
Initial pass at the compiler

Completed up to 12.2.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 22 Mar 2016 16:46:29 +0000 (2016-03-22)
parents 3a8ee0586fdf
children 9d90efbd8787
branches/tags (none)
files src/paip-compiled.lisp


--- a/src/paip-compiled.lisp	Tue Mar 22 14:31:35 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/paip-compiled.lisp	Tue Mar 22 16:46:29 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
 (in-package #:bones.paip)
+;;;; Utils
+(defun find-all (item sequence
+                      &rest keyword-args
+                      &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
+  "Find all elements of the sequence that match the item.
+  Does not alter the sequence.
+  "
+  (if test-not
+    (apply #'remove
+           item sequence :test-not (complement test-not)
+           keyword-args)
+    (apply #'remove
+           item sequence :test (complement test)
+           keyword-args)))
+(defun interned-symbol (&rest args)
+  (intern (format nil "~{~A~}" args)))
+(defun new-symbol (&rest args)
+  (make-symbol (format nil "~{~A~}" args)))
+(defun find-if-anywhere (test expr)
+  (cond ((funcall test expr) t)
+        ((consp expr) (or (find-if-anywhere test (car expr))
+                          (find-if-anywhere test (cdr expr))))
+        (t nil)))
+;;;; UNIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;; Variables
 (define-constant unbound "Unbound"
   :test #'equal
@@ -84,3 +115,185 @@
     ;; Otherwise they don't unify.
     (t nil)))
+;;;; COMPILATION --------------------------------------------------------------
+(deftype relation ()
+  'list)
+(deftype clause ()
+  '(trivial-types:proper-list relation))
+(deftype non-negative-integer ()
+  '(integer 0))
+(defun prolog-compile (symbol &optional (clauses (get-clauses symbol)))
+  "Compile a symbol; make a separate function for each arity."
+  (when (not (null clauses))
+    (let* ((arity (relation-arity (clause-head (first clauses))))
+           (matching-arity-clauses (clauses-with-arity clauses #'= arity))
+           (other-arity-clauses (clauses-with-arity clauses #'/= arity)))
+      (compile-predicate symbol arity matching-arity-clauses)
+      (prolog-compile symbol other-arity-clauses))))
+(defun* clauses-with-arity
+    ((clauses (trivial-types:proper-list clause))
+     (test function)
+     (arity non-negative-integer))
+  "Return all clauses whose heads have the given arity."
+  (find-all arity clauses
+            :key #'(lambda (clause)
+                    (relation-arity (clause-head clause)))
+            :test test))
+(defun* relation-arity ((relation relation))
+  (:returns non-negative-integer)
+  "Return the number of arguments of the given relation.
+  For example: `(relation-arity '(likes sally cats))` => `2`
+  "
+  (length (relation-arguments relation)))
+(defun* relation-arguments ((relation relation))
+  (:returns list)
+  "Return the arguments of the given relation.
+  For example:
+    * (relation-arguments '(likes sally cats))
+    (sally cats)
+  "
+  (rest relation))
+(defun* compile-predicate
+    ((symbol symbol)
+     (arity non-negative-integer)
+     (clauses (trivial-types:proper-list clause)))
+  "Compile all the clauses for the symbol+arity into a single Lisp function."
+  (let ((predicate (make-predicate symbol arity))
+        (parameters (make-parameters arity)))
+    (compile
+      (eval
+        `(defun ,predicate (,@parameters continuation)
+          .,(maybe-add-undo-bindings
+              (mapcar #'(lambda (clause)
+                         (compile-clause parameters clause 'continuation))
+                      clauses)))))))
+(defun* make-parameters ((arity non-negative-integer))
+  (:returns (trivial-types:proper-list symbol))
+  "Return the list (?arg1 ?arg2 ... ?argN)."
+  (loop :for i :from 1 :to arity
+        :collect (new-symbol '?arg i)))
+(defun* make-predicate ((symbol symbol)
+                        (arity non-negative-integer))
+  (:returns symbol)
+  "Returns (and interns) the symbol with the Prolog-style name symbol/arity."
+  (values (interned-symbol symbol '/ arity)))
+(defun make-= (x y)
+  `(= ,x ,y))
+(defun compile-clause (parameters clause continuation)
+  "Transform away the head and compile the resulting body."
+  (bind-unbound-vars
+    parameters
+    (compile-body
+      (nconc
+        (mapcar #'make-= parameters (relation-arguments (clause-head clause)))
+        (clause-body clause))
+      continuation)))
+(defun compile-body (body continuation)
+  "Compile the body of a clause."
+  (if (null body)
+    `(funcall ,continuation)
+    (let* ((goal (first body))
+           (macro (prolog-compiler-macro (predicate goal)))
+           (macro-val (when macro
+                        (funcall macro goal (rest body) continuation))))
+      (if (and macro (not (eq macro-val :pass)))
+        macro-val
+        (compile-call
+          (make-predicate (predicate goal)
+                          (relation-arity goal))
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (compile-arg arg))
+                  (relation-arguments goal))
+          (if (null (rest body))
+            continuation
+            `#'(lambda ()
+                 ,(compile-body (rest body) continuation))))))))
+(defun compile-call (predicate args continuation)
+  `(,predicate ,@args ,continuation))
+(defun prolog-compiler-macro (name)
+  "Fetch the compiler macro for a Prolog predicate."
+  (get name 'prolog-compiler-macro))
+(defmacro def-prolog-compiler-macro (name arglist &body body)
+  "Define a compiler macro for Prolog."
+  `(setf (get ',name 'prolog-compiler-macro)
+         #'(lambda ,arglist .,body)))
+  = (goal body continuation)
+  (let ((args (relation-arguments goal)))
+    (if (/= (length args) 2)
+      :pass
+      `(when ,(compile-unify (first args) (second args))
+         ,(compile-body body continuation)))))
+(defun compile-unify (x y)
+  "Return code that tests if the items unify."
+  `(unify! ,(compile-arg x) ,(compile-arg y)))
+(defun compile-arg (arg)
+  "Generate code for an argument to a goal in the body."
+  (cond ((variable-p arg) arg)
+        ((not (has-variable-p arg)) `',arg)
+        ((proper-list-p arg)
+         `(list .,(mapcar #'compile-arg arg)))
+        (t `(cons ,(compile-arg (first arg))
+                  ,(compile-arg (rest arg))))))
+(defun has-variable-p (x)
+  "Is there a variable anywhere in the expression x?"
+  (find-if-anywhere #'variable-p x))
+(defun proper-list-p (x)
+  "Is x a proper (non-dotted) list?"
+  (or (null x)
+      (and (consp x) (proper-list-p (rest x)))))
+(defun maybe-add-undo-bindings (compiled-expressions)
+  "Undo any bindings that need undoing.
+  If there ARE any, also bind the trail before we start.
+  "
+  (if (= (length compiled-expressions) 1)
+    compiled-expressions
+    `((let ((old-trail (fill-pointer *trail*)))
+        ,(first compiled-expressions)
+        ,@(loop :for expression :in (rest compiled-expressions)
+                :collect '(undo-bindings! old-trail)
+                :collect expression)))))
+(defun bind-unbound-vars (parameters expr)
+  "Bind any variables in expr (besides the parameters) to new vars."
+  (let ((expr-vars (set-difference (variables-in expr) parameters)))
+    (if expr-vars
+      `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(,var (?)))
+                     expr-vars)
+         ,expr)
+      expr)))