
Split apart the main WAM store into separate type/value arrays

Still need to actually start *using* this.
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:33:09 +0000 (2016-07-13)
parents 184e610451c0
children eec2064a08b6
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords bones.asd src/wam/bytecode.lisp src/wam/cells.lisp src/wam/constants.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/types.lisp src/wam/vm.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp test/wam.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 (1 repeat)
 (2 define-instruction define-instructions)
 (1 with-database)
-(3 with-cell)
 (2 set-when-unbound)
 (1 recursively)
 (1 when-let)
 (1 rule)
 (0 push-logic-frame-with)
+(1 cell-typecase)
--- a/bones.asd	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/bones.asd	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
                               :serial t
                               :components ((:file "constants")
                                            (:file "types")
-                                           (:file "cells")
                                            (:file "bytecode")
                                            (:file "wam")
                                            (:file "compiler")
--- a/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -1,54 +1,7 @@
 (in-package #:bones.wam)
-(define-lookup instruction-size (opcode opcode instruction-size 0)
-  "Return the size of an instruction for the given opcode.
-  The size includes one word for the opcode itself and one for each argument.
-  "
-  (#.+opcode-noop+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-get-structure+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-get-variable-local+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-get-variable-stack+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-get-value-local+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-get-value-stack+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-structure+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-variable-local+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-variable-stack+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-value-local+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-value-stack+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-variable-local+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-variable-stack+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-value-local+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-value-stack+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-void+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-jump+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-call+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-dynamic-jump+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-dynamic-call+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-proceed+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-allocate+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-deallocate+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-done+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-try+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-retry+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-trust+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-cut+ 1)
-  (#.+opcode-get-constant+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-put-constant+ 3)
-  (#.+opcode-subterm-constant+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-get-list+ 2)
-  (#.+opcode-put-list+ 2))
 ;;;; Opcodes
 (defun* opcode-name ((opcode opcode))
   (:returns string)
   (eswitch (opcode)
@@ -135,3 +88,73 @@
     (+opcode-get-list+ "GLST")
     (+opcode-put-list+ "PLST")))
+;;;; Instructions
+(define-lookup instruction-size (opcode opcode instruction-size 0)
+  "Return the size of an instruction for the given opcode.
+  The size includes one word for the opcode itself and one for each argument.
+  "
+  (#.+opcode-noop+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-get-structure+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-get-variable-local+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-get-variable-stack+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-get-value-local+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-get-value-stack+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-structure+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-variable-local+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-variable-stack+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-value-local+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-value-stack+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-variable-local+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-variable-stack+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-value-local+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-value-stack+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-void+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-jump+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-call+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-dynamic-jump+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-dynamic-call+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-proceed+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-allocate+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-deallocate+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-done+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-try+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-retry+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-trust+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-cut+ 1)
+  (#.+opcode-get-constant+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-put-constant+ 3)
+  (#.+opcode-subterm-constant+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-get-list+ 2)
+  (#.+opcode-put-list+ 2))
+;;;; Cells
+(define-lookup cell-type-name (type cell-type string "")
+  "Return the full name of a cell type."
+  (#.+cell-type-null+ "NULL")
+  (#.+cell-type-structure+ "STRUCTURE")
+  (#.+cell-type-reference+ "REFERENCE")
+  (#.+cell-type-functor+ "FUNCTOR")
+  (#.+cell-type-constant+ "CONSTANT")
+  (#.+cell-type-list+ "LIST")
+  (#.+cell-type-stack+ "STACK"))
+(define-lookup cell-type-short-name (type cell-type string "")
+  "Return the short name of a cell type."
+  (#.+cell-type-null+ "NUL")
+  (#.+cell-type-structure+ "STR")
+  (#.+cell-type-reference+ "REF")
+  (#.+cell-type-functor+ "FUN")
+  (#.+cell-type-constant+ "CON")
+  (#.+cell-type-list+ "LIS")
+  (#.+cell-type-stack+ "STK"))
--- a/src/wam/cells.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-(in-package #:bones.wam)
-;;; The cells of the WAM are essentially N bit bytes, with different chunks of
-;;; bits representing different things.  All cells have type tag bits in the
-;;; low-order bits and their value in the higher-order bits:
-;;;   value         type
-;;;   vvvvvvvvvvvvvTTT
-;;; The contents of the value depend on the type of cell.
-;;; NULL cells always have a value of zero.
-;;; STRUCTURE cell values are an index into the store, describing where the
-;;; structure starts.
-;;; REFERENCE cell values are an index into the store, pointing at whatever the
-;;; value is bound to.  Unbound variables contain their own store index as
-;;; a value.
-;;; FUNCTOR cell values are an index into the WAM's functor array where the
-;;; `(symbol . arity)` cons lives.
-;;; CONSTANT cells are the same as functor cells, except that they always refer
-;;; to functors with an arity of zero.
-(declaim (inline cell-type
-                 cell-value))
-(defun* cell-type ((cell cell))
-  (:returns cell-tag)
-  (logand cell +cell-tag-bitmask+))
-(defun* cell-value ((cell cell))
-  (:returns cell-value)
-  (ash cell (- +cell-tag-width+)))
-(defun* cell-type-name ((cell cell))
-  (:returns string)
-  (eswitch ((cell-type cell) :test #'=)
-    (+tag-null+ "NULL")
-    (+tag-structure+ "STRUCTURE")
-    (+tag-reference+ "REFERENCE")
-    (+tag-functor+ "FUNCTOR")
-    (+tag-constant+ "CONSTANT")
-    (+tag-list+ "LIST")))
-(defun* cell-type-short-name ((cell cell))
-  (:returns string)
-  (eswitch ((cell-type cell) :test #'=)
-    (+tag-null+ "NUL")
-    (+tag-structure+ "STR")
-    (+tag-reference+ "REF")
-    (+tag-functor+ "FUN")
-    (+tag-constant+ "CON")
-    (+tag-list+ "LST")))
-(defun* cell-aesthetic ((cell cell))
-  "Return a compact, human-friendly string representation of the cell."
-  (format nil "[~A ~X]"
-          (cell-type-short-name cell)
-          (cell-value cell)))
-(declaim (inline cell-null-p
-                 cell-reference-p
-                 cell-functor-p
-                 cell-structure-p
-                 cell-constant-p
-                 cell-list-p))
-(defun* cell-null-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-null+))
-(defun* cell-reference-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-reference+))
-(defun* cell-functor-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-functor+))
-(defun* cell-structure-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-structure+))
-(defun* cell-constant-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-constant+))
-(defun* cell-list-p ((cell cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-list+))
-(declaim (inline make-cell
-                 make-cell-null
-                 make-cell-structure
-                 make-cell-reference
-                 make-cell-functor
-                 make-cell-constant
-                 make-cell-list))
-(defun* make-cell ((tag cell-tag) (value cell-value))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (values
-    (logior (ash value +cell-tag-width+)
-            tag)))
-(defun* make-cell-null ()
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-null+ 0))
-(defun* make-cell-structure ((value cell-value))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-structure+ value))
-(defun* make-cell-reference ((value cell-value))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-reference+ value))
-(defun* make-cell-functor ((functor-index functor-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-functor+ functor-index))
-(defun* make-cell-constant ((functor-index functor-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-constant+ functor-index))
-(defun* make-cell-list ((value cell-value))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (make-cell +tag-list+ value))
--- a/src/wam/constants.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/constants.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -8,23 +8,10 @@
      (define-constant ,count-symbol ,(length symbols))))
-(define-constant +cell-width+ 60
-  :documentation "Number of bits in each cell.")
-(define-constant +cell-tag-width+ 3
-  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell type tags.")
-(define-constant +cell-value-width+ (- +cell-width+ +cell-tag-width+)
-  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell values.")
-(define-constant +cell-tag-bitmask+ #b111
-  :documentation "Bitmask for masking the cell type tags.")
 (define-constant +code-word-size+ 60
   :documentation "Size (in bits) of each word in the code store.")
-(define-constant +code-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-width+)
+(define-constant +code-limit+ (expt 2 +code-word-size+)
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM code store.")
 (define-constant +code-sentinel+ (1- +code-limit+)
@@ -32,23 +19,14 @@
   :documentation "Sentinel value used in the PC and CP.")
-(define-constant +tag-null+      #b000
-  :documentation "An empty cell.")
-(define-constant +tag-structure+ #b001
-  :documentation "A structure cell.")
-(define-constant +tag-reference+ #b010
-  :documentation "A pointer to a cell.")
-(define-constant +tag-functor+   #b011
-  :documentation "A functor.")
-(define-constant +tag-constant+  #b100
-  :documentation "A constant (i.e. a 0-arity functor).")
-(define-constant +tag-list+  #b101
-  :documentation "A Prolog list.")
+(define-constants +number-of-cell-types+
+  +cell-type-null+
+  +cell-type-structure+
+  +cell-type-reference+
+  +cell-type-functor+
+  +cell-type-constant+
+  +cell-type-list+
+  +cell-type-stack+)
 (define-constant +register-count+ 2048
@@ -67,6 +45,7 @@
   "The maximum number of code words an instruction (including opcode) might be.")
+;; TODO Make all this shit configurable at runtime
 (define-constant +stack-limit+ 4096
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM stack.")
@@ -84,19 +63,12 @@
 (define-constant +heap-start+ +stack-end+
   :documentation "The address in the store of the first cell of the heap.")
-(define-constant +trail-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-width+)
-  ;; The trail's fill pointer is stored inside choice frames on the stack, so it
-  ;; needs to be able to fit inside a stack word.  We don't tag it, though, so
-  ;; we can technically use all of the cell bits if we want.
-  ;;
+(define-constant +trail-limit+ array-total-size-limit
   ;; TODO: should probably limit this to something more reasonable
   :documentation "The maximum number of variables that may exist in the trail.")
-(define-constant +store-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
-  ;; Reference cells need to be able to store a heap address in their value
-  ;; bits, so that limits the amount of addressable space we've got to work
-  ;; with.
+(define-constant +store-limit+ array-total-size-limit
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM store.")
 (define-constant +heap-limit+ (- +store-limit+ +register-count+ +stack-limit+)
@@ -104,8 +76,7 @@
   ;; their chunk of memory.
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM heap.")
-(define-constant +functor-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
+(define-constant +functor-limit+ array-total-size-limit
   ;; Functors are referred to by their index into the functor array.  This index
   ;; is stored in the value part of functor cells.
   :documentation "The maximum number of functors the WAM can keep track of.")
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -1,140 +1,143 @@
 (in-package #:bones.wam)
-(defun registers-pointing-to (wam addr)
-  (loop
-    :for r :from 0 :below +register-count+
-    :for reg = (wam-local-register wam r)
-    :when (= reg addr)
-    :collect r))
-(defun heap-debug (wam addr cell indent-p)
+(defun heap-debug (wam address indent-p)
-    nil "~A~A~{<-X~A ~}"
+    nil "~A~A"
     (if indent-p
       "  "
-    (switch ((cell-type cell))
-      (+tag-reference+
-        (if (= addr (cell-value cell))
-          "unbound variable "
-          (format nil "var pointer to ~4,'0X " (cell-value cell))))
-      (+tag-structure+
-        (format nil "structure pointer to ~4,'0X " (cell-value cell)))
-      (+tag-functor+
-        (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
-            (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-value cell))
-          (format nil "~A/~D " functor arity)))
-      (+tag-constant+
-        (format nil "~A/0 " (wam-functor-symbol wam (cell-value cell))))
-      (t ""))
-    (registers-pointing-to wam addr)))
+    (cell-typecase (wam address)
+      ((:reference r) (if (= address r)
+                        "unbound variable "
+                        (format nil "var pointer to ~8,'0X " r)))
+      ((:structure s) (format nil "struct pointer to ~8,'0X " s))
+      ((:functor f) (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
+                        (wam-functor-lookup wam f)
+                      (format nil "~A/~D " functor arity)))
+      ((:constant c) (format nil "~A/0 " (wam-functor-symbol wam c)))
+      (t ""))))
-(defun dump-heap (wam from to highlight)
+(defun dump-cell-value (value)
+  ;; todo flesh this out
+  (typecase value
+    (fixnum (format nil "~16,'0X" value))
+    (t "~16{#<lisp object>~;~}")))
+(defun dump-heap (wam from to)
   ;; This code is awful, sorry.
-  (let ((store (wam-store wam)))
-    (format t "HEAP~%")
-    (format t "  +------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
-    (format t "  | ADDR | TYP |            VALUE | DEBUG                                |~%")
-    (format t "  +------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
-    (when (> from +heap-start+)
-      (format t "  |    ⋮ |  ⋮  |                ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
-    (flet ((print-cell (i cell indent)
-             (let ((hi (= i highlight)))
-               (format t "~A ~4,'0X | ~A | ~16,'0X | ~36A ~A~%"
-                       (if hi "==>" "  |")
-                       i
-                       (cell-type-short-name cell)
-                       (cell-value cell)
-                       (heap-debug wam i cell (> indent 0))
-                       (if hi "<===" "|")))))
-      (loop :for i :from from :below to
-            :with indent = 0
-            :for cell = (aref store i)
-            :do
-            (progn
-              (print-cell i cell indent)
-              (if (cell-functor-p cell)
-                (setf indent (wam-functor-arity wam (cell-value cell)))
-                (when (not (zerop indent))
-                  (decf indent))))))
-    (when (< to (wam-heap-pointer wam))
-      (format t "  |    ⋮ |  ⋮  |                ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
-    (format t "  +------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
-    (values)))
+  (format t "HEAP~%")
+  (format t "  +----------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
+  (format t "  | ADDR     | TYP |            VALUE | DEBUG                                |~%")
+  (format t "  +----------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
+  (when (> from (1+ +heap-start+))
+    (format t "  | ⋮        |  ⋮  |                ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
+  (flet ((print-cell (address indent)
+           (format t "  | ~8,'0X | ~A | ~16,'0X | ~36A |~%"
+                   address
+                   (cell-type-short-name (wam-store-type wam address))
+                   (dump-cell-value (wam-store-value wam address))
+                   (heap-debug wam address (plusp indent)))))
+    (loop :with indent = 0
+          :for address :from from :below to
+          :do (progn
+                (print-cell address indent)
+                (cell-typecase (wam address)
+                  ((:functor f) (setf indent (wam-functor-arity wam f)))
+                  (t (when (not (zerop indent))
+                       (decf indent)))))))
+  (when (< to (wam-heap-pointer wam))
+    (format t "  | ⋮        |  ⋮  |                ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
+  (format t "  +----------+-----+------------------+--------------------------------------+~%")
+  (values))
+(defun dump-stack-frame (wam start-address)
+  (loop :with remaining = nil
+        :with arg-number = nil
+        :for address :from start-address
+        :for offset :from 0
+        :for type = (wam-store-type wam address)
+        :for value = (wam-store-value wam address)
+        :while (or (null remaining) (plusp remaining))
+        :do (format
+              t "  | ~8,'0X | ~A | ~30A|~A~A~A~%"
+              address
+              (dump-cell-value value)
+              (cond
+                ((= address +stack-start+) "")
+                ((= offset 0) "CE ===========================")
+                ((= offset 1) "CP")
+                ((= offset 2) "CUT")
+                ((= offset 3) (progn
+                                (setf remaining value
+                                      arg-number 0)
+                                (format nil "N: ~D" value)))
+                (t (prog1
+                       (format nil " Y~D: ~A ~A"
+                               arg-number
+                               (cell-type-short-name type)
+                               (dump-cell-value value))
+                       (decf remaining)
+                       (incf arg-number))))
+              (if (= address (wam-environment-pointer wam)) " <- E" "")
+              (if (= address (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)) " <- B" "")
+              (if (= address (wam-cut-pointer wam)) " <- CUT" ""))
+        :finally (return address)))
+(defun dump-stack-choice (wam start-address)
+  (loop :with remaining = nil
+        :with arg-number = nil
+        :for address :from start-address
+        :for offset :from 0
+        :for type = (wam-store-type wam address)
+        :for value = (wam-store-value wam address)
+        :while (or (null remaining) (plusp remaining))
+        :do (format
+              t "  | ~8,'0X | ~A | ~30A|~A~A~A~%"
+              address
+              (dump-cell-value value)
+              (cond
+                ((= address +stack-start+) "")
+                ((= offset 0) (progn
+                                (setf remaining value
+                                      arg-number 0)
+                                (format nil "N: ~D =============" value)))
+                ((= offset 1) "CE saved env pointer")
+                ((= offset 2) "CP saved cont pointer")
+                ((= offset 3) "CB previous choice")
+                ((= offset 4) "BP next clause")
+                ((= offset 5) "TR saved trail pointer")
+                ((= offset 6) "H  saved heap pointer")
+                (t (prog1
+                       (format nil " A~D: ~A ~A"
+                               arg-number
+                               (cell-type-short-name type)
+                               (dump-cell-value value))
+                     (decf remaining)
+                     (incf arg-number))))
+              (if (= address (wam-environment-pointer wam)) " <- E" "")
+              (if (= address (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)) " <- B" "")
+              (if (= address (wam-cut-pointer wam)) " <- CUT" ""))
+        :finally (return address)))
 (defun dump-stack (wam)
   (format t "STACK~%")
-  (format t "  +------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%")
-  (format t "  | ADDR |            VALUE |                               |~%")
-  (format t "  +------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%")
-  (with-accessors ((e wam-environment-pointer)
-                   (b wam-backtrack-pointer))
-      wam
+  (format t "  +----------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%")
+  (format t "  | ADDR     |            VALUE |                               |~%")
+  (format t "  +----------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%")
+  (with-accessors ((e wam-environment-pointer) (b wam-backtrack-pointer)) wam
     (when (not (= +stack-start+ e b))
-      (loop
-        :with nargs = nil
-        :with arg = 0
-        :with currently-in = nil
-        :for addr :from (1+ +stack-start+) :below (wam-stack-top wam)
-        :for cell = (wam-stack-word wam addr)
-        :for offset = 0 :then (1+ offset)
-        :do
-        (when (not (zerop addr))
-          (switch (addr :test #'=)
-            (e (setf currently-in :frame offset 0 arg 0))
-            (b (setf currently-in :choice offset 0 arg 0))))
-        (format t "  | ~4,'0X | ~16,'0X | ~30A|~A~A~%"
-                addr
-                cell
-                (case currently-in ; jesus christ this needs to get fixed
-                  (:frame
-                   (cond
-                     ((= addr +stack-start+) "")
-                     ((= offset 0) "CE ===========================")
-                     ((= offset 1) "CP")
-                     ((= offset 2) "CUT")
-                     ((= offset 3)
-                      (if (zerop cell)
-                        (progn
-                          (setf currently-in nil)
-                          "N: EMPTY")
-                        (progn
-                          (setf nargs cell)
-                          (format nil "N: ~D" cell))))
-                     ((< arg nargs)
-                      (prog1
-                          (format nil " Y~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
-                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
-                        (when (= nargs (incf arg))
-                          (setf currently-in nil))))))
-                  (:choice ; sweet lord make it stop
-                   (cond
-                     ((= addr +stack-start+) "")
-                     ((= offset 0)
-                      (if (zerop cell)
-                        (progn
-                          (setf currently-in nil)
-                          "N: EMPTY =================")
-                        (progn
-                          (setf nargs cell)
-                          (format nil "N: ~D =============" cell))))
-                     ((= offset 1) "CE saved env pointer")
-                     ((= offset 2) "CP saved cont pointer")
-                     ((= offset 3) "CB previous choice")
-                     ((= offset 4) "BP next clause")
-                     ((= offset 5) "TR saved trail pointer")
-                     ((= offset 6) "H  saved heap pointer")
-                     ((< arg nargs)
-                      (prog1
-                          (format nil " A~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
-                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
-                        (when (= nargs (incf arg))
-                          (setf currently-in nil))))))
-                  (t ""))
-                (if (= addr e) " <- E" "")
-                (if (= addr b) " <- B" "")))))
-  (format t "  +------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%"))
+      (loop :with address = (1+ +stack-start+)
+            :while (< address (wam-stack-top wam))
+            :do (cond
+                  ((= address e) (setf address (dump-stack-frame wam address)))
+                  ((= address b) (setf address (dump-stack-choice wam address)))
+                  (t
+                   (format t "  | ~8,'0X | | |~%" address)
+                   (incf address))))))
+  (format t "  +----------+------------------+-------------------------------+~%"))
 (defun pretty-functor (functor-index functor-list)
@@ -312,24 +315,22 @@
   (format t "REGISTERS:~%")
   (format t  "~5@A -> ~8X~%" "S" (wam-subterm wam))
   (loop :for register :from 0 :to +register-count+
-        :for contents :across (wam-store wam)
-        :when (not (cell-null-p contents))
-        :do
-        (format t "~5@A -> ~8,'0X ~10A ~A~%"
-                (format nil "X~D" register)
-                contents
-                (cell-aesthetic contents)
-                (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list register)))))))
+        :for type = (wam-store-type wam register)
+        :for value = (wam-store-value wam register)
+        :when (not (cell-type-p (wam register) :null))
+        :do (format t "~5@A -> ~A ~A ~A~%"
+                    (format nil "X~D" register)
+                    (cell-type-short-name type)
+                    (dump-cell-value value)
+                    (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list register)))))))
 (defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
   (format t "        FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))
 (defun dump-wam-trail (wam)
   (format t "    TRAIL: ")
-  (loop :for addr :across (wam-trail wam) :do
-        (format t "~4,'0X ~A //"
-                addr
-                (cell-aesthetic (wam-store-cell wam addr))))
+  (loop :for address :across (wam-trail wam) :do
+        (format t "~8,'0X //" address))
   (format t "~%"))
 (defun dump-labels (wam)
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@
-(defun dump-wam (wam from to highlight)
+(defun dump-wam (wam from to)
   (format t "            FAIL: ~A~%" (wam-fail wam))
   (format t "    BACKTRACKED?: ~A~%" (wam-backtracked wam))
   (format t "            MODE: ~S~%" (wam-mode wam))
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@
   (dump-wam-trail wam)
   (dump-wam-registers wam)
   (format t "~%")
-  (dump-heap wam from to highlight)
+  (dump-heap wam from to)
   (format t "~%")
   (dump-stack wam)
   (format t "~%")
@@ -373,13 +374,5 @@
     (dump-code-store wam code +maximum-query-size+ (length code))))
 (defun dump-wam-full (wam)
-  (dump-wam wam +heap-start+ (wam-heap-pointer wam) -1))
+  (dump-wam wam (1+ +heap-start+) (wam-heap-pointer wam)))
-(defun dump-wam-around (wam addr width)
-  (dump-wam wam
-            (max +heap-start+ (- addr width))
-            (min (wam-heap-pointer wam)
-                 (+ addr width 1))
-            addr))
--- a/src/wam/types.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/types.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 (in-package #:bones.wam)
-(deftype cell ()
-  `(unsigned-byte ,+cell-width+))
-(deftype cell-tag ()
-  `(unsigned-byte ,+cell-tag-width+))
+(deftype cell-type ()
+  `(integer 0 ,(1- +number-of-cell-types+)))
 (deftype cell-value ()
-  `(unsigned-byte ,+cell-value-width+))
+  `(unsigned-byte 60)); soon...
-(deftype store ()
-  '(simple-array cell (*)))
+(deftype type-store ()
+  '(simple-array cell-type (*)))
+(deftype value-store ()
+  '(simple-array cell-value (*)))
 (deftype store-index ()
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 (deftype stack-choice-size ()
   ;; TODO: is this actually right?  check on frame size limit vs choice point
   ;; size limit...
-  `(integer 7 ,+stack-frame-size-limit+))
+  `(integer 8 ,+stack-frame-size-limit+))
 (deftype stack-frame-argcount ()
@@ -87,18 +87,16 @@
     environment-pointer ; CE
     continuation-pointer ; CP
-    stack-frame-argcount ; N
-    cell)) ; Yn
+    stack-frame-argcount)) ; N
 (deftype stack-choice-word ()
     environment-pointer ; CE
-    backtrack-pointer ; B
+    backtrack-pointer ; B, CC
     continuation-pointer ; CP, BP
     stack-frame-argcount ; N
     trail-index ; TR
-    heap-index ; H
-    cell)) ; An
+    heap-index)) ; H
 (deftype stack-word ()
   '(or stack-frame-word stack-choice-word))
@@ -109,12 +107,12 @@
 ;;; is defined as an array of cells, but certain things on the stack aren't
 ;;; actually cells (e.g. the stored continuation pointer).
-;;; This shouldn't be a problem (aside from being ugly) as long as our `cell`
-;;; type is big enough to hold the values of these non-cell things.  So let's
-;;; just make sure that's the case...
+;;; This shouldn't be a problem (aside from being ugly) as long as they all fit
+;;; inside fixnums... so let's just make sure that's the case.
 (defun sanity-check-stack-type (type)
-  (assert (subtypep type 'cell) ()
-    "Type ~A is too large to fit into a cell!"
+  (assert (subtypep type 'fixnum) ()
+    "Type ~A is too large!"
@@ -124,5 +122,3 @@
 (sanity-check-stack-type 'backtrack-pointer)
 (sanity-check-stack-type 'trail-index)
 (sanity-check-stack-type 'stack-word)
--- a/src/wam/vm.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/vm.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -5,96 +5,62 @@
 ;;;; Utilities
+(declaim (inline functors-match-p
+                 constants-match-p))
 (defun* push-unbound-reference! ((wam wam))
-  (:returns (values cell heap-index))
-  "Push a new unbound reference cell onto the heap."
-  (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-reference (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Push a new unbound reference cell onto the heap, returning its address."
+  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-reference+ (wam-heap-pointer wam)))
 (defun* push-new-structure! ((wam wam))
-  (:returns (values cell heap-index))
-  "Push a new structure cell onto the heap.
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Push a new structure cell onto the heap, returning its address.
   The structure cell's value will point at the next address, so make sure you
   push something there too!
-  (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-structure (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam)))))
+  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-structure+ (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
 (defun* push-new-list! ((wam wam))
-  (:returns (values cell heap-index))
-  "Push a new list cell onto the heap.
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Push a new list cell onto the heap, returning its address.
   The list cell's value will point at the next address, so make sure you push
   something there too!
-  (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-list (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam)))))
+  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-list+ (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
 (defun* push-new-functor! ((wam wam) (functor functor-index))
-  (:returns (values cell heap-index))
-  "Push a new functor cell onto the heap."
-  (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-functor functor)))
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Push a new functor cell onto the heap, returning its address."
+  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-functor+ functor))
+(defun* push-new-constant! ((wam wam) (constant functor-index))
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Push a new constant cell onto the heap, returning its address."
+  (wam-heap-push! wam +cell-type-constant+ constant))
-(declaim (inline bound-reference-p
-                 unbound-reference-p
-                 matching-functor-p
-                 functors-match-p
-                 constants-match-p))
-(defun* bound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address store-index))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  "Return whether the cell at `address` is a bound reference."
-  (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam address)))
-    (and (cell-reference-p cell)
-         (not (= (cell-value cell) address)))))
-(defun* unbound-reference-p ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+(defun* functors-match-p ((f1 functor-index)
+                          (f2 functor-index))
   (:returns boolean)
-  "Return whether the cell at `address` is an unbound reference."
-  (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam address)))
-    (and (cell-reference-p cell)
-         (= (cell-value cell) address))))
+  "Return whether the two functor cell values represent the same functor."
+  (= f1 f2))
-(defun* matching-functor-p ((cell cell)
-                            (functor functor-index))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  "Return whether `cell` is a functor cell containing `functor`."
-  (and (cell-functor-p cell)
-       (= (cell-value cell) functor)))
-(defun* functors-match-p ((functor-cell-1 cell)
-                          (functor-cell-2 cell))
-  (:returns boolean)
-  "Return whether the two functor cells represent the same functor."
-  (= (cell-value functor-cell-1)
-     (cell-value functor-cell-2)))
-(defun* constants-match-p ((constant-cell-1 cell)
-                           (constant-cell-2 cell))
+(defun* constants-match-p ((c1 functor-index)
+                           (c2 functor-index))
   (:returns boolean)
   "Return whether the two constant cells represent the same functor."
-  (= (cell-value constant-cell-1)
-     (cell-value constant-cell-2)))
-(defmacro with-cell ((address-symbol cell-symbol) wam target &body body)
-  "Bind variables to the (dereferenced) contents of the cell
-  `target` should be an address in the WAM store.
-  `address-symbol` and `cell-symbol` will be bound to the final address/cell
-  after dereferencing `target.`
-  "
-  (once-only (wam target)
-    `(let* ((,address-symbol (deref ,wam ,target))
-            (,cell-symbol (wam-store-cell ,wam ,address-symbol)))
-      ,@body)))
+  (= c1 c2))
 ;;;; "Ancillary" Functions
-(declaim (inline deref unbind!))
+(declaim (inline deref unbind! trail!))
 (defun* backtrack! ((wam wam))
   "Backtrack after a failure."
@@ -113,11 +79,10 @@
   "Unbind the reference cell at `address`.
   No error checking is done, so please don't try to unbind something that's not
-  a reference cell.
+  (originally) a reference cell.
-  (setf (wam-store-cell wam address)
-        (make-cell-reference address)))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam address +cell-type-reference+ address))
 (defun* unwind-trail! ((wam wam)
                        (trail-start trail-index)
@@ -131,8 +96,7 @@
   (with-accessors ((tr wam-trail-pointer)
                    (h wam-heap-pointer)
                    (hb wam-heap-backtrack-pointer)
-                   (b wam-backtrack-pointer))
-      wam
+                   (b wam-backtrack-pointer)) wam
       ;; The book is, yet again, fucked.  It just sets `i` to be the trail
       ;; pointer from the choice point frame.  But what if we just popped off
@@ -162,9 +126,12 @@
   ;; SBCL won't inline recursive functions :(
-  (while (bound-reference-p wam address)
-    (setf address (cell-value (wam-store-cell wam address))))
-  address)
+  (loop
+    (cell-typecase (wam address)
+      ((:reference ref) (if (= address ref)
+                          (return address) ; unbound ref
+                          (setf address ref))) ; bound ref
+      (t (return address))))) ; non-ref
 (defun* bind! ((wam wam) (address-1 store-index) (address-2 store-index))
   "Bind the unbound reference cell to the other.
@@ -188,25 +155,24 @@
   ;; would end up with a REF to a register address.  This would be bad because
   ;; that register would probably get clobbered later, and the REF would now be
   ;; pointing to garbage.
-  (let ((cell-1 (wam-store-cell wam address-1))
-        (cell-2 (wam-store-cell wam address-2)))
-    (cond
-      ;; Bind (a1 <- a2) if:
-      ;;
-      ;; * A1 is a REF and A2 is something else, or...
-      ;; * They're both REFs but A2 has a lower address than A1.
-      ((and (cell-reference-p cell-1)
-            (or (not (cell-reference-p cell-2))
-                (< address-2 address-1)))
-       (setf (wam-store-cell wam address-1) cell-2)
-       (trail! wam address-1))
-      ;; Bind (a2 <- a1) if A2 is a REF and A1 is something else.
-      ((cell-reference-p cell-2)
-       (setf (wam-store-cell wam address-2) cell-1)
-       (trail! wam address-2))
-      ;; wut
-      (t
-       (error "At least one cell must be an unbound reference when binding.")))))
+  (cond
+    ;; Bind (a1 <- a2) if:
+    ;;
+    ;; * A1 is a REF and A2 is something else, or...
+    ;; * They're both REFs but A2 has a lower address than A1.
+    ((and (cell-type-p (wam address-1) :reference)
+          (or (not (cell-type-p (wam address-2) :reference))
+              (< address-2 address-1)))
+     (wam-copy-store-cell! wam address-1 address-2)
+     (trail! wam address-1))
+    ;; Bind (a2 <- a1) if A2 is a REF and A1 is something else.
+    ((cell-type-p (wam address-2) :reference)
+     (wam-copy-store-cell! wam address-2 address-1)
+     (trail! wam address-2))
+    ;; wut
+    (t (error "At least one cell must be an unbound reference when binding."))))
 (defun* unify! ((wam wam) (a1 store-index) (a2 store-index))
   (wam-unification-stack-push! wam a1)
@@ -215,51 +181,57 @@
   ;; TODO: refactor this horror show.
   (until (or (wam-fail wam)
              (wam-unification-stack-empty-p wam))
-    (let ((d1 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam)))
-          (d2 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam))))
+    (let* ((d1 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam)))
+           (d2 (deref wam (wam-unification-stack-pop! wam)))
+           (t1 (wam-store-type wam d1))
+           (t2 (wam-store-type wam d2)))
       (when (not (= d1 d2))
-        (let ((cell-1 (wam-store-cell wam d1))
-              (cell-2 (wam-store-cell wam d2)))
-          (cond
-            ;; If at least one is a reference, bind them.
-            ;;
-            ;; We know that any references we see here will be unbound, because
-            ;; we deref'ed them above.
-            ((or (cell-reference-p cell-1) (cell-reference-p cell-2))
-             (bind! wam d1 d2))
+        (cond
+          ;; If at least one is a reference, bind them.
+          ;;
+          ;; We know that any references we see here will be unbound because
+          ;; we deref'ed them above.
+          ((or (cell-type= t1 :reference)
+               (cell-type= t2 :reference))
+           (bind! wam d1 d2))
-            ;; Otherwise if they're both constants, make sure they match.
-            ((and (cell-constant-p cell-1) (cell-constant-p cell-2))
-             (when (not (constants-match-p cell-1 cell-2))
-               (backtrack! wam)))
+          ;; Otherwise if they're both constants, make sure they match.
+          ((and (cell-type= t1 :constant)
+                (cell-type= t2 :constant))
+           (let ((c1 (wam-store-value wam d1))
+                 (c2 (wam-store-value wam d2)))
+             (when (not (constants-match-p c1 c2))
+               (backtrack! wam))))
-            ;; Otherwise if they're both lists, make sure their contents match.
-            ((and (cell-list-p cell-1) (cell-list-p cell-2))
-             (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (cell-value cell-1))
-             (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (cell-value cell-2))
-             (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (1+ (cell-value cell-1)))
-             (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (1+ (cell-value cell-2))))
+          ;; Otherwise if they're both lists, unify their contents.
+          ((and (cell-type= t1 :list)
+                (cell-type= t2 :list))
+           (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (wam-store-value wam d1))
+           (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (wam-store-value wam d2))
+           (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (1+ (wam-store-value wam d1)))
+           (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (1+ (wam-store-value wam d2))))
-            ;; Otherwise if they're both structure cells, make sure they match
-            ;; and then schedule their subterms to be unified.
-            ((and (cell-structure-p cell-1) (cell-structure-p cell-2))
-             (let* ((structure-1-addr (cell-value cell-1)) ; find where they
-                    (structure-2-addr (cell-value cell-2)) ; start on the heap
-                    (functor-1 (wam-store-cell wam structure-1-addr)) ; grab the
-                    (functor-2 (wam-store-cell wam structure-2-addr))) ; functors
-               (if (functors-match-p functor-1 functor-2)
-                 ;; If the functors match, push their pairs of arguments onto
-                 ;; the stack to be unified.
-                 (loop :with arity = (wam-functor-arity wam (cell-value functor-1))
-                       :for i :from 1 :to arity :do
-                       (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ structure-1-addr i))
-                       (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ structure-2-addr i)))
-                 ;; Otherwise we're hosed.
-                 (backtrack! wam))))
+          ;; Otherwise if they're both structures, make sure they match and
+          ;; then schedule their subterms to be unified.
+          ((and (cell-type= t1 :structure)
+                (cell-type= t2 :structure))
+           (let* ((s1 (wam-store-value wam d1)) ; find where they
+                  (s2 (wam-store-value wam d2)) ; start on the heap
+                  (f1 (wam-store-value wam s1)) ; grab the
+                  (f2 (wam-store-value wam s2))) ; functors
+             (if (functors-match-p f1 f2)
+               ;; If the functors match, push their pairs of arguments onto
+               ;; the stack to be unified.
+               (loop :with arity = (wam-functor-arity wam f1)
+                     :for i :from 1 :to arity :do
+                     (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ s1 i))
+                     (wam-unification-stack-push! wam (+ s2 i)))
+               ;; Otherwise we're hosed.
+               (backtrack! wam))))
-            ;; Otherwise we're looking at two different kinds of cells, and are
-            ;; just totally hosed.  Backtrack.
-            (t (backtrack! wam))))))))
+          ;; Otherwise we're looking at two different kinds of cells, and are
+          ;; just totally hosed.  Backtrack.
+          (t (backtrack! wam)))))))
 ;;;; Instruction Definition
@@ -287,16 +259,25 @@
 ;;; compile we can just pick the appropriate opcode, and now we no longer need
 ;;; a runtime test for every single register assignment.
-;;; To make the process of defining these two "variants" we have these two
-;;; macros.  `define-instruction` (singular) is just a little sugar around
-;;; `defun*`, for those instructions that don't deal with arguments.
+;;; To make the process of defining these two "variants" less excruciating we
+;;; have these two macros.  `define-instruction` (singular) is just a little
+;;; sugar around `defun*`, for those instructions that don't deal with
+;;; arguments.
 ;;; `define-instructions` (plural) is the awful one.  You pass it a pair of
 ;;; symbols for the two variant names.  Two functions will be defined, both with
-;;; the same body, with the symbol `%wam-register%` macroletted to the
-;;; appropriate access code.  So in the body, instead of using
-;;; `(wam-{local/argument}-register wam register)` you just use
-;;; `(%wam-register% wam register)` and it'll do the right thing.
+;;; the same body, with a few symbols macroletted to the appropriate access
+;;; code.
+;;; So in the body, instead of using:
+;;;     (wam-set-{local/stack}-register wam reg type value)
+;;; you use:
+;;;     (%wam-set-register% wam reg type value)
+;;; and it'll do the right thing.
 (defmacro define-instruction
     ((name &optional should-inline) lambda-list &body body)
@@ -315,11 +296,27 @@
   "Define a local/stack pair of instructions."
     (macrolet ((%wam-register% (wam register)
-                 `(wam-local-register ,wam ,register)))
+                 `(wam-local-register-address ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-register-type% (wam register)
+                 `(wam-local-register-type ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-register-value% (wam register)
+                 `(wam-local-register-value ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-set-register% (wam register type value)
+                 `(wam-set-local-register! ,wam ,register ,type ,value))
+               (%wam-copy-to-register% (wam register source)
+                 `(wam-copy-to-local-register! ,wam ,register ,source)))
       (define-instruction (,local-name ,should-inline) ,lambda-list
     (macrolet ((%wam-register% (wam register)
-                 `(wam-stack-register ,wam ,register)))
+                 `(wam-stack-register-address ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-register-type% (wam register)
+                 `(wam-stack-register-type ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-register-value% (wam register)
+                 `(wam-stack-register-value ,wam ,register))
+               (%wam-set-register% (wam register type value)
+                 `(wam-set-stack-register! ,wam ,register ,type ,value))
+               (%wam-copy-to-register% (wam register source)
+                 `(wam-copy-to-stack-register! ,wam ,register ,source)))
       (define-instruction (,stack-name ,should-inline) ,lambda-list
@@ -329,120 +326,115 @@
     ((wam wam)
      (functor functor-index)
      (register register-index))
-  (setf (wam-local-register wam register)
-        (make-cell-structure
-          (nth-value 1 (push-new-functor! wam functor)))
+  (wam-set-local-register! wam register
+                           +cell-type-structure+
+                           (push-new-functor! wam functor))
+  (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
-        (wam-mode wam)
-        :write))
-(define-instruction (%put-list t)
+(define-instruction (%put-list)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
-  (setf (wam-local-register wam register)
-        (make-cell-list (wam-heap-pointer wam))
-        (wam-mode wam)
-        :write))
+  (wam-set-local-register! wam register
+                           +cell-type-list+
+                           (wam-heap-pointer wam))
+  (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
 (define-instructions (%put-variable-local %put-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
-  (let ((new-reference (push-unbound-reference! wam)))
-    (setf (%wam-register% wam register) new-reference
-          (wam-local-register wam argument) new-reference
-          (wam-mode wam) :write)))
+  (let ((ref (push-unbound-reference! wam)))
+    (%wam-copy-to-register% wam register ref)
+    (wam-copy-to-local-register! wam argument ref)
+    (setf (wam-mode wam) :write)))
-(define-instructions (%put-value-local %put-value-stack t)
+(define-instructions (%put-value-local %put-value-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
-  (setf (wam-local-register wam argument) (%wam-register% wam register)
-        (wam-mode wam) :write))
+  (wam-copy-to-local-register! wam argument (%wam-register% wam register))
+  (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
 ;;;; Program Instructions
 (define-instruction (%get-structure) ((wam wam)
                                       (functor functor-index)
                                       (register register-index))
-  (with-accessors ((mode wam-mode) (s wam-subterm)) wam
-    (with-cell (addr cell) wam register
-      (cond
-        ;; If the register points at a reference cell, we push two new cells
-        ;; onto the heap:
-        ;;
-        ;;     |   N | STR | N+1 |
-        ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f/n |
-        ;;     |     |     |     | <- S
-        ;;
-        ;; Then we bind this reference cell to point at the new structure, set
-        ;; the S register to point beneath it and flip over to write mode.
-        ;;
-        ;; It seems a bit confusing that we don't push the rest of the structure
-        ;; stuff on the heap after it too.  But that's going to happen in the
-        ;; next few instructions (which will be subterm-*'s, executed in write
-        ;; mode).
-        ((cell-reference-p cell)
-         (let ((structure-address (nth-value 1 (push-new-structure! wam)))
-               (functor-address (nth-value 1 (push-new-functor! wam functor))))
-           (bind! wam addr structure-address)
-           (setf mode :write
-                 s (1+ functor-address))))
+  (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam register) address)
+    ;; If the register points at an unbound reference cell, we push two new
+    ;; cells onto the heap:
+    ;;
+    ;;     |   N | STR | N+1 |
+    ;;     | N+1 | FUN | f/n |
+    ;;     |     |     |     | <- S
+    ;;
+    ;; Then we bind this reference cell to point at the new structure, set
+    ;; the S register to point beneath it and flip over to write mode.
+    ;;
+    ;; It seems a bit confusing that we don't push the rest of the structure
+    ;; stuff on the heap after it too.  But that's going to happen in the
+    ;; next few instructions (which will be subterm-*'s, executed in write
+    ;; mode).
+    (:reference
+     (let ((structure-address (push-new-structure! wam))
+           (functor-address (push-new-functor! wam functor)))
+       (bind! wam address structure-address)
+       (setf (wam-mode wam) :write
+             (wam-subterm wam) (1+ functor-address))))
-        ;; If the register points at a structure cell, then we look at where
-        ;; that cell points (which will be the functor cell for the structure):
-        ;;
-        ;;     |   N | STR | M   | points at the structure, not necessarily contiguous
-        ;;     |       ...       |
-        ;;     |   M | FUN | f/2 | the functor (hopefully it matches)
-        ;;     | M+1 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
-        ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
-        ;;
-        ;; If it matches the functor we're looking for, we can proceed.  We set
-        ;; the S register to the address of the first subform we need to match
-        ;; (M+1 in the example above).
-        ;;
-        ;; What about if it's a 0-arity functor?  The S register will be set to
-        ;; garbage.  But that's okay, because we know the next thing in the
-        ;; stream of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just
-        ;; blow away the S register there.
-        ((cell-structure-p cell)
-         (let* ((functor-address (cell-value cell))
-                (functor-cell (wam-heap-cell wam functor-address)))
-           (if (matching-functor-p functor-cell functor)
-             (setf mode :read
-                   s (1+ functor-address))
-             (backtrack! wam))))
+    ;; If the register points at a structure cell, then we look at where
+    ;; that cell points (which will be the functor cell for the structure):
+    ;;
+    ;;     |   N | STR | M   | points at the structure, not necessarily contiguous
+    ;;     |       ...       |
+    ;;     |   M | FUN | f/2 | the functor (hopefully it matches)
+    ;;     | M+1 | ... | ... | pieces of the structure, always contiguous
+    ;;     | M+2 | ... | ... | and always right after the functor
+    ;;
+    ;; If it matches the functor we're looking for, we can proceed.  We set
+    ;; the S register to the address of the first subform we need to match
+    ;; (M+1 in the example above).
+    ;;
+    ;; What about if it's a 0-arity functor?  The S register will be set to
+    ;; garbage.  But that's okay, because we know the next thing in the
+    ;; stream of instructions will be another get-structure and we'll just
+    ;; blow away the S register there.
+    ((:structure functor-address)
+     (cell-typecase (wam functor-address)
+       ((:functor f)
+        (if (functors-match-p functor f)
+          (setf (wam-mode wam) :read
+                (wam-subterm wam) (1+ functor-address))
+          (backtrack! wam)))))
-        (t (backtrack! wam))))))
+    ;; Otherwise we can't unify, so backtrack.
+    (t (backtrack! wam))))
 (define-instruction (%get-list) ((wam wam)
                                  (register register-index))
-  (with-cell (addr cell) wam register
-    (cond
-      ;; If the register points at a reference (unbound, because we deref'ed) we
-      ;; bind it to a list and flip into write mode to write the upcoming two
-      ;; things as its contents.
-      ((cell-reference-p cell)
-       (bind! wam addr (nth-value 1 (push-new-list! wam)))
-       (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
+  (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam register) address)
+    ;; If the register points at a reference (unbound, because we deref'ed) we
+    ;; bind it to a list and flip into write mode to write the upcoming two
+    ;; things as its contents.
+    (:reference
+     (bind! wam address (push-new-list! wam))
+     (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
-      ;; If this is a list, we need to unify its subterms.
-      ((cell-list-p cell)
-       (setf (wam-mode wam) :read
-             (wam-subterm wam) (cell-value cell)))
+    ;; If this is a list, we need to unify its subterms.
+    ((:list contents)
+     (setf (wam-mode wam) :read
+           (wam-subterm wam) contents))
-      (t (backtrack! wam)))))
+    ;; Otherwise we can't unify.
+    (t (backtrack! wam))))
-(define-instructions (%get-variable-local %get-variable-stack t)
+(define-instructions (%get-variable-local %get-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
-  (setf (%wam-register% wam register)
-        (wam-local-register wam argument)))
+  (%wam-copy-to-register% wam register argument))
-(define-instructions (%get-value-local %get-value-stack)
+(define-instructions (%get-value-local %get-value-stack t)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index)
      (argument register-index))
@@ -453,10 +445,10 @@
 (define-instructions (%subterm-variable-local %subterm-variable-stack)
     ((wam wam)
      (register register-index))
-  (setf (%wam-register% wam register)
-        (ecase (wam-mode wam)
-          (:read (wam-heap-cell wam (wam-subterm wam)))
-          (:write (push-unbound-reference! wam))))
+  (%wam-copy-to-register% wam register
+                          (ecase (wam-mode wam)
+                            (:read (wam-subterm wam))
+                            (:write (push-unbound-reference! wam))))
   (incf (wam-subterm wam)))
 (define-instructions (%subterm-value-local %subterm-value-stack)
@@ -464,7 +456,9 @@
      (register register-index))
   (ecase (wam-mode wam)
     (:read (unify! wam register (wam-subterm wam)))
-    (:write (wam-heap-push! wam (%wam-register% wam register))))
+    (:write (wam-heap-push! wam
+                            (%wam-register-type% wam register)
+                            (%wam-register-value% wam register))))
   (incf (wam-subterm wam)))
 (define-instruction (%subterm-void) ((wam wam) (n arity))
@@ -482,7 +476,7 @@
                           (functor functor)
                           (program-counter-increment instruction-size)
                           (is-tail boolean))
-  (let* ((findex (wam-ensure-functor-index wam functor))
+  (let* ((findex (wam-ensure-functor-index wam functor)) ; todo unfuck this once we finish splitting
          (target (wam-code-label wam findex)))
     (if (not target)
       ;; Trying to call an unknown procedure.
@@ -506,31 +500,30 @@
                wam functor (instruction-size +opcode-dynamic-jump+) t)
-               wam functor (instruction-size +opcode-dynamic-call+) nil))))
-    (with-cell (addr cell) wam 0 ; A_0
-      (cond
-        ((cell-structure-p cell)
-         (with-cell (functor-address functor-cell) wam (cell-value cell)
-           (let ((functor (cell-value functor-cell)))
-             ;; If we have a non-zero-arity structure, we need to set up the
-             ;; argument registers before we call it.  Luckily all the arguments
-             ;; conveniently live contiguously right after the functor cell.
-             (loop :with arity = (wam-functor-arity wam functor)
-                   :for argument-register :from 0 :below arity
-                   :for argument-address :from (1+ functor-address)
-                   :do (setf (wam-local-register wam argument-register)
-                             (wam-heap-cell wam argument-address)))
-             (%go (wam-functor-lookup wam functor)))))
-        ((cell-constant-p cell)
-         ;; Zero-arity functors don't need to set up anything at all -- we can
-         ;; just call them immediately.
-         (%go (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-value cell))))
-        ((cell-reference-p cell)
-         ;; It's okay to do (call :var), but :var has to be bound by the time you
-         ;; actually reach it at runtime.
-         (error "Cannot dynamically call an unbound variable."))
-        (t ; You can't (call) anything else.
-         (error "Cannot dynamically call something other than a structure."))))))
+               wam functor (instruction-size +opcode-dynamic-call+) nil)))
+         (load-arguments (n start-address)
+           (loop :for arg :from 0 :below n
+                 :for source :from start-address
+                 :do (wam-copy-to-local-register! wam arg source))))
+    (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam 0)) ; A_0
+      ((:structure functor-address)
+       ;; If we have a non-zero-arity structure, we need to set up the
+       ;; argument registers before we call it.  Luckily all the arguments
+       ;; conveniently live contiguously right after the functor cell.
+       (cell-typecase (wam functor-address)
+         ((:functor f)
+          (load-arguments (wam-functor-arity wam f) (1+ functor-address))
+          (%go (wam-functor-lookup wam f)))))
+      ((:constant c)
+       ;; Zero-arity functors don't need to set up anything at all -- we can
+       ;; just call them immediately.
+       (%go (wam-functor-lookup wam c)))
+      (:reference
+       ;; It's okay to do (call :var), but :var has to be bound by the time you
+       ;; actually reach it at runtime.
+       (error "Cannot dynamically call an unbound variable."))
+      (t ; You can't call/1 anything else.
+       (error "Cannot dynamically call something other than a structure.")))))
 (define-instruction (%jump) ((wam wam) (functor functor))
@@ -590,6 +583,12 @@
           (wam-stack-choice-h wam b))))
+(defun* restore-registers-from-choice-point! ((wam wam)
+                                              (b backtrack-pointer))
+  (loop :for register :from 0 :below (wam-stack-choice-n wam b)
+        :for saved-register :from (wam-stack-choice-argument-address wam 0 b)
+        :do (wam-copy-to-local-register! wam register saved-register)))
 (define-instruction (%try) ((wam wam) (next-clause code-index))
   (let ((new-b (wam-stack-top wam))
@@ -605,16 +604,13 @@
           (wam-stack-word wam (+ new-b 7)) (wam-cut-pointer wam) ; CC
           (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam) (wam-heap-pointer wam) ; HB
           (wam-backtrack-pointer wam) new-b) ; B
-    (loop :for i :from 0 :below nargs :do ; A_i
-          (setf (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i new-b)
-                (wam-local-register wam i)))))
+    (loop :for i :from 0 :below nargs ; A_i
+          :for n :from 0 :below nargs ; arg N in the choice point frame
+          :do (wam-copy-to-stack-choice-argument! wam n i new-b))))
 (define-instruction (%retry) ((wam wam) (next-clause code-index))
   (let ((b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
-    ;; Restore argument registers
-    (loop :for i :from 0 :below (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) :do
-          (setf (wam-local-register wam i)
-                (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i b)))
+    (restore-registers-from-choice-point! wam b)
     (unwind-trail! wam (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b) (wam-trail-pointer wam))
     (setf (wam-environment-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-ce wam b)
           (wam-continuation-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-cp wam b)
@@ -627,10 +623,7 @@
 (define-instruction (%trust) ((wam wam))
   (let* ((b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam))
          (old-b (wam-stack-choice-cb wam b)))
-    ;; Restore argument registers
-    (loop :for i :from 0 :below (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) :do
-          (setf (wam-local-register wam i)
-                (wam-stack-choice-arg wam i b)))
+    (restore-registers-from-choice-point! wam b)
     (unwind-trail! wam (wam-stack-choice-tr wam b) (wam-trail-pointer wam))
     (setf (wam-environment-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-ce wam b)
           (wam-continuation-pointer wam) (wam-stack-choice-cp wam b)
@@ -650,41 +643,42 @@
 (declaim (inline %%match-constant))
-(defun* %%match-constant ((wam wam)
-                          (constant functor-index)
-                          (address store-index))
-  (with-cell (addr cell) wam address
-    (cond
-      ((cell-reference-p cell)
-       (setf (wam-store-cell wam addr)
-             (make-cell-constant constant))
-       (trail! wam addr))
+(defun* %%match-constant
+    ((wam wam)
+     (constant functor-index)
+     (address store-index))
+  (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam address) address)
+    (:reference
+     (wam-set-store-cell! wam address +cell-type-constant+ constant)
+     (trail! wam address))
-      ((cell-constant-p cell)
-       (when (not (= constant (cell-value cell)))
-         (backtrack! wam)))
+    ((:constant c)
+     (when (not (= constant c))
+       (backtrack! wam)))
-      (t
-       (backtrack! wam)))))
+    (t (backtrack! wam))))
-(define-instruction (%put-constant t)
+(define-instruction (%put-constant)
     ((wam wam)
      (constant functor-index)
      (register register-index))
-  (setf (wam-local-register wam register) (make-cell-constant constant)
-        (wam-mode wam) :write))
+  (wam-set-local-register! wam register +cell-type-constant+ constant)
+  ; todo we can probably elide this because constants never have subterms...
+  (setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
-(define-instruction (%get-constant) ((wam wam)
-                                     (constant functor-index)
-                                     (register register-index))
+(define-instruction (%get-constant)
+    ((wam wam)
+     (constant functor-index)
+     (register register-index))
   (%%match-constant wam constant register))
-(define-instruction (%subterm-constant) ((wam wam)
-                                         (constant functor-index))
+(define-instruction (%subterm-constant)
+    ((wam wam)
+     (constant functor-index))
   (ecase (wam-mode wam)
     (:read (%%match-constant wam constant (wam-subterm wam)))
-    (:write (wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-constant constant))))
+    (:write (push-new-constant! wam constant)))
   (incf (wam-subterm wam)))
@@ -716,30 +710,27 @@
   (let ((unbound-vars (list)))
         ((mark-unbound-var (address)
-           (let ((symbol (make-symbol (format nil "var-~D" ; lol
+           (let ((symbol (make-symbol (format nil "?VAR-~D" ; lol
                                               (length unbound-vars)))))
              (car (push (cons address symbol) unbound-vars))))
          (extract-var (address)
            (cdr (or (assoc address unbound-vars)
                     (mark-unbound-var address))))
          (recur (address)
-           (let ((cell (wam-store-cell wam (deref wam address))))
-             (cond
-               ((cell-null-p cell) "NULL?!")
-               ((cell-reference-p cell) (extract-var (cell-value cell)))
-               ((cell-structure-p cell) (recur (cell-value cell)))
-               ((cell-list-p cell) (cons (recur (cell-value cell))
-                                         (recur (1+ (cell-value cell)))))
-               ((cell-constant-p cell)
-                (wam-functor-symbol wam (cell-value cell)))
-               ((cell-functor-p cell)
-                (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
-                    (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-value cell))
-                  (list* functor
-                         (loop :for addr
-                               :from (+ address 1) :below (+ address arity 1)
-                               :collect (recur addr)))))
-               (t (error "What to heck is this?"))))))
+           (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam address) address)
+             (:null "NULL?!")
+             ((:reference r) (extract-var r))
+             ((:structure s) (recur s))
+             ((:list l) (cons (recur l) (recur (1+ l))))
+             ((:constant c) (wam-functor-symbol wam c))
+             ((:functor f)
+              (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
+                  (wam-functor-lookup wam f)
+                (list* functor
+                       (loop :repeat arity
+                             :for subterm :from (+ address 1)
+                             :collect (recur subterm)))))
+             (t (error "What to heck is this?")))))
       (mapcar #'recur addresses))))
 (defun extract-query-results (wam vars)
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
     :initial-element 0
     :element-type 'code-word))
-(defun allocate-wam-store (size)
-  ;; The main WAM store contains three separate blocks of values:
+(defun allocate-wam-type-store (size)
+  ;; The main WAM store(s) contain three separate blocks of values:
   ;;     [0, +register-count+)        -> the local X_n registers
   ;;     [+stack-start+, +stack-end+) -> the stack
@@ -21,9 +21,16 @@
   ;; `+stack-end+` and `+heap-start+` are the same number as well.
   (make-array (+ +register-count+
+                 size) ; type array
+    :initial-element +cell-type-null+
+    :element-type 'cell-type))
+(defun allocate-wam-value-store (size)
+  (make-array (+ +register-count+
+                 +stack-limit+
-    :initial-element (make-cell-null)
-    :element-type 'cell))
+    :initial-element 0
+    :element-type 'cell-value))
 (defstruct (wam
@@ -34,9 +41,13 @@
                   (wam stream :type t :identity t)
                   (format stream "an wam"))))
              (:constructor make-wam%))
-  (store
-    (allocate-wam-store 0)
-    :type store
+  (type-store
+    (allocate-wam-type-store 0)
+    :type type-store
+    :read-only t)
+  (value-store
+    (allocate-wam-value-store 0)
+    :type value-store
     :read-only t)
     (allocate-wam-code 0)
@@ -93,31 +104,180 @@
   (mode        nil :type (or null (member :read :write))))
-(defun* make-wam (&key (store-size (megabytes 10))
-                       (code-size (megabytes 1)))
+(defun* make-wam (&key
+                  (store-size (megabytes 10))
+                  (code-size (megabytes 1)))
   (:returns wam)
   (make-wam% :code (allocate-wam-code code-size)
-             :store (allocate-wam-store store-size)))
+             :type-store (allocate-wam-type-store store-size)
+             :value-store (allocate-wam-value-store store-size)))
 ;;;; Store
-(declaim (inline wam-store-cell (setf wam-store-cell)))
+;;; The main store of the WAM is split into two separate arrays:
+;;; * An array of cell types, packed into 4-bit bytes.
+;;; * An array of cell values, each being a fixnum or a normal Lisp pointer.
+;;; The contents of the value depend on the type of cell.
+;;; NULL cells always have a value of zero.
+;;; STRUCTURE cell values are an index into the store, describing where the
+;;; structure starts.
+;;; REFERENCE cell values are an index into the store, pointing at whatever the
+;;; value is bound to.  Unbound variables contain their own store index as
+;;; a value.
+;;; FUNCTOR cell values are an index into the WAM's functor array where the
+;;; `(symbol . arity)` cons lives.
+;;; CONSTANT cells are the same as functor cells, except that they always happen
+;;; to refer to functors with an arity of zero.
+;;; LIST cell values are an index into the store, pointing at the first of two
+;;; consecutive cells.  The first cell is the car of the list, the second one is
+;;; the cdr.
+;;; STACK cell values are special cases.  The WAM's main store is a combination
+;;; of the heap, the stack, and registers.  Heap cells (and registers) are those
+;;; detailed above, but stack cells can also hold numbers like the continuation
+;;; pointer.  We lump all the extra things together into one kind of cell.
+(declaim (inline wam-store-type
+                 wam-store-value
+                 wam-set-store-cell!
+                 wam-copy-store-cell!))
+(defun* wam-store-type ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (:returns cell-type)
+  "Return the type of the cell at the given address."
+  (aref (wam-type-store wam) address))
+(defun* wam-store-value ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (:returns cell-value)
+  "Return the value of the cell at the given address."
+  (aref (wam-value-store wam) address))
+(defun* wam-set-store-cell! ((wam wam)
+                             (address store-index)
+                             (type cell-type)
+                             (value cell-value))
+  (setf (aref (wam-type-store wam) address) type
+        (aref (wam-value-store wam) address) value))
+(defun* wam-copy-store-cell! ((wam wam)
+                              (destination store-index)
+                              (source store-index))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam
+                       destination
+                       (wam-store-type wam source)
+                       (wam-store-value wam source)))
+(defun* wam-sanity-check-store-read ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+  (declare (ignore wam))
+  (when (= address +heap-start+)
+    (error "Cannot read from heap address zero.")))
-(defun* wam-store-cell ((wam wam) (address store-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  "Return the cell at the given address.
+(macrolet ((define-unsafe (name return-type)
+             `(progn
+               (declaim (inline ,name))
+               (defun* ,name ((wam wam) (address store-index))
+                 (:returns ,return-type)
+                 (aref (wam-value-store wam) address)))))
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-null-value (eql 0))
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-structure-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-reference-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-functor-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-constant-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-list-value store-index)
+  (define-unsafe %unsafe-stack-value stack-word))
+(defun %type-designator-constant (designator)
+  (ecase designator
+    (:null +cell-type-null+)
+    (:structure +cell-type-structure+)
+    (:reference +cell-type-reference+)
+    (:functor +cell-type-functor+)
+    (:constant +cell-type-constant+)
+    (:list +cell-type-list+)
+    ((t) t)))
-  Please don't use this unless you absolutely have to.  Prefer something more
-  specific like `wam-heap-cell` else so you've got some extra sanity checking...
+(defun %type-designator-accessor (designator)
+  (ecase designator
+    (:null '%unsafe-null-value)
+    (:structure '%unsafe-structure-value)
+    (:reference '%unsafe-reference-value)
+    (:functor '%unsafe-functor-value)
+    (:constant '%unsafe-constant-value)
+    (:list '%unsafe-list-value)))
+(defmacro cell-typecase ((wam address &optional address-symbol) &rest clauses)
+  "Dispatch on the type of the cell at `address` in the WAM store.
+  If `address-symbol` is given it will be bound to the result of evaluating
+  `address` in the remainder of the form.
+  The type of the cell will be matched against `clauses` much like `typecase`.
+  Each clause should be of the form `(binding forms)`.
+  Each binding can be either a simple cell type designator like `:reference`, or
+  a list of this designator and a symbol to bind the cell's value to.  The
+  symbol is bound with `let` around the `forms` and type-hinted appropriately
+  (at least on SBCL).
+  Example:
+    (cell-typecase (wam (deref wam address) final-address)
+      (:reference (bind final-address foo)
+                  'it-is-a-reference)
+      ((:constant c) (list 'it-is-the-constant c))
+      (t 'unknown))
-  (aref (wam-store wam) address))
+  (once-only (wam address)
+    (labels
+        ((normalize-binding (binding)
+           (cond
+             ((symbolp binding) (list binding nil))
+             ((= 1 (length binding)) (list (car binding) nil))
+             (t binding)))
+         (parse-clause (clause)
+           (destructuring-bind (binding . body) clause
+             (destructuring-bind (type-designator value-symbol)
+                 (normalize-binding binding)
+               `(,(%type-designator-constant type-designator)
+                 (let (,@(when value-symbol
+                           (list
+                             `(,value-symbol
+                               (,(%type-designator-accessor type-designator)
+                                ,wam ,address)))))
+                   ,@body))))))
+      `(progn
+        (policy-cond:policy-if (or (= safety 3) (= debug 3))
+          (wam-sanity-check-store-read ,wam ,address)
+          nil)
+        (let (,@(when address-symbol
+                  (list `(,address-symbol ,address))))
+          (case (wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
+            ,@(mapcar #'parse-clause clauses)))))))
-(defun* (setf wam-store-cell) ((new-value cell)
-                               (wam wam)
-                               (address store-index))
-  (setf (aref (wam-store wam) address) new-value))
+(defmacro cell-type= (type type-designator)
+  `(= ,type ,(%type-designator-constant type-designator)))
+(defmacro cell-type-p ((wam address) type-designator)
+  `(cell-type=
+    (wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
+    ,type-designator))
 ;;;; Heap
@@ -128,12 +288,7 @@
 ;;; We reserve the first address in the heap as a sentinel, as an "unset" value
 ;;; for various pointers into the heap.
-(declaim (inline wam-heap-pointer-unset-p
-                 wam-heap-cell
-                 (setf wam-heap-cell)
-                 wam-heap-pointer
-                 (setf wam-heap-pointer)
-                 wam-heap-push!))
+(declaim (inline wam-heap-pointer-unset-p wam-heap-push!))
 (defun* wam-heap-pointer-unset-p ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
@@ -141,36 +296,27 @@
   (declare (ignore wam))
   (= address +heap-start+))
-(defun* wam-heap-push! ((wam wam) (cell cell))
-  (:returns (values cell heap-index))
+(defun* wam-heap-push! ((wam wam) (type cell-type) (value cell-value))
+  (:returns heap-index)
   "Push the cell onto the WAM heap and increment the heap pointer.
-  Returns the cell and the address it was pushed to.
+  Returns the address it was pushed to.
-  (if (>= (wam-heap-pointer wam) +store-limit+) ; todo: respect actual size...
-    (error "WAM heap exhausted.")
-    (values cell (array-push cell (wam-store wam) (wam-heap-pointer wam)))))
-(defun* wam-heap-cell ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  "Return the heap cell at the given address."
-  (when (wam-heap-pointer-unset-p wam address)
-    (error "Cannot read from heap address zero."))
-  (aref (wam-store wam) address))
-(defun* (setf wam-heap-cell) ((new-value cell)
-                              (wam wam)
-                              (address heap-index))
-  (when (wam-heap-pointer-unset-p wam address)
-    (error "Cannot write to heap address zero."))
-  (setf (aref (wam-store wam) address) new-value))
+  (let ((heap-pointer (wam-heap-pointer wam)))
+    (if (>= heap-pointer +store-limit+) ; todo: respect actual size...
+      (error "WAM heap exhausted.")
+      (progn
+        (wam-set-store-cell! wam heap-pointer type value)
+        (incf (wam-heap-pointer wam))
+        heap-pointer))))
 ;;;; Trail
-(declaim (inline wam-trail-pointer (setf wam-trail-pointer)))
+(declaim (inline wam-trail-pointer
+                 (setf wam-trail-pointer)
+                 wam-trail-value
+                 (setf wam-trail-value)))
 (defun* wam-trail-pointer ((wam wam))
@@ -255,13 +401,13 @@
   (:returns stack-word)
   "Return the stack word at the given address."
   (assert-inside-stack wam address)
-  (aref (wam-store wam) address))
+  (%unsafe-stack-value wam address))
 (defun* (setf wam-stack-word) ((new-value stack-word)
                                (wam wam)
                                (address stack-index))
   (assert-inside-stack wam address)
-  (setf (aref (wam-store wam) address) new-value))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam address +cell-type-stack+ new-value))
 (defun* wam-backtrack-pointer-unset-p
@@ -297,9 +443,10 @@
-                 wam-stack-frame-arg
-                 (setf wam-stack-frame-arg)
-                 wam-stack-frame-size))
+                 wam-stack-frame-size
+                 wam-stack-frame-argument-address
+                 wam-set-stack-frame-argument!))
 (defun* wam-stack-frame-ce
     ((wam wam)
@@ -334,22 +481,33 @@
   (wam-stack-word wam (+ 3 e)))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-argument-address
     ((wam wam)
      (n register-index)
      ((e environment-pointer)
       (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (wam-stack-word wam (+ 4 n e)))
+  (:returns stack-index)
+  (+ 4 n e))
-(defun* (setf wam-stack-frame-arg) ((new-value cell)
-                                    (wam wam)
-                                    (n register-index)
-                                    &optional ((e environment-pointer)
-                                               (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (setf (wam-stack-word wam (+ e 4 n))
-        new-value))
+(defun* wam-set-stack-frame-argument!
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     (type cell-type)
+     (value cell-value)
+     &optional ((e environment-pointer)
+                (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam n e)
+                       type value))
+(defun* wam-copy-to-stack-frame-argument!
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     (source store-index)
+     &optional ((e environment-pointer)
+                (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+  (wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam n e)
+                        source))
 (defun* wam-stack-frame-size
@@ -389,9 +547,11 @@
-                 wam-stack-choice-arg
-                 (setf wam-stack-choice-arg)
-                 wam-stack-choice-size))
+                 wam-stack-choice-size
+                 wam-stack-choice-argument-address
+                 wam-set-stack-choice-argument!
+                 wam-copy-to-stack-choice-argument!))
 (defun* wam-stack-choice-n
     ((wam wam)
@@ -458,29 +618,38 @@
   (wam-stack-word wam (+ b 7)))
-(defun* wam-stack-choice-arg
+(defun* wam-stack-choice-argument-address
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     &optional ((b backtrack-pointer)
+                (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+  (:returns stack-index)
+  (+ 8 n b))
+(defun* wam-set-stack-choice-argument!
     ((wam wam)
-     (n arity)
-     &optional
-     ((b backtrack-pointer)
-      (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns cell)
-  (wam-stack-word wam (+ b 8 n)))
+     (n register-index)
+     (type cell-type)
+     (value cell-value)
+     &optional ((b backtrack-pointer)
+                (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-choice-argument-address wam n b)
+                       type value))
-(defun* (setf wam-stack-choice-arg) ((new-value cell)
-                                     (wam wam)
-                                     (n arity)
-                                     &optional ((b backtrack-pointer)
-                                                (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
-  (setf (wam-stack-word wam (+ b 8 n))
-        new-value))
+(defun* wam-copy-to-stack-choice-argument!
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     (source store-index)
+     &optional ((b backtrack-pointer)
+                (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+  (wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-choice-argument-address wam n b)
+                        source))
 (defun* wam-stack-choice-size
     ((wam wam)
-     &optional
-     ((b backtrack-pointer)
-      (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
+     &optional ((b backtrack-pointer)
+                (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
   (:returns stack-choice-size)
   "Return the size of the choice frame starting at backtrack pointer `b`."
   (+ (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) 8))
@@ -510,6 +679,7 @@
 ;;;; Resetting
 (defun* wam-truncate-heap! ((wam wam))
+  ;; todo: null out the heap once we're storing live objects
   (setf (wam-heap-pointer wam) (1+ +heap-start+)))
 (defun* wam-truncate-trail! ((wam wam))
@@ -519,13 +689,15 @@
   (setf (fill-pointer (wam-unification-stack wam)) 0))
 (defun* wam-reset-local-registers! ((wam wam))
-  (fill (wam-store wam) (make-cell-null) :start 0 :end +register-count+))
+  (fill (wam-type-store wam) +cell-type-null+ :start 0 :end +register-count+)
+  (fill (wam-value-store wam) 0 :start 0 :end +register-count+))
 (defun* wam-reset! ((wam wam))
   (wam-truncate-heap! wam)
   (wam-truncate-trail! wam)
   (wam-truncate-unification-stack! wam)
   (policy-cond:policy-if (>= debug 2)
+    ;; todo we can't elide this once we start storing live objects... :(
     (wam-reset-local-registers! wam)
     nil) ; fuck it
   (setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
@@ -740,43 +912,71 @@
 ;;;  / _, _/ /___/ /_/ // / ___/ // / / /___/ _, _/___/ /  / ___ |/ _, _/ /___   / /___/ /___/ /___/ /______/ /
 ;;; /_/ |_/_____/\____/___//____//_/ /_____/_/ |_|/____/  /_/  |_/_/ |_/_____/   \____/_____/_____/_____/____/
-(declaim (inline wam-local-register
-                 (setf wam-local-register)
-                 wam-stack-register
-                 (setf wam-stack-register)))
+(declaim (inline wam-set-local-register!
+                 wam-set-stack-register!
+                 wam-local-register-address
+                 wam-stack-register-address
+                 wam-local-register-type
+                 wam-stack-register-type
+                 wam-local-register-value
+                 wam-stack-register-value
+                 wam-copy-to-local-register!
+                 wam-copy-to-stack-register!
+                 wam-local-register-address
+                 wam-stack-register-address))
-(defun* wam-local-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  "Return the value stored in the WAM local register with the given index."
-  (aref (wam-store wam) register))
+(defun* wam-local-register-address ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns store-index)
+  (declare (ignore wam))
+  register)
+(defun* wam-stack-register-address ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns store-index)
+  (wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam register))
-(defun* (setf wam-local-register) ((new-value cell)
-                                   (wam wam)
-                                   (register register-index))
-  (setf (aref (wam-store wam) register) new-value))
+(defun* wam-local-register-type ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns cell-type)
+  (wam-store-type wam (wam-local-register-address wam register)))
+(defun* wam-stack-register-type ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns cell-type)
+  (wam-store-type wam (wam-stack-register-address wam register)))
-(defun* wam-stack-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
-  (:returns cell)
-  "Return the value stored in the WAM stack register with the given index."
-  (wam-stack-frame-arg wam register))
+(defun* wam-local-register-value ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns cell-value)
+  (wam-store-value wam (wam-local-register-address wam register)))
-(defun* (setf wam-stack-register) ((new-value cell)
-                                   (wam wam)
-                                   (register register-index))
-  (setf (wam-stack-frame-arg wam register) new-value))
+(defun* wam-stack-register-value ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns cell-value)
+  (wam-store-value wam (wam-stack-register-address wam register)))
-(defun* wam-s-cell ((wam wam))
-  "Retrieve the cell the S register is pointing at.
-  If S is unbound, throws an error.
+(defun* wam-set-local-register! ((wam wam)
+                                 (address register-index)
+                                 (type cell-type)
+                                 (value cell-value))
+  (wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-local-register-address wam address)
+                       type value))
-  "
-  (let ((s (wam-subterm wam)))
-    (if (wam-heap-pointer-unset-p wam s)
-      (error "Cannot dereference unbound S register.")
-      (wam-heap-cell wam s))))
+(defun* wam-set-stack-register! ((wam wam)
+                                 (address register-index)
+                                 (type cell-type)
+                                 (value cell-value))
+  (wam-set-stack-frame-argument! wam address type value))
+(defun* wam-copy-to-local-register! ((wam wam)
+                                     (destination register-index)
+                                     (source store-index))
+  (wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-local-register-address wam destination) source))
+(defun* wam-copy-to-stack-register! ((wam wam)
+                                     (destination register-index)
+                                     (source store-index))
+  (wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-register-address wam destination) source))
 ;;;; Functors
@@ -787,6 +987,7 @@
 (defun* wam-ensure-functor-index ((wam wam) (functor functor))
   (:returns functor-index)
   "Return the index of the functor in the WAM's functor table.
@@ -815,6 +1016,11 @@
 ;;;; Unification Stack
+(declaim (inline wam-unification-stack-push!
+                 wam-unification-stack-pop!
+                 wam-unification-stack-empty-p))
 (defun* wam-unification-stack-push! ((wam wam) (address store-index))
   (vector-push-extend address (wam-unification-stack wam)))
--- a/test/wam.lisp	Tue Jul 12 21:56:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/test/wam.lisp	Wed Jul 13 18:33:09 2016 +0000
@@ -407,11 +407,13 @@
 (test anonymous-variables
+      (fact (following (s ? ? ? a)))
       (fact (foo x))
       (rule (bar (baz ?x ?y ?z ?thing))
         (foo ?thing))
       (fact (wild ? ? ?)))
+      ((following (s x x x a)) empty)
       ((bar (baz a b c no)) fail)
       ((bar (baz a b c ?what)) (?what x))
       ((wild a b c) empty))))