Commit Log

commit description author date
9d90efbd8787 Factor out cl-d-api garbage Steve Losh 2016-03-23
3729fdede843 Initial pass at the compiler Steve Losh 2016-03-22
3a8ee0586fdf Add destructive unification Steve Losh 2016-03-22
2daf5fb2fe92 Add API documentation building Steve Losh 2016-03-18
ae2b13a9a629 Improve the testing infrastructure, rename find-all Steve Losh 2016-03-18
d280326feecc Add backtracking and wildcards Steve Losh 2016-03-14
5ea3d706d089 Add scratch.lisp to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2016-03-14
5bb73a585f2c Finish basic proving Steve Losh 2016-03-10
1340243d4843 Start on the logic database Steve Losh 2016-03-10
49191daa42d0 Add variable/binding substitution Steve Losh 2016-03-09
52045b30aab0 Add a couple more unification tests Steve Losh 2016-03-09
a6a6f6361af3 Test the occurs check Steve Losh 2016-03-09
d08be7892816 Get some basic unification up and running Steve Losh 2016-03-08
b22eb7fe2faa Set up a clean namespace for the initial PAIP implementation Steve Losh 2016-03-08
5e0cca5174a8 More 99P Steve Losh 2016-03-08
22e5e1250898 GA the docs Steve Losh 2016-03-07
c60cac27a0a7 Initial commit Steve Losh 2016-03-05
No more entries