src/wam/constants.lisp @ ba205f6b2875

Excise the stupid fucking `set-*` opcodes

The book uses the horribly-confusingly-named `set-*` operations for handling
subterms in query mode.  The author does this because he claims this is both
easier to understand and more performant.  In reality it is neither of these

If you just name the subterm-handling opcodes something not completely stupid,
like `handle-subterm-*` instead of `unify-*` it becomes obvious what they do.

Also, despite the fact that `put-*` instructions now need to set the WAM's
`mode`, we still get about a 10% speedup here, likely from some combination of
reducing the VM loop code size and simplifying the compilation process.  So it's
not even more performant.

TL;DR: Just say "No" to `set-*`.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 10 Jul 2016 14:21:18 +0000
parents 970e21fa14b0
children 8cd3257c58e3
(in-package #:bones.wam)

(define-constant +cell-width+ 16
  :documentation "Number of bits in each cell.")

(define-constant +cell-tag-width+ 3
  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell type tags.")

(define-constant +cell-value-width+ (- +cell-width+ +cell-tag-width+)
  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell values.")

(define-constant +cell-tag-bitmask+ #b111
  :documentation "Bitmask for masking the cell type tags.")

(define-constant +code-word-size+ 16
  :documentation "Size (in bits) of each word in the code store.")

(define-constant +code-limit+ (expt 2 +code-word-size+)
  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM code store.")

(define-constant +code-sentinel+ (1- +code-limit+)
  ; TODO: Should this sentinel value be 0 like everything else?
  :documentation "Sentinel value used in the PC and CP.")

(define-constant +tag-null+      #b000
  :documentation "An empty cell.")

(define-constant +tag-structure+ #b001
  :documentation "A structure cell.")

(define-constant +tag-reference+ #b010
  :documentation "A pointer to a cell.")

(define-constant +tag-functor+   #b011
  :documentation "A functor.")

(define-constant +tag-constant+  #b100
  :documentation "A constant (i.e. a 0-arity functor).")

(define-constant +tag-list+  #b101
  :documentation "A Prolog list.")

(define-constant +register-count+ 2048
  :documentation "The number of local registers the WAM has available.")

(define-constant +maximum-arity+ 1024
  :documentation "The maximum allowed arity of functors.")

(define-constant +maximum-query-size+ 1024
  "The maximum size (in bytes of bytecode) a query may compile to.")

(define-constant +stack-limit+ 2048
  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM stack.")

(define-constant +stack-frame-size-limit+ (+ 7 +register-count+)
  :documentation "The maximum size, in stack frame words, that a stack frame could be.")

(define-constant +stack-start+ +register-count+
  :documentation "The address in the store of the first cell of the stack.")

(define-constant +stack-end+ (+ +stack-start+ +stack-limit+)
  "The address in the store one past the last cell in the stack.")

(define-constant +heap-start+ +stack-end+
  :documentation "The address in the store of the first cell of the heap.")

(define-constant +trail-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-width+)
  ;; The trail's fill pointer is stored inside choice frames on the stack, so it
  ;; needs to be able to fit inside a stack word.  We don't tag it, though, so
  ;; we can technically use all of the cell bits if we want.
  ;; TODO: should probably limit this to something more reasonable
  :documentation "The maximum number of variables that may exist in the trail.")

(define-constant +store-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
  ;; Reference cells need to be able to store a heap address in their value
  ;; bits, so that limits the amount of addressable space we've got to work
  ;; with.
  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM store.")

(define-constant +heap-limit+ (- +store-limit+ +register-count+ +stack-limit+)
  ;; The heap gets whatever's left over after the registers and stack have taken
  ;; their chunk of memory.
  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM heap.")

(define-constant +functor-limit+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
  ;; Functors are referred to by their index into the functor array.  This index
  ;; is stored in the value part of functor cells.
  :documentation "The maximum number of functors the WAM can keep track of.")

(define-constant +wildcard-symbol+ '?)

;;;; Opcodes
(defmacro define-opcodes (&rest symbols)
     ,@(loop :for c :from 0
             :for s :in symbols
             :collect `(define-constant ,s ,c))
     (define-constant +number-of-opcodes+ ,(length symbols))))


  ;; Program

  ;; Query

  ;; Subterm

  ;; Control

  ;; Constants

  ;; Lists

;;;; Debug Config
(defparameter *off-by-one* nil)