
Implement proper result extraction
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 19 Apr 2016 14:00:32 +0000 (2016-04-19)
parents 5085c5254515
children 1ab41e0128dc
branches/tags (none)
files src/make-quickutils.lisp src/quickutils.lisp src/wam/compiler.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/interpreter.lisp


--- a/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Tue Apr 19 12:16:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Tue Apr 19 14:00:32 2016 +0000
@@ -15,5 +15,6 @@
+               :range
   :package "BONES.QUICKUTILS")
--- a/src/quickutils.lisp	Tue Apr 19 12:16:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/quickutils.lisp	Tue Apr 19 14:00:32 2016 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
 ;;;; To regenerate:
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (find-package "BONES.QUICKUTILS")
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
                                          :SWITCH :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :UNTIL :WHILE
                                          :TREE-MEMBER-P :TREE-COLLECT
                                          :TRANSPOSE :ZIP :ALIST-TO-HASH-TABLE
-                                         :MAP-TREE))))
+                                         :MAP-TREE :RANGE))))
   (defun %reevaluate-constant (name value test)
     (if (not (boundp name))
@@ -288,9 +288,17 @@
                         (rec (cdr tree)))))))
       (rec tree)))
+  (defun range (start end &key (step 1) (key 'identity))
+    "Return the list of numbers `n` such that `start <= n < end` and
+`n = start + k*step` for suitable integers `k`. If a function `key` is
+provided, then apply it to each number."
+    (assert (<= start end))
+    (loop :for i :from start :below end :by step :collecting (funcall key i)))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (export '(define-constant set-equal curry switch eswitch cswitch
             ensure-boolean while until tree-member-p tree-collect with-gensyms
-            with-unique-names zip alist-to-hash-table map-tree)))
+            with-unique-names zip alist-to-hash-table map-tree range)))
 ;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;
--- a/src/wam/compiler.lisp	Tue Apr 19 12:16:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compiler.lisp	Tue Apr 19 14:00:32 2016 +0000
@@ -538,7 +538,6 @@
       ('(:register nil :query   :local) +opcode-set-value-local+)
       ('(:register nil :query   :stack) +opcode-set-value-stack+))))
 (defun compile-tokens (wam head-tokens body-tokens store)
   "Generate a series of machine instructions from a stream of head and body
@@ -605,21 +604,22 @@
       (handle-stream body-tokens))))
+;;;; UI
+(defun find-variables (terms)
+  "Return the set of variables in `terms`."
+  (remove-duplicates (tree-collect #'variable-p terms)))
-;;;; UI
 (defun find-shared-variables (terms)
-  "Return a list of all variables shared by two or more terms."
-  (let* ((variables (remove-duplicates (tree-collect #'variable-p terms))))
-    (labels
-        ((count-uses (variable)
-           (count-if (curry #'tree-member-p variable)
-                     terms))
-         (shared-p (variable)
-           (> (count-uses variable) 1)))
-      (remove-if-not #'shared-p variables))))
+  "Return the set of all variables shared by two or more terms."
+  (labels
+      ((count-uses (variable)
+         (count-if (curry #'tree-member-p variable) terms))
+       (shared-p (variable)
+         (> (count-uses variable) 1)))
+    (remove-if-not #'shared-p (find-variables terms))))
 (defun find-permanent-variables (clause)
-  "Return a list of all the 'permanent' variables in `clause`.
+  "Return a list of all the permanent variables in `clause`.
   Permanent variables are those that appear in more than one goal of the clause,
   where the head of the clause is considered to be a part of the first goal.
@@ -655,14 +655,20 @@
 (defun compile-clause (wam store head body)
-  "Compile the clause into the given store array.
+  "Compile the clause directly into `store` and return the permanent variables.
-  `head` should be the head of the clause for program clauses, or may be `nil`
-  for query clauses.
+  `head` should be the head of the clause for program clauses, or `nil` for
+  query clauses.
+  `body` is the body of the clause, or `nil` for facts.
   (let* ((permanent-variables
-           (find-permanent-variables (cons head body)))
+           (if (null head)
+             ;; For query clauses we cheat a bit and make ALL variables
+             ;; permanent, so we can extract their bindings as results later.
+             (find-variables body)
+             (find-permanent-variables (cons head body))))
            (set-difference (find-head-variables (cons head body))
@@ -699,26 +705,35 @@
         ((and head (null body)) ; a bare fact
          (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-proceed+))
-        (t ; just a query
-         (compile%)))))
-  (values))
+        (t ; a query
+         ;; The book doesn't have this ALOC here, but we do it to aid in result
+         ;; extraction.  Basically, to make extracting th results of a query
+         ;; easier we allocate all of its variables on the stack, so we need
+         ;; push a stack frame for them before we get started.  We don't DEAL
+         ;; because we want the frame to be left on the stack at the end so we
+         ;; can poke at it.
+         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-allocate+ (length permanent-variables))
+         (compile%)
+         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-done+))))
+    permanent-variables))
 (defun compile-query (wam query)
   "Compile `query` into a fresh array of bytecode.
   `query` should be a list of goal terms.
+  Returns the fresh code array and the permanent variables.
-  (let ((store (make-query-code-store)))
-    (compile-clause wam store nil query)
-    (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-done+)
-    store))
+  (let* ((store (make-query-code-store))
+         (permanent-variables (compile-clause wam store nil query)))
+    (values store permanent-variables)))
 (defun compile-program (wam rule)
   "Compile `rule` into the WAM's code store.
   `rule` should be a clause consisting of a head term and zero or more body
-  terms.  A rule with no body is also called a \"fact\".
+  terms.  A rule with no body is called a fact.
   (compile-clause wam (wam-code wam) (first rule) (rest rule))
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Tue Apr 19 12:16:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Tue Apr 19 14:00:32 2016 +0000
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-variable-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
   (format nil "PVAR~A ; Y~A <- A~A <- new unbound REF"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (first arguments)
+          (second arguments)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-value-local+)) arguments functor-list)
   (format nil "PVLU~A ; A~A <- X~A"
@@ -205,58 +205,43 @@
 (defun dump-code-store (wam code-store
-                            &optional
-                            (from 0)
-                            (to (length code-store)))
-  (let ((addr from)
+                        &optional
+                        (from 0)
+                        (to (length code-store)))
+  ;; This is a little trickier than might be expected.  We have to walk from
+  ;; address 0 no matter what `from` we get, because instruction sizes vary and
+  ;; aren't aligned.  So if we just start at `from` we might start in the middle
+  ;; of an instruction and everything would be fucked.
+  (let ((addr 0)
         (lbls (bones.utils::invert-hash-table (wam-code-labels wam)))) ; oh god
     (while (< addr to)
-      (let ((lbl (gethash addr lbls))) ; forgive me
-        (when lbl
-          (format t ";;;; BEGIN ~A~%"
-                  (pretty-functor lbl (wam-functors wam)))))
-      (format t ";~A~4,'0X: "
-              (if (= (wam-program-counter wam) addr)
-                ">>"
-                "  ")
-              addr)
       (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction code-store addr)))
-        (format t "~A~%" (instruction-details (aref instruction 0)
-                                              (rest (coerce instruction 'list))
-                                              (wam-functors wam)))
+        (when (>= addr from)
+          (let ((lbl (gethash addr lbls))) ; forgive me
+            (when lbl
+              (format t ";;;; BEGIN ~A~%"
+                      (pretty-functor lbl (wam-functors wam)))))
+          (format t ";~A~4,'0X: "
+                  (if (= (wam-program-counter wam) addr)
+                    ">>"
+                    "  ")
+                  addr)
+          (format t "~A~%" (instruction-details (aref instruction 0)
+                                                (rest (coerce instruction 'list))
+                                                (wam-functors wam))))
         (incf addr (length instruction))))))
 (defun dump-code
-     (from (max (- (wam-program-counter wam) 4) ; wow
+     (from (max (- (wam-program-counter wam) 8) ; wow
                 0)) ; this
-     (to (min (+ (wam-program-counter wam) 6) ; is
+     (to (min (+ (wam-program-counter wam) 12) ; is
               (length (wam-code wam))))) ; bad
   (format t "CODE~%")
   (dump-code-store wam (wam-code wam) from to))
-(defun extract-thing (wam address)
-  "Extract the thing at the given heap address."
-  (let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam (deref wam address))))
-    (cond
-      ((cell-null-p cell)
-       "NULL!")
-      ((cell-reference-p cell)
-       ;; TODO: figure out what the hell to return here
-       (gensym (format nil "var@~4,'0X-" (cell-value cell))))
-      ((cell-structure-p cell)
-       (extract-thing wam (cell-value cell)))
-      ((cell-functor-p cell)
-       (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
-           (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-functor-index cell))
-         (list* functor
-                (loop :for i :from (1+ address) :to (+ address arity)
-                      :collect (extract-thing wam i)))))
-      (t (error "What to heck is this?")))))
 (defun dump-wam-registers (wam)
   (format t "REGISTERS:~%")
   (format t  "~5@A ->~6@A~%" "S" (wam-s wam))
@@ -269,7 +254,7 @@
                     (format nil "X~D" i)
                     (cell-aesthetic contents)
-                    (format nil "; ~A" (extract-thing wam reg)))))
+                    (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list reg)))))))
 (defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
   (format t " FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))
--- a/src/wam/interpreter.lisp	Tue Apr 19 12:16:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/interpreter.lisp	Tue Apr 19 14:00:32 2016 +0000
@@ -246,58 +246,59 @@
 ;;;; Program Instructions
-(define-instruction %get-structure-local
-    ((wam wam)
-     (functor functor-index)
-     (register register-index))
-  (let* ((addr (deref wam (wam-local-register wam register)))
-         (cell (wam-heap-cell wam addr)))
-    (cond
-      ;; If the register points at a reference cell, we push two new cells onto
-      ;; the heap:
-      ;;
-      ;;     |   N | STR | N+1 |
-      ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f/n |
-      ;;
-      ;; Then we bind this reference cell to point at the new structure and flip
-      ;; over to write mode.
-      ;;
-      ;; It seems a bit confusing that we don't push the rest of the structure
-      ;; stuff on the heap after it too.  But that's going to happen in the next
-      ;; few instructions (which will be unify-*'s, executed in write mode).
-      ((cell-reference-p cell)
-       (let ((new-structure-address (nth-value 1 (push-new-structure! wam))))
-         (push-new-functor! wam functor)
-         (bind! wam addr new-structure-address)
-         (setf (wam-mode wam) :write)))
+(define-instruction %get-structure-local ((wam wam)
+                                          (functor functor-index)
+                                          (register register-index))
+  (with-accessors ((mode wam-mode) (s wam-s)) wam
+    (let* ((addr (deref wam (wam-local-register wam register)))
+           (cell (wam-heap-cell wam addr)))
+      (cond
+        ;; If the register points at a reference cell, we push two new cells onto
+        ;; the heap:
+        ;;
+        ;;     |   N | STR | N+1 |
+        ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f/n |
+        ;;     |     |     |     | <- S
+        ;;
+        ;; Then we bind this reference cell to point at the new structure, set the
+        ;; S register to point beneath it and flip over to write mode.
+        ;;
+        ;; It seems a bit confusing that we don't push the rest of the structure
+        ;; stuff on the heap after it too.  But that's going to happen in the next
+        ;; few instructions (which will be unify-*'s, executed in write mode).
+        ((cell-reference-p cell)
+         (let ((structure-address (nth-value 1 (push-new-structure! wam)))
+               (functor-address (push-new-functor! wam functor)))
+           (bind! wam addr structure-address)
+           (setf mode :write
+                 s (1+ functor-address))))
-      ;; If the register points at a structure cell, then we look at where that
-      ;; cell points (which will be the functor cell for the structure):
-      ;;
-      ;;     |   N | STR | M   | points at the structure, not necessarily contiguous
-      ;;     |       ...       |
-      ;;     |   M | FUN | f/2 | the functor (hopefully it matches)
-      ;;     | M+1 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
-      ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
-      ;;
-      ;; If it matches the functor we're looking for, we can proceed.  We set
-      ;; the S register to the address of the first subform we need to match
-      ;; (M+1 in the example above).
-      ;;
-      ;; What about if it's a 0-arity functor?  The S register will be set to
-      ;; garbage.  But that's okay, because we know the next thing in the stream
-      ;; of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just blow away
-      ;; the S register there.
-      ((cell-structure-p cell)
-       (let* ((functor-addr (cell-value cell))
-              (functor-cell (wam-heap-cell wam functor-addr)))
-         (if (matching-functor-p functor-cell functor)
-           (progn
-             (setf (wam-s wam) (1+ functor-addr))
-             (setf (wam-mode wam) :read))
-           (fail! wam "Functors don't match in get-struct"))))
-      (t (fail! wam (format nil "get-struct on a non-ref/struct cell ~A"
-                            (cell-aesthetic cell)))))))
+        ;; If the register points at a structure cell, then we look at where that
+        ;; cell points (which will be the functor cell for the structure):
+        ;;
+        ;;     |   N | STR | M   | points at the structure, not necessarily contiguous
+        ;;     |       ...       |
+        ;;     |   M | FUN | f/2 | the functor (hopefully it matches)
+        ;;     | M+1 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
+        ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
+        ;;
+        ;; If it matches the functor we're looking for, we can proceed.  We set
+        ;; the S register to the address of the first subform we need to match
+        ;; (M+1 in the example above).
+        ;;
+        ;; What about if it's a 0-arity functor?  The S register will be set to
+        ;; garbage.  But that's okay, because we know the next thing in the stream
+        ;; of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just blow away
+        ;; the S register there.
+        ((cell-structure-p cell)
+         (let* ((functor-addr (cell-value cell))
+                (functor-cell (wam-heap-cell wam functor-addr)))
+           (if (matching-functor-p functor-cell functor)
+             (setf s (1+ functor-addr)
+                   mode :read)
+             (fail! wam "Functors don't match in get-struct"))))
+        (t (fail! wam (format nil "get-struct on a non-ref/struct cell ~A"
+                              (cell-aesthetic cell))))))))
 (define-instructions (%unify-variable-local %unify-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
@@ -385,33 +386,58 @@
             :collect `(aref ,code-store (+ ,pc ,i)))))
-(defun extract-query-results (wam goal)
-  ;; TODO: rehaul this
-  (let ((results (list)))
-    (labels ((recur (original result)
-               (cond
-                 ((and (variable-p original)
-                       (not (assoc original results)))
-                  (push (cons original
-                              (match result
-                                (`(,bare-functor) bare-functor)
-                                (r r)))
-                        results))
-                 ((consp original)
-                  (recur (car original) (car result))
-                  (recur (cdr original) (cdr result)))
-                 (t nil))))
-      (loop :for argument :in (cdr goal)
-            :for a :from 0
-            :do (recur argument
-                       (extract-thing
-                         wam
-                         ;; results are stored in local (argument) registers
-                         (wam-local-register wam a)))))
-    results))
+(defun extract-things (wam addresses)
+  "Extract the things at the given heap addresses.
+  The things will be returned in the same order as the addresses were given.
+  Unbound variables will be turned into uninterned symbols.  There will only be
+  one such symbol for any specific unbound var, so if two addresses are
+  (eventually) bound to the same unbound var, the symbols returned from this
+  function will be `eql`.
+  "
+  (let ((unbound-vars (list)))
+    (labels
+        ((mark-unbound-var (address)
+           (let ((symbol (make-symbol (format nil "var-~D" ; lol
+                                              (length unbound-vars)))))
+             (car (push (cons address symbol) unbound-vars))))
+         (extract-var (address)
+           (cdr (or (assoc address unbound-vars)
+                    (mark-unbound-var address))))
+         (recur (address)
+           (let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam (deref wam address))))
+             (cond
+               ((cell-null-p cell) "NULL?!")
+               ((cell-reference-p cell) (extract-var (cell-value cell)))
+               ((cell-structure-p cell) (recur (cell-value cell)))
+               ((cell-functor-p cell)
+                (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
+                    (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-functor-index cell))
+                  (if (zerop arity)
+                    functor
+                    (list* functor
+                           (mapcar #'recur
+                                   (range (+ address 1)
+                                          (+ address arity 1)))))))
+               (t (error "What to heck is this?"))))))
+      (mapcar #'recur addresses))))
+(defun extract-query-results (wam vars)
+  ""
+  (let* ((addresses (loop :for var :in vars
+                          :for i :from 0
+                          :collect (wam-stack-frame-arg wam i 0)))
+         (results (extract-things wam addresses)))
+    (pairlis vars results)))
+(defun print-query-results (results)
+  (loop :for (var . result) :in results :do
+        (format t "~S = ~S~%" var result)))
-(defun run-program (wam &optional (step nil))
+(defun run (wam &optional (step nil))
   (with-slots (code program-counter fail) wam
     (macrolet ((instruction (inst args)
                  `(instruction-call wam ,inst code program-counter ,args)))
@@ -458,7 +484,7 @@
               (instruction %call 1)
               (return-from op))
-              (return-from run-program)))
+              (return-from run)))
           (incf program-counter (instruction-size opcode))
           (when (>= program-counter (fill-pointer code))
             (error "Fell off the end of the program code store!")))))
@@ -473,18 +499,21 @@
   after each instruction.
-  (let ((code (compile-query wam term)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (code vars)
+      (compile-query wam term)
     (wam-reset! wam)
     (wam-load-query-code! wam code)
     (setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
           (wam-continuation-pointer wam) +code-sentinal+)
     (when step
       (format *debug-io* "Built query code:~%")
-      (dump-code-store wam code)))
-  (run-program wam step)
-  (if (wam-fail wam)
-    (princ "No.")
-    (princ "Yes."))
+      (dump-code-store wam code))
+    (run wam step)
+    (if (wam-fail wam)
+      (princ "No.")
+      (progn
+        (print-query-results (extract-query-results wam vars))
+        (princ "Yes."))))