
Split apart compilation into precompile/render phases

This doesn't change anything now, but it'll let us add optimization passes that
can work on friendly-formatted data instead of raw bytes.
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 12 May 2016 18:52:30 +0000 (2016-05-12)
parents 12b69e64ece1
children 14de0f74d3e2
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords src/wam/compiler.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Tue May 10 19:42:04 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Thu May 12 18:52:30 2016 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 (2 code-push-instruction!)
 (1 repeat)
 (2 define-instruction define-instructions)
-(1 with-database with-fresh-database)
+(1 with-database)
--- a/src/wam/compiler.lisp	Tue May 10 19:42:04 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compiler.lisp	Thu May 12 18:52:30 2016 +0000
@@ -494,22 +494,29 @@
     (append tokens `((:call ,functor ,arity)))))
-;;;; Bytecode
+;;;; Precompilation
 ;;; Once we have a tokenized stream we can generate the machine instructions
 ;;; from it.
-;;; We turn:
+;;; We don't generate the ACTUAL bytecode immediately, because we want to run
+;;; a few optimization passes on it first, and it's easier to work with if we
+;;; have a friendlier format.
+;;; So we turn a stream of tokens:
 ;;;   (X2 = q/2), X1, X3, (X0 = p/2), X1, X2
-;;; into something like:
+;;; into a list of instructions, each of which is a list:
-;;;   (#'%put-structure 2 q 2)
-;;;   (#'%set-variable 1)
-;;;   (#'%set-variable 3)
-;;;   (#'%put-structure 0 p 2)
-;;;   (#'%set-value 1)
-;;;   (#'%set-value 2)
+;;;   (:put-structure X2 q 2)
+;;;   (:set-variable X1)
+;;;   (:set-variable X3)
+;;;   (:put-structure X0 p 2)
+;;;   (:set-value X1)
+;;;   (:set-value X2)
+;;; The opcodes are keywords and the register arguments remain register objects.
+;;; They get converted down to the raw bytes in the final "rendering" step.
 (defun find-opcode (opcode newp mode &optional register)
   (flet ((find-variant (register)
@@ -518,27 +525,27 @@
     (eswitch ((list opcode newp mode (find-variant register)) :test #'equal)
-      ('(:argument t   :program :local) +opcode-get-variable-local+)
-      ('(:argument t   :program :stack) +opcode-get-variable-stack+)
-      ('(:argument t   :query   :local) +opcode-put-variable-local+)
-      ('(:argument t   :query   :stack) +opcode-put-variable-stack+)
-      ('(:argument nil :program :local) +opcode-get-value-local+)
-      ('(:argument nil :program :stack) +opcode-get-value-stack+)
-      ('(:argument nil :query   :local) +opcode-put-value-local+)
-      ('(:argument nil :query   :stack) +opcode-put-value-stack+)
+      ('(:argument t   :program :local) :get-variable-local)
+      ('(:argument t   :program :stack) :get-variable-stack)
+      ('(:argument t   :query   :local) :put-variable-local)
+      ('(:argument t   :query   :stack) :put-variable-stack)
+      ('(:argument nil :program :local) :get-value-local)
+      ('(:argument nil :program :stack) :get-value-stack)
+      ('(:argument nil :query   :local) :put-value-local)
+      ('(:argument nil :query   :stack) :put-value-stack)
       ;; Structures can only live locally, they never go on the stack
-      ('(:structure nil :program :local) +opcode-get-structure-local+)
-      ('(:structure nil :query   :local) +opcode-put-structure-local+)
-      ('(:register t   :program :local) +opcode-unify-variable-local+)
-      ('(:register t   :program :stack) +opcode-unify-variable-stack+)
-      ('(:register t   :query   :local) +opcode-set-variable-local+)
-      ('(:register t   :query   :stack) +opcode-set-variable-stack+)
-      ('(:register nil :program :local) +opcode-unify-value-local+)
-      ('(:register nil :program :stack) +opcode-unify-value-stack+)
-      ('(:register nil :query   :local) +opcode-set-value-local+)
-      ('(:register nil :query   :stack) +opcode-set-value-stack+))))
+      ('(:structure nil :program :local) :get-structure-local)
+      ('(:structure nil :query   :local) :put-structure-local)
+      ('(:register t   :program :local) :unify-variable-local)
+      ('(:register t   :program :stack) :unify-variable-stack)
+      ('(:register t   :query   :local) :set-variable-local)
+      ('(:register t   :query   :stack) :set-variable-stack)
+      ('(:register nil :program :local) :unify-value-local)
+      ('(:register nil :program :stack) :unify-value-stack)
+      ('(:register nil :query   :local) :set-value-local)
+      ('(:register nil :query   :stack) :set-value-stack))))
-(defun compile-tokens (wam head-tokens body-tokens store)
+(defun precompile-tokens (wam head-tokens body-tokens)
   "Generate a series of machine instructions from a stream of head and body
@@ -548,38 +555,36 @@
   Actual queries are a special case where the `head-tokens` stream is `nil`
-  The compiled instructions will be appended to `store` using
-  `code-push-instructions!`.
+  The compiled instructions will be returned as a list.
   (let ((seen (list))
-        (mode nil))
+        (mode nil)
+        (instructions nil))
-        ((handle-argument (argument-register source-register)
+        ((push-instruction (&rest instruction)
+           (push instruction instructions))
+         (handle-argument (argument-register source-register)
            ;; OP X_n A_i
            (let ((newp (push-if-new source-register seen :test #'register=)))
-             (code-push-instruction! store
-                 (find-opcode :argument newp mode source-register)
-               (register-number source-register)
-               (register-number argument-register))))
+             (push-instruction (find-opcode :argument newp mode source-register)
+                               source-register
+                               argument-register)))
          (handle-structure (destination-register functor arity)
            ;; OP functor reg
            (push destination-register seen)
-           (code-push-instruction! store
-               (find-opcode :structure nil mode destination-register)
-             (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))
-             (register-number destination-register)))
+           (push-instruction (find-opcode :structure nil mode destination-register)
+                             (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))
+                             destination-register))
          (handle-call (functor arity)
            ;; CALL functor
-           (code-push-instruction! store
-               +opcode-call+
-             (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))))
+           (push-instruction :call
+                             (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))))
          (handle-register (register)
            ;; OP reg
            (let ((newp (push-if-new register seen :test #'register=)))
-             (code-push-instruction! store
-                 (find-opcode :register newp mode register)
-               (register-number register))))
+             (push-instruction (find-opcode :register newp mode register)
+                               register)))
          (handle-stream (tokens)
            (loop :for token :in tokens :collect
                  (ematch token
@@ -601,10 +606,11 @@
         (setf mode :program)
         (handle-stream head-tokens))
       (setf mode :query)
-      (handle-stream body-tokens))))
+      (handle-stream body-tokens)
+      ;; TODO: this could suck less
+      (reverse instructions))))
-;;;; Compilation
 (defun find-variables (terms)
   "Return the set of variables in `terms`."
   (remove-duplicates (tree-collect #'variable-p terms)))
@@ -640,8 +646,8 @@
       (find-shared-variables (list head body-first)))))
-(defun compile-clause (wam store head body)
-  "Compile the clause directly into `store` and return the permanent variables.
+(defun precompile-clause (wam head body)
+  "Compile the clause, returning a list of instructions the permanent variables.
   `head` should be the head of the clause for program clauses, or `nil` for
   query clauses.
@@ -677,54 +683,39 @@
                (loop :for term :in (rest body) :append
                      (tokenize-query-term term
-    (flet ((compile% () (compile-tokens wam head-tokens body-tokens store)))
+    (flet ((compile% () (precompile-tokens wam head-tokens body-tokens)))
       ;; We need to compile facts and rules differently.  Facts end with
       ;; a PROCEED and rules are wrapped in ALOC/DEAL.
-      (cond
-        ((and head body) ; a full-ass rule
-         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-allocate+ (length permanent-variables))
-         (compile%)
-         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-deallocate+))
-        ((and head (null body)) ; a bare fact
-         (compile%)
-         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-proceed+))
-        (t ; a query
-         ;; The book doesn't have this ALOC here, but we do it to aid in result
-         ;; extraction.  Basically, to make extracting th results of a query
-         ;; easier we allocate all of its variables on the stack, so we need
-         ;; push a stack frame for them before we get started.  We don't DEAL
-         ;; because we want the frame to be left on the stack at the end so we
-         ;; can poke at it.
-         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-allocate+ (length permanent-variables))
-         (compile%)
-         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-done+))))
-    permanent-variables))
+      (values
+        (cond
+          ((and head body) ; a full-ass rule
+           `((:allocate ,(length permanent-variables))
+             ,@(compile%)
+             (:deallocate)))
+          ((and head (null body)) ; a bare fact
+           `(,@(compile%)
+             (:proceed)))
+          (t ; a query
+           ;; The book doesn't have this ALOC here, but we do it to aid in result
+           ;; extraction.  Basically, to make extracting th results of a query
+           ;; easier we allocate all of its variables on the stack, so we need
+           ;; push a stack frame for them before we get started.  We don't DEAL
+           ;; because we want the frame to be left on the stack at the end so we
+           ;; can poke at it.
+           `((:allocate ,(length permanent-variables))
+             ,@(compile%)
+             (:done))))
+        permanent-variables))))
-;;; Queries
-(defun make-query-code-store ()
-  (make-array 64
-    :fill-pointer 0
-    :adjustable t
-    :element-type 'code-word))
-(defun compile-query (wam query)
-  "Compile `query` into a fresh array of bytecode.
+(defun precompile-query (wam query)
+  "Compile `query`, returning the instructions and permanent variables.
   `query` should be a list of goal terms.
-  Returns the fresh code array and the permanent variables.
+  "
+  (precompile-clause wam nil query))
-  "
-  (let* ((store (make-query-code-store))
-         (permanent-variables (compile-clause wam store nil query)))
-    (values store permanent-variables)))
-;;; Rules
-(defun mark-label (wam functor arity address)
-  "Set the code label `functor`/`arity` to point at `address`."
-  (setf (wam-code-label wam functor arity) address))
 (defun find-arity (rule)
   (let ((head (first rule)))
@@ -742,6 +733,138 @@
     (values (first predicates) (first arities))))
+(defun precompile-rules (wam rules)
+  "Compile `rules` into a list of instructions.
+  Each rule in `rules` should be a clause consisting of a head term and zero or
+  more body terms.  A rule with no body is called a fact.
+  Returns the list of compiled instructions, as well as the functor and arity of
+  the rules being compiled.
+  "
+  (assert rules () "Cannot compile an empty program.")
+  (multiple-value-bind (functor arity) (check-rules rules)
+    (values
+      (if (= 1 (length rules))
+        ;; Single-clause rules don't need to bother setting up a choice point.
+        (destructuring-bind ((head . body)) rules
+          (precompile-clause wam head body))
+        ;; Otherwise we need to loop through each of the clauses, pushing their
+        ;; choice point instruction first, then their actual code.
+        ;;
+        ;; The `nil` clause addresses will get filled in later, during rendering.
+        (loop :for ((head . body) . remaining) :on rules
+              :for first-p = t :then nil
+              :for last-p = (null remaining)
+              :append
+              (cons (cond (first-p '(:try nil))
+                          (last-p '(:trust))
+                          (t '(:retry nil)))
+                    (precompile-clause wam head body))))
+      functor
+      arity)))
+;;;; Rendering
+;;; Rendering is the act of taking the friendly list-of-instructions format and
+;;; actually converting it to raw-ass bytes and storing it in an array.
+(defun render-opcode (opcode)
+  (ecase opcode
+    (:get-structure-local  +opcode-get-structure-local+)
+    (:unify-variable-local +opcode-unify-variable-local+)
+    (:unify-variable-stack +opcode-unify-variable-stack+)
+    (:unify-value-local    +opcode-unify-value-local+)
+    (:unify-value-stack    +opcode-unify-value-stack+)
+    (:get-variable-local   +opcode-get-variable-local+)
+    (:get-variable-stack   +opcode-get-variable-stack+)
+    (:get-value-local      +opcode-get-value-local+)
+    (:get-value-stack      +opcode-get-value-stack+)
+    (:put-structure-local  +opcode-put-structure-local+)
+    (:set-variable-local   +opcode-set-variable-local+)
+    (:set-variable-stack   +opcode-set-variable-stack+)
+    (:set-value-local      +opcode-set-value-local+)
+    (:set-value-stack      +opcode-set-value-stack+)
+    (:put-variable-local   +opcode-put-variable-local+)
+    (:put-variable-stack   +opcode-put-variable-stack+)
+    (:put-value-local      +opcode-put-value-local+)
+    (:put-value-stack      +opcode-put-value-stack+)
+    (:call                 +opcode-call+)
+    (:proceed              +opcode-proceed+)
+    (:allocate             +opcode-allocate+)
+    (:deallocate           +opcode-deallocate+)
+    (:done                 +opcode-done+)
+    (:try                  +opcode-try+)
+    (:retry                +opcode-retry+)
+    (:trust                +opcode-trust+)))
+(defun render-argument (argument)
+  (etypecase argument
+    (null 0) ; ugly choice point args that'll be filled later...
+    (register (register-number argument)) ; bytecode just needs register numbers
+    (number argument))) ; just a numeric argument, e.g. alloc 0
+(defun render-bytecode (code instructions)
+  (let ((previous-jump nil))
+    (flet
+        ((fill-previous-jump (address)
+           (when previous-jump
+             (setf (aref code (1+ previous-jump)) address))
+           (setf previous-jump address)))
+      (loop
+        :for (opcode . arguments) :in instructions
+        :for address = (code-push-instruction! code
+                           (render-opcode opcode)
+                         (mapcar #'render-argument arguments))
+        ;; We need to fill in the addresses for the choice point jumping
+        ;; instructions.  For example, when we have TRY ... TRUST, the TRUST
+        ;; needs to patch its address into the TRY instruction.
+        ;;
+        ;; I know, this is ugly, sorry.
+        :when (member opcode '(:try :retry :trust))
+        :do (fill-previous-jump address)))))
+(defun make-query-code-store ()
+  (make-array 512
+    :fill-pointer 0
+    :adjustable t
+    :element-type 'code-word))
+(defun render-query (instructions)
+  (let ((code (make-query-code-store)))
+    (render-bytecode code instructions)
+    code))
+(defun mark-label (wam functor arity address)
+  "Set the code label `functor`/`arity` to point at `address`."
+  (setf (wam-code-label wam functor arity) address))
+(defun render-rules (wam functor arity instructions)
+  ;; Before we render the instructions, make the label point at where they're
+  ;; about to go.
+  (mark-label wam functor arity (fill-pointer (wam-code wam)))
+  (render-bytecode (wam-code wam) instructions))
+;;;; Compilation
+;;; The compilation phase wraps everything else up into a sane UI.
+(defun compile-query (wam query)
+  "Compile `query` into a fresh array of bytecode.
+  `query` should be a list of goal terms.
+  Returns the fresh code array and the permanent variables.
+  "
+  (multiple-value-bind (instructions permanent-variables)
+      (precompile-query wam query)
+    (values
+      (render-query instructions)
+      permanent-variables)))
 (defun compile-rules (wam rules)
   "Compile `rules` into the WAM's code store.
@@ -749,36 +872,6 @@
   more body terms.  A rule with no body is called a fact.
-  (assert rules () "Cannot compile an empty program.")
-  (*let ((code (wam-code wam))
-         (previous-jump nil)
-         ((:values functor arity) (check-rules rules)))
-    (labels
-        ((fill-jump (address)
-           (when previous-jump
-             (setf (aref code (1+ previous-jump)) address))
-           (setf previous-jump address))
-         (push-branch-instruction (first-p last-p)
-           (cond
-             (first-p
-              (fill-jump (code-push-instruction! code +opcode-try+ 999)))
-             (last-p
-              (fill-jump (code-push-instruction! code +opcode-trust+)))
-             (t
-              (fill-jump (code-push-instruction! code +opcode-retry+ 999))))))
-      ;; Mark the label to point at where we're about to stick the code.
-      ;; TODO: this is ugly
-      (mark-label wam functor arity (fill-pointer code))
-      (if (= 1 (length rules))
-        ;; Single-clause rules don't need to bother setting up a choice point.
-        (destructuring-bind ((head . body)) rules
-          (compile-clause wam code head body))
-        ;; Otherwise we need to loop through each of the clauses, pushing their
-        ;; choice point instruction first, then their actual code.
-        (loop :for ((head . body) . remaining) :on rules
-              :for first-p = t :then nil
-              :do
-              (push-branch-instruction first-p (null remaining))
-              (compile-clause wam code head body)))))
-  (values))
+  (multiple-value-bind (instructions functor arity)
+      (precompile-rules wam rules)
+    (render-rules wam functor arity instructions)))
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Tue May 10 19:42:04 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Thu May 12 18:52:30 2016 +0000
@@ -491,12 +491,14 @@
 (defun* code-push-instruction! ((store (array code-word))
                                 (opcode opcode)
-                                &rest (arguments code-word))
+                                (arguments list))
   "Push the given instruction into the code store and return its new address.
   The address will be the address of the start of the instruction (i.e. the
   address of the opcode).
+  `arguments` should be a list of `code-word`s.
   (:returns code-index)
   (assert (= (length arguments)