src/compiler/8-ui.lisp @ 7d1e30b7233c

Add rudimentary tracing support
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 03 Sep 2016 15:58:16 +0000
parents 6ed3375e2921
children fd638982ad83
(in-package #:temperance)

;;;; ,-.  .                 ,-_/     .
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;;;;   |  | . `-. |-' |     .^ | | | |  |-' |   |- ,-| |   |-'
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;;;;                                            '

;;; The final phase wraps everything else up into a sane UI.

(defun %compile-query-into (storage query)
  (multiple-value-bind (instructions permanent-variables)
      (precompile-query query)
    (optimize-instructions instructions)
    (values permanent-variables
            (render-query-into storage instructions))))

(defun compile-query (wam query)
  "Compile `query` into the query section of the WAM's code store.

  `query` should be a list of goal terms.

  Returns the permanent variables and the size of the compiled bytecode.

  (%compile-query-into (wam-code wam) query))

(defun compile-query-into (storage query)
  "Compile `query` into the given array `storage`.

  `query` should be a list of goal terms.

  Returns the permanent variables and the size of the compiled bytecode.

  (%compile-query-into storage query))

(defun compile-rules (wam rules)
  "Compile `rules` into the WAM's code store.

  Each rule in `rules` should be a clause consisting of a head term and zero or
  more body terms.  A rule with no body is called a fact.

  (multiple-value-bind (instructions functor arity)
      (precompile-rules rules)
    (optimize-instructions instructions)
    (render-rules wam functor arity instructions)))