
Implement (mostly) register designators

The compilation part is finished, only need to get them into the instructions
now.  Also implemented ALOC/DEAL and did a bunch of refactoring.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 16 Apr 2016 02:20:29 +0000 (2016-04-16)
parents f0f0c180ae1d
children ac5c1bfbe50a
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords package.lisp src/make-quickutils.lisp src/quickutils.lisp src/utils.lisp src/wam/bytecode.lisp src/wam/compile.lisp src/wam/constants.lisp src/wam/dump.lisp src/wam/instructions.lisp src/wam/types.lisp src/wam/wam.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-(1 vector-push-extend-all)
 (2 code-push-instruction!)
+(1 repeat)
--- a/package.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+    #:repeat
 (defpackage #:bones.wam
--- a/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/make-quickutils.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+               :alist-to-hash-table
   :package "BONES.QUICKUTILS")
--- a/src/quickutils.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/quickutils.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
 ;;;; To regenerate:
-;;;; (qtlc:save-utils-as "quickutils.lisp" :utilities '(:DEFINE-CONSTANT :SET-EQUAL :CURRY :SWITCH :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :WHILE :UNTIL :TREE-MEMBER-P :TREE-COLLECT :WITH-GENSYMS :ZIP :MAP-TREE) :ensure-package T :package "BONES.QUICKUTILS")
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (find-package "BONES.QUICKUTILS")
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
                                          :WITH-GENSYMS :EXTRACT-FUNCTION-NAME
                                          :SWITCH :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :UNTIL :WHILE
                                          :TREE-MEMBER-P :TREE-COLLECT
-                                         :TRANSPOSE :ZIP :MAP-TREE))))
+                                         :TRANSPOSE :ZIP :ALIST-TO-HASH-TABLE
+                                         :MAP-TREE))))
   (defun %reevaluate-constant (name value test)
     (if (not (boundp name))
@@ -266,6 +267,15 @@
     (transpose lists))
+  (defun alist-to-hash-table (kv-pairs)
+    "Create a hash table populated with `kv-pairs`."
+    (let ((hashtab (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+      (loop 
+        :for (i j) :in kv-pairs
+        :do (setf (gethash i hashtab) j)
+        :finally (return hashtab))))
   (defun map-tree (function tree)
     "Map `function` to each of the leave of `tree`."
     (check-type tree cons)
@@ -281,6 +291,6 @@
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (export '(define-constant set-equal curry switch eswitch cswitch
             ensure-boolean while until tree-member-p tree-collect with-gensyms
-            with-unique-names zip map-tree)))
+            with-unique-names zip alist-to-hash-table map-tree)))
 ;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -17,3 +17,19 @@
               (,current ,access-expr)
               (,result (pushnew ,thing ,place :key ,key :test ,test)))
         (not (eql ,current ,result))))))
+(defun invert-hash-table (ht)
+  "Jesus christ don't actually use this for anything but debugging.
+  Inverts the keys/values of a hash table.
+  "
+  (alist-to-hash-table
+    (loop :for k :being :the :hash-keys :of ht
+          :using (hash-value v)
+          :collect (list v k))))
+(defmacro repeat (n &body body)
+  "Repeat `body` `n` times."
+  `(dotimes (,(gensym) ,n)
+     ,@body))
--- a/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/bytecode.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
     (+opcode-put-value+ 3)
     (+opcode-call+ 2)
-    (+opcode-proceed+ 1)))
+    (+opcode-proceed+ 1)
+    (+opcode-allocate+ 2)
+    (+opcode-deallocate+ 1)))
 (defun* opcode-name ((opcode opcode))
@@ -41,7 +43,9 @@
     (+opcode-put-value+ "PUT-VALUE")
     (+opcode-call+ "CALL")
-    (+opcode-proceed+ "PROCEED")))
+    (+opcode-proceed+ "PROCEED")
+    (+opcode-allocate+ "ALLOCATE")
+    (+opcode-deallocate+ "DEALLOCATE")))
 (defun* opcode-short-name ((opcode opcode))
   (:returns string)
@@ -59,7 +63,9 @@
     (+opcode-put-value+ "PVLU")
     (+opcode-call+ "CALL")
-    (+opcode-proceed+ "PROC")))
+    (+opcode-proceed+ "PROC")
+    (+opcode-allocate+ "ALOC")
+    (+opcode-deallocate+ "DEAL")))
 ;;;; Register Designators
@@ -108,3 +114,12 @@
 (defun* make-stack-register-designator ((register register-index))
   (:returns register-designator)
   (make-register-designator register +tag-stack-register+))
+(defun* register-designator-to-string ((register-designator register-designator))
+  (format nil
+          (if (register-designator-local-p register-designator)
+            ;; Unfortunately we've lost the X/A distinction by this point.
+            "X~D"
+            "Y~D")
+          (+ (register-designator-value register-designator)
+             (if *off-by-one* 1 0))))
--- a/src/wam/compile.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/compile.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -24,6 +24,23 @@
   (:returns register)
   (make-instance 'register :type type :number number))
+(defun* make-temporary-register ((number register-number) (arity arity))
+  (:returns register)
+  (make-register (if (< number arity) :argument :local)
+                 number))
+(defun* make-permanent-register ((number register-number) (arity arity))
+  (:returns register)
+  (declare (ignore arity))
+  (make-register :permanent number))
+(defun* register-to-designator ((register register))
+  (:returns register-designator)
+  (with-slots (type number) register
+    (if (eql type :permanent)
+      (make-stack-register-designator number)
+      (make-local-register-designator number))))
 (defun* register-to-string ((register register))
   (format nil "~A~D"
@@ -31,7 +48,8 @@
             (:argument #\A)
             (:local #\X)
             (:permanent #\Y))
-          (register-number register)))
+          (+ (register-number register)
+             (if *off-by-one* 1 0))))
 (defmethod print-object ((object register) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
@@ -51,8 +69,8 @@
     (and (or (eql (register-type r1)
                   (register-type r2))
-             ;; local and argument registers are actually the same register, just
-             ;; named differently
+             ;; local and argument registers are actually the same register,
+             ;; just named differently
              (and (member (register-type r1) '(:local :argument))
                   (member (register-type r2) '(:local :argument))))
          (= (register-number r1)
@@ -166,33 +184,32 @@
   (let* ((predicate (first term))
          (arguments (rest term))
          (arity (length arguments))
-         ;; Preallocate enough registers for all of the arguments.
-         ;; We'll fill them in later.
+         ;; Preallocate enough registers for all of the arguments.  We'll fill
+         ;; them in later.
          (local-registers (make-array 64
                                       :fill-pointer arity
                                       :adjustable t
                                       :initial-element nil))
-         (stack-registers (make-array 64
-                                      :fill-pointer 0
-                                      :adjustable t
-                                      :initial-element nil)))
+         ;; We essentially "preallocate" all the permanent variables up front
+         ;; because we need them to always be in the same stack registers across
+         ;; all the terms of our clause.
+         ;;
+         ;; The ones that won't get used in this term will end up getting
+         ;; flattened away anyway.
+         (stack-registers (make-array (length permanent-variables)
+                                      :initial-contents permanent-variables)))
-        ((make-temporary-register (number)
-           (make-register (if (< number arity) :argument :local)
-                          number))
-         (make-permanent-register (number)
-           (make-register :permanent number))
-         (find-variable (var)
+        ((find-variable (var)
            (let ((r (position var local-registers))
                  (s (position var stack-registers)))
-               (r (make-temporary-register r))
-               (s (make-permanent-register s))
+               (r (make-temporary-register r arity))
+               (s (make-permanent-register s arity))
                (t nil))))
          (store-variable (var)
-           (if (member var permanent-variables)
-             (make-permanent-register (vector-push-extend var stack-registers))
-             (make-temporary-register (vector-push-extend var local-registers))))
+           (make-temporary-register
+             (vector-push-extend var local-registers)
+             arity))
          (parse-variable (var)
            ;; If we've already seen this variable just return the register it's
            ;; in, otherwise allocate a register for it and return that.
@@ -207,7 +224,7 @@
              (let ((reg (or reg (vector-push-extend nil local-registers))))
                (setf (aref local-registers reg)
                      (cons functor (mapcar #'parse arguments)))
-               (make-temporary-register reg))))
+               (make-temporary-register reg arity))))
          (parse (term &optional register)
              ((variable-p term) (parse-variable term))
@@ -218,7 +235,7 @@
            (loop :for i :from 0
                  :for contents :across registers
-                 (cons (funcall register-maker i)
+                 (cons (funcall register-maker i arity)
       ;; Arguments are handled specially.  We parse the children as normal,
       ;; and then fill in the argument registers after each child.
@@ -293,7 +310,8 @@
   (-<> assignments
     (topological-sort <> (find-dependencies assignments)
                       :key #'car
-                      :key-test #'register=)
+                      :key-test #'register=
+                      :test #'eql)
     (remove-if #'variable-assignment-p <>)))
 (defun flatten-query (assignments)
@@ -349,12 +367,7 @@
 (defun tokenize-program-term (term permanent-variables)
   "Tokenize `term` as a program term, returning its tokens, functor, and arity."
-  (multiple-value-bind (tokens functor arity)
-      (tokenize-term term permanent-variables #'flatten-program)
-    ;; We need to shove a PROCEED token onto the end.
-    (values (append tokens `((:proceed)))
-            functor
-            arity)))
+  (tokenize-term term permanent-variables #'flatten-program))
 (defun tokenize-query-term (term permanent-variables)
   "Tokenize `term` as a query term, returning its stream of tokens."
@@ -408,8 +421,8 @@
                  (ecase mode
                    (:program +opcode-get-value+)
                    (:query +opcode-put-value+)))
-             (register-number source-register)
-             (register-number argument-register)))
+             (register-to-designator source-register)
+             (register-to-designator argument-register)))
          (handle-structure (destination-register functor arity)
            ;; OP functor reg
            (push destination-register seen)
@@ -418,16 +431,12 @@
                  (:program +opcode-get-structure+)
                  (:query +opcode-put-structure+))
              (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))
-             (register-number destination-register)))
+             (register-to-designator destination-register)))
          (handle-call (functor arity)
            ;; CALL functor
            (code-push-instruction! store
              (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity))))
-         (handle-proceed ()
-           ;; PROC
-           (code-push-instruction! store
-               +opcode-proceed+))
          (handle-register (register)
            ;; OP reg
            (code-push-instruction! store
@@ -438,7 +447,7 @@
                  (ecase mode
                    (:program +opcode-unify-value+)
                    (:query +opcode-set-value+)))
-             (register-number register)))
+             (register-to-designator register)))
          (handle-stream (tokens)
            (loop :for token :in tokens :collect
                  (ematch token
@@ -453,8 +462,6 @@
                     (handle-structure destination-register functor arity))
                    (`(:call ,functor ,arity)
                     (handle-call functor arity))
-                   (`(:proceed)
-                    (handle-proceed))
                    ((guard register
                            (typep register 'register))
                     (handle-register register))))))
@@ -520,7 +527,19 @@
            (loop :for term :in body :append
                  (tokenize-query-term term permanent-variables))))
-    (compile-tokens wam head-tokens body-tokens store))
+    (flet ((compile% () (compile-tokens wam head-tokens body-tokens store)))
+      ;; We need to compile facts and rules differently.  Facts end with
+      ;; a PROCEED and rules are wrapped in ALOC/DEAL.
+      (cond
+        ((and head body) ; a full-ass rule
+         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-allocate+ (length permanent-variables))
+         (compile%)
+         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-deallocate+))
+        ((and head (null body)) ; a bare fact
+         (compile%)
+         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-proceed+))
+        (t ; just a query
+         (compile%)))))
 (defun compile-query (wam query)
--- a/src/wam/constants.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/constants.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -18,19 +18,6 @@
   :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM heap.")
-(define-constant +stack-word-size+ 16
-  :documentation "Size (in bits) of each word in WAM stack.")
-(define-constant +stack-limit+ (expt 2 +stack-word-size+)
-  ;; We can only address 2^value-bits cells, and since stack address are
-  ;; themselves stored on the stack (e.g. the environment continuation pointer)
-  ;; they can only reference so much memory.
-  ;;
-  ;; todo: we might want to limit this further to prevent the stack from growing
-  ;; too large.
-  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM stack.")
 (define-constant +code-word-size+ 16
   :documentation "Size (in bits) of each word in the code store.")
@@ -83,6 +70,22 @@
   :documentation "Bitmask for the type tag of a register designator.")
+(define-constant +stack-word-size+ 16
+  :documentation "Size (in bits) of each word in WAM stack.")
+(define-constant +stack-limit+ (expt 2 +stack-word-size+)
+  ;; We can only address 2^value-bits cells, and since stack address are
+  ;; themselves stored on the stack (the environment continuation pointer) they
+  ;; can only reference so much memory.
+  ;;
+  ;; todo: we might want to limit this further to prevent the stack from growing
+  ;; too large.
+  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM stack.")
+(define-constant +stack-frame-size-limit+ (+ 3 +register-count+)
+  :documentation "The maximum size, in stack frame words, that a stack frame could be.")
 ;;;; Opcodes
 ;;; Program
 (define-constant +opcode-get-structure+ 1)
@@ -99,6 +102,13 @@
 (define-constant +opcode-put-variable+ 9)
 (define-constant +opcode-put-value+ 10)
 ;;; Control
 (define-constant +opcode-call+ 11)
 (define-constant +opcode-proceed+ 12)
+(define-constant +opcode-allocate+ 13)
+(define-constant +opcode-deallocate+ 14)
+;;;; Debug Config
+(defparameter *off-by-one* nil)
--- a/src/wam/dump.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/dump.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (in-package #:bones.wam)
 (defun registers-pointing-to (wam addr)
-  (loop :for reg :across (wam-registers wam)
+  (loop :for reg :across (wam-local-registers wam)
         :for i :from 0
         :when (= reg addr)
         :collect i))
@@ -118,45 +118,51 @@
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-variable+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "SVAR~A      ; X~D <- new unbound REF"
+  (format nil "SVAR~A      ; ~A <- new unbound REF"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-value+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "SVLU~A      ; new REF to X~D"
+  (format nil "SVLU~A      ; new REF to ~A"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-structure+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "GETS~A ; X~D <- ~A"
+  (format nil "GETS~A ; ~A = ~A"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))
           (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-structure+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "PUTS~A ; X~D <- new ~A"
+  (format nil "PUTS~A ; ~A <- new ~A"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))
           (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-variable+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "GVAR~A ; A~D -> X~D"
+  (format nil "GVAR~A ; ~A <- ~A"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-value+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "GVLU~A ; A~D = X~D"
+  (format nil "GVLU~A ; ~A = ~A"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-variable+)) arguments functor-list)
-  (format nil "PVAR~A ; A~D <- X~D <- new unbound REF"
+  (format nil "PVAR~A ; ~A <- ~A <- new unbound REF"
           (pretty-arguments arguments)
-          (second arguments)
-          (first arguments)))
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))))
+(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-value+)) arguments functor-list)
+  (format nil "PVLU~A ; ~A <- ~A"
+          (pretty-arguments arguments)
+          (register-designator-to-string (second arguments))
+          (register-designator-to-string (first arguments))))
 (defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-call+)) arguments functor-list)
@@ -165,11 +171,17 @@
           (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))
-(defun dump-code-store (wam code-store &optional
-                                   (from 0)
-                                   (to (length code-store)))
-  (let ((addr from))
+(defun dump-code-store (wam code-store
+                            &optional
+                            (from 0)
+                            (to (length code-store)))
+  (let ((addr from)
+        (lbls (bones.utils::invert-hash-table (wam-code-labels wam)))) ; oh god
     (while (< addr to)
+      (let ((lbl (gethash addr lbls))) ; forgive me
+        (when lbl
+          (format t ";;;; BEGIN ~A~%"
+                  (pretty-functor lbl (wam-functors wam)))))
       (format t "; ~4,'0X: " addr)
       (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction code-store addr)))
         (format t "~A~%" (instruction-details (aref instruction 0)
@@ -206,9 +218,9 @@
   (format t "REGISTERS:~%")
   (format t  "~5@A ->~6@A~%" "S" (wam-s wam))
   (loop :for i :from 0
-        :for reg :across (wam-registers wam)
+        :for reg :across (wam-local-registers wam)
         :for contents = (when (not (= reg (1- +heap-limit+)))
-                          (wam-register-cell wam i))
+                          (wam-heap-cell wam reg))
         :when contents
         :do (format t "~5@A ->~6@A ~10A ~A~%"
                     (format nil "X~D" i)
--- a/src/wam/instructions.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/instructions.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@
           (wam-register wam argument))
+;;;; Control Instructions
 (defun* %call ((wam wam) (functor functor-index))
   (:returns :void)
   (let ((target (wam-code-label wam functor)))
@@ -296,6 +298,23 @@
         (wam-continuation-pointer wam))
+(defun* %allocate ((wam wam) (n stack-frame-argcount))
+  (:returns :void)
+  (setf (wam-environment-pointer wam) ; E <- new E
+        (->> wam
+          wam-environment-pointer
+          (wam-stack-push! wam) ; CE
+          (nth-value 1)))
+  (wam-stack-push! wam (wam-continuation-pointer wam)) ; CP
+  (wam-stack-push! wam n) ; N
+  (wam-stack-extend! wam n)) ; Y_n (TODO: this sucks)
+(defun* %deallocate ((wam wam))
+  (:returns :void)
+  (setf (wam-program-counter wam)
+        (wam-stack-frame-cp wam))
+  (wam-stack-pop-environment! wam))
 ;;;; Running
 (defmacro instruction-call (wam instruction code-store pc number-of-arguments)
@@ -312,6 +331,7 @@
 (defun extract-query-results (wam goal)
+  ;; TODO: rehaul this
   (let ((results (list)))
     (labels ((recur (original result)
--- a/src/wam/types.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/types.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 (deftype opcode ()
-  '(integer 0 12))
+  '(integer 0 14))
 (deftype register-designator ()
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@
 (deftype stack-frame-size ()
+  `(integer 3 ,+stack-frame-size-limit+))
+(deftype stack-frame-argcount ()
   `(integer 0 ,+register-count+))
 (deftype continuation-pointer ()
@@ -60,9 +63,9 @@
 (deftype environment-pointer ()
-(deftype stack-cell ()
+(deftype stack-word ()
     environment-pointer ; CE
     continuation-pointer ; CP
-    stack-frame-size ; N
+    stack-frame-argcount ; N
     heap-index)) ; YN
--- a/src/wam/wam.lisp	Fri Apr 15 22:42:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/wam/wam.lisp	Sat Apr 16 02:20:29 2016 +0000
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
      :accessor wam-code-labels
      :documentation "The mapping of functor indices -> code store addresses.")
-     :reader wam-registers
+     :reader wam-local-registers
      :initform (make-array +register-count+
                            ;; Initialize to the last element in the heap for
                            ;; debugging purposes.
                            ;; todo: don't do this
                            :initial-element (1- +heap-limit+)
                            :element-type 'heap-index)
-     :documentation "An array of the X_i registers.")
+     :documentation "An array of the local X_i registers.")
      :reader wam-stack
      :initform (make-array 1024
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
                            ;; debugging purposes.
                            ;; todo: don't do this
                            :initial-element (1- +heap-limit+)
-                           :element-type 'stack-cell)
+                           :element-type 'stack-word)
      :documentation "The local stack for storing stack frames.")
      :accessor wam-fail
@@ -138,74 +138,105 @@
   (fill-pointer (wam-stack wam)))
-(defun* wam-stack-cell ((wam wam) (address stack-index))
+(defun* wam-stack-word ((wam wam) (address stack-index))
   (:returns stack-index)
-  "Return the stack cell at the given address."
+  "Return the stack word at the given address."
   (aref (wam-stack wam) address))
-(defun (setf wam-stack-cell) (new-value wam address)
+(defun (setf wam-stack-word) (new-value wam address)
   (setf (aref (wam-stack wam) address) new-value))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-ce ((wam wam)
-                            &optional
-                            ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-ce
+    ((wam wam)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer)
+      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
   (:returns environment-pointer)
-  (wam-stack-cell wam e))
+  (wam-stack-word wam e))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-cp ((wam wam)
-                            &optional
-                            ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-cp
+    ((wam wam)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer)
+      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
   (:returns continuation-pointer)
-  (wam-stack-cell wam (1+ e)))
+  (wam-stack-word wam (1+ e)))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-n ((wam wam)
-                            &optional
-                            ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns register-index)
-  (wam-stack-cell wam (+ 2 e)))
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-n
+    ((wam wam)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer)
+      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+  (:returns stack-frame-argcount)
+  (wam-stack-word wam (+ 2 e)))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg ((wam wam)
-                             (n register-index)
-                             &optional
-                             ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
   (:returns heap-index)
-  (wam-stack-cell wam (+ 3 n e)))
+  (wam-stack-word wam (+ 3 n e)))
+(defun (setf wam-stack-frame-arg)
+    (new-value wam n &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+  (setf (wam-stack-word wam (+ e 3 n))
+        new-value))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg-cell ((wam wam)
-                                  (n register-index)
-                                  &optional
-                                  ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-arg-cell
+    ((wam wam)
+     (n register-index)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer)
+      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
   (:returns heap-cell)
   (wam-heap-cell wam (wam-stack-frame-arg wam n e)))
-(defun* wam-stack-frame-size ((wam wam)
-                              &optional
-                              ((e environment-pointer) (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
-  (:returns (integer 3 1024)) ; TODO: Type this better
+(defun* wam-stack-frame-size
+    ((wam wam)
+     &optional
+     ((e environment-pointer)
+      (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
+  (:returns stack-frame-size)
   "Return the size of the stack frame starting at environment pointer `e`."
   (+ (wam-stack-frame-n wam e) 3))
-(defun* wam-stack-push! ((wam wam) (cell stack-cell))
-  (:returns (values stack-cell stack-index))
-  "Push the cell onto the WAM stack and increment the stack pointer.
+(defun* wam-stack-push! ((wam wam) (word stack-word))
+  (:returns (values stack-word stack-index))
+  "Push the word onto the WAM stack and increment the stack pointer.
-  Returns the cell and the address it was pushed to.
+  Returns the word and the address it was pushed to.
   (with-slots (stack) wam
     (if (= +stack-limit+ (fill-pointer stack))
       (error "WAM stack exhausted.")
-      (values cell (vector-push-extend cell stack)))))
+      (values word (vector-push-extend word stack)))))
+(defun* wam-stack-extend! ((wam wam) (words integer))
+  (:returns :void)
+  "Extend the WAM stack by the given number of words.
+  Each word is initialized to 0.
+  "
+  ;; TODO: this sucks, fix it
+  (with-slots (stack) wam
+    (repeat words
+      (if (= +stack-limit+ (fill-pointer stack))
+        (error "WAM stack exhausted.")
+        (vector-push-extend 0 stack))))
+  (values))
 (defun* wam-stack-pop-environment! ((wam wam))
   "Pop an environment (stack frame) off the WAM stack."
   (let ((frame-size (wam-stack-frame-size wam)))
     (with-slots (stack environment-pointer) wam
-      (decf environment-pointer frame-size)
-      (decf (fill-pointer stack) frame-size))))
+      (decf environment-pointer frame-size) ; lol
+      (decf (fill-pointer stack) frame-size)))) ; its fine
 ;;;; Resetting
@@ -215,18 +246,19 @@
 (defun* wam-truncate-stack! ((wam wam))
   (setf (fill-pointer (wam-stack wam)) 0))
-(defun* wam-reset-registers! ((wam wam))
+(defun* wam-reset-local-registers! ((wam wam))
   (loop :for i :from 0 :below +register-count+ :do
-        (setf (wam-register wam i)
+        (setf (wam-local-register wam i)
               (1- +heap-limit+)))
   (setf (wam-s wam) nil))
 (defun* wam-reset! ((wam wam))
   (wam-truncate-heap! wam)
   (wam-truncate-stack! wam)
-  (wam-reset-registers! wam)
+  (wam-reset-local-registers! wam)
   (setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
         (wam-continuation-pointer wam) 0
+        (wam-environment-pointer wam) 0
         (wam-fail wam) nil
         (wam-mode wam) nil))
@@ -295,23 +327,64 @@
 ;;;; Registers
-;;; WAM registers are implemented as an array of a fixed number of registers.
-;;; A register contains the address of a cell in the heap.
+;;; The WAM has two types of registers.  A register (regardless of type) always
+;;; contains an index into the heap (basically a pointer to a heap cell).
+;;; Local/temporary/arguments registers live in a small, fixed, preallocated
+;;; array called `registers` in the WAM object.
+;;; Stack/permanent registers live on the stack, and need some extra math to
+;;; find their location.
+;;; Registers are typically denoted by their "register index", which is just
+;;; their number.  Hoever, the bytecode needs to be able to distinguish between
+;;; local and stack registers.  To do this we use "register designators" (see
+;;; bytecode.lisp for more information on those).
+;;; `wam-register` and `wam-register-cell` provide an interface to pass in
+;;; a register designator and get out "the right thing", so you should probably
+;;; just use those and not worry about the other functions here.
-(defun* wam-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+(defun* wam-local-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
   (:returns heap-index)
-  "Return the value of the WAM register with the given index."
-  (aref (wam-registers wam) register))
+  "Return the value of the WAM local register with the given index."
+  (aref (wam-local-registers wam) register))
+(defun (setf wam-local-register) (new-value wam register)
+  (setf (aref (wam-local-registers wam) register) new-value))
-(defun (setf wam-register) (new-value wam register)
-  (setf (aref (wam-registers wam) register) new-value))
+(defun* wam-stack-register ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Return the value of the WAM stack register with the given index."
+  (wam-stack-frame-arg wam register))
+(defun (setf wam-stack-register) (new-value wam register)
+  (setf (wam-stack-frame-arg wam register) new-value))
-(defun* wam-register-cell ((wam wam) (register register-index))
+(defun* wam-register ((wam wam) (register-designator register-designator))
+  (:returns heap-index)
+  "Return the heap index the designated register is pointing at."
+  (if (register-designator-local-p register-designator) ; ugly but fast
+    (wam-local-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator))
+    (wam-stack-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator))))
+(defun (setf wam-register) (new-value wam register-designator)
+  (if (register-designator-local-p register-designator) ; ugly but fast
+    (setf (wam-local-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator)) new-value)
+    (setf (wam-stack-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator)) new-value)))
+(defun* wam-register-cell ((wam wam) (register-designator register-designator))
   (:returns heap-cell)
-  "Return the heap cell `register` is pointing at."
-  (->> register
-    (wam-register wam)
-    (wam-heap-cell wam)))
+  "Return the heap cell the designated register is pointing at."
+  (wam-heap-cell
+    wam
+    (if (register-designator-local-p register-designator)
+      (wam-local-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator))
+      (wam-stack-register wam (register-designator-value register-designator)))))
 (defun* wam-s-cell ((wam wam))
   "Retrieve the cell the S register is pointing at.