

Convert all registers (local, argument, stack) to contain cells instead of
addresses into the heap.  This was extremely painful but necessary to move
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 09 May 2016 23:59:25 +0000 (2016-05-09)
parents b02a1a9684c2
children 6392237bf417
branches/tags (none)
files src/wam/constants.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/types.lisp src/wam/vm.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/src/wam/constants.lisp	Mon May 09 22:00:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/constants.lisp	Mon May 09 23:59:25 2016 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM code store.")
 (define-constant +code-sentinal+ (1- +code-limit+)
+  ; TODO: Should this sentinal value be 0 like everything else?
   :documentation "Sentinal value used in the PC and CP.")
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
 (define-constant +register-count+ 2048
-  :documentation "The number of registers the WAM has available.")
+  :documentation "The number of local registers the WAM has available.")
 (define-constant +maximum-arity+ 1024
@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@
   :documentation "The address in the store of the first cell of the stack.")
 (define-constant +stack-end+ (+ +stack-start+ +stack-limit+)
-  :documentation "The address in the store one past the last cell in the stack.")
+  :documentation
+  "The address in the store one past the last cell in the stack.")
 (define-constant +heap-start+ +stack-end+
   :documentation "The address in the store of the first cell of the heap.")
@@ -68,10 +70,15 @@
   ;; The trail's fill pointer is stored inside choice frames on the stack, so it
   ;; needs to be able to fit inside a stack word.  We don't tag it, though, so
   ;; we can technically use all of the cell bits if we want.
+  ;;
+  ;; TODO: should probably limit this to something more reasonable
   :documentation "The maximum number of variables that may exist in the trail.")
-(define-constant +store-limit+ (expt 2 16)
+(define-constant +store-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
+  ;; Reference cells need to be able to store a heap address in their value
+  ;; bits, so that limits the amount of addressable space we've got to work
+  ;; with.
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM store.")
 (define-constant +heap-limit+ (- +store-limit+ +register-count+ +stack-limit+)
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Mon May 09 22:00:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Mon May 09 23:59:25 2016 +0000
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@
                           (format nil "N: ~D" cell))))
                      ((< arg nargs)
-                          (format nil " Y~D: ~8,'0X" arg cell)
+                          (format nil " Y~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
+                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
                         (when (= nargs (incf arg))
                           (setf currently-in nil))))))
                   (:choice ; sweet lord make it stop
@@ -123,7 +124,8 @@
                      ((= offset 6) "H  saved heap pointer")
                      ((< arg nargs)
-                          (format nil " Y~D: ~8,'0X" arg cell)
+                          (format nil " A~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
+                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
                         (when (= nargs (incf arg))
                           (setf currently-in nil))))))
                   (t ""))
@@ -276,17 +278,16 @@
 (defun dump-wam-registers (wam)
   (format t "REGISTERS:~%")
-  (format t  "~5@A -> ~8@A~%" "S" (wam-subterm wam))
-  (loop :for i :from 0 :to +register-count+
-        :for reg :across (wam-store wam)
-        :for contents = (when (not (zerop reg))
-                          (wam-heap-cell wam reg))
-        :when contents
-        :do (format t "~5@A -> ~8,'0X ~10A ~A~%"
-                    (format nil "X~D" i)
-                    reg
-                    (cell-aesthetic contents)
-                    (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list reg)))))))
+  (format t  "~5@A -> ~8X~%" "S" (wam-subterm wam))
+  (loop :for register :from 0 :to +register-count+
+        :for contents :across (wam-store wam)
+        :when (not (cell-null-p contents))
+        :do
+        (format t "~5@A -> ~8,'0X ~10A ~A~%"
+                (format nil "X~D" register)
+                contents
+                (cell-aesthetic contents)
+                (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list register)))))))
 (defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
   (format t "        FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))
@@ -296,7 +297,7 @@
   (loop :for addr :across (wam-trail wam) :do
         (format t "~4,'0X ~A //"
-                (cell-aesthetic (wam-heap-cell wam addr))))
+                (cell-aesthetic (wam-store-cell wam addr))))
   (format t "~%"))
 (defun dump-labels (wam)
--- a/src/wam/types.lisp	Mon May 09 22:00:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/types.lisp	Mon May 09 23:59:25 2016 +0000
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
   `(integer 3 ,+stack-frame-size-limit+))
 (deftype stack-choice-size ()
+  ;; TODO: is this actually right?  check on frame size limit vs choice point
+  ;; size limit...
   `(integer 7 ,+stack-frame-size-limit+))
 (deftype stack-frame-argcount ()
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@
     environment-pointer ; CE
     continuation-pointer ; CP
     stack-frame-argcount ; N
-    heap-index)) ; Yn
+    cell)) ; Yn
 (deftype stack-choice-word ()
@@ -81,9 +83,32 @@
     continuation-pointer ; CP, BP
     stack-frame-argcount ; N
     trail-index ; TR
-    heap-index))  ; An, H
+    heap-index ; H
+    cell)) ; An
 (deftype stack-word ()
   '(or stack-frame-word stack-choice-word))
+;;;; Sanity Checks
+;;; The values on the WAM stack are a bit of a messy situation.  The WAM store
+;;; is defined as an array of cells, but certain things on the stack aren't
+;;; actually cells (e.g. the stored continuation pointer).
+;;; This shouldn't be a problem (aside from being ugly) as long as our `cell`
+;;; type is big enough to hold the values of these non-cell things.  So let's
+;;; just make sure that's the case...
+(defun sanity-check-stack-type (type)
+  (assert (subtypep type 'cell) ()
+    "Type ~A is too large to fit into a cell!"
+    type)
+  (values))
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'stack-frame-argcount)
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'environment-pointer)
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'continuation-pointer)
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'backtrack-pointer)
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'trail-index)
+(sanity-check-stack-type 'stack-word)
--- a/src/wam/vm.lisp	Mon May 09 22:00:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/vm.lisp	Mon May 09 23:59:25 2016 +0000
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
   (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-functor functor)))
-(defun* bound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+(defun* bound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the cell at `address` is a bound reference."
-    (let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam address)))
+    (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam address)))
       (and (cell-reference-p cell)
            (not (= (cell-value cell) address))))))
-(defun* unbound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+(defun* unbound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the cell at `address` is an unbound reference."
-    (let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam address)))
+    (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam address)))
       (and (cell-reference-p cell)
            (= (cell-value cell) address)))))
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
           (wam-backtracked wam) t))
-(defun* trail! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+(defun* trail! ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (:returns :void)
   "Push the given address onto the trail (but only if necessary)."
   (when (< address (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam))
     (wam-trail-push! wam address))
-(defun* unbind! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+(defun* unbind! ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (:returns :void)
   "Unbind the reference cell at `address`.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
   a reference cell.
-  (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address)
+  (setf (wam-store-cell wam address)
         (make-cell-reference address))
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
         (unbind! wam (wam-trail-value wam i)))
-(defun* deref ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
-  (:returns heap-index)
-  "Dereference the address in the WAM to its eventual destination.
+(defun* deref ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (:returns store-index)
+  "Dereference the address in the WAM store to its eventual destination.
   If the address is a variable that's bound to something, that something will be
   looked up (recursively) and the address of whatever it's ultimately bound to
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
   (if (bound-reference-p wam address)
-    (deref wam (cell-value (wam-heap-cell wam address)))
+    (deref wam (cell-value (wam-store-cell wam address)))
-(defun* bind! ((wam wam) (address-1 heap-index) (address-2 heap-index))
+(defun* bind! ((wam wam) (address-1 store-index) (address-2 store-index))
   (:returns :void)
   "Bind the unbound reference cell to the other.
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@
     ;; a1 <- a2
     ((unbound-reference-p wam address-1)
-     (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address-1)
+     (setf (wam-store-cell wam address-1)
            (make-cell-reference address-2))
      (trail! wam address-1))
     ;; a2 <- 1a
     ((unbound-reference-p wam address-2)
-     (setf (wam-heap-cell wam address-2)
+     (setf (wam-store-cell wam address-2)
            (make-cell-reference address-1))
      (trail! wam address-2))
     ;; wut
     (t (error "At least one cell must be an unbound reference when binding.")))
-(defun* unify! ((wam wam) (a1 heap-index) (a2 heap-index))
+(defun* unify! ((wam wam) (a1 store-index) (a2 store-index))
   (wam-unification-stack-push! wam a1)
   (wam-unification-stack-push! wam a2)
   (setf (wam-fail wam) nil)
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
     (let ((d1 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam)))
           (d2 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam))))
       (when (not (= d1 d2))
-        (let ((cell-1 (wam-heap-cell wam d1))
-              (cell-2 (wam-heap-cell wam d2)))
+        (let ((cell-1 (wam-store-cell wam d1))
+              (cell-2 (wam-store-cell wam d2)))
           (if (or (cell-reference-p cell-1)
                   (cell-reference-p cell-2))
             ;; If at least one is a reference, bind them.
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@
             ;; Otherwise we're looking at two structures (hopefully, lol).
             (let* ((structure-1-addr (cell-value cell-1)) ; find where they
                    (structure-2-addr (cell-value cell-2)) ; start on the heap
-                   (functor-1 (wam-heap-cell wam structure-1-addr)) ; grab the
-                   (functor-2 (wam-heap-cell wam structure-2-addr))) ; functors
+                   (functor-1 (wam-store-cell wam structure-1-addr)) ; grab the
+                   (functor-2 (wam-store-cell wam structure-2-addr))) ; functors
               (if (functors-match-p functor-1 functor-2)
                 ;; If the functors match, push their pairs of arguments onto
                 ;; the stack to be unified.
@@ -247,33 +247,28 @@
     ((wam wam)
      (functor functor-index)
      (register register-index))
-  (->> (push-new-structure! wam)
-    (nth-value 1)
-    (setf (wam-local-register wam register)))
+  (setf (wam-local-register wam register)
+        (push-new-structure! wam))
   (push-new-functor! wam functor))
 (define-instructions (%set-variable-local %set-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
-  (->> (push-unbound-reference! wam)
-    (nth-value 1)
-    (setf (%wam-register% wam register))))
+  (setf (%wam-register% wam register)
+        (push-unbound-reference! wam)))
 (define-instructions (%set-value-local %set-value-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
-  (wam-heap-push! wam (->> register
-                        (%wam-register% wam)
-                        (wam-heap-cell wam))))
+  (wam-heap-push! wam (%wam-register% wam register)))
 (define-instructions (%put-variable-local %put-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
-  (->> (push-unbound-reference! wam)
-    (nth-value 1)
-    (setf (%wam-register% wam register))
-    (setf (wam-local-register wam argument))))
+  (let ((new-reference (push-unbound-reference! wam)))
+    (setf (%wam-register% wam register) new-reference
+          (wam-local-register wam argument) new-reference)))
 (define-instructions (%put-value-local %put-value-stack)
     ((wam wam)
@@ -288,8 +283,8 @@
                                           (functor functor-index)
                                           (register register-index))
   (with-accessors ((mode wam-mode) (s wam-subterm)) wam
-    (let* ((addr (deref wam (wam-local-register wam register)))
-           (cell (wam-heap-cell wam addr)))
+    (let* ((addr (deref wam register))
+           (cell (wam-store-cell wam addr)))
         ;; If the register points at a reference cell, we push two new cells onto
         ;; the heap:
@@ -329,11 +324,11 @@
         ;; stream of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just
         ;; blow away the S register there.
         ((cell-structure-p cell)
-         (let* ((functor-addr (cell-value cell))
-                (functor-cell (wam-heap-cell wam functor-addr)))
+         (let* ((functor-address (cell-value cell))
+                (functor-cell (wam-heap-cell wam functor-address)))
            (if (matching-functor-p functor-cell functor)
              (setf mode :read
-                   s (1+ functor-addr))
+                   s (1+ functor-address))
              (backtrack! wam "Functors don't match in get-struct"))))
         (t (backtrack! wam (format nil "get-struct on a non-ref/struct cell ~A"
                                    (cell-aesthetic cell))))))))
@@ -341,25 +336,18 @@
 (define-instructions (%unify-variable-local %unify-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
-  (ecase (wam-mode wam)
-    (:read (setf (%wam-register% wam register)
-                 (wam-subterm wam)))
-    (:write (->> (push-unbound-reference! wam)
-              (nth-value 1)
-              (setf (%wam-register% wam register)))))
+  (setf (%wam-register% wam register)
+        (ecase (wam-mode wam)
+          (:read (wam-heap-cell wam (wam-subterm wam)))
+          (:write (push-unbound-reference! wam))))
   (incf (wam-subterm wam)))
 (define-instructions (%unify-value-local %unify-value-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
   (ecase (wam-mode wam)
-    (:read (unify! wam
-                   (%wam-register% wam register)
-                   (wam-subterm wam)))
-    (:write (wam-heap-push! wam
-                            (->> register
-                              (%wam-register% wam)
-                              (wam-heap-cell wam)))))
+    (:read (unify! wam register (wam-subterm wam)))
+    (:write (wam-heap-push! wam (%wam-register% wam register))))
   (incf (wam-subterm wam)))
 (define-instructions (%get-variable-local %get-variable-stack)
@@ -373,9 +361,7 @@
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
-  (unify! wam
-          (%wam-register% wam register)
-          (wam-local-register wam argument)))
+  (unify! wam register argument))
 ;;;; Control Instructions
@@ -491,7 +477,7 @@
 (defun extract-things (wam addresses)
-  "Extract the things at the given heap addresses.
+  "Extract the things at the given store addresses.
   The things will be returned in the same order as the addresses were given.
@@ -511,7 +497,7 @@
            (cdr (or (assoc address unbound-vars)
                     (mark-unbound-var address))))
          (recur (address)
-           (let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam (deref wam address))))
+           (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam (deref wam address))))
                ((cell-null-p cell) "NULL?!")
                ((cell-reference-p cell) (extract-var (cell-value cell)))
@@ -530,8 +516,9 @@
 (defun extract-query-results (wam vars)
   (let* ((addresses (loop :for var :in vars
-                          :for i :from 0
-                          :collect (wam-stack-frame-arg wam i)))
+                          ;; TODO: make this suck less
+                          :for i :from (+ (wam-environment-pointer wam) 3)
+                          :collect i))
          (results (extract-things wam addresses)))
     (weave vars results)))
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Mon May 09 22:00:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Mon May 09 23:59:25 2016 +0000
@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@
     (make-array 16
       :fill-pointer 0
       :adjustable t
-      :element-type 'heap-index)
-    :type (vector heap-index)
+      :element-type 'store-index)
+    :type (vector store-index)
     :read-only t)
     (make-array 64
       :fill-pointer 0
       :adjustable t
       :initial-element 0
-      :element-type 'heap-index)
-    :type (vector heap-index)
+      :element-type 'store-index)
+    :type (vector store-index)
     :read-only t)
   ;; Unique registers
@@ -99,6 +99,21 @@
   (mode        nil :type (or null (member :read :write))))
+;;;; Store
+(defun* wam-store-cell ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (:returns cell)
+  "Return the cell at the given address.
+  Please don't use this unless you absolutely have to.  Prefer something more
+  specific like `wam-heap-cell` else so you've got some extra sanity checking...
+  "
+  (aref (wam-store wam) address))
+(defun (setf wam-store-cell) (new-value wam address)
+  (setf (aref (wam-store wam) address) new-value))
 ;;;; Heap
 ;;; The WAM heap is all the memory left in the store after the local registers
 ;;; and stack have been accounted for.  Because the store is adjustable and the
@@ -157,8 +172,8 @@
   (setf (fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)) new-value))
-(defun* wam-trail-push! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
-  (:returns (values heap-index trail-index))
+(defun* wam-trail-push! ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (:returns (values store-index trail-index))
   "Push `address` onto the trail.
   Returns the address and the trail address it was pushed to.
@@ -170,14 +185,14 @@
       (values address (vector-push-extend address trail)))))
 (defun* wam-trail-pop! ((wam wam))
-  (:returns heap-index)
+  (:returns store-index)
   "Pop the top address off the trail and return it."
   (vector-pop (wam-trail wam)))
 (defun* wam-trail-value ((wam wam) (address trail-index))
   ;; TODO: can we really not just pop, or is something else gonna do something
   ;; fucky with the trail?
-  (:returns heap-index)
+  (:returns store-index)
   "Return the element (a heap index) in the WAM trail at `address`."
   (aref (wam-trail wam) address))
@@ -275,7 +290,7 @@
      ((e environment-pointer)
       (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns heap-index)
+  (:returns cell)
   (wam-stack-word wam (+ 3 n e)))
 (defun (setf wam-stack-frame-arg)
@@ -283,15 +298,6 @@
   (setf (wam-stack-word wam (+ e 3 n))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg-cell
-    ((wam wam)
-     (n register-index)
-     &optional
-     ((e environment-pointer)
-      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (wam-heap-cell wam (wam-stack-frame-arg wam n e)))
 (defun* wam-stack-frame-size
     ((wam wam)
@@ -381,7 +387,7 @@
      ((b backtrack-pointer)
       (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns heap-index)
+  (:returns cell)
   (wam-stack-word wam (+ b 7 n)))
 (defun (setf wam-stack-choice-arg)
@@ -389,15 +395,6 @@
   (setf (wam-stack-word wam (+ b 7 n))
-(defun* wam-stack-choice-arg-cell
-    ((wam wam)
-     (n arity)
-     &optional
-     ((b backtrack-pointer)
-      (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (wam-heap-cell wam (wam-stack-choice-arg wam n b)))
 (defun* wam-stack-choice-size
     ((wam wam)
@@ -541,24 +538,70 @@
 ;;;; Registers
-;;; The WAM has two types of registers.  A register (regardless of type) always
-;;; contains an index into the heap (basically a pointer to a heap cell).
+;;; The WAM has two types of registers:
-;;; Local/temporary/arguments registers live at the beginning of the WAM memory
-;;; store.
+;;; * Local/temporary/arguments registers live at the beginning of the WAM
+;;;   memory store.
-;;; Stack/permanent registers live on the stack, and need some extra math to
-;;; find their location.
+;;; * Stack/permanent registers live on the stack, and need some extra math to
+;;;   find their location.
 ;;; Registers are typically denoted by their "register index", which is just
 ;;; their number.  Hoever, the bytecode needs to be able to distinguish between
 ;;; local and stack registers.  To do this we just make separate opcodes for
 ;;; each kind.  This is ugly, but it lets us figure things out at compile time
 ;;; instead of runtime, and register references happen A LOT at runtime.
+;;; As for the CONTENTS of register: a register (regardless of type) always
+;;; contains a cell.  The book is maddeningly unclear on this in a bunch of
+;;; ways.  I will list them here so maybe you can feel a bit of my suffering
+;;; through these bytes of text.
+;;; The first thing the book says about registers is "registers have the same
+;;; format as heap cells".  Okay, fine.  The *very next diagram* shows "register
+;;; assignments" that appear to put things that are very much *not* heap cells
+;;; into registers!
+;;; After a bit of puttering you realize that the diagram is referring only to
+;;; the compilation, not what's *actually* stored in these registers at runtime.
+;;; You move on and see some pseudocode that contains `X_i <- HEAP[H]` which
+;;; confirms that his original claim was accurate, and registers are actually
+;;; (copies of) heap cells.  Cool.
+;;; Then you move on and see the definition of `deref(a : address)` and note
+;;; that it takes an *address* as an argument.  On the next page you see
+;;; `deref(X_i)` and wait what the fuck, a register is an *address* now?  You
+;;; scan down the page and see `HEAP[H] <- X_i` which means no wait it's a cell
+;;; again.
+;;; After considering depositing your laptop into the nearest toilet and
+;;; becoming a sheep farmer, you conclude a few things:
+;;; 1. The book's code won't typecheck.
+;;; 2. The author is playing fast and loose with `X_i` -- sometimes it seems to
+;;;    be used as an address, sometimes as a cell.
+;;; 3. The author never bothers to nail down exactly what is inside the fucking
+;;;    things, which is a problem because of #2.
+;;; If you're like me (painfully unlucky), you took a wild guess and decided to
+;;; implement registers as containing *addresses*, i.e., indexes into the
+;;; heap, figuring that if you were wrong it would soon become apparent.
+;;; WELL it turns out that you can get all the way to CHAPTER FIVE with
+;;; registers implemented as addresses, at which point you hit a wall and need
+;;; to spend a few hours refactoring a giant chunk of your code and writing
+;;; angry comments in your source code.
+;;; Hopefully I can save someone else this misery by leaving you with this:
+;;;     ____  _____________________________________  _____    ___    ____  ______   ______________    __   _____
+;;;    / __ \/ ____/ ____/  _/ ___/_  __/ ____/ __ \/ ___/   /   |  / __ \/ ____/  / ____/ ____/ /   / /  / ___/
+;;;   / /_/ / __/ / / __ / / \__ \ / / / __/ / /_/ /\__ \   / /| | / /_/ / __/    / /   / __/ / /   / /   \__ \
+;;;  / _, _/ /___/ /_/ // / ___/ // / / /___/ _, _/___/ /  / ___ |/ _, _/ /___   / /___/ /___/ /___/ /______/ /
+;;; /_/ |_/_____/\____/___//____//_/ /_____/_/ |_|/____/  /_/  |_/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_____/_____/_____/____/
 (defun* wam-local-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
-  (:returns (or (eql 0) heap-index))
-  "Return the value of the WAM local register with the given index."
+  (:returns cell)
+  "Return the value stored in the WAM local register with the given index."
   (aref (wam-store wam) register))
 (defun (setf wam-local-register) (new-value wam register)
@@ -566,8 +609,8 @@
 (defun* wam-stack-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
-  (:returns (or (eql 0) heap-index))
-  "Return the value of the WAM stack register with the given index."
+  (:returns cell)
+  "Return the value stored in the WAM stack register with the given index."
   (wam-stack-frame-arg wam register))
 (defun (setf wam-stack-register) (new-value wam register)
@@ -618,13 +661,13 @@
 ;;;; Unification Stack
-(defun* wam-unification-stack-push! ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
+(defun* wam-unification-stack-push! ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (:returns :void)
   (vector-push-extend address (wam-unification-stack wam))
 (defun* wam-unification-stack-pop! ((wam wam))
-  (:returns heap-index)
+  (:returns store-index)
   (vector-pop (wam-unification-stack wam)))
 (defun* wam-unification-stack-empty-p ((wam wam))