src/wam/instructions.lisp @ 87afb11b9791
Add a function for extracting things from the heap
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sun, 27 Mar 2016 22:25:43 +0000 |
parents |
d80af96eaf15 |
children |
0b1008a7fe76 |
(in-package #:bones.wam)
;;;; Utilities
(defun* push-unbound-reference! ((wam wam))
(:returns (values heap-cell heap-index))
"Push a new unbound reference cell onto the heap."
(wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-reference (wam-heap-pointer wam))))
(defun* push-new-structure! ((wam wam))
(:returns (values heap-cell heap-index))
"Push a new structure cell onto the heap.
The structure cell's value will point at the next address, so make sure you
push something there too!
(wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-structure (1+ (wam-heap-pointer wam)))))
(defun* push-new-functor! ((wam wam) (functor symbol) (arity arity))
(:returns (values heap-cell heap-index))
"Push a new functor cell onto the heap.
If the functor isn't already in the functor table it will be added.
(wam-heap-push! wam (make-cell-functor
(wam-ensure-functor-index wam functor)
(defun* bound-reference-p ((address heap-index) (cell heap-cell))
(:returns boolean)
"Return whether `cell` is a bound reference, assuming it lives at `address`."
(and (cell-reference-p cell)
(not (= (cell-value cell) address)))))
(defun* unbound-reference-p ((address heap-index) (cell heap-cell))
(:returns boolean)
"Return whether `cell` is an unbound reference, assuming it lives at `address`."
(and (cell-reference-p cell)
(= (cell-value cell) address))))
(defun* matching-functor-p ((wam wam)
(cell heap-cell)
(functor symbol)
(arity arity))
(:returns boolean)
"Return whether `cell` is a functor cell of `functor`/`arity`."
(and (cell-functor-p cell)
(= arity (cell-functor-arity cell))
(eql functor
(wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-functor-index cell))))))
(defun* deref ((wam wam) (address heap-index))
(:returns heap-index)
"Dereference the address in the WAM to its eventual destination.
If the address is a variable that's bound to something, that something will be
looked up (recursively) and the address of whatever it's ultimately bound to
will be returned.
(let ((cell (wam-heap-cell wam address)))
(if (bound-reference-p address cell)
(deref wam (cell-value cell))
(defun* bind! ((wam wam) (address heap-index) (target heap-index))
"Bind the reference cell at `address` to `target`.
The reference cell must be unbound to begin with.
TODO: are we sure about this?
`target` doesn't necessarily need to exist yet.
TODO: this seems dangerous...
(assert (unbound-reference-p address
(wam-heap-cell wam address))
"Cannot bind address ~D because it is not an unbound reference."
(setf (wam-heap-cell wam address)
(make-cell-reference target)))
(defun* fail! ((wam wam))
"Mark a failure in the WAM."
(setf (wam-fail wam) t))
(defun* unify ((wam wam) (a1 heap-index) (a2 heap-index))
;;;; Query Instructions
(defun* %put-structure ((wam wam)
(functor symbol)
(arity arity)
(register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(setf (wam-register wam register)
(nth-value 1 (push-new-structure! wam)))
(push-new-functor! wam functor arity)
(defun* %set-variable ((wam wam) (register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(setf (wam-register wam register)
(nth-value 1 (push-unbound-reference! wam)))
(defun* %set-value ((wam wam) (register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(wam-heap-push! wam (wam-register-cell wam register))
;;;; Program Instructions
(defun* %get-structure ((wam wam)
(functor symbol)
(arity arity)
(register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(let* ((addr (deref wam (wam-register wam register)))
(cell (wam-heap-cell wam addr)))
;; If the register points at a reference cell
((cell-reference-p cell)
(bind! wam addr (wam-heap-pointer wam))
(push-new-structure! wam)
(push-new-functor! wam functor arity)
(setf (wam-mode wam) :write))
;; If the register points at a structure cell
((cell-structure-p cell)
(let* ((target-addr (cell-value cell))
(target (wam-heap-cell wam target-addr)))
(if (matching-functor-p wam target functor arity)
(setf (wam-s wam) (1+ target-addr))
(setf (wam-mode wam) :read))
(fail! wam))))
(t (fail! wam))))
(defun* %unify-variable ((wam wam) (register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(ecase (wam-mode wam)
(:read (setf (wam-register wam register)
(wam-s-cell wam)))
(:write (setf (wam-register wam register)
(nth-value 1 (push-unbound-reference! wam)))))
(incf (wam-s wam))
(defun* %unify-value ((wam wam) (register register-index))
(:returns :void)
(ecase (wam-mode wam)
(:read (unify wam
(cell-value (wam-register wam register))
(wam-s wam)))
(:write (wam-heap-push! wam (wam-register wam register))))
(incf (wam-s wam))