
Split functor cells into separate functor and arity cells

This lets us keep everything we need for unification right in the contiguous
main store array.  It also makes GC a bit easier to deal with, because all the
references to things outside the WAM are kept in basically one place.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 16 Jul 2016 01:34:04 +0000 (2016-07-16)
parents ec2fab887b0f
children 2a2765e8f0f5
branches/tags (none)
files src/wam/bytecode.lisp src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp src/wam/compiler/6-optimization.lisp src/wam/constants.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/types.lisp src/wam/vm.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@
   (#.+opcode-noop+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-get-structure+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-get-structure+ 4)
   (#.+opcode-get-variable-local+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-get-variable-stack+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-get-value-local+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-get-value-stack+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-structure+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-structure+ 4)
   (#.+opcode-put-variable-local+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-put-variable-stack+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-put-value-local+ 3)
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
   (#.+opcode-subterm-value-stack+ 2)
   (#.+opcode-subterm-void+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-jump+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-call+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-jump+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-call+ 3)
   (#.+opcode-dynamic-jump+ 1)
   (#.+opcode-dynamic-call+ 1)
   (#.+opcode-proceed+ 1)
--- a/src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@
            ;; OP functor reg
            (push destination-register seen)
            (push-instruction (find-opcode-structure mode)
-                             (cons functor arity)
+                             functor
+                             arity
          (handle-list (register)
            (push register seen)
@@ -219,9 +220,7 @@
              ;; DYNAMIC-[CALL/JUMP]
              (push-instruction (if is-jump :dynamic-jump :dynamic-call))
              ;; [CALL/JUMP] functor
-             (push-instruction
-               (if is-jump :jump :call)
-               (cons functor arity)))
+             (push-instruction (if is-jump :jump :call) functor arity))
            ;; This is a little janky, but at this point the body goals have been
            ;; turned into one single stream of tokens, so we don't have a nice
            ;; clean way to tell when one ends.  But in practice, a body goal is
--- a/src/wam/compiler/6-optimization.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compiler/6-optimization.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
         (match (circle-value node)
-          (`(:put-structure (,functor . 0) ,register)
+          (`(:put-structure ,functor 0 ,register)
            (setf node
                  (if (register-argument-p register)
                    (optimize-put-constant node functor register)
                    (optimize-subterm-constant-query node functor register))))
-          (`(:get-structure (,functor . 0) ,register)
+          (`(:get-structure ,functor 0 ,register)
            (setf node
                  (if (register-argument-p register)
                    (optimize-get-constant node functor register)
--- a/src/wam/constants.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/constants.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   "The maximum size (in bytes of bytecode) a query may compile to.")
-(define-constant +maximum-instruction-size+ 3
+(define-constant +maximum-instruction-size+ 4
   "The maximum number of code words an instruction (including opcode) might be.")
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
                         "unbound variable "
                         (format nil "var pointer to ~8,'0X " r)))
       ((:structure s) (format nil "struct pointer to ~8,'0X " s))
-      ((:functor f) (destructuring-bind (functor . arity) f
-                      (format nil "~A/~D " functor arity)))
-      ((:constant c) (format nil "~A/0 " c))
+      ((:functor f) (format nil "functor symbol ~A " f))
+      ((:constant c) (format nil "constant symbol ~A " c))
       (t ""))))
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
           :do (progn
                 (print-cell address indent)
                 (cell-typecase (wam address)
-                  ((:functor f) (setf indent (cdr f)))
+                  ((:functor f n) (declare (ignore f)) (setf indent n))
                   (t (when (not (zerop indent))
                        (decf indent)))))))
   (when (< to (wam-heap-pointer wam))
@@ -163,16 +162,18 @@
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-structure+)) arguments)
-  (format nil "GETS~A ; X~A = ~A"
+  (format nil "GETS~A ; X~A = ~A/~D"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (pretty-functor (first arguments))))
+          (third arguments)
+          (first arguments)
+          (second arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-structure+)) arguments)
-  (format nil "PUTS~A ; X~A <- new ~A"
+  (format nil "PUTS~A ; X~A <- new ~A/~D"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (pretty-functor (first arguments))))
+          (third arguments)
+          (first arguments)
+          (second arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-variable-local+)) arguments)
   (format nil "GVAR~A ; X~A <- A~A"
@@ -223,14 +224,16 @@
           (first arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-call+)) arguments)
-  (format nil "CALL~A ; call ~A"
+  (format nil "CALL~A ; call ~A/~D"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (first arguments)
+          (second arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-jump+)) arguments)
-  (format nil "JUMP~A ; jump ~A"
+  (format nil "JUMP~A ; jump ~A/~D"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (first arguments)
+          (second arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-dynamic-call+)) arguments)
   (format nil "DYCL~A ; dynamic call"
--- a/src/wam/types.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/types.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
 (deftype arity ()
   `(integer 0 ,+maximum-arity+))
-(deftype functor ()
-  '(cons fname arity))
 (deftype code-index ()
   ;; either an address or the sentinel
--- a/src/wam/vm.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/vm.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
   (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-list+ (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
-(defun* push-new-functor! ((wam wam) (functor functor))
+(defun* push-new-functor! ((wam wam) (functor fname) (arity arity))
   (:returns heap-index)
-  "Push a new functor cell onto the heap, returning its address."
-  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-functor+ functor))
+  "Push a new functor cell pair onto the heap, returning its address."
+  (prog1
+      (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-functor+ functor)
+    (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-lisp-object+ arity)))
 (defun* push-new-constant! ((wam wam) (constant fname))
   (:returns heap-index)
@@ -45,10 +47,12 @@
   (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-constant+ constant))
-(defun* functors-match-p ((f1 functor) (f2 functor))
+(defun* functors-match-p ((f1 fname) (a1 arity)
+                          (f2 fname) (a2 arity))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the two functor cell values represent the same functor."
-  (equal f1 f2))
+  (and (eq f1 f2)
+       (= a1 a2)))
 (defun* constants-match-p ((c1 fname) (c2 fname))
   (:returns boolean)
@@ -228,14 +232,15 @@
                (let* ((s1 (wam-store-value wam d1)) ; find where they
                       (s2 (wam-store-value wam d2)) ; start on the heap
                       (f1 (wam-store-value wam s1)) ; grab the
-                      (f2 (wam-store-value wam s2))) ; functors
-                 (if (functors-match-p f1 f2)
+                      (f2 (wam-store-value wam s2)) ; functors
+                      (a1 (wam-store-value wam (1+ s1)))  ; and the
+                      (a2 (wam-store-value wam (1+ s2)))) ; arities
+                 (if (functors-match-p f1 a1 f2 a2)
                    ;; If the functors match, push their pairs of arguments onto
                    ;; the stack to be unified.
-                   (loop :with arity = (cdr f1)
-                         :repeat arity
-                         :for subterm1 :from (1+ s1)
-                         :for subterm2 :from (1+ s2)
+                   (loop :repeat a1
+                         :for subterm1 :from (+ 2 s1)
+                         :for subterm2 :from (+ 2 s2)
                          :do (wam-unification-stack-push! wam subterm1 subterm2))
                    ;; Otherwise we're hosed.
                    (backtrack! wam))))
@@ -335,11 +340,12 @@
 ;;;; Query Instructions
 (define-instruction (%put-structure)
     ((wam wam)
-     (functor functor)
+     (functor fname)
+     (arity arity)
      (register register-index))
   (wam-set-local-register! wam register
-                           (push-new-functor! wam functor))
+                           (push-new-functor! wam functor arity))
   (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
 (define-instruction (%put-list)
@@ -370,14 +376,16 @@
 ;;;; Program Instructions
 (define-instruction (%get-structure) ((wam wam)
-                                      (functor functor)
+                                      (functor fname)
+                                      (arity arity)
                                       (register register-index))
   (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam register) address)
-    ;; If the register points at an unbound reference cell, we push two new
+    ;; If the register points at an unbound reference cell, we push three new
     ;; cells onto the heap:
     ;;     |   N | STR | N+1 |
-    ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f/n |
+    ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f   |
+    ;;     | N+2 | OBJ | n   |
     ;;     |     |     |     | <- S
     ;; Then we bind this reference cell to point at the new structure, set
@@ -389,34 +397,30 @@
     ;; mode).
      (let ((structure-address (push-new-structure! wam))
-           (functor-address (push-new-functor! wam functor)))
+           (functor-address (push-new-functor! wam functor arity)))
        (bind! wam address structure-address)
        (setf (wam-mode wam) :write
-             (wam-subterm wam) (1+ functor-address))))
+             (wam-subterm wam) (+ 2 functor-address))))
     ;; If the register points at a structure cell, then we look at where
-    ;; that cell points (which will be the functor cell for the structure):
+    ;; that cell points (which will be the functor for the structure):
     ;;     |   N | STR | M   | points at the structure, not necessarily contiguous
     ;;     |       ...       |
-    ;;     |   M | FUN | f/2 | the functor (hopefully it matches)
-    ;;     | M+1 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
-    ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
+    ;;     |   M | FUN | f   | the functor (hopefully it matches)
+    ;;     | M+1 | OBJ | 2   | the arity (hopefully it matches)
+    ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
+    ;;     | M+3 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
     ;; If it matches the functor we're looking for, we can proceed.  We set
     ;; the S register to the address of the first subform we need to match
-    ;; (M+1 in the example above).
-    ;;
-    ;; What about if it's a 0-arity functor?  The S register will be set to
-    ;; garbage.  But that's okay, because we know the next thing in the
-    ;; stream of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just
-    ;; blow away the S register there.
+    ;; (M+2 in the example above).
     ((:structure functor-address)
      (cell-typecase (wam functor-address)
-       ((:functor f)
-        (if (functors-match-p functor f)
+       ((:functor f n)
+        (if (functors-match-p functor arity f n)
           (setf (wam-mode wam) :read
-                (wam-subterm wam) (1+ functor-address))
+                (wam-subterm wam) (+ 2 functor-address))
           (backtrack! wam)))))
     ;; Otherwise we can't unify, so backtrack.
@@ -525,10 +529,9 @@
        ;; argument registers before we call it.  Luckily all the arguments
        ;; conveniently live contiguously right after the functor cell.
        (cell-typecase (wam functor-address)
-         ((:functor f)
-          (destructuring-bind (functor . arity) f
-            (load-arguments arity (1+ functor-address))
-            (%go functor arity)))))
+         ((:functor functor arity)
+          (load-arguments arity (+ 2 functor-address))
+          (%go functor arity))))
       ;; Zero-arity functors don't need to set up anything at all -- we can
       ;; just call them immediately.
@@ -542,15 +545,13 @@
       (t (error "Cannot dynamically call something other than a structure.")))))
-(define-instruction (%jump) ((wam wam) (functor functor))
-  (%%procedure-call wam
-                    (car functor) (cdr functor)
+(define-instruction (%jump) ((wam wam) (functor fname) (arity arity))
+  (%%procedure-call wam functor arity
                     (instruction-size +opcode-jump+)
-(define-instruction (%call) ((wam wam) (functor functor))
-  (%%procedure-call wam
-                    (car functor) (cdr functor)
+(define-instruction (%call) ((wam wam) (functor fname) (arity arity))
+  (%%procedure-call wam functor arity
                     (instruction-size +opcode-call+)
@@ -766,12 +767,11 @@
              ((:structure s) (recur s))
              ((:list l) (cons (recur l) (recur (1+ l))))
              ((:constant c) c)
-             ((:functor f)
-              (destructuring-bind (functor . arity) f
-                (list* functor
-                       (loop :repeat arity
-                             :for subterm :from (+ address 1)
-                             :collect (recur subterm)))))
+             ((:functor functor arity)
+              (list* functor
+                     (loop :repeat arity
+                           :for subterm :from (+ 2 address)
+                           :collect (recur subterm))))
              ((:lisp-object o) o)
              (t (error "What to heck is this?")))))
       (mapcar #'recur addresses))))
@@ -933,9 +933,7 @@
                    ((result-function function)
-                    (lambda (results) (declare (ignore results))))
-                   ((status-function function)
-                    (lambda (failp) (declare (ignore failp)))))
+                    (lambda (results) (declare (ignore results)))))
   "Compile query `term` and run the instructions on the `wam`.
   Resets the heap, etc before running.
@@ -945,14 +943,12 @@
   (let ((vars (compile-query wam term)))
-    (wam-reset! wam)
     (setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
           (wam-continuation-pointer wam) +code-sentinel+)
     (run wam (lambda ()
                (funcall result-function
-                        (extract-query-results wam vars))))
-    (when status-function
-      (funcall status-function (wam-fail wam))))
+                        (extract-query-results wam vars)))))
+  (wam-reset! wam)
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Fri Jul 15 23:12:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Sat Jul 16 01:34:04 2016 +0000
@@ -195,14 +195,14 @@
                (defun* ,name ((wam wam) (address store-index))
                  (:returns ,return-type)
                  (aref (wam-value-store wam) address)))))
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-null-value (eql 0))
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-structure-value store-index)
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-reference-value store-index)
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-functor-value functor)
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-constant-value fname)
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-list-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-null-value        (eql 0))
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-structure-value   store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-reference-value   store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-functor-value     fname)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-constant-value    fname)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-list-value        store-index)
   (define-unsafe %unsafe-lisp-object-value t)
-  (define-unsafe %unsafe-stack-value stack-word))
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-stack-value       stack-word))
 (defun %type-designator-constant (designator)
@@ -226,6 +226,30 @@
     (:list '%unsafe-list-value)
     (:lisp-object '%unsafe-lisp-object-value)))
+(defun parse-cell-typecase-clause (wam address clause)
+  "Parse a `cell-typecase` clause into the appropriate `ecase` clause."
+  (destructuring-bind (binding . body) clause
+    (destructuring-bind
+        (type-designator &optional value-symbol secondary-value-symbol)
+        (if (symbolp binding) (list binding) binding) ; normalize binding
+      (let ((primary-let-binding
+              (when value-symbol
+                `((,value-symbol (,(%type-designator-accessor type-designator)
+                                  ,wam ,address)))))
+            (secondary-let-binding
+              (when secondary-value-symbol
+                `((,secondary-value-symbol
+                   ,(ecase type-designator
+                      (:functor
+                       `(the arity (%unsafe-lisp-object-value ; yolo
+                                     ,wam
+                                     (1+ ,address))))))))))
+        ; build the ecase clause (const ...body...)
+        (list
+          (%type-designator-constant type-designator)
+          `(let (,@primary-let-binding
+                 ,@secondary-let-binding)
+            ,@body))))))
 (defmacro cell-typecase ((wam address &optional address-symbol) &rest clauses)
   "Dispatch on the type of the cell at `address` in the WAM store.
@@ -252,31 +276,15 @@
   (once-only (wam address)
-    (labels
-        ((normalize-binding (binding)
-           (cond
-             ((symbolp binding) (list binding nil))
-             ((= 1 (length binding)) (list (car binding) nil))
-             (t binding)))
-         (parse-clause (clause)
-           (destructuring-bind (binding . body) clause
-             (destructuring-bind (type-designator value-symbol)
-                 (normalize-binding binding)
-               `(,(%type-designator-constant type-designator)
-                 (let (,@(when value-symbol
-                           (list
-                             `(,value-symbol
-                               (,(%type-designator-accessor type-designator)
-                                ,wam ,address)))))
-                   ,@body))))))
-      `(progn
-        (policy-cond:policy-if (or (= safety 3) (= debug 3))
-          (wam-sanity-check-store-read ,wam ,address)
-          nil)
-        (let (,@(when address-symbol
-                  (list `(,address-symbol ,address))))
-          (case (wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
-            ,@(mapcar #'parse-clause clauses)))))))
+    `(progn
+      (policy-cond:policy-if (or (= safety 3) (= debug 3))
+        (wam-sanity-check-store-read ,wam ,address)
+        nil)
+      (let (,@(when address-symbol
+                (list `(,address-symbol ,address))))
+        (case (wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
+          ,@(mapcar (curry #'parse-cell-typecase-clause wam address)
+             clauses))))))
 (defmacro cell-type= (type type-designator)
@@ -708,6 +716,7 @@
     ;; todo we can't elide this once we start storing live objects... :(
     (wam-reset-local-registers! wam)
     nil) ; fuck it
+  (fill (wam-code wam) 0 :start 0 :end +maximum-query-size+)
   (setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
         (wam-continuation-pointer wam) 0
         (wam-environment-pointer wam) +stack-start+