src/utils.lisp @ 894cac6a43fa

Make the WAM heap resizable

May end up reverting this for performance in the end, but for now it makes my
life easier and the debug output saner.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 30 Mar 2016 00:30:33 +0000
parents 0432f016c912
children ea71bdab6baa
;;;; This file was automatically generated by Quickutil.
;;;; See for details.

;;;; To regenerate:
;;;; (qtlc:save-utils-as "utils.lisp" :utilities '(:DEFINE-CONSTANT :SET-EQUAL :CURRY :SWITCH :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :WHILE :UNTIL) :ensure-package T :package "BONES.UTILS")

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (unless (find-package "BONES.UTILS")
    (defpackage "BONES.UTILS"
      (:documentation "Package that contains Quickutil utility functions.")
      (:use #:cl))))

(in-package "BONES.UTILS")

(when (boundp '*utilities*)
  (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:DEFINE-CONSTANT :SET-EQUAL
                                         :MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ENSURE-FUNCTION
                                         :CURRY :STRING-DESIGNATOR
                                         :WITH-GENSYMS :EXTRACT-FUNCTION-NAME
                                         :SWITCH :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :UNTIL :WHILE))))

  (defun %reevaluate-constant (name value test)
    (if (not (boundp name))
        (let ((old (symbol-value name))
              (new value))
          (if (not (constantp name))
              (prog1 new
                (cerror "Try to redefine the variable as a constant."
                        "~@<~S is an already bound non-constant variable ~
                       whose value is ~S.~:@>" name old))
              (if (funcall test old new)
                      (error "~@<~S is an already defined constant whose value ~
                              ~S is not equal to the provided initial value ~S ~
                              under ~S.~:@>" name old new test)
                    (ignore ()
                      :report "Retain the current value."
                    (continue ()
                      :report "Try to redefine the constant."

  (defmacro define-constant (name initial-value &key (test ''eql) documentation)
    "Ensures that the global variable named by `name` is a constant with a value
that is equal under `test` to the result of evaluating `initial-value`. `test` is a
function designator that defaults to `eql`. If `documentation` is given, it
becomes the documentation string of the constant.

Signals an error if `name` is already a bound non-constant variable.

Signals an error if `name` is already a constant variable whose value is not
equal under `test` to result of evaluating `initial-value`."
    `(defconstant ,name (%reevaluate-constant ',name ,initial-value ,test)
       ,@(when documentation `(,documentation))))

  (defun set-equal (list1 list2 &key (test #'eql) (key nil keyp))
    "Returns true if every element of `list1` matches some element of `list2` and
every element of `list2` matches some element of `list1`. Otherwise returns false."
    (let ((keylist1 (if keyp (mapcar key list1) list1))
          (keylist2 (if keyp (mapcar key list2) list2)))
      (and (dolist (elt keylist1 t)
             (or (member elt keylist2 :test test)
                 (return nil)))
           (dolist (elt keylist2 t)
             (or (member elt keylist1 :test test)
                 (return nil))))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun make-gensym-list (length &optional (x "G"))
    "Returns a list of `length` gensyms, each generated as if with a call to `make-gensym`,
using the second (optional, defaulting to `\"G\"`) argument."
    (let ((g (if (typep x '(integer 0)) x (string x))))
      (loop repeat length
            collect (gensym g))))
  )                                        ; eval-when
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  ;;; To propagate return type and allow the compiler to eliminate the IF when
  ;;; it is known if the argument is function or not.
  (declaim (inline ensure-function))

  (declaim (ftype (function (t) (values function &optional))
  (defun ensure-function (function-designator)
    "Returns the function designated by `function-designator`:
if `function-designator` is a function, it is returned, otherwise
it must be a function name and its `fdefinition` is returned."
    (if (functionp function-designator)
        (fdefinition function-designator)))
  )                                        ; eval-when

  (defun curry (function &rest arguments)
    "Returns a function that applies `arguments` and the arguments
it is called with to `function`."
    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
    (let ((fn (ensure-function function)))
      (lambda (&rest more)
        (declare (dynamic-extent more))
        ;; Using M-V-C we don't need to append the arguments.
        (multiple-value-call fn (values-list arguments) (values-list more)))))

  (define-compiler-macro curry (function &rest arguments)
    (let ((curries (make-gensym-list (length arguments) "CURRY"))
          (fun (gensym "FUN")))
      `(let ((,fun (ensure-function ,function))
             ,@(mapcar #'list curries arguments))
         (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
         (lambda (&rest more)
           (apply ,fun ,@curries more)))))

  (deftype string-designator ()
    "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
or a character."
    `(or symbol string character))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defmacro with-gensyms (names &body forms)
    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:

    (symbol string-designator)

Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:

    (symbol symbol)

The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
    `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name)
                     (multiple-value-bind (symbol string)
                         (etypecase name
                            (values name (symbol-name name)))
                           ((cons symbol (cons string-designator null))
                            (values (first name) (string (second name)))))
                       `(,symbol (gensym ,string))))

  (defmacro with-unique-names (names &body forms)
    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:

    (symbol string-designator)

Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:

    (symbol symbol)

The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
    `(with-gensyms ,names ,@forms))
  )                                        ; eval-when
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun extract-function-name (spec)
    "Useful for macros that want to mimic the functional interface for functions
like `#'eq` and `'eq`."
    (if (and (consp spec)
             (member (first spec) '(quote function)))
        (second spec)
  )                                        ; eval-when

  (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (defun generate-switch-body (whole object clauses test key &optional default)
      (with-gensyms (value)
        (setf test (extract-function-name test))
        (setf key (extract-function-name key))
        (when (and (consp default)
                   (member (first default) '(error cerror)))
          (setf default `(,@default "No keys match in SWITCH. Testing against ~S with ~S."
                                    ,value ',test)))
        `(let ((,value (,key ,object)))
           (cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
                             (if (member (first clause) '(t otherwise))
                                   (when default
                                     (error "Multiple default clauses or illegal use of a default clause in ~S."
                                   (setf default `(progn ,@(rest clause)))
                                 (destructuring-bind (key-form &body forms) clause
                                   `((,test ,value ,key-form)
                 (t ,default))))))

  (defmacro switch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
                    &body clauses)
    "Evaluates first matching clause, returning its values, or evaluates and
returns the values of `default` if no keys match."
    (generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key))

  (defmacro eswitch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
                     &body clauses)
    "Like `switch`, but signals an error if no key matches."
    (generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key '(error)))

  (defmacro cswitch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
                     &body clauses)
    "Like `switch`, but signals a continuable error if no key matches."
    (generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key '(cerror "Return NIL from CSWITCH.")))

  (defun ensure-boolean (x)
    "Convert `x` into a Boolean value."
    (and x t))

  (defmacro until (expression &body body)
    "Executes `body` until `expression` is true."
    `(do ()

  (defmacro while (expression &body body)
    "Executes `body` while `expression` is true."
    `(until (not ,expression)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (export '(define-constant set-equal curry switch eswitch cswitch
            ensure-boolean while until)))

;;;; END OF utils.lisp ;;;;