
Remove the god damn functor table

It's happening^Whappened!
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 15 Jul 2016 21:55:54 +0000 (2016-07-15)
parents 9d42a27624fd
children c4dd0b6c3a91
branches/tags (none)
files package.lisp src/make-quickutils.lisp src/utils.lisp src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/vm.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/package.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+    #:aref-or-init
--- a/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
-               :tree-collect
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
       (recur ,@(mapcar #'extract-val bindings)))))
 (defmacro gethash-or-init (key hash-table default-form)
-  "Get the a key's value in a hash table, initializing if necessary.
+  "Get `key`'s value in `hash-table`, initializing if necessary.
   If `key` is in `hash-table`: return its value without evaluating
   `default-form` at all.
@@ -102,6 +102,21 @@
           (setf (gethash ,key ,hash-table) ,default-form))))))
+(defmacro aref-or-init (array index default-form)
+  "Get `index` in `array`, initializing if necessary.
+  If `index` is non-nil in `array`: return its value without evaluating
+  `default-form` at all.
+  If `index` is nil in `array`: evaluate `default-form` and set it before
+  returning it.
+  "
+  ;; TODO: think up a less shitty name for this
+  (once-only (index array)
+    `(or (aref ,array ,index)
+      (setf (aref ,array ,index) ,default-form))))
 (defmacro array-push (value array pointer &environment env)
   "Push `value` onto `array` at `pointer`, incrementing `pointer` afterword.
@@ -240,3 +255,4 @@
     (let (($keyform (gensym "CASE/TREE-")))
       `(let ((,$keyform ,keyform))
          ,(%case/tree $keyform (sort (copy-list cases) #'< :key #'first))))))
--- a/src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compiler/5-precompilation.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
            ;; OP functor reg
            (push destination-register seen)
            (push-instruction (find-opcode-structure mode)
-                             (wam-unique-functor wam (cons functor arity))
+                             (cons functor arity)
          (handle-list (register)
            (push register seen)
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
              ;; [CALL/JUMP] functor
                (if is-jump :jump :call)
-               (wam-unique-functor wam (cons functor arity))))
+               (cons functor arity)))
            ;; This is a little janky, but at this point the body goals have been
            ;; turned into one single stream of tokens, so we don't have a nice
            ;; clean way to tell when one ends.  But in practice, a body goal is
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -266,6 +266,18 @@
           (first arguments)))
+(defun functor-table (wam)
+  (loop
+    :with result = (make-hash-table)
+    :for arity :from 0
+    :for table :across (wam-code-labels wam)
+    :when table
+    :do (maphash (lambda (functor loc)
+                   (setf (gethash loc result)
+                         (cons functor arity)))
+                 table)
+    :finally (return result)))
 (defun dump-code-store (wam code-store
                         (from 0)
@@ -275,7 +287,7 @@
   ;; aren't aligned.  So if we just start at `from` we might start in the middle
   ;; of an instruction and everything would be fucked.
   (let ((addr 0)
-        (lbls (bones.utils::invert-hash-table (wam-code-labels wam)))) ; oh god
+        (lbls (functor-table wam))) ; oh god
     (while (< addr to)
       (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction code-store addr)))
         (when (>= addr from)
@@ -320,8 +332,6 @@
                     (dump-cell-value value)
                     (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list register)))))))
-(defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
-  (format t "        FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))
 (defun dump-wam-trail (wam)
   (format t "    TRAIL: ")
@@ -329,19 +339,11 @@
         (format t "~8,'0X //" address))
   (format t "~%"))
-(defun dump-labels (wam)
-  (format t "LABELS:~%~{  ~A -> ~4,'0X~^~%~}~%"
-          (loop :for functor
-                :being :the :hash-keys :of (wam-code-labels wam)
-                :using (hash-value address)
-                :nconc (list (pretty-functor functor) address))))
 (defun dump-wam (wam from to)
   (format t "            FAIL: ~A~%" (wam-fail wam))
   (format t "    BACKTRACKED?: ~A~%" (wam-backtracked wam))
   (format t "            MODE: ~S~%" (wam-mode wam))
-  (dump-wam-functors wam)
   (format t "       HEAP SIZE: ~A~%" (- (wam-heap-pointer wam) +heap-start+))
   (format t " PROGRAM COUNTER: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-program-counter wam))
   (format t "CONTINUATION PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-continuation-pointer wam))
@@ -356,7 +358,6 @@
   (format t "~%")
   (dump-stack wam)
   (format t "~%")
-  (dump-labels wam)
   (dump-code wam))
 (defun dump-wam-query-code (wam &optional (max +maximum-query-size+))
--- a/src/wam/vm.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/vm.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
 (defun* functors-match-p ((f1 functor) (f2 functor))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the two functor cell values represent the same functor."
-  (eq f1 f2))
+  (equal f1 f2))
 (defun* constants-match-p ((c1 functor) (c2 functor))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the two constant cell values unify."
-  (eq c1 c2))
+  (equal c1 c2))
 (defun* lisp-objects-match-p ((o1 t) (o2 t))
   (:returns boolean)
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
                           (functor functor)
                           (program-counter-increment instruction-size)
                           (is-tail boolean))
-  (let* ((target (wam-code-label wam functor)))
+  (let* ((target (wam-code-label wam (car functor) (cdr functor))))
     (if (not target)
       ;; Trying to call an unknown procedure.
       (backtrack! wam)
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Fri Jul 15 20:43:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Fri Jul 15 21:55:54 2016 +0000
@@ -71,14 +71,8 @@
     :type (simple-array code-word (*))
     :read-only t)
-    (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
-    :read-only t)
-  (functors
-    (make-array 64
-      :fill-pointer 0
-      :adjustable t
-      :element-type 'functor)
-    :type (vector functor)
+    (make-array +maximum-arity+ :initial-element nil)
+    :type (simple-array (or null hash-table))
     :read-only t)
   ;; Logic Stack
@@ -727,6 +721,16 @@
 ;;;; Code
+;;; The WAM needs to be able to look up predicates at runtime.  To do this we
+;;; keep a data structure that maps a functor and arity to a location in the
+;;; code store.
+;;; This data structure is an array, with the arity we're looking up being the
+;;; position.  At that position will be a hash tables of the functor symbols to
+;;; the locations.
+;;; Each arity's table will be created on-the-fly when it's first needed.
 (defun* retrieve-instruction (code-store (address code-index))
   "Return the full instruction at the given address in the code store."
   (make-array (instruction-size (aref code-store address))
@@ -735,19 +739,29 @@
     :adjustable nil
     :element-type 'code-word))
-(defun* wam-code-label ((wam wam) (functor functor))
+(defun* wam-code-label ((wam wam) (functor fname) (arity arity))
   (:returns (or null code-index))
-  (gethash functor (wam-code-labels wam)))
+  (let ((atable (aref (wam-code-labels wam) arity)))
+    (when atable
+      (values (gethash functor atable)))))
 (defun* (setf wam-code-label) ((new-value code-index)
                                (wam wam)
                                (functor fname)
                                (arity arity))
-  ;; Note that this takes a functor/arity and not a cons.
-  (setf (gethash (wam-unique-functor wam (cons functor arity))
-                 (wam-code-labels wam))
+  (setf (gethash functor (aref-or-init (wam-code-labels wam) arity
+                                       (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+(defun* wam-code-label-remove! ((wam wam)
+                                (functor fname)
+                                (arity arity))
+  (let ((atable (aref (wam-code-labels wam) arity)))
+    (when atable
+      ;; todo: remove the table entirely when empty?
+      (remhash functor atable))))
 (defun* wam-load-query-code! ((wam wam)
                               (query-code query-code-holder))
@@ -767,10 +781,13 @@
 ;;; of logic frames to reuse, which lets us simply `clrhash` in between instead
 ;;; of having to allocate a brand new hash table.
+(declaim (inline assert-logic-frame-poppable))
 (defstruct logic-frame
   (start 0 :type code-index)
   (final nil :type boolean)
-  (predicates (make-hash-table) :type hash-table))
+  (predicates (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table))
 (defun* wam-logic-pool-release ((wam wam) (frame logic-frame))
@@ -816,24 +833,36 @@
     (push frame (wam-logic-stack wam)))
+(defun assert-logic-frame-poppable (wam)
+  (let ((logic-stack (wam-logic-stack wam)))
+    (policy-cond:policy-if (or (> safety 1) (> debug 0) (< speed 3))
+      ;; Slow
+      (progn
+        (assert logic-stack ()
+          "Cannot pop logic frame from an empty logic stack.")
+        (assert (logic-frame-final (first logic-stack)) ()
+          "Cannot pop unfinalized logic frame."))
+      ;; Fast
+      (when (or (not logic-stack)
+                (not (logic-frame-final (first logic-stack))))
+        (error "Cannot pop logic frame.")))))
 (defun* wam-pop-logic-frame! ((wam wam))
   (:returns :void)
   (with-slots (logic-stack) wam
-    (assert logic-stack ()
-      "Cannot pop logic frame from an empty logic stack.")
-    (assert (logic-frame-final (first logic-stack)) ()
-      "Cannot pop unfinalized logic frame.")
+    (assert-logic-frame-poppable wam)
     (let ((frame (pop logic-stack)))
       (setf (wam-code-pointer wam)
             (logic-frame-start frame))
-      (loop :for label :being :the hash-keys :of (logic-frame-predicates frame)
-            :do (remhash label (wam-code-labels wam)))
+      (loop :for (functor . arity)
+            :being :the hash-keys :of (logic-frame-predicates frame)
+            :do (wam-code-label-remove! wam functor arity))
       (wam-logic-pool-release wam frame)))
-(defun* assert-label-not-already-compiled ((wam wam) clause label)
-  (assert (not (wam-code-label wam label))
+(defun* assert-label-not-already-compiled ((wam wam) clause functor arity)
+  (assert (not (wam-code-label wam functor arity))
     "Cannot add clause ~S because its predicate has preexisting compiled code."
@@ -842,12 +871,13 @@
   (assert (wam-logic-open-p wam) ()
     "Cannot add clause ~S without an open logic stack frame."
   (multiple-value-bind (functor arity) (find-predicate clause)
-    (let ((label (wam-unique-functor wam (cons functor arity))))
-      (assert-label-not-already-compiled wam clause label)
-      (with-slots (predicates)
-          (wam-current-logic-frame wam)
-        (enqueue clause (gethash-or-init label predicates (make-queue))))))
+    (assert-label-not-already-compiled wam clause functor arity)
+    (enqueue clause (gethash-or-init
+                      (cons functor arity)
+                      (logic-frame-predicates (wam-current-logic-frame wam))
+                      (make-queue))))
@@ -992,22 +1022,6 @@
   (wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-register-address wam destination) source))
-;;;; Functors
-;;; Functors are stored in an adjustable array to uniquify them... for now.
-(defun* wam-unique-functor ((wam wam) (functor functor))
-  (:returns functor)
-  "Return a unique version of the functor cons.
-  If the functor is not already in the table it will be added.
-  "
-  (or (find functor (wam-functors wam) :test #'equal)
-      (progn
-        (vector-push-extend functor (wam-functors wam))
-        functor)))
 ;;;; Unification Stack
 (declaim (inline wam-unification-stack-push!