test/99.pl @ b36cb61805d4


This patch does something I've been dreading since I started: it concatenates
the registers, stack, and heap into one single big-ass array called the store.
This is how the original WAM was laid out (actually the original WAM has
EVERYTHING in one giant block of memory, but let's not get carried away here).

I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, because the code reads a lot nicer when
these things are separate, but after reading ahead in the book I think I'm
pretty sure it had to be done.

The upside here is that now dereferencing things can be done without caring
where they live -- it's all just pointers into this giant array.  For example:
a register could refer to a stack cell, or a heap cell could point at a stack
cell.  The downside is that the stack is no longer adjustable (and things are
a bit less safe).
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 08 May 2016 21:25:08 +0000
parents 5e0cca5174a8
children 4abb7eda96cb
% 99 Prolog Problems
% from http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~meidanis/courses/mc336/2009s2/prolog/problemas/
% Solutions to at least a few of these, for testing purposes.

% P01
my_last(X, [X]).
my_last(X, [_ | T]) :-
    my_last(X, T).

% P02
my_lastbutone(X, [X, _]).
my_lastbutone(X, [_ | T]) :-
    my_lastbutone(X, T).

% P03
my_nth(X, [X | _], 1).
my_nth(X, [_ | T], N) :-
    M is N - 1,
    my_nth(X, T, M).

% P04
my_len([], 0).
my_len([_ | T], Length) :-
    my_len(T, M),
    Length is M + 1.

my_len_acc([], A, A).
my_len_acc([_ | T], A, Length) :-
    B is A + 1,
    my_len_acc(T, B, Length).

my_len2(L, Length) :-
    my_len_acc(L, 0, Length).

% P05
my_reverse_acc([], Acc, Acc).
my_reverse_acc([X | T], Acc, Reversed) :-
    my_reverse_acc(T, [X | Acc], Reversed).

my_reverse(L, R) :-
    my_reverse_acc(L, [], R).

% P06
my_palindrome(L) :-
    my_reverse(L, L).

% P07
my_flatten([], []).

my_flatten([Atom | Tail], [Atom | FlatTail]) :-
    \+ is_list(Atom),
    my_flatten(Tail, FlatTail).

my_flatten([HeadList | Tail], Flattened) :-
    my_flatten(HeadList, FlatHeadList),
    my_flatten(Tail, FlatTail),
    append(FlatHeadList, FlatTail, Flattened).

% P08
my_compress_acc([], A, A).

my_compress_acc([X | T], [X | Acc], Compressed) :-
    my_compress_acc(T, [X | Acc], Compressed).

my_compress_acc([X | T], [Y | Acc], Compressed) :-
    X \= Y,
    my_compress_acc(T, [X, Y | Acc], Compressed).

my_compress([H | T], Compressed) :-
    my_compress_acc(T, [H], ReverseCompressed),
    my_reverse(ReverseCompressed, Compressed).

their_compress([X,X|Xs],Zs) :- compress([X|Xs],Zs).
their_compress([X,Y|Ys],[X|Zs]) :- X \= Y, compress([Y|Ys],Zs).

% P09
my_pack([], []).
my_pack([X], [[X]]).

my_pack([X | Tail], [[X] | ResultTail]) :-
    my_pack(Tail, ResultTail),
    ResultTail = [[Y | _] | _],
    X \= Y.

my_pack([X | Tail], [[X, X | XS] | ResultTail]) :-
    my_pack(Tail, [[X | XS] | ResultTail]).

their_pack([X | Tail], [Chunk | PackedTail]) :-
    their_transfer(X, [X | Tail], Remaining, Chunk),
    their_pack(Remaining, PackedTail).

% transfer(X,Xs,Ys,Z) Ys is the list that remains from the list Xs
%    when all leading copies of X are removed and transfered to Z

their_transfer(_, [], [], []).

their_transfer(X, [Y | Ys], [Y | Ys], []) :-
    X \= Y.

their_transfer(X, [X | Xs], Ys, [X | Zs]) :-
    their_transfer(X, Xs, Ys, Zs).