
Implement choice points and backtracking

Holy shit I've got a Prolog
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 20 Apr 2016 21:04:27 +0000 (2016-04-20)
parents dc6892a9a406
children 79abff72987d
branches/tags (none)
files src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/interpreter.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Wed Apr 20 17:13:31 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Wed Apr 20 21:04:27 2016 +0000
@@ -69,38 +69,70 @@
                    (e wam-environment-pointer)
                    (b wam-backtrack-pointer))
-    (when (not (= e b)) ; lame way to check for an empty stack...
-      (loop :with n = nil
-            :with limit = (max (+ e 3) (+ b 7))
+    (when (not (= 0 e b))
+      (loop :with nargs = nil
+            :with limit = (max (+ e 3) (+ b 7 2)) ; todo fix this limiting
             :with arg = 0
-            :for addr :from 0 :to limit
+            :with currently-in = nil
+            :for addr :from 0 :below limit
             :for cell = (aref (wam-stack wam) addr)
             :for offset = 0 :then (1+ offset)
+            (when (not (zerop addr))
+              (switch (addr :test #'=)
+                (e (setf currently-in :frame offset 0 arg 0))
+                (b (setf currently-in :choice offset 0 arg 0))))
             (format t "  | ~4,'0X | ~8,'0X | ~30A|~A~A~%"
-                    (cond
-                      ((= offset 0) "CE ===========================")
-                      ((= offset 1) "CP")
-                      ((= offset 2)
-                       (if (zerop cell)
-                         (progn
-                           (setf offset -1)
-                           "N: EMPTY")
-                         (progn
-                           (setf n cell)
-                           (format nil "N: ~D" cell))))
-                      ((< arg n)
-                       (prog1
-                           (format nil " Y~D: ~4,'0X"
-                                   arg
-                                   ;; look up the actual cell in the heap
-                                   (cell-aesthetic (wam-heap-cell wam cell)))
-                         (when (= n (incf arg))
-                           (setf offset -1
-                                 n nil
-                                 arg 0)))))
+                    (case currently-in ; jesus christ this needs to get fixed
+                      (:frame
+                       (cond
+                         ((= addr 0) "")
+                         ((= offset 0) "CE ===========================")
+                         ((= offset 1) "CP")
+                         ((= offset 2)
+                          (if (zerop cell)
+                            (progn
+                              (setf currently-in nil)
+                              "N: EMPTY")
+                            (progn
+                              (setf nargs cell)
+                              (format nil "N: ~D" cell))))
+                         ((< arg nargs)
+                          (prog1
+                              (format nil " Y~D: ~4,'0X"
+                                      arg
+                                      ;; look up the actual cell in the heap
+                                      (cell-aesthetic (wam-heap-cell wam cell)))
+                            (when (= nargs (incf arg))
+                              (setf currently-in nil))))))
+                      (:choice ; sweet lord make it stop
+                       (cond
+                         ((= addr 0) "")
+                         ((= offset 0)
+                          (if (zerop cell)
+                            (progn
+                              (setf currently-in nil)
+                              "N: EMPTY =================")
+                            (progn
+                              (setf nargs cell)
+                              (format nil "N: ~D =============" cell))))
+                         ((= offset 1) "CE saved env pointer")
+                         ((= offset 2) "CP saved cont pointer")
+                         ((= offset 3) "CB previous choice")
+                         ((= offset 4) "BP next clause")
+                         ((= offset 5) "TR saved trail pointer")
+                         ((= offset 6) "H  saved heap pointer")
+                         ((< arg nargs)
+                          (prog1
+                              (format nil " Y~D: ~4,'0X"
+                                      arg
+                                      ;; look up the actual cell in the heap
+                                      (cell-aesthetic (wam-heap-cell wam cell)))
+                            (when (= nargs (incf arg))
+                              (setf currently-in nil))))))
+                      (t ""))
                     (if (= addr e) " <- E" "")
                     (if (= addr b) " <- B" "")))))
   (format t "  +------+----------+-------------------------------+~%"))
@@ -242,7 +274,7 @@
      (from (max (- (wam-program-counter wam) 8) ; wow
                 0)) ; this
-     (to (min (+ (wam-program-counter wam) 12) ; is
+     (to (min (+ (wam-program-counter wam) 8) ; is
               (length (wam-code wam))))) ; bad
   (format t "CODE~%")
   (dump-code-store wam (wam-code wam) from to))
@@ -265,6 +297,14 @@
 (defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
   (format t " FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))
+(defun dump-wam-trail (wam)
+  (format t "    TRAIL: ")
+  (loop :for addr :across (wam-trail wam) :do
+        (format t "~4,'0X ~A //"
+                addr
+                (cell-aesthetic (wam-heap-cell wam addr))))
+  (format t "~%"))
 (defun dump-labels (wam)
   (format t "LABELS:~%~{  ~A -> ~4,'0X~^~%~}~%"
           (loop :for functor-index
@@ -280,9 +320,10 @@
   (format t "     MODE: ~S~%" (wam-mode wam))
   (dump-wam-functors wam)
   (format t "HEAP SIZE: ~A~%" (length (wam-heap wam)))
-  (format t "PROGRAM C: ~A~%" (wam-program-counter wam))
-  (format t "CONT  PTR: ~A~%" (wam-continuation-pointer wam))
-  (format t "ENVIR PTR: ~A~%" (wam-environment-pointer wam))
+  (format t "PROGRAM C: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-program-counter wam))
+  (format t "CONT  PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-continuation-pointer wam))
+  (format t "ENVIR PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-environment-pointer wam))
+  (dump-wam-trail wam)
   (dump-wam-registers wam)
   (format t "~%")
   (dump-heap wam from to highlight)
--- a/src/wam/interpreter.lisp	Wed Apr 20 17:13:31 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/interpreter.lisp	Wed Apr 20 21:04:27 2016 +0000
@@ -59,6 +59,51 @@
      (cell-value functor-cell-2)))
+;;;; "Ancillary" Functions
+(defun* backtrack! ((wam wam) (reason string))
+  (:returns :void)
+  "Backtrack after a failure.
+  If `*break-on-fail*` is true, the debugger will be invoked.
+  "
+  (when *break-on-fail*
+    (break "FAIL: ~A" reason))
+  (if (zerop (wam-backtrack-pointer wam))
+    (setf (wam-fail wam) t)
+    (setf (wam-program-counter wam) (wam-stack-choice-bp wam)
+          (wam-backtracked wam) t))
+  (values))
+(defun* trail! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+  (:returns :void)
+  "Push the given address onto the trail (but only if necessary)."
+  (when (< address (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam))
+    (wam-trail-push! wam address))
+  (values))
+(defun* unbind! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+  (:returns :void)
+  "Unbind the reference cell at `address`.
+  No error checking is done, so please don't try to unbind something that's not
+  a reference cell.
+  "
+  (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address)
+        (make-cell-reference address))
+  (values))
+(defun* unwind-trail! ((wam wam)
+                       (trail-start trail-index)
+                       (trail-end trail-index))
+  (:returns :void)
+  "Unbind all the things in the given range of the trail."
+  ;; TODO: seriously can't we just pop back to a certain place?
+  (loop :for i :from trail-start :below trail-end :do
+        (unbind! wam (wam-trail-value wam i)))
+  (values))
 (defun* deref ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
   (:returns heap-index)
   "Dereference the address in the WAM to its eventual destination.
@@ -85,28 +130,20 @@
+    ;; a1 <- a2
     ((unbound-reference-p wam address-1)
      (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address-1)
-           (make-cell-reference address-2)))
+           (make-cell-reference address-2))
+     (trail! wam address-1))
+    ;; a2 <- 1a
     ((unbound-reference-p wam address-2)
      (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address-2)
-           (make-cell-reference address-1)))
+           (make-cell-reference address-1))
+     (trail! wam address-2))
+    ;; wut
     (t (error "At least one cell must be an unbound reference when binding.")))
-(defun* fail! ((wam wam) (reason string))
-  (:returns :void)
-  "Mark a failure in the WAM.
-  If `*break-on-fail*` is true, the debugger will be invoked.
-  "
-  (setf (wam-fail wam) t)
-  (when *break-on-fail*
-    (break "FAIL: ~A~%" reason))
-  (values))
 (defun* unify! ((wam wam) (a1 heap-index) (a2 heap-index))
   (wam-unification-stack-push! wam a1)
   (wam-unification-stack-push! wam a2)
@@ -139,7 +176,7 @@
                       (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ structure-1-addr i))
                       (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ structure-2-addr i)))
                 ;; Otherwise we're hosed.
-                (fail! wam "Functors don't match in unify!")))))))))
+                (backtrack! wam "Functors don't match in unify!")))))))))
 ;;;; Instruction Definition
@@ -296,9 +333,9 @@
            (if (matching-functor-p functor-cell functor)
              (setf s (1+ functor-addr)
                    mode :read)
-             (fail! wam "Functors don't match in get-struct"))))
-        (t (fail! wam (format nil "get-struct on a non-ref/struct cell ~A"
-                              (cell-aesthetic cell))))))))
+             (backtrack! wam "Functors don't match in get-struct"))))
+        (t (backtrack! wam (format nil "get-struct on a non-ref/struct cell ~A"
+                                   (cell-aesthetic cell))))))))
 (define-instructions (%unify-variable-local %unify-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
@@ -344,27 +381,29 @@
 (define-instruction %call ((wam wam) (functor functor-index))
   (let ((target (wam-code-label wam functor)))
     (if target
-      (progn
-        (setf (wam-continuation-pointer wam) ; CP <- next instruction
-              (+ (wam-program-counter wam)
-                 (instruction-size +opcode-call+))
-              (wam-program-counter wam) ; PC <- target
-              target))
-      (fail! wam "Tried to call unknown procedure."))))
+      (setf (wam-continuation-pointer wam) ; CP <- next instruction
+            (+ (wam-program-counter wam)
+               (instruction-size +opcode-call+))
+            (wam-nargs wam) ; set NARGS
+            (wam-functor-arity wam functor)
+            (wam-program-counter wam) ; jump
+            target)
+      (backtrack! wam "Tried to call unknown procedure."))))
 (define-instruction %proceed ((wam wam))
   (setf (wam-program-counter wam) ; P <- CP
         (wam-continuation-pointer wam)))
 (define-instruction %allocate ((wam wam) (n stack-frame-argcount))
-  ;; Use the slots directly here for speed.  I know this sucks.  I'm sorry.
+  ;; We use the slots directly here for speed.  I know this sucks.  I'm sorry.
   (with-slots (stack environment-pointer) wam
-    (let* ((old-e environment-pointer)
-           (new-e (+ old-e (wam-stack-frame-size wam old-e))))
+    (let ((new-e (wam-stack-top wam)))
       (wam-stack-ensure-size! wam (+ new-e 3 n))
-      (setf (aref stack new-e) old-e ; E
-            (aref stack (+ new-e 1) (wam-continuation-pointer wam)) ; CP
-            (aref stack (+ new-e 2) n) ; N
+      (setf (aref stack new-e) environment-pointer ; CE
+            (aref stack (+ new-e 1)) (wam-continuation-pointer wam) ; CP
+            (aref stack (+ new-e 2)) n ; N
             environment-pointer new-e)))) ; E <- new-e
 (define-instruction %deallocate ((wam wam))
@@ -374,6 +413,60 @@
         (wam-stack-frame-ce wam)))
+;;;; Choice Instructions
+(define-instruction %try ((wam wam) (next-clause code-index))
+  (with-slots (stack backtrack-pointer) wam
+    (let ((new-b (wam-stack-top wam))
+          (nargs (wam-nargs wam)))
+      (wam-stack-ensure-size! wam (+ new-b 7 nargs))
+      (setf (aref stack new-b) nargs ; N
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 1)) (wam-environment-pointer wam) ; CE
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 2)) (wam-continuation-pointer wam) ; CP
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 3)) (wam-backtrack-pointer wam) ; CB
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 4)) next-clause ; BP
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 5)) (wam-trail-pointer wam) ; TR
+            (aref stack (+ new-b 6)) (wam-heap-pointer wam) ; H
+            (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam) (wam-heap-pointer wam) ; HB
+            (wam-backtrack-pointer wam) new-b) ; B
+      (loop :for i :from 0 :below nargs :do ; A_i
+            (setf (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i new-b)
+                  (wam-local-register wam i))))))
+(define-instruction %retry ((wam wam) (next-clause code-index))
+  (let ((b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+    ;; Restore argument registers
+    (loop :for i :from 0 :below (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) :do
+          (setf (wam-local-register wam i)
+                (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i b)))
+    (unwind-trail! wam (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b) (wam-trail-pointer wam))
+    (setf (wam-environment-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-ce wam b)
+          (wam-continuation-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-cp wam b)
+          ;; overwrite the next clause address in the choice point
+          (aref (wam-stack wam) (+ b 4)) next-clause
+          (wam-trail-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b)
+          (wam-heap-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-h wam b)
+          (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam) (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
+(define-instruction %trust ((wam wam))
+  (let ((b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+    ;; Restore argument registers
+    (loop :for i :from 0 :below (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) :do
+          (setf (wam-local-register wam i)
+                (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i b)))
+    (unwind-trail! wam (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b) (wam-trail-pointer wam))
+    (setf (wam-environment-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-ce wam b)
+          (wam-continuation-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-cp wam b)
+          (wam-trail-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b)
+          (wam-heap-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-h wam b)
+          (wam-backtrack-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-cb wam b)
+          ;; Note that this last one uses the NEW value of b, so the heap
+          ;; backtrack pointer gets set to the heap pointer saved in the
+          ;; PREVIOUS choice point.
+          ;;
+          ;; TODO: What if we just popped off the last stack frame?
+          (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-h wam))))
 ;;;; Running
 (defmacro instruction-call (wam instruction code-store pc number-of-arguments)
   "Expand into a call of the appropriate machine instruction.
@@ -429,7 +522,7 @@
 (defun extract-query-results (wam vars)
   (let* ((addresses (loop :for var :in vars
                           :for i :from 0
-                          :collect (wam-stack-frame-arg wam i 0)))
+                          :collect (wam-stack-frame-arg wam i)))
          (results (extract-things wam addresses)))
     (pairlis vars results)))
@@ -439,7 +532,7 @@
 (defun run (wam &optional (step nil))
-  (with-slots (code program-counter fail) wam
+  (with-slots (code program-counter fail backtrack) wam
     (macrolet ((instruction (inst args)
                  `(instruction-call wam ,inst code program-counter ,args)))
@@ -449,6 +542,7 @@
         (block op
           (when step
+            (dump) ; todo: make this saner
             (break "About to execute instruction at ~4,'0X" program-counter))
           (eswitch (opcode)
             ;; Query
@@ -471,6 +565,10 @@
             (+opcode-get-variable-stack+   (instruction %get-variable-stack 2))
             (+opcode-get-value-local+      (instruction %get-value-local 2))
             (+opcode-get-value-stack+      (instruction %get-value-stack 2))
+            ;; Choice
+            (+opcode-try+                  (instruction %try 1))
+            (+opcode-retry+                (instruction %retry 1))
+            (+opcode-trust+                (instruction %trust 0))
             ;; Control
             (+opcode-allocate+             (instruction %allocate 1))
             ;; need to skip the PC increment for PROC/CALL/DEAL/DONE
@@ -486,7 +584,10 @@
               (return-from op))
               (return-from run)))
-          (incf program-counter (instruction-size opcode))
+          ;; Only increment the PC when we didn't backtrack
+          (if (wam-backtracked wam)
+            (setf (wam-backtracked wam) nil)
+            (incf program-counter (instruction-size opcode)))
           (when (>= program-counter (fill-pointer code))
             (error "Fell off the end of the program code store!")))))
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Wed Apr 20 17:13:31 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Wed Apr 20 21:04:27 2016 +0000
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@
      :initform nil
      :type boolean
      :documentation "The failure register.")
+   (backtracked
+     :accessor wam-backtracked
+     :initform nil
+     :type boolean
+     :documentation "The backtracked register.")
      :reader wam-unification-stack
      :initform (make-array 16
@@ -131,6 +136,9 @@
   "Return the current heap pointer of the WAM."
   (fill-pointer (wam-heap wam)))
+(defun (setf wam-heap-pointer) (new-value wam)
+  (setf (fill-pointer (wam-heap wam)) new-value))
 (defun* wam-heap-cell ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
   (:returns heap-cell)
@@ -147,6 +155,10 @@
   "Return the current trail pointer of the WAM."
   (fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)))
+(defun (setf wam-trail-pointer) (new-value wam)
+  (setf (fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)) new-value))
 (defun* wam-trail-push! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
   (:returns (values heap-index trail-index))
   "Push `address` onto the trail.
@@ -164,11 +176,25 @@
   "Pop the top address off the trail and return it."
   (vector-pop (wam-trail wam)))
+(defun* wam-trail-value ((wam wam) (address trail-index))
+  ;; TODO: can we really not just pop, or is something else gonna do something
+  ;; fucky with the trail?
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Return the element (a heap index) in the WAM trail at `address`."
+  (aref (wam-trail wam) address))
 ;;;; Stack
+;;; The stack is stored as a big ol' hunk of memory in a Lisp array with one
+;;; small glitch: we reserve the first word of the stack (address 0) to mean
+;;; "uninitialized", so we have a nice sentinal value for the various pointers
+;;; into the stack.
 (defun* wam-stack-word ((wam wam) (address stack-index))
   (:returns stack-word)
   "Return the stack word at the given address."
+  (assert (not (zerop address)) (address)
+          "Cannot write to stack address zero.")
   (aref (wam-stack wam) address))
 (defun (setf wam-stack-word) (new-value wam address)
@@ -365,6 +391,25 @@
   (+ (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) 7))
+(defun* wam-stack-top ((wam wam))
+  (:returns stack-index)
+  "Return the top of the stack.
+  This is the first place it's safe to overwrite in the stack.
+  "
+  ;; The book is wrong here -- it looks up the "current frame size" to
+  ;; determine where the next frame should start, but on the first allocation
+  ;; there IS no current frame so it looks at garbage.  Fuckin' great.
+  (with-slots ((e environment-pointer) (b backtrack-pointer)) wam
+    (cond
+      ((= 0 b e) 1) ; first allocation
+      ((> e b) ; the last thing on the stack is a frame
+       (+ e (wam-stack-frame-size wam e)))
+      (t ; the last thing on the stack is a choice point
+       (+ b (wam-stack-choice-size wam b))))))
 ;;;; Resetting
 (defun* wam-truncate-heap! ((wam wam))
   (setf (fill-pointer (wam-heap wam)) 0))
@@ -383,7 +428,6 @@
 (defun* wam-reset! ((wam wam))
   (wam-truncate-heap! wam)
-  (wam-truncate-stack! wam)
   (wam-truncate-trail! wam)
   (wam-truncate-unification-stack! wam)
   (wam-reset-local-registers! wam)