author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 25 Aug 2016 13:13:32 +0000 |
parents |
f7cc5624141a |
children |
95495223e6c1 |
(in-package #:temperance)
;;;; WAM
(defun allocate-wam-code (size)
;; The WAM bytecode is all stored in this array. The first
;; `+maximum-query-size+` words are reserved for query bytecode, which will
;; get loaded in (overwriting the previous query) when making a query.
;; Everything after that is for the actual database.
(make-array (+ +maximum-query-size+ size)
:initial-element 0
:element-type 'code-word))
(defun allocate-query-holder ()
(make-array +maximum-query-size+
:adjustable nil
:initial-element 0
:element-type 'code-word))
(defun allocate-wam-type-store (size)
;; The main WAM store(s) contain three separate blocks of values:
;; [0, +register-count+) -> the local X_n registers
;; [+stack-start+, +stack-end+) -> the stack
;; [+heap-start+, ...) -> the heap
;; `+register-count+` and `+stack-start+` are the same number, and
;; `+stack-end+` and `+heap-start+` are the same number as well.
(make-array (+ +register-count+
size) ; type array
:initial-element +cell-type-null+
:element-type 'cell-type))
(defun allocate-wam-value-store (size)
(make-array (+ +register-count+
:initial-element 0
:element-type 'cell-value))
(defun allocate-wam-unification-stack (size)
(make-array size
:fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t
:element-type 'store-index))
(defun allocate-wam-trail (size)
(make-array size
:fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t
:initial-element 0
:element-type 'store-index))
(defstruct (wam (:constructor make-wam%))
;; Data
(error "Type store required.")
:type type-store
:read-only t)
(error "Value store required.")
:type value-store
:read-only t)
(error "Unification stack required.")
:type (vector store-index)
:read-only t)
(error "Trail required.")
:type (vector store-index)
:read-only t)
;; Code
(error "Code store required.")
:type (simple-array code-word (*))
:read-only t)
(make-array +maximum-arity+ :initial-element nil)
:type (simple-array (or null hash-table))
:read-only t)
;; Logic Stack
(logic-stack nil :type list)
(logic-pool nil :type list)
;; Unique registers
(number-of-arguments 0 :type arity) ; NARGS
(subterm +heap-start+ :type heap-index) ; S
(program-counter 0 :type code-index) ; P
(code-pointer +code-main-start+ :type code-index) ; CODE
(heap-pointer (1+ +heap-start+) :type heap-index) ; H
(stack-pointer +stack-start+ :type stack-index) ; SP
(continuation-pointer 0 :type code-index) ; CP
(environment-pointer +stack-start+ :type environment-pointer) ; E
(backtrack-pointer +stack-start+ :type backtrack-pointer) ; B
(cut-pointer +stack-start+ :type backtrack-pointer) ; B0
(heap-backtrack-pointer +heap-start+ :type heap-index) ; HB
;; Flags
(fail nil :type boolean)
(backtracked nil :type boolean)
(mode nil :type (or null (member :read :write))))
(defmethod print-object ((wam wam) stream)
(wam stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream "an wam")))
(defun make-wam (&key
(store-size (megabytes 10))
(code-size (megabytes 1)))
(make-wam% :code (allocate-wam-code code-size)
:type-store (allocate-wam-type-store store-size)
:value-store (allocate-wam-value-store store-size)
:unification-stack (allocate-wam-unification-stack 16)
:trail (allocate-wam-trail 64)))
;;;; Store
;;; The main store of the WAM is split into two separate arrays:
;;; * An array of cell types, each a fixnum.
;;; * An array of cell values, each being a fixnum or a normal Lisp pointer.
;;; The contents of the value depend on the type of cell.
;;; NULL cells always have a value of zero.
;;; STRUCTURE cell values are an index into the store, describing where the
;;; structure starts.
;;; REFERENCE cell values are an index into the store, pointing at whatever the
;;; value is bound to. Unbound variables contain their own store index as
;;; a value.
;;; FUNCTOR cell values are a pointer to a Lisp symbol. The next cell after
;;; a FUNCTOR cell is always a LISP-OBJECT cell with the fuctor's arity.
;;; CONSTANT cells are the same as functor cells, except that they always happen
;;; to refer to functors with an arity of zero and therefore don't need to be
;;; followed by another cell for the arity.
;;; LIST cell values are an index into the store, pointing at the first of two
;;; consecutive cells. The first cell is the car of the list, the second one is
;;; the cdr.
;;; LISP-OBJECT cell values are simply arbitrary objects in memory. They are
;;; compared with `eql` during the unification process, so we don't actually
;;; care WHAT they are, exactly.
;;; STACK cell values are special cases. The WAM's main store is a combination
;;; of the heap, the stack, and registers. Heap cells (and registers) are those
;;; detailed above, but stack cells can also hold numbers like the continuation
;;; pointer. We lump all the extra things together into one kind of cell.
(declaim (inline wam-store-type
(defun wam-store-type (wam address)
"Return the type of the cell at the given address."
(aref (wam-type-store wam) address))
(defun wam-store-value (wam address)
"Return the value of the cell at the given address."
(aref (wam-value-store wam) address))
(defun wam-set-store-cell! (wam address type value)
(setf (aref (wam-type-store wam) address) type
(aref (wam-value-store wam) address) value))
(defun wam-copy-store-cell! (wam destination source)
(wam-set-store-cell! wam
(wam-store-type wam source)
(wam-store-value wam source)))
(defun wam-sanity-check-store-read (wam address)
(declare (ignore wam))
(when (= address +heap-start+)
(error "Cannot read from heap address zero.")))
(macrolet ((define-unsafe (name return-type)
(declaim (inline ,name))
(defun ,name (wam address)
(the ,return-type (aref (wam-value-store wam) address))))))
(define-unsafe %unsafe-null-value (eql 0))
(define-unsafe %unsafe-structure-value store-index)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-reference-value store-index)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-functor-value fname)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-constant-value fname)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-list-value store-index)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-lisp-object-value t)
(define-unsafe %unsafe-stack-value stack-word))
(defun %type-designator-constant (designator)
(ecase designator
(:null +cell-type-null+)
(:structure +cell-type-structure+)
(:reference +cell-type-reference+)
(:functor +cell-type-functor+)
(:constant +cell-type-constant+)
(:list +cell-type-list+)
(:lisp-object +cell-type-lisp-object+)
((t) t)))
(defun %type-designator-accessor (designator)
(ecase designator
(:null '%unsafe-null-value)
(:structure '%unsafe-structure-value)
(:reference '%unsafe-reference-value)
(:functor '%unsafe-functor-value)
(:constant '%unsafe-constant-value)
(:list '%unsafe-list-value)
(:lisp-object '%unsafe-lisp-object-value)))
(defun parse-cell-typecase-clause (wam address clause)
"Parse a `cell-typecase` clause into the appropriate `ecase` clause."
(destructuring-bind (binding . body) clause
(type-designator &optional value-symbol secondary-value-symbol)
(if (symbolp binding) (list binding) binding) ; normalize binding
(let ((primary-let-binding
(when value-symbol
`((,value-symbol (,(%type-designator-accessor type-designator)
,wam ,address)))))
(when secondary-value-symbol
,(ecase type-designator
`(the arity (%unsafe-lisp-object-value ; yolo
(1+ ,address))))))))))
; build the ecase clause (const ...body...)
(%type-designator-constant type-designator)
`(let (,@primary-let-binding
(defmacro cell-typecase ((wam address &optional address-symbol) &rest clauses)
"Dispatch on the type of the cell at `address` in the WAM store.
If `address-symbol` is given it will be bound to the result of evaluating
`address` in the remainder of the form.
The type of the cell will be matched against `clauses` much like `typecase`.
Each clause should be of the form `(binding forms)`.
Each binding can be either a simple cell type designator like `:reference`, or
a list of this designator and a symbol to bind the cell's value to. The
symbol is bound with `let` around the `forms` and type-hinted appropriately
(at least on SBCL).
(cell-typecase (wam (deref wam address) final-address)
(:reference (bind final-address foo)
((:constant c) (list 'it-is-the-constant c))
(t 'unknown))
(once-only (wam address)
(policy-cond:policy-if (or (= safety 3) (= debug 3))
(wam-sanity-check-store-read ,wam ,address)
(let (,@(when address-symbol
(list `(,address-symbol ,address))))
(case (wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
,@(mapcar (curry #'parse-cell-typecase-clause wam address)
(defmacro cell-type= (type type-designator)
`(= ,type ,(%type-designator-constant type-designator)))
(defmacro cell-type-p ((wam address) type-designator)
(wam-store-type ,wam ,address)
;;;; Heap
;;; The WAM heap is all the memory left in the store after the local registers
;;; and stack have been accounted for.
;;; We reserve the first address in the heap as a sentinel, as an "unset" value
;;; for various pointers into the heap.
(declaim (inline wam-heap-pointer-unset-p wam-heap-push!))
(defun wam-heap-pointer-unset-p (wam address)
(declare (ignore wam))
(= address +heap-start+))
(defun wam-heap-push! (wam type value)
"Push the cell onto the WAM heap and increment the heap pointer.
Returns the address it was pushed to.
(let ((heap-pointer (wam-heap-pointer wam)))
(if (>= heap-pointer +store-limit+) ; todo: respect actual size...
(error "WAM heap exhausted.")
(wam-set-store-cell! wam heap-pointer type value)
(incf (wam-heap-pointer wam))
;;;; Trail
(declaim (inline wam-trail-pointer
(setf wam-trail-pointer)
(setf wam-trail-value)))
(defun wam-trail-pointer (wam)
"Return the current trail pointer of the WAM."
(fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)))
(defun (setf wam-trail-pointer) (new-value wam)
(setf (fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)) new-value))
(defun wam-trail-push! (wam address)
"Push `address` onto the trail.
Returns the address and the trail address it was pushed to.
(let ((trail (wam-trail wam)))
(if (= +trail-limit+ (fill-pointer trail))
(error "WAM trail exhausted.")
(values address (vector-push-extend address trail)))))
(defun wam-trail-pop! (wam)
"Pop the top address off the trail and return it."
(vector-pop (wam-trail wam)))
(defun wam-trail-value (wam address)
;; TODO: can we really not just pop, or is something else gonna do something
;; fucky with the trail?
"Return the element (a heap index) in the WAM trail at `address`."
(aref (wam-trail wam) address))
(defun (setf wam-trail-value) (new-value wam address)
(setf (aref (wam-trail wam) address) new-value))
;;;; Stack
;;; The stack is stored as a fixed-length hunk of the main WAM store array,
;;; between the local register and the heap, with small glitch: we reserve the
;;; first word of the stack (address `+stack-start`) to mean "uninitialized", so
;;; we have a nice sentinel value for the various pointers into the stack.
(declaim (inline assert-inside-stack
(setf wam-stack-word)
(defun assert-inside-stack (wam address)
(declare (ignorable wam address))
((>= debug 2)
(assert (<= +stack-start+ address (1- +stack-end+)) ()
"Cannot access stack cell at address ~X (outside the stack range ~X to ~X)"
address +stack-start+ +stack-end+)
(assert (not (= +stack-start+ address)) ()
"Cannot access stack address zero.")))
((>= safety 1)
(when (not (< +stack-start+ address +stack-end+))
(error "Stack bounds crossed. Game over.")))
(t nil)) ; wew lads
(defun wam-stack-ensure-size (wam address)
"Ensure the WAM stack is large enough to be able to write to `address`."
(assert-inside-stack wam address))
(defun wam-stack-word (wam address)
"Return the stack word at the given address."
(assert-inside-stack wam address)
(%unsafe-stack-value wam address))
(defun (setf wam-stack-word) (new-value wam address)
(assert-inside-stack wam address)
(wam-set-store-cell! wam address +cell-type-stack+ new-value))
(defun wam-backtrack-pointer-unset-p
(wam &optional (backtrack-pointer (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(= backtrack-pointer +stack-start+))
(defun wam-environment-pointer-unset-p
(wam &optional (environment-pointer (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(= environment-pointer +stack-start+))
;;; Stack frames are laid out like so:
;;; |PREV|
;;; | CE | <-- environment-pointer
;;; | CP |
;;; | B0 |
;;; | N |
;;; | Y0 |
;;; | .. |
;;; | Yn |
;;; |NEXT| <-- fill-pointer
(declaim (inline wam-stack-frame-ce
(defun wam-stack-frame-ce (wam &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam e))
(defun wam-stack-frame-cp (wam &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (1+ e)))
(defun wam-stack-frame-cut (wam &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ 2 e)))
(defun wam-stack-frame-n (wam &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ 3 e)))
(defun wam-stack-frame-argument-address
(wam n &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(+ 4 n e))
(defun wam-set-stack-frame-argument! (wam n type value
&optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam n e)
type value))
(defun wam-copy-to-stack-frame-argument! (wam n source
&optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
(wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam n e)
(defun wam-stack-frame-size (wam &optional (e (wam-environment-pointer wam)))
"Return the size of the stack frame starting at environment pointer `e`."
(+ (wam-stack-frame-n wam e) 4))
;;; Choice point frames are laid out like so:
;;; |PREV|
;;; 0 | N | number of arguments <-- backtrack-pointer
;;; 1 | CE | continuation environment
;;; 2 | CP | continuation pointer
;;; 3 | CB | previous choice point
;;; 4 | BP | next clause
;;; 5 | TR | trail pointer
;;; 6 | H | heap pointer
;;; 7 | CC | saved cut pointer
;;; 8 | A0 |
;;; | .. |
;;; 8+n | An |
;;; |NEXT| <-- environment-pointer
;;; This is a bit different than the book. We stick the args at the end of the
;;; frame instead of the beginning so it's easier to retrieve the other values.
(declaim (inline wam-stack-choice-n
(defun wam-stack-choice-n (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam b))
(defun wam-stack-choice-ce (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 1)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-cp (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 2)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-cb (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 3)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-bp (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 4)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-tr (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 5)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-h (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 6)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-cc (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-stack-word wam (+ b 7)))
(defun wam-stack-choice-argument-address
(wam n &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(+ 8 n b))
(defun wam-set-stack-choice-argument! (wam n type value
&optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-choice-argument-address wam n b)
type value))
(defun wam-copy-to-stack-choice-argument! (wam n source
&optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
(wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-choice-argument-address wam n b)
(defun wam-stack-choice-size (wam &optional (b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
"Return the size of the choice frame starting at backtrack pointer `b`."
(+ (wam-stack-choice-n wam b) 8))
(defun wam-stack-top (wam)
"Return the top of the stack.
This is the first place it's safe to overwrite in the stack.
;; The book is wrong here -- it looks up the "current frame size" to
;; determine where the next frame should start, but on the first allocation
;; there IS no current frame so it looks at garbage. Fuckin' great.
(let ((e (wam-environment-pointer wam))
(b (wam-backtrack-pointer wam)))
((and (wam-backtrack-pointer-unset-p wam b)
(wam-environment-pointer-unset-p wam e)) ; first allocation
(1+ +stack-start+))
((> e b) ; the last thing on the stack is a frame
(+ e (wam-stack-frame-size wam e)))
(t ; the last thing on the stack is a choice point
(+ b (wam-stack-choice-size wam b))))))
;;;; Resetting
(defun wam-truncate-heap! (wam)
;; todo: null out the heap once we're storing live objects
(setf (wam-heap-pointer wam) (1+ +heap-start+)))
(defun wam-truncate-trail! (wam)
(setf (fill-pointer (wam-trail wam)) 0))
(defun wam-truncate-unification-stack! (wam)
(setf (fill-pointer (wam-unification-stack wam)) 0))
(defun wam-reset-local-registers! (wam)
(fill (wam-type-store wam) +cell-type-null+ :start 0 :end +register-count+)
(fill (wam-value-store wam) 0 :start 0 :end +register-count+))
(defun wam-reset! (wam)
(wam-truncate-heap! wam)
(wam-truncate-trail! wam)
(wam-truncate-unification-stack! wam)
(policy-cond:policy-if (>= debug 2)
;; todo we can't elide this once we start storing live objects... :(
(wam-reset-local-registers! wam)
nil) ; fuck it
(fill (wam-code wam) 0 :start 0 :end +maximum-query-size+)
(setf (wam-program-counter wam) 0
(wam-continuation-pointer wam) 0
(wam-environment-pointer wam) +stack-start+
(wam-backtrack-pointer wam) +stack-start+
(wam-cut-pointer wam) +stack-start+
(wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam) +heap-start+
(wam-backtracked wam) nil
(wam-fail wam) nil
(wam-subterm wam) +heap-start+
(wam-mode wam) nil))
;;;; Code
;;; The WAM needs to be able to look up predicates at runtime. To do this we
;;; keep a data structure that maps a functor and arity to a location in the
;;; code store.
;;; This data structure is an array, with the arity we're looking up being the
;;; position. At that position will be a hash tables of the functor symbols to
;;; the locations.
;;; Each arity's table will be created on-the-fly when it's first needed.
(defun retrieve-instruction (code-store address)
"Return the full instruction at the given address in the code store."
(make-array (instruction-size (aref code-store address))
:displaced-to code-store
:displaced-index-offset address
:adjustable nil
:element-type 'code-word))
(defun wam-code-label (wam functor arity)
(let ((atable (aref (wam-code-labels wam) arity)))
(when atable
(values (gethash functor atable)))))
(defun (setf wam-code-label) (new-value wam functor arity)
(setf (gethash functor (aref-or-init (wam-code-labels wam) arity
(make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
(defun wam-code-label-remove! (wam functor arity)
(let ((atable (aref (wam-code-labels wam) arity)))
(when atable
;; todo: remove the table entirely when empty?
(remhash functor atable))))
(declaim (ftype (function (wam query-code-holder query-size)
(values null &optional))
(defun wam-load-query-code! (wam query-code query-size)
(setf (subseq (wam-code wam) 0 query-size) query-code)
;;;; Logic Stack
;;; The logic stack is stored as a simple list in the WAM. `logic-frame`
;;; structs are pushed and popped from this list as requested.
;;; There's one small problem: logic frames need to keep track of which
;;; predicates are awaiting compilation, and the best data structure for that is
;;; a hash table. But hash tables are quite expensive to allocate when you're
;;; pushing and popping tons of frames per second. So the WAM also keeps a pool
;;; of logic frames to reuse, which lets us simply `clrhash` in between instead
;;; of having to allocate a brand new hash table.
(declaim (inline assert-logic-frame-poppable))
(defstruct logic-frame
(start 0 :type code-index)
(final nil :type boolean)
(predicates (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table))
(defun wam-logic-pool-release (wam frame)
(with-slots (start final predicates) frame
(clrhash predicates)
(setf start 0 final nil))
(push frame (wam-logic-pool wam))
(defun wam-logic-pool-request (wam)
(or (pop (wam-logic-pool wam))
(defun wam-current-logic-frame (wam)
(first (wam-logic-stack wam)))
(defun wam-logic-stack-empty-p (wam)
(not (wam-current-logic-frame wam)))
(defun wam-logic-open-p (wam)
(let ((frame (wam-current-logic-frame wam)))
(and frame (not (logic-frame-final frame)))))
(defun wam-logic-closed-p (wam)
(not (wam-logic-open-p wam)))
(defun wam-push-logic-frame! (wam)
(assert (wam-logic-closed-p wam) ()
"Cannot push logic frame unless the logic stack is closed.")
(let ((frame (wam-logic-pool-request wam)))
(setf (logic-frame-start frame)
(wam-code-pointer wam))
(push frame (wam-logic-stack wam)))
(defun assert-logic-frame-poppable (wam)
(let ((logic-stack (wam-logic-stack wam)))
(policy-cond:policy-if (or (> safety 1) (> debug 0) (< speed 3))
;; Slow
(assert logic-stack ()
"Cannot pop logic frame from an empty logic stack.")
(assert (logic-frame-final (first logic-stack)) ()
"Cannot pop unfinalized logic frame."))
;; Fast
(when (or (not logic-stack)
(not (logic-frame-final (first logic-stack))))
(error "Cannot pop logic frame.")))))
(defun wam-pop-logic-frame! (wam)
(with-slots (logic-stack) wam
(assert-logic-frame-poppable wam)
(let ((frame (pop logic-stack)))
(setf (wam-code-pointer wam)
(logic-frame-start frame))
(loop :for (functor . arity)
:being :the hash-keys :of (logic-frame-predicates frame)
:do (wam-code-label-remove! wam functor arity))
(wam-logic-pool-release wam frame)))
(defun assert-label-not-already-compiled (wam clause functor arity)
(assert (not (wam-code-label wam functor arity))
"Cannot add clause ~S because its predicate has preexisting compiled code."
(defun wam-logic-frame-add-clause! (wam clause)
(assert (wam-logic-open-p wam) ()
"Cannot add clause ~S without an open logic stack frame."
(multiple-value-bind (functor arity) (find-predicate clause)
(assert-label-not-already-compiled wam clause functor arity)
(enqueue clause (ensure-gethash
(cons functor arity)
(logic-frame-predicates (wam-current-logic-frame wam))
(defun wam-finalize-logic-frame! (wam)
(assert (wam-logic-open-p wam) ()
"There is no logic frame waiting to be finalized.")
(with-slots (predicates final)
(wam-current-logic-frame wam)
(loop :for clauses :being :the hash-values :of predicates
;; circular dep on the compiler here, ugh.
:do (compile-rules wam (queue-contents clauses)))
(setf final t))
;;;; Registers
;;; The WAM has two types of registers:
;;; * Local/temporary/arguments registers live at the beginning of the WAM
;;; memory store.
;;; * Stack/permanent registers live on the stack, and need some extra math to
;;; find their location.
;;; Registers are typically denoted by their "register index", which is just
;;; their number. Hoever, the bytecode needs to be able to distinguish between
;;; local and stack registers. To do this we just make separate opcodes for
;;; each kind. This is ugly, but it lets us figure things out at compile time
;;; instead of runtime, and register references happen A LOT at runtime.
;;; As for the CONTENTS of registers: a register (regardless of type) always
;;; contains a cell. The book is maddeningly unclear on this in a bunch of
;;; ways. I will list them here so maybe you can feel a bit of my suffering
;;; through these bytes of text.
;;; The first thing the book says about registers is "registers have the same
;;; format as heap cells". Okay, fine. The *very next diagram* shows "register
;;; assignments" that appear to put things that are very much *not* heap cells
;;; into registers!
;;; After a bit of puttering you realize that the diagram is referring only to
;;; the compilation, not what's *actually* stored in these registers at runtime.
;;; You move on and see some pseudocode that contains `X_i <- HEAP[H]` which
;;; confirms that his original claim was accurate, and registers are actually
;;; (copies of) heap cells. Cool.
;;; Then you move on and see the definition of `deref(a : address)` and note
;;; that it takes an *address* as an argument. On the next page you see
;;; `deref(X_i)` and wait what the fuck, a register is an *address* now? You
;;; scan down the page and see `HEAP[H] <- X_i` which means no wait it's a cell
;;; again.
;;; After considering depositing your laptop into the nearest toilet and
;;; becoming a sheep farmer, you conclude a few things:
;;; 1. The book's code won't typecheck.
;;; 2. The author is playing fast and loose with `X_i` -- sometimes it seems to
;;; be used as an address, sometimes as a cell.
;;; 3. The author never bothers to nail down exactly what is inside the fucking
;;; things, which is a problem because of #2.
;;; If you're like me (painfully unlucky), you took a wild guess and decided to
;;; implement registers as containing *addresses*, i.e., indexes into the
;;; heap, figuring that if you were wrong it would soon become apparent.
;;; WELL it turns out that you can get all the way to CHAPTER FIVE with
;;; registers implemented as addresses, at which point you hit a wall and need
;;; to spend a few hours refactoring a giant chunk of your code and writing
;;; angry comments in your source code.
;;; Hopefully I can save someone else this misery by leaving you with this:
;;; ____ _____________________________________ _____ ___ ____ ______ ______________ __ _____
;;; / __ \/ ____/ ____/ _/ ___/_ __/ ____/ __ \/ ___/ / | / __ \/ ____/ / ____/ ____/ / / / / ___/
;;; / /_/ / __/ / / __ / / \__ \ / / / __/ / /_/ /\__ \ / /| | / /_/ / __/ / / / __/ / / / / \__ \
;;; / _, _/ /___/ /_/ // / ___/ // / / /___/ _, _/___/ / / ___ |/ _, _/ /___ / /___/ /___/ /___/ /______/ /
;;; /_/ |_/_____/\____/___//____//_/ /_____/_/ |_|/____/ /_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ \____/_____/_____/_____/____/
(declaim (inline wam-set-local-register!
(defun wam-local-register-address (wam register)
(declare (ignore wam))
(defun wam-stack-register-address (wam register)
(wam-stack-frame-argument-address wam register))
(defun wam-local-register-type (wam register)
(wam-store-type wam (wam-local-register-address wam register)))
(defun wam-stack-register-type (wam register)
(wam-store-type wam (wam-stack-register-address wam register)))
(defun wam-local-register-value (wam register)
(wam-store-value wam (wam-local-register-address wam register)))
(defun wam-stack-register-value (wam register)
(wam-store-value wam (wam-stack-register-address wam register)))
(defun wam-set-local-register! (wam address type value)
(wam-set-store-cell! wam (wam-local-register-address wam address)
type value))
(defun wam-set-stack-register! (wam address type value)
(wam-set-stack-frame-argument! wam address type value))
(defun wam-copy-to-local-register! (wam destination source)
(wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-local-register-address wam destination) source))
(defun wam-copy-to-stack-register! (wam destination source)
(wam-copy-store-cell! wam (wam-stack-register-address wam destination) source))
;;;; Unification Stack
(declaim (inline wam-unification-stack-push!
(defun wam-unification-stack-push! (wam address1 address2)
(vector-push-extend address1 (wam-unification-stack wam))
(vector-push-extend address2 (wam-unification-stack wam)))
(defun wam-unification-stack-pop! (wam)
(vector-pop (wam-unification-stack wam)))
(defun wam-unification-stack-empty-p (wam)
(zerop (length (wam-unification-stack wam))))