Commit Log

commit description author date
9b00a02e889d Update README Steve Losh 2016-08-23
837374f5256d Make all the UI functions take a database parameter Steve Losh 2016-08-23
38d5c4302e12 Rename `*database*` -> `*standard-database*` Steve Losh 2016-08-23
b1333b02f868 Fuckin markdown Steve Losh 2016-08-20
927bb496bce0 Update README Steve Losh 2016-08-20
66c01894e34c Makefile fuckery Steve Losh 2016-08-20
5977919552ee Rename the project Steve Losh 2016-08-20
81939d20415a Remove newly-useless nesting in the src directory Steve Losh 2016-08-20
19200659513a Remove PAIP Steve Losh 2016-08-20
137f6b7d81d2 Added tag paip for changeset 9bdd5543b1d9 Steve Losh 2016-08-20
9bdd5543b1d9 Remove unused functions paip Steve Losh 2016-08-20
2df541caba61 Remove unused function Steve Losh 2016-08-20