examples/ggp-paip-compiled.lisp @ 96258fb7be70

Type hint the compiler

Doesn't really improve performance, but it's easier to read with the expected
types everywhere, and it'll help catch problems when debug is high.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 11 Jul 2016 19:18:35 +0000
parents a696be29e830
children (none)
(defpackage #:paiprolog-test
  (:use #:cl #:paiprolog))

(in-package #:paiprolog-test)

(defvar *state* nil)
(defvar *actions* nil)

(defun paiprolog::true/1 (?thing cont)
  (loop :with tr = (fill-pointer paiprolog::*trail*)
        :for item :in *state*
        :when (paiprolog::unify! ?thing item)
        (funcall cont)
        (paiprolog::undo-bindings! tr)))

(defun paiprolog::does/1 (?action cont)
  (loop :with tr = (fill-pointer paiprolog::*trail*)
        :for action :in *actions*
        :when (paiprolog::unify! ?action action)
        (funcall cont)
        (paiprolog::undo-bindings! tr)))

(<-- (member ?x (?x . ?)))
(<- (member ?x (?y . ?rest))
    (member ?x ?rest))

(<-- (role robot))

(<-- (init (off p)))
(<- (init (off q)))
(<- (init (off r)))
(<- (init (off s)))
(<- (init (step num1)))

(<-- (next (on p))
     (does (robot a))
     (true (off p)))
(<- (next (on q))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (on q)))
(<- (next (on r))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (on r)))
(<- (next (off p))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (on p)))
(<- (next (off q))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (off q)))
(<- (next (off r))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (off r)))

(<- (next (on p))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (on q)))
(<- (next (on q))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (on p)))
(<- (next (on r))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (on r)))
(<- (next (off p))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (off q)))
(<- (next (off q))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (off p)))
(<- (next (off r))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (off r)))

(<- (next (on p))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (on p)))
(<- (next (on q))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (on r)))
(<- (next (on r))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (on q)))
(<- (next (off p))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (off p)))
(<- (next (off q))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (off r)))
(<- (next (off r))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (off q)))

(<- (next (off s))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (off s)))
(<- (next (off s))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (off s)))
(<- (next (off s))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (off s)))
(<- (next (on s))
    (does (robot a))
    (true (on s)))
(<- (next (on s))
    (does (robot b))
    (true (on s)))
(<- (next (on s))
    (does (robot c))
    (true (on s)))
(<- (next (off s))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (on s)))
(<- (next (on s))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (off s)))

(<- (next (on p))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (on p)))
(<- (next (off p))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (off p)))

(<- (next (on q))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (on q)))
(<- (next (off q))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (off q)))

(<- (next (on r))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (on r)))
(<- (next (off r))
    (does (robot d))
    (true (off r)))

(<- (next (step ?y))
    (true (step ?x))
    (succ ?x ?y))

(<-- (succ num1 num2))
(<- (succ num2 num3))
(<- (succ num3 num4))
(<- (succ num4 num5))
(<- (succ num5 num6))
(<- (succ num6 num7))
(<- (succ num7 num8))

(<-- (legal robot a))
(<- (legal robot b))
(<- (legal robot c))
(<- (legal robot d))

(<-- (goal robot num100)
     (true (on p))
     (true (on q))
     (true (on r))
     (true (on s)))
(<- (goal robot num0)
    (true (off p)))
(<- (goal robot num0)
    (true (off q)))
(<- (goal robot num0)
    (true (off r)))
(<- (goal robot num0)
    (true (off s)))

(<-- (terminal)
     (true (step num8)))
(<- (terminal)
    (true (on p))
    (true (on q))
    (true (on r))
    (true (on s)))

(<-- (lol 1))

(defvar *count* 0)

(defun initial-state ()
  (prolog-collect (?what) (init ?what)))

(defun terminalp ()
  (not (null (prolog-first (?lol)
                           (lol ?lol)))))

(defun legal-moves (state)
  (declare (ignore state))
  (prolog-collect (?role ?move) (legal ?role ?move)))

(defun roles ()
  (prolog-collect (?role) (role ?role)))

(defun goal-value ()
  (prolog-first (?goal) (goal robot ?goal)))

(defun next-state (move)
  (setf *actions* (list move))
  (prolog-collect (?what) (next ?what)))

(defstruct search-path state (path nil) (previous nil))

(defun tree-search (states goal-p children combine)
      ((recur (states)
         (if (null states)
           (destructuring-bind (state . remaining) states
             (incf *count*)
             ; (format t "Searching: ~S (~D remaining)~%" state (length remaining))
             (if (funcall goal-p state)
               (recur (funcall combine
                               (funcall children state)
    (let ((result (recur states)))
      (when result
        (reverse (search-path-path result))))))

(defun buttons-goal-p (search-path)
  (setf *state* (search-path-state search-path))
  (and (terminalp)
       (eql (goal-value) 'num100)))

(defun buttons-children (search-path)
  (let ((state (search-path-state search-path))
        (path (search-path-path search-path)))
    (setf *state* state)
    (when (not (terminalp))
      (loop :for move :in (legal-moves state)
            :collect (make-search-path :state (next-state move)
                                       :path (cons move path)
                                       :previous search-path)))))

(defun never (&rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))

(defun dfs ()
  (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))

(defun dfs-exhaust ()
  (let ((*count* 0))
        (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))
      (format t "Searched ~D nodes.~%" *count*))))

(defun bfs ()
  (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))
               (lambda (x y)
                 (append y x))))

(declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))

  (require :sb-sprof)
  (sb-sprof:with-profiling (:max-samples 10000
                            :sample-interval 0.01
                            :loop nil)

  (sb-sprof:report :type :flat :max 100))