author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Mon, 15 Jan 2018 15:23:22 -0500 |
parents |
6f43a660d22a |
children |
8afc76e76f4b |
(in-package :temperance)
;;;; Database -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *standard-database* (make-wam)
"The standard database used when `t` is supplied as a database designator.")
(defun ensure-database (database-designator)
(etypecase database-designator
((eql t) *standard-database*)
(wam database-designator)))
(defun make-database ()
"Create and return a fresh database."
(defun reset-standard-database ()
"Reset `*standard-database*` to a new, fresh database."
(setf *standard-database* (make-database)))
(defmacro with-database (database &body body)
"Execute `body` with `*standard-database*` bound to `database`."
`(let ((*standard-database* ,database))
(defmacro with-fresh-database (&body body)
"Execute `body` with `*standard-database*` bound to a new, fresh database."
`(with-database (make-database) ,@body))
;;;; Normalization ------------------------------------------------------------
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun normalize-term (term)
;; Normally a rule consists of a head terms and many body terms, like so:
;; (likes sally ?who) (likes ?who cats)
;; But sometimes people are lazy and don't include the parens around
;; zero-arity predicates:
;; (happy steve) sunny
(if (and (not (variablep term))
(symbolp term)
(not (eq term '!))) ; jesus
(list term)
;;;; Assertion ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun invoke-rule (database head &rest body)
"Add a logical rule to `database` with the given `head` and `body`.
The `rule` macro is a nicer interface, but this function can be useful if you
need to build rules dynamically at runtime.
; Sally like anyone who likes cats
(invoke-rule t '(likes sally ?who)
'(likes ?who cats))
(wam-logic-frame-add-clause! (ensure-database database)
(list* (normalize-term head)
(mapcar #'normalize-term body)))
(defun invoke-fact (database fact)
"Add a logical fact to `database`.
The `fact` macro is a nicer interface, but this function can be useful if you
need to build rules dynamically at runtime.
(invoke-fact t '(successor 0 1))
(defun add-cat-lover (name)
(invoke-fact t `(likes ,name cats)))
(invoke-rule database fact)
(defun invoke-facts (database &rest facts)
"Add zero or more logical facts to `database`.
The `facts` macro is a nicer interface, but this function can be useful if you
need to build rules dynamically at runtime.
(invoke-facts t
'(successor 0 1)
'(successor 1 2)
'(successor 2 3))
(loop :for fact :in facts
:do (invoke-fact database fact))
(defmacro rule (database head &body body)
"Add a logical rule to `database` with the given `head` and `body`.
`head` and `body` will be wrapped in `(quote ...)`. If you need to
dynamically construct rules at runtime, see `invoke-rule`.
; Sally like anyone who likes cats
(rule t (likes sally ?who)
(likes ?who cats))
`(invoke-rule ,database
',head ,@(loop :for term :in body :collect `',term)))
(defmacro fact (database fact)
"Add a logical fact to `database`.
`fact` will be wrapped in `(quote ...)`. If you need to dynamically construct
facts at runtime, see `invoke-fact`.
(fact t (likes kim cats))
(fact t (likes sjl cats))
`(invoke-fact ,database ',fact))
(defmacro facts (database &body facts)
"Add zero or more logical facts to `database`.
Each fact in `facts` will be wrapped in `(quote ...)`. If you need to
dynamically construct facts at runtime, see `invoke-facts`.
(facts t
(successor 0 1)
(successor 1 2)
(successor 2 3))
(once-only (database)
,@(loop :for f :in facts :collect `(fact ,database ,f)))))
;;;; Logic Frames -------------------------------------------------------------
(defun push-logic-frame (database)
"Push a new, open logic frame onto `database`.
An error will be signaled if there is already an unfinalized logic frame on
the top of the stack.
(wam-push-logic-frame! (ensure-database database)))
(defun pop-logic-frame (database)
"Pop off the top logic frame of `database`'s logic stack.
An error will be signaled if the logic stack is empty or the top frame is
(wam-pop-logic-frame! (ensure-database database)))
(defun finalize-logic-frame (database)
"Finalize the top logic frame of `database`'s logic stack.
An error will be signaled if the logic stack is empty or the top frame is
already finalized.
(wam-finalize-logic-frame! (ensure-database database)))
(defmacro push-logic-frame-with (database &body body)
"Push a new logic frame onto `database`, run `body`, and finalize it.
This is a convenience macro for the common process of pushing a logic frame,
adding some stuff to it, and finalizing it right away.
(push-logic-frame-with t
(rule t (likes sally ?who)
(likes ?who cats))
(facts t
(likes kim cats)
(likes sjl cats)
(likes bob dogs)))
(query-all t (likes sally ?who))
; =>
((?who kim) (?who sjl))
(once-only (database)
(push-logic-frame ,database)
(progn ,@body)
(finalize-logic-frame ,database))))
;;;; Querying -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun perform-aot-query (database code size vars result-function)
(run-aot-compiled-query (ensure-database database) code size vars
:result-function result-function))
(defun perform-query (database terms result-function)
(run-query (ensure-database database)
(mapcar #'normalize-term terms)
:result-function result-function))
(defmacro define-invocation ((name aot-name) arglist &body body)
(with-gensyms (code size vars)
(defun ,name (database ,@arglist &rest terms)
(macrolet ((invoke (result-function)
`(perform-query database terms ,result-function)))
(defun ,aot-name (database ,@arglist data)
(destructuring-bind (,code ,size ,vars) data
(macrolet ((invoke (result-function)
`(perform-aot-query database ,',code ,',size ,',vars
(define-invocation (invoke-query invoke-query-aot) ()
(let ((result nil)
(succeeded nil))
(invoke (lambda (r)
(setf result r
succeeded t)
(values result succeeded)))
(define-invocation (invoke-query-all invoke-query-all-aot) ()
(let ((results nil))
(invoke (lambda (result)
(push result results)
(nreverse results)))
(define-invocation (invoke-query-map invoke-query-map-aot) (function)
(let ((results nil))
(invoke (lambda (result)
(push (funcall function result) results)
(nreverse results)))
(define-invocation (invoke-query-for invoke-query-for-aot) (variable)
(let ((results nil))
(invoke (lambda (result)
(push (getf result variable) results)
(nreverse results)))
(define-invocation (invoke-query-do invoke-query-do-aot) (function)
(invoke (lambda (result)
(funcall function result)
(define-invocation (invoke-query-find invoke-query-find-aot) (predicate)
(let ((results nil)
(succeeded nil))
(invoke (lambda (result)
(if (funcall predicate result)
(progn (setf results result
succeeded t)
(values results succeeded)))
(define-invocation (invoke-prove invoke-prove-aot) ()
(let ((succeeded nil))
(invoke (lambda (result)
(declare (ignore result))
(setf succeeded t)
(defun quote-terms (terms)
(loop :for term :in terms :collect `',term))
(defmacro query (database &rest terms)
`(invoke-query ,database ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro query-all (database &rest terms)
`(invoke-query-all ,database ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro query-map (database function &rest terms)
`(invoke-query-map ,database ,function ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro query-for (database variable &rest terms)
`(invoke-query-for ,database ',variable ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro query-do (database function &rest terms)
`(invoke-query-do ,database ,function ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro query-find (database predicate &rest terms)
`(invoke-query-find ,database ,predicate ,@(quote-terms terms)))
(defmacro prove (database &rest terms)
`(invoke-prove ,database ,@(quote-terms terms)))
;;;; Chili Dogs ---------------------------------------------------------------
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun make-aot-data-form (terms)
(with-gensyms (code size vars)
(let* ((,code (allocate-query-holder)))
(multiple-value-bind (,vars ,size)
,code ',(-<> terms
(mapcar #'eval <>)
(mapcar #'normalize-term <>)))
(list ,code ,size ,vars)))
(defmacro define-invocation-compiler-macro (name aot-name arglist)
`(define-compiler-macro ,name (&whole form
&rest terms
&environment env)
(if (every (rcurry #'constantp env) terms)
`(,',aot-name ,,@arglist ,(make-aot-data-form terms))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query invoke-query-aot (database))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query-all invoke-query-all-aot (database))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query-map invoke-query-map-aot (database function))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query-for invoke-query-for-aot (database variable))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query-do invoke-query-do-aot (database function))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-query-find invoke-query-find-aot (database predicate))
(define-invocation-compiler-macro invoke-prove invoke-prove-aot (database))
;;;; Debugging ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun dump (&optional full-code)
(dump-wam-full *standard-database*)
(when full-code
(dump-wam-code *standard-database*)))
(defmacro bytecode (&body body)
(push-logic-frame-with ,@body)
(format t ";;;; PROGRAM CODE =======================~%")
(dump-wam-code *standard-database*)
(format t "~%;;;; QUERY CODE =========================~%")
(dump-wam-query-code *standard-database*)))
(defmacro trace-predicate (functor)
`(pushnew ',functor *trace*))
(defmacro untrace-predicate (functor)
`(setf *trace* (remove ',functor *trace*)))
(defun untrace-all ()
(setf *trace* nil))