src/wam/compiler.lisp @ d8dc03903456

Put query code into the front of the main CODE store to run

This removes the ugly edge case of running query code.  Now we just load it into
the beginning of the code store, set the program counter to 0, and let it rip.
author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:43:12 +0000
parents fb3a334a14f3
children 5085c5254515
(in-package #:bones.wam)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :fare-quasiquote)

;;;; Registers
(deftype register-type ()
  '(member :argument :local :permanent))

(deftype register-number ()
  '(integer 0))

(defclass register ()
     :initarg :type
     :reader register-type
     :type register-type)
     :initarg :number
     :reader register-number
     :type register-number)))

(defun* make-register ((type register-type) (number register-number))
  (:returns register)
  (make-instance 'register :type type :number number))

(defun* make-temporary-register ((number register-number) (arity arity))
  (:returns register)
  (make-register (if (< number arity) :argument :local)

(defun* make-permanent-register ((number register-number) (arity arity))
  (:returns register)
  (declare (ignore arity))
  (make-register :permanent number))

(defun* register-to-string ((register register))
  (format nil "~A~D"
          (ecase (register-type register)
            (:argument #\A)
            (:local #\X)
            (:permanent #\Y))
          (+ (register-number register)
             (if *off-by-one* 1 0))))

(defmethod print-object ((object register) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :identity nil :type nil)
    (format stream (register-to-string object))))

(defun* register-temporary-p ((register register))
  (member (register-type register) '(:argument :local)))

(defun* register-permanent-p ((register register))
  (eql (register-type register) :permanent))

(defun* register= ((r1 register) (r2 register))
  (:returns boolean)
    (and (eql (register-type r1)
              (register-type r2))
         (= (register-number r1)
            (register-number r2)))))

(defun* register≈ ((r1 register) (r2 register))
  (:returns boolean)
    (and (or (eql (register-type r1)
                  (register-type r2))
             ;; local and argument registers are actually the same register,
             ;; just named differently
             (and (register-temporary-p r1)
                  (register-temporary-p r2)))
         (= (register-number r1)
            (register-number r2)))))

;;;; Register Assignments
(deftype register-assignment ()
  ;; A register assignment represented as a cons of (register . contents).
  '(cons register t))

(deftype register-assignment-list ()
  '(trivial-types:association-list register t))

(defun* pprint-assignments ((assignments register-assignment-list))
  (format t "~{~A~%~}"
          (loop :for (register . contents) :in assignments :collect
                (format nil "~A <- ~S" (register-to-string register) contents))))

(defun* find-assignment ((register register)
                         (assignments register-assignment-list))
  (:returns register-assignment)
  "Find the assignment for the given register number in the assignment list."
  (assoc register assignments))

(defun* variable-p (term)
  (:returns boolean)
  (ensure-boolean (keywordp term)))

(defun* variable-assignment-p ((assignment register-assignment))
  "Return whether the register assigment is a simple variable assignment.

  E.g. `X1 = Foo` is simple, but `X2 = f(...)` is not.

  Note that register assignments actually look like `(1 . contents)`, so
  a simple variable assignment would be `(1 . :foo)`.

  (:returns boolean)
  (variable-p (cdr assignment)))

(defun* variable-register-p ((register register)
                             (assignments register-assignment-list))
  (:returns boolean)
  "Return whether the given register contains a variable assignment."
  (variable-assignment-p (find-assignment register assignments)))

(defun* register-assignment-p ((assignment register-assignment))
  (:returns boolean)
  "Return whether the register assigment is a register-to-register assignment.

  E.g. `A1 = X2`.

  Note that this should only ever happen for argument registers.

  (typep (cdr assignment) 'register))

(defun* structure-assignment-p ((assignment register-assignment))
  (:returns boolean)
  "Return whether the given assignment pair is a structure assignment."
  (listp (cdr assignment)))

(defun* structure-register-p ((register register)
                              (assignments register-assignment-list))
  (:returns boolean)
  "Return whether the given register contains a structure assignment."
  (structure-assignment-p (find-assignment register assignments)))

;;;; Parsing
;;; You might want to grab a coffee for this one.
;;; Consider this simple Prolog example: `p(A, q(A, r(B)))`.  We're going to get
;;; this as a Lisp list: `(p :a (q :a (r b)))`.
;;; The goal is to turn this list into a set of register assignments.  The book
;;; handwaves around how to do this, and it turns out to be pretty complicated.
;;; This example will (maybe, read on) be turned into:
;;;     A0 <- X2
;;;     A1 <- (q X2 X3)
;;;     X2 <- :a
;;;     X3 <- (r X4)
;;;     X4 <- :b
;;; There are a few things to note here.  First: like the book says, the
;;; outermost predicate is stripped off and returned separately (later it'll be
;;; used to label the code for a program, or to figure out the procedure to call
;;; for a query).
;;; The first N registers are designated as argument registers.  Structure
;;; assignments can live directly in the argument registers, but variables
;;; cannot.  In the example above we can see that A1 contains a structure
;;; assignment.  However, the variable `:a` doesn't live in A0 -- it lives in
;;; X2, which A0 points at.  The books neglects to explain this little fact.
;;; The next edge case is permanent variables, which the book does talk about.
;;; Permanent variables are allocated to stack registers, so if `:b` was
;;; permanent in our example we'd get:
;;;     A0 <- X2
;;;     A1 <- (q X2 X3)
;;;     X2 <- :a
;;;     X3 <- (r Y0)
;;;     Y0 <- :b
;;; Note that the mapping of permanent variables to stack register numbers has
;;; to be consistent as we compile all the terms in a clause, so we cheat a bit
;;; here and just always add them all, in order, to the register assignment
;;; produced when parsing.  They'll get flattened away later anyway -- it's the
;;; USES that we actually care about.  In our example, the `Y0 <- :b` will get
;;; flattened away, but the USE of Y0 in X3 will remain).
;;; We're almost done, I promise, but there's one more edge case to deal with.
;;; When we've got a clause with a head and at least one body term, we need the
;;; head term and the first body term to share argument/local registers.  For
;;; example, if we have the clause `p(Cats) :- q(A, B, C, Cats)` then when
;;; compiling the head `(p :cats)` we want to get:
;;;     A0 <- X4
;;;     A1 <- ???
;;;     A2 <- ???
;;;     A3 <- ???
;;;     X4 <- :cats
;;; And when compiling `(q :a :b :c :cats)` we need:
;;;     A0 <- X5
;;;     A1 <- X6
;;;     A2 <- X7
;;;     A3 <- X4
;;;     X4 <- :cats
;;;     X5 <- :a
;;;     X6 <- :b
;;;     X7 <- :c
;;; What the hell are those empty argument registers in p?  And why did we order
;;; the X registers of q like that?
;;; The book does not bother to mention this important fact at all, so to find
;;; out that you have to handle this you need to do the following:
;;; 1. Implement it without this behavior.
;;; 2. Notice your results are wrong.
;;; 3. Figure out the right bytecode on a whiteboard.
;;; 4. Try to puzzle out why that bytecode isn't generated when you do exactly
;;;    what the book says.
;;; 5. Scour IRC and the web for scraps of information on what the hell you need
;;;    to do here.
;;; 6. Find the answer in a comment squirreled away in a source file somewhere
;;;    in a language you don't know.
;;; 7. Drink.
;;; Perhaps you're reading this comment as part of step 6 right now.  If so:
;;; welcome aboard.  Email me and we can swap horror stories about this process
;;; over drinks some time.
;;; Okay, so the clause head and first body term need to share argument/local
;;; registers.  Why?  To understand this, we need to go back to what Prolog
;;; clauses are supposed to do.
;;; Imagine we have:
;;;     p(f(X)) :- q(X), ...other goals.
;;; When we want to check if `p(SOMETHING)` is true, we need to first unify
;;; SOMETHING with `f(X)`.  Then we search all of the goals in the body, AFTER
;;; substituting in any X's in those goals with the X from the result of the
;;; unification.
;;; This substitution is why we need the head and the first term in the body to
;;; share the same argument/local registers.  By sharing the registers, when the
;;; body term builds a representation of itself on the stack before calling its
;;; predicate any references to X will be point at the (unified) results instead
;;; of fresh ones (because they'll be compiled as `put_value` instead of
;;; `put_variable`).
;;; But wait: don't we need to substitute into ALL the body terms, not just the
;;; first one?  Yes we do, but the trick is that any variables in the REST of
;;; the body that would need to be substituted must, by definition, be permanent
;;; variables!  So the substitution process for the rest of the body is handled
;;; automatically with the stack machinery.
;;; In theory, you could eliminate this edge case by NOT treating the head and
;;; first goal as a single term when searching for permanent variables.  Then
;;; all substitution would happen elegantly through the stack.  But this
;;; allocates more variables on the stack than you really need (especially for
;;; rules with just a single term in the body (which is many of them)), so we
;;; have this extra corner case to optimize it away.
;;; We now return you to your regularly scheduled Lisp code.

(defun parse-term (term permanent-variables
                   ;; JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL
                   &optional reserved-variables reserved-arity)
  "Parse a term into a series of register assignments.


    * The assignment list
    * The root functor
    * The root functor's arity

  (let* ((predicate (first term))
         (arguments (rest term))
         (arity (length arguments))
         ;; Preallocate enough registers for all of the arguments.  We'll fill
         ;; them in later.  Note that things are more complicated in the head
         ;; and first body term of a clause (see above).
         (local-registers (make-array 64
                            :fill-pointer (or reserved-arity arity)
                            :adjustable t
                            :initial-element nil))
         ;; We essentially "preallocate" all the permanent variables up front
         ;; because we need them to always be in the same stack registers across
         ;; all the terms of our clause.
         ;; The ones that won't get used in this term will end up getting
         ;; flattened away anyway.
         (stack-registers (make-array (length permanent-variables)
                            :initial-contents permanent-variables)))
    (loop :for variable :in reserved-variables :do
          (vector-push-extend variable local-registers))
        ((find-variable (var)
           (let ((r (position var local-registers))
                 (s (position var stack-registers)))
               (r (make-temporary-register r arity))
               (s (make-permanent-register s arity))
               (t nil))))
         (store-variable (var)
             (vector-push-extend var local-registers)
         (parse-variable (var)
           ;; If we've already seen this variable just return the register it's
           ;; in, otherwise allocate a register for it and return that.
           (or (find-variable var)
               (store-variable var)))
         (parse-structure (structure reg)
           (destructuring-bind (functor . arguments) structure
             ;; If we've been given a register to hold this structure (i.e.
             ;; we're parsing a top-level argument) use it.  Otherwise allocate
             ;; a fresh one.  Note that structures always live in local
             ;; registers, never permanent ones.
             (let ((reg (or reg (vector-push-extend nil local-registers))))
               (setf (aref local-registers reg)
                     (cons functor (mapcar #'parse arguments)))
               (make-temporary-register reg arity))))
         (parse (term &optional register)
             ((variable-p term) (parse-variable term))
             ((symbolp term) (parse (list term) register)) ; f -> f/0
             ((listp term) (parse-structure term register))
             (t (error "Cannot parse term ~S." term))))
         (make-assignment-list (registers register-maker)
           (loop :for i :from 0
                 :for contents :across registers
                 :when contents :collect ; don't include unused reserved regs
                 (cons (funcall register-maker i arity)
      ;; Arguments are handled specially.  We parse the children as normal,
      ;; and then fill in the argument registers after each child.
      (loop :for argument :in arguments
            :for i :from 0
            :for parsed = (parse argument i)
            ;; If the argument didn't fill itself in (structure), do it.
            :when (not (aref local-registers i))
            :do (setf (aref local-registers i) parsed))
      (values (append
                (make-assignment-list local-registers #'make-temporary-register)
                (make-assignment-list stack-registers #'make-permanent-register))

;;;; Flattening
;;; "Flattening" is the process of turning a series of register assignments into
;;; a sorted sequence appropriate for turning into a series of instructions.
;;; The order depends on whether we're compiling a query term or a program term.
;;; It's a stupid name because the assignments are already flattened as much as
;;; they ever will be.  "Sorting" would be a better name.  Maybe I'll change it
;;; once I'm done with the book.
;;; Turns:
;;;   X0 <- p(X1, X2)
;;;   X1 <- A
;;;   X2 <- q(X1, X3)
;;;   X3 <- B
;;; into something like:
;;;   X2 <- q(X1, X3), X0 <- p(X1, X2)

(defun find-dependencies (assignments)
  "Return a list of dependencies amongst the given registers.

  Each entry will be a cons of `(a . b)` if register `a` depends on `b`.

    (lambda (assignment)
        ; Variable assignments (X1 <- Foo) don't depend on anything else.
        ((variable-assignment-p assignment)
        ; Register assignments (A0 <- X5) have one obvious dependency.
        ((register-assignment-p assignment)
         (destructuring-bind (argument . contents) assignment
           (list `(,contents . ,argument))))
        ; Structure assignments depend on all the functor's arguments.
        ((structure-assignment-p assignment)
         (destructuring-bind (target . (functor . reqs))
           (declare (ignore functor))
           (loop :for req :in reqs
                 :collect (cons req target))))
        (t (error "Cannot find dependencies for assignment ~S." assignment))))

(defun flatten (assignments)
  "Flatten the set of register assignments into a minimal set.

  We remove the plain old variable assignments (in non-argument registers)
  because they're not actually needed in the end.

  (-<> assignments
    (topological-sort <> (find-dependencies assignments)
                      :key #'car
                      :key-test #'register=
                      :test #'eql)
    (remove-if #'variable-assignment-p <>)))

(defun flatten-query (assignments)
  (flatten assignments))

(defun flatten-program (assignments)
  (reverse (flatten assignments)))

;;;; Tokenization
;;; Tokenizing takes a flattened set of assignments and turns it into a stream
;;; of structure assignments and bare registers.
;;; It turns:
;;;   X2 <- q(X1, X3)
;;;   X0 <- p(X1, X2)
;;;   A3 <- X4
;;; into something like:
;;;   (X2 = q/2), X1, X3, (X0 = p/2), X1, X2, (A3 = X4)

(defun tokenize-assignments (assignments)
  "Tokenize a flattened set of register assignments into a stream."
    (lambda (ass)
      ;; Take a single assignment like:
      ;;   X1 = f(X4, Y1)         (X1 . (f X4 Y1))
      ;;   A0 = X5                (A0 . X5)
      ;; And turn it into a stream of tokens:
      ;;   (X1 = f/2), X4, Y1      ((:structure X1 f 2) X4 Y1
      ;;   (A0 = X5)                (:argument A0 X5))
      (if (register-assignment-p ass)
        ;; It might be a register assignment for an argument register.
        (destructuring-bind (argument-register . target-register) ass
          (list (list :argument argument-register target-register)))
        ;; Otherwise it's a structure assignment.  We know the others have
        ;; gotten flattened away by now.
        (destructuring-bind (register . (functor . arguments)) ass
          (cons (list :structure register functor (length arguments))

(defun tokenize-term
    (term permanent-variables reserved-variables reserved-arity flattener)
  (multiple-value-bind (assignments functor arity)
      (parse-term term permanent-variables reserved-variables reserved-arity)
    (values (->> assignments
              (funcall flattener)

(defun tokenize-program-term
    (term permanent-variables reserved-variables reserved-arity)
  "Tokenize `term` as a program term, returning its tokens, functor, and arity."
  (tokenize-term term

(defun tokenize-query-term
    (term permanent-variables &optional reserved-variables reserved-arity)
  "Tokenize `term` as a query term, returning its stream of tokens."
  (multiple-value-bind (tokens functor arity)
      (tokenize-term term
    ;; We need to shove a CALL token onto the end.
    (append tokens `((:call ,functor ,arity)))))

;;;; Bytecode
;;; Once we have a tokenized stream we can generate the machine instructions
;;; from it.
;;; We turn:
;;;   (X2 = q/2), X1, X3, (X0 = p/2), X1, X2
;;; into something like:
;;;   (#'%put-structure 2 q 2)
;;;   (#'%set-variable 1)
;;;   (#'%set-variable 3)
;;;   (#'%put-structure 0 p 2)
;;;   (#'%set-value 1)
;;;   (#'%set-value 2)

(defun find-opcode (opcode newp mode &optional register)
  (flet ((find-variant (register)
           (when register
             (if (register-temporary-p register)
    (eswitch ((list opcode newp mode (find-variant register)) :test #'equal)
      ('(:argument t   :program :local) +opcode-get-variable-local+)
      ('(:argument t   :program :stack) +opcode-get-variable-stack+)
      ('(:argument t   :query   :local) +opcode-put-variable-local+)
      ('(:argument t   :query   :stack) +opcode-put-variable-stack+)
      ('(:argument nil :program :local) +opcode-get-value-local+)
      ('(:argument nil :program :stack) +opcode-get-value-stack+)
      ('(:argument nil :query   :local) +opcode-put-value-local+)
      ('(:argument nil :query   :stack) +opcode-put-value-stack+)
      ;; Structures can only live locally, they never go on the stack
      ('(:structure nil :program :local) +opcode-get-structure-local+)
      ('(:structure nil :query   :local) +opcode-put-structure-local+)
      ('(:register t   :program :local) +opcode-unify-variable-local+)
      ('(:register t   :program :stack) +opcode-unify-variable-stack+)
      ('(:register t   :query   :local) +opcode-set-variable-local+)
      ('(:register t   :query   :stack) +opcode-set-variable-stack+)
      ('(:register nil :program :local) +opcode-unify-value-local+)
      ('(:register nil :program :stack) +opcode-unify-value-stack+)
      ('(:register nil :query   :local) +opcode-set-value-local+)
      ('(:register nil :query   :stack) +opcode-set-value-stack+))))

;;;; UI
(defun find-shared-variables (terms)
  "Return a list of all variables shared by two or more terms."
  (let* ((variables (remove-duplicates (tree-collect #'variable-p terms))))
        ((count-uses (variable)
           (count-if (curry #'tree-member-p variable)
         (shared-p (variable)
           (> (count-uses variable) 1)))
      (remove-if-not #'shared-p variables))))

(defun find-permanent-variables (clause)
  "Return a list of all the 'permanent' variables in `clause`.

  Permanent variables are those that appear in more than one goal of the clause,
  where the head of the clause is considered to be a part of the first goal.

  (if (<= (length clause) 2)
    (list) ; facts and chain rules have no permanent variables at all
    (destructuring-bind (head body-first . body-rest) clause
      ;; the head is treated as part of the first goal for the purposes of
      ;; finding permanent variables
      (find-shared-variables (cons (cons head body-first) body-rest)))))

(defun find-head-variables (clause)
  (if (<= (length clause) 1)
    (destructuring-bind (head body-first . body-rest) clause
      (declare (ignore body-rest))
      (find-shared-variables (list head body-first)))))

(defun mark-label (wam functor arity store)
  "Set the code label `(functor . arity)` to point at the next space in `store`."
  ;; todo make this less ugly
  (setf (wam-code-label wam (wam-ensure-functor-index wam (cons functor arity)))
        (fill-pointer store)))

(defun make-query-code-store ()
  (make-array 64
    :fill-pointer 0
    :adjustable t
    :element-type 'code-word))

(defun compile-clause (wam store head body)
  "Compile the clause into the given store array.

  `head` should be the head of the clause for program clauses, or may be `nil`
  for query clauses.

  (let* ((permanent-variables
           (find-permanent-variables (cons head body)))
           (set-difference (find-head-variables (cons head body))
           (max (1- (length head))
                (1- (length (car body)))))
           (when head
             (multiple-value-bind (tokens functor arity)
                 (tokenize-program-term head
               (mark-label wam functor arity store) ; TODO: this is ugly
           (when body
               (tokenize-query-term (first body)
               (loop :for term :in (rest body) :append
                     (tokenize-query-term term
    (flet ((compile% () (compile-tokens wam head-tokens body-tokens store)))
      ;; We need to compile facts and rules differently.  Facts end with
      ;; a PROCEED and rules are wrapped in ALOC/DEAL.
        ((and head body) ; a full-ass rule
         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-allocate+ (length permanent-variables))
         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-deallocate+))
        ((and head (null body)) ; a bare fact
         (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-proceed+))
        (t ; just a query

(defun compile-query (wam query)
  "Compile `query` into a fresh array of bytecode.

  `query` should be a list of goal terms.

  (let ((store (make-query-code-store)))
    (compile-clause wam store nil query)
    (code-push-instruction! store +opcode-done+)

(defun compile-program (wam rule)
  "Compile `rule` into the WAM's code store.

  `rule` should be a clause consisting of a head term and zero or more body
  terms.  A rule with no body is also called a \"fact\".

  (compile-clause wam (wam-code wam) (first rule) (rest rule))