Optimize circles a bit
After reviewing some disassembly elsewhere I realized that declaring a function
to return `(values)` and adding that form actually prevents last-call
optimization, at least in SBCL. It's a cleaner API, but it wastes lots of stack
Save the frames, kill the `(values)`.
author |
Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> |
date |
Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:56:43 +0000 |
parents |
d8d6647dd9fb |
children |
5593ae4bcb5c |
(in-package #:bones.paip)
;;;; Types
(deftype logic-variable ()
(deftype binding ()
'(cons logic-variable t))
(deftype binding-list ()
'(trivial-types:association-list keyword t))
;;;; Constants
(define-constant fail nil
:documentation "Failure to unify")
(define-constant no-bindings '((:bones-empty-bindings . t))
:test 'equal
:documentation "A succesful unification, with no bindings.")
(defparameter *check-occurs* t
"Whether to perform an occurs check.")
;;;; Unification
(defun* variable-p (term)
(:returns boolean)
"Return whether the given term is a logic variable."
(and (symbolp term)
(equal (char (symbol-name term) 0)
(defun* get-binding ((variable logic-variable)
(bindings binding-list))
(:returns (or binding null))
"Return the binding (var . val) for the given variable, or nil."
(assoc variable bindings))
(defun* has-binding ((variable logic-variable)
(bindings binding-list))
(:returns boolean)
(not (null (get-binding variable bindings))))
(defun* binding-variable ((binding binding))
(:returns logic-variable)
"Return the variable part of a binding."
(car binding))
(defun* binding-value ((binding binding))
"Return the value part of a binding."
(cdr binding))
(defun* lookup ((variable logic-variable)
(bindings binding-list))
"Return the value the given variable is bound to."
(binding-value (get-binding variable bindings)))
(defun* extend-bindings ((variable logic-variable)
(value t)
(bindings binding-list))
(:returns binding-list)
"Add a binding (var . val) to the binding list (nondestructively)."
(cons (cons variable value)
(if (and (equal bindings no-bindings))
(defun* check-occurs ((variable logic-variable)
(target t)
(bindings binding-list))
(:returns boolean)
"Check whether the variable occurs somewhere in the target.
Takes the bindings into account. This is expensive.
;; If the target is this variable, then yep.
((eql variable target) t)
;; The empty list doesn't contain anything.
((null target) nil)
;; The the target is a (different) variable that has a binding, we need to
;; check if the variable occurs in its bindings.
((and (variable-p target)
(get-binding target bindings))
(check-occurs variable (lookup target bindings) bindings))
;; If the target is a list, check if any of the elements contain the variable.
((listp target)
(or (check-occurs variable (first target) bindings)
(check-occurs variable (rest target) bindings)))
;; Otherwise we're safe.
(t nil)))
(defun unify (x y &optional (bindings no-bindings))
"Unify the two terms and return bindings necessary to do so (or FAIL)."
(flet ((unify-variable (variable target bindings)
;; If we've already got a binding for this variable, we can try to
;; unify its value with the target.
((get-binding variable bindings)
(unify (lookup variable bindings) target bindings))
;; If the target is ALSO a variable, and it has a binding, then we
;; can unify this variable with the target's value.
((and (variable-p target) (get-binding target bindings))
(unify variable (lookup target bindings) bindings))
;; If this variable occurs in the target (including in something
;; in its bindings) and we're checking occurrence, bail.
((and *check-occurs* (check-occurs variable target bindings))
;; Otherwise we can just bind this variable to the target.
(t (extend-bindings variable target bindings)))))
;; Pass failures through.
((eq bindings fail) fail)
;; Trying to unify two identical objects (constants or variables) can just
;; return the bindings as-is.
;; ex: (unify :y :y) or (unify 'foo 'foo)
((eql x y) bindings)
;; Unifying a variable with something.
((variable-p x) (unify-variable x y bindings))
((variable-p y) (unify-variable y x bindings))
;; Unifying a non-variable with nil should fail, except for nil itself.
;; But that was handled with (eql x y).
((or (null x) (null y)) fail)
;; Unifying non-empty compound terms such as
;; (likes :x cats) with (likes sally :y).
((and (listp x) (listp y))
(unify (rest x) (rest y) ; Unify the tails with the bindings gotten from...
(unify (first x) (first y) bindings))) ; unifying the heads.
;; Otherwise we're looking at different constants, or a constant and a
;; compound term, so just give up.
(t fail))))
;;;; Substitution
(defun* substitute-bindings ((bindings binding-list)
(form t))
"Substitute (recursively) the bindings into the given form."
(cond ((eq bindings fail) fail)
((eq bindings no-bindings) form)
((and (variable-p form) (get-binding form bindings))
(substitute-bindings bindings
(lookup form bindings)))
((atom form) form)
(t (mapcar (curry #'substitute-bindings bindings) form))))
(defun unifier (x y)
"Unify x with y and substitute in the bindings to get the result."
(substitute-bindings (unify x y) x))
;;;; Database
;;; A clause is an assertion in the database. There are two types.
;;; A fact is the "base" clause:
;;; (likes kim cats)
;;; A rule is a way to deduce new facts from existing information:
;;; ((likes sally :x)
;;; (likes :x cats))
;;; Clauses are stored as lists. The head is the first item in the list, and
;;; it's "the thing you're trying to prove". You prove it by proving all the
;;; things in the tail of the list. For facts the tail is empty, so they are
;;; trivially proven.
;;; A predicate is the named head of a part of a clause. In `(likes sally :x)`
;;; the predicate is `likes`.
;;; Predicates are stored in the plists of their symbols, which is a little
;;; insane, but it's how Norvig did it so I'll do it like this for now.
(defvar *db-predicates* nil
"A list of all the predicates in the database.")
(defconstant clause-key 'bones.paip-clauses
"The key to use in the symbol plist for the clauses.")
(defun clause-head (clause)
(first clause))
(defun clause-body (clause)
(rest clause))
(defun get-clauses (pred)
(get pred clause-key))
(defun set-clauses (pred clauses)
(setf (get pred clause-key) clauses))
(defun predicate (relation)
(first relation))
(defun wildcard-variable-p (form)
(and (symbolp form) (string= (symbol-name form) "?")))
(defun replace-wildcard-variables (form)
((wildcard-variable-p form) (gensym "?"))
((atom form) form)
((consp form) (cons (replace-wildcard-variables (car form))
(replace-wildcard-variables (cdr form))))
(t (mapcar #'replace-wildcard-variables form))))
(defun add-clause (clause)
(let ((pred (predicate (clause-head clause))))
(assert (and (symbolp pred)
(not (variable-p pred))))
(pushnew pred *db-predicates*)
(set-clauses pred
(nconc (get-clauses pred) (list clause)))
(defun add-rule (clause)
(add-clause (replace-wildcard-variables clause)))
(defmacro rule (&rest clause)
`(add-rule ',clause))
(defun add-fact (body)
(add-clause (list (replace-wildcard-variables body))))
(defmacro fact (&rest body)
`(add-fact ',body))
(defun clear-predicate (predicate)
(setf (get predicate clause-key) nil))
(defun clear-db ()
(mapc #'clear-predicate *db-predicates*))
;;;; Proving
(defun unique-find-anywhere-if (predicate tree &optional acc)
(if (atom tree)
(if (funcall predicate tree)
(adjoin tree acc)
(unique-find-anywhere-if predicate
(first tree)
(unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree) acc))))
(defun variables-in (expr)
(unique-find-anywhere-if #'variable-p expr))
(defun rename-variables (form)
"Replace all variables in the form with new (unique) ones."
(sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (variable)
(cons variable (gensym (string variable))))
(variables-in form))
(defun prove-clause (goal bindings other-goals clause)
(let ((new-clause (rename-variables clause)))
(prove-all (append (clause-body new-clause) other-goals)
(unify goal (clause-head new-clause) bindings))))
(defun prove (goal bindings other-goals)
"Return a list of possible solutions to the given goal."
(let ((clauses (get-clauses (predicate goal))))
(if (listp clauses)
(some (curry #'prove-clause goal bindings other-goals) clauses)
(funcall clauses (rest goal) bindings other-goals))))
(defun prove-all (goals bindings)
"Return a solution to the conjunction of goals."
;; If something failed further up the pipeline, bail here.
((eq bindings fail) fail)
;; If there's nothing to prove, it's vacuously true. Return the bindings as
;; the result.
((null goals) bindings)
(t (prove (first goals) bindings (rest goals)))))
;;;; Cleaning Solutions
(defun clean-variables (variables solution)
(mapcar #'(lambda (var)
(cons var (substitute-bindings solution var)))
;;;; Querying Interface
(defun continue-never ()
(defun continue-always ()
(defun continue-ask ()
(case (read-char)
(#\; t)
(#\. nil)
(#\newline (continue-ask))
(format t " Type ; to see more or . to stop")
(defun show-prolog-vars (variables bindings other-goals continue-p)
(if (null variables)
(format t "~&Yes")
(dolist (var variables)
(format t "~&~A = ~A"
var (substitute-bindings bindings var))))
(if (funcall continue-p)
(prove-all other-goals bindings)))
(defun show-prolog-vars-ask (variables bindings other-goals)
(show-prolog-vars variables bindings other-goals #'continue-ask))
(defun show-prolog-vars-all (variables bindings other-goals)
(show-prolog-vars variables bindings other-goals #'continue-always))
(defun show-prolog-vars-one (variables bindings other-goals)
(show-prolog-vars variables bindings other-goals #'continue-never))
(setf (get 'show-prolog-vars-ask clause-key) 'show-prolog-vars-ask)
(setf (get 'show-prolog-vars-all clause-key) 'show-prolog-vars-all)
(setf (get 'show-prolog-vars-one clause-key) 'show-prolog-vars-one)
(defun top-level-query (goals primitive)
(prove-all `(,@(replace-wildcard-variables goals)
,@(remove-if #'wildcard-variable-p (variables-in goals))))
(format t "~&No."))
(defmacro query (&rest goals)
"Perform the query interactively."
`(top-level-query ',goals 'show-prolog-vars-ask))
(defmacro query-all (&rest goals)
"Perform the query and automatically show all results."
`(top-level-query ',goals 'show-prolog-vars-all))
(defmacro query-one (&rest goals)
"Perform the query and just show the first result."
`(top-level-query ',goals 'show-prolog-vars-one))
;;;; Finding Interface
(defparameter *results* nil)
(defun return-boolean (variables bindings other-goals)
(declare (ignore variables))
(setf *results* t)
(prove-all other-goals bindings))
(defun return-one-result (variables bindings other-goals)
(setf *results* (clean-variables variables bindings))
(prove-all other-goals bindings))
(defun return-all-results (variables bindings other-goals)
(declare (ignore other-goals))
(push (clean-variables variables bindings) *results*)
(setf (get 'return-one-result clause-key) 'return-one-result)
(setf (get 'return-all-results clause-key) 'return-all-results)
(setf (get 'return-boolean clause-key) 'return-boolean)
(defun top-level-find (goals primitive)
(let ((*results* (list)))
(prove-all `(,@(replace-wildcard-variables goals)
,@(remove-if #'wildcard-variable-p (variables-in goals))))
(defun return-one-for (goals)
(top-level-find goals 'return-one-result))
(defun return-all-for (goals)
(top-level-find goals 'return-all-results))
(defmacro return-one (&rest goals)
`(top-level-find ',goals 'return-one-result))
(defun raw-return-one (&rest goals)
(top-level-find goals 'return-one-result))
(defmacro return-all (&rest goals)
`(top-level-find ',goals 'return-all-results))
(defun raw-return-all (&rest goals)
(top-level-find goals 'return-all-results))
(defmacro provable-p (&rest goals)
`(top-level-find ',goals 'return-boolean))
(defun raw-provable-p (&rest goals)
(top-level-find goals 'return-boolean))