x y)
+             (char= x (char-invertcase y)))
+           (react (string &aux result)
+             (doseq (char string)
+               (if (and result (reactivep char (car result)))
+                 (pop result)
+                 (push char result)))
+             (coerce (nreverse result) 'string)))
+    (values (length (react data))
+            (iterate
+              (for unit :in-vector (remove-duplicates data :test #'char-equal))
+              (for candidate = (react (remove unit data :test #'char-equal)))
+              (minimizing (length candidate))))))
+(define-problem (2018 6) (data read-lines-from-file)
+  (flet ((parse-line (line)
+           (apply #'complex (mapcar #'parse-integer (str:split ", " line))))
+         (closest (point coordinates)
+           (let ((results (extremums coordinates '<
+                                     :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point))))
+             (case (length results)
+               (1 (car results))
+               (t nil)))))
+    (let* ((coordinates (mapcar #'parse-line data))
+           (xs (mapcar #'realpart coordinates))
+           (ys (mapcar #'imagpart coordinates))
+           (left (extremum xs #'<))
+           (bottom (extremum ys #'<))
+           (right (extremum xs #'>))
+           (top (extremum ys #'>))
+           (counts (make-hash-table))
+           (infinite (make-hash-set)))
+      (iterate
+        (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                     (y :from bottom :to top)))
+        (for closest = (closest (complex x y) coordinates))
+        (when closest
+          (incf (gethash closest counts 0))
+          (when (or (= left x) (= bottom y)
+                    (= right x) (= top y))
+            (hset-insert! infinite closest))))
+      (values
+        (iterate
+          (for (point size) :in-hashtable counts)
+          (unless (hset-contains-p infinite point)
+            (maximizing size)))
+        (iterate
+          (for-nested ((x :from left :to right)
+                       (y :from bottom :to top)))
+          (for point = (complex x y))
+          (for total-distance = (summation coordinates :key (curry #'manhattan-distance point)))
+          (counting (< total-distance 10000)))))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Tue Dec 04 19:26:33 2018 -0500
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Thu Dec 06 21:23:40 2018 -0500
@@ -117,3 +117,41 @@
         (setf value v
               position i)))
     (finally (return (values value position)))))
+(defun extremums (sequence predicate &key (key #'identity))
+  "Like ALEXANDRIA:EXTREMUM but return *all* values in case of a tie."
+  (iterate
+    (with results = nil)
+    (with prev = nil)
+    (for v :in-whatever sequence)
+    (for k = (funcall key v))
+    (if-first-time
+      (progn (push v results)
+             (setf prev k))
+      (cond
+        ((funcall predicate k prev) (setf results (list v)
+                                          prev k))
+        ((funcall predicate prev k) nil) ; noop
+        (t (progn (push v results)
+                  (setf prev k)))))
+    (finally (return results))))
+(defun char-invertcase (char)
+  "Return `char` with its case inverted, if possible."
+  (if (lower-case-p char)
+    (char-upcase char)
+    (char-downcase char)))
+(defun manhattan-distance (point1 point2)
+  "Return the Manhattan distance between the two points on the complex plane."
+  (+ (abs (- (realpart point1)
+             (realpart point2)))
+     (abs (- (imagpart point1)
+             (imagpart point2)))))
+(defun manhattan-neighbors (point)
+  "Return points adjacent to point (excluding diagonals) on the complex plane."
+  (list (+ point #c(0 1))
+        (+ point #c(1 0))
+        (+ point #c(0 -1))
+        (+ point #c(-1 0))))