
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 23 Mar 2017 18:58:29 +0000 (2017-03-23)
parents 9bd13661998c
children 15216cd85e8b
branches/tags (none)
files README.markdown


--- a/README.markdown	Tue Mar 21 12:56:01 2017 +0000
+++ b/README.markdown	Thu Mar 23 18:58:29 2017 +0000
@@ -255,3 +255,14 @@
   like the bits about downtime in games and about giving players a reason *not*
   to do something (like saving or killing every enemy).
 * Fixed a nasty bug in our game.  Multiplayer is hard (at least in Unity).
+## 2017-03-22
+* More game bugfixes in the lab.
+## 2017-03-23
+* Pushed v1.0.0 of [cl-pcg][].  Time to move on.
+* Added a simple Monte Carlo player to [cl-ggp][].  It'll be used as an example
+  during my ELS talk.  Also added some additional GDL cleaning to cl-ggp's
+  reasoner.