src/wam/constants.lisp @ 894cac6a43fa

Make the WAM heap resizable

May end up reverting this for performance in the end, but for now it makes my
life easier and the debug output saner.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 30 Mar 2016 00:30:33 +0000
parents 765efa56a965
children 8a18f9b3bb72
(in-package #:bones.wam)

(define-constant +cell-width+ 16
  :documentation "Number of bits in each heap cell.")

(define-constant +cell-tag-width+ 2
  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell type tags.")

(define-constant +cell-value-width+ (- +cell-width+ +cell-tag-width+)
  :documentation "Number of bits reserved for cell values.")

(define-constant +cell-tag-bitmask+ #b11
  :documentation "Bitmask for masking the cell type tags.")

(define-constant +addressable-values+ (expt 2 +cell-value-width+)
  :documentation "Number of addressable values, based on cell width.")

(define-constant +heap-limit+ +addressable-values+
  :documentation "Maximum size of the WAM heap.")

(define-constant +tag-null+      #b00
  :documentation "An empty cell.")

(define-constant +tag-structure+ #b01
  :documentation "A structure cell.")

(define-constant +tag-reference+ #b10
  :documentation "A pointer to a cell.")

(define-constant +tag-functor+   #b11
  :documentation "A functor.")

(define-constant +functor-arity-width+ 4
  :documentation "Number of bits dedicated to functor arity.")

(define-constant +functor-arity-bitmask+ #b1111
  :documentation "Bitmask for the functor arity bits.")

(define-constant +register-count+ 16
  :documentation "The number of registers the WAM has available.")

(define-constant +maximum-arity+ (1- (expt 2 +functor-arity-width+))
  :documentation "The maximum allowed arity of functors.")