examples/ggp-wam.lisp @ 72bbdd515725

Rewrite the compiler

A few days ago I found a bug in the compiler that I decided merited basically an
entire rewrite of it.

This was long overdue.  The compiler kind of grew organically and unhealthily
over time as I wrapped my head around how the whole WAM is structured, and now
that I understand a lot more I can do things right.

This new implementation is a lot "flatter" than the old one.  It makes use of
CLOS classes and generic methods to un-nest a lot of the crap that was
previously happening in bigass `labels` blocks.  This is a lot easier to read
and understand because you can take things a piece at a time.

Unfortunately, it's currently a lot slower than the old one.  But at least it's
*correct*, and now I can start taking a look at optimizing the performance with
a cleaner base to start from.

Notes/ideas for the near future:

* Switch to structs instead of CLOS classes for all the bits and bobs in the
  compilation process.
* Inline hot functions in the compilation process.
* Type hint the fucking compiler already.  I've put this off for far too long.
* Move the compiler to its own package for easier profiling and to maintain my
  shreds of sanity.
* Look into that generic-function-inlining library thing I saw on Reddit...
* Remove the last vestiges of `match` and kill the dependency on optima.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 07 Jun 2016 14:49:20 +0000
parents e8934091b7bb
children d255816ad1d0
(in-package #:bones.wam)

(defparameter *d* (make-database))

(with-database *d*
  (rules ((member :thing (list* :thing :rest)))
         ((member :thing (list* :other :rest))
          (member :thing :rest)))

  (rule (true :state :thing)
        (member :thing :state))

  (rule (does :performed :role :move)
        (member (does :role :move) :performed))

  (fact (role robot))

  (facts (init (off p))
         (init (off q))
         (init (off r))
         (init (off s))
         (init (step num1))))

(with-database *d*
  (rules ((next :state :performed (on p))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (off p)))
         ((next :state :performed (on q))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (on q)))
         ((next :state :performed (on r))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (on r)))
         ((next :state :performed (off p))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (on p)))
         ((next :state :performed (off q))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (off q)))
         ((next :state :performed (off r))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (off r)))

         ((next :state :performed (on p))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (on q)))
         ((next :state :performed (on q))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (on p)))
         ((next :state :performed (on r))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (on r)))
         ((next :state :performed (off p))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (off q)))
         ((next :state :performed (off q))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (off p)))
         ((next :state :performed (off r))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (off r)))

         ((next :state :performed (on p))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (on p)))
         ((next :state :performed (on q))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (on r)))
         ((next :state :performed (on r))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (on q)))
         ((next :state :performed (off p))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (off p)))
         ((next :state :performed (off q))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (off r)))
         ((next :state :performed (off r))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (off q)))

         ((next :state :performed (off s))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (off s)))
         ((next :state :performed (off s))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (off s)))
         ((next :state :performed (off s))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (off s)))
         ((next :state :performed (on s))
          (does :performed robot a)
          (true :state (on s)))
         ((next :state :performed (on s))
          (does :performed robot b)
          (true :state (on s)))
         ((next :state :performed (on s))
          (does :performed robot c)
          (true :state (on s)))
         ((next :state :performed (off s))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (on s)))
         ((next :state :performed (on s))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (off s)))

         ((next :state :performed (on p))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (on p)))
         ((next :state :performed (off p))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (off p)))

         ((next :state :performed (on q))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (on q)))
         ((next :state :performed (off q))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (off q)))

         ((next :state :performed (on r))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (on r)))
         ((next :state :performed (off r))
          (does :performed robot d)
          (true :state (off r)))

         ((next :state :performed (step :y))
          (true :state (step :x))
          (succ :x :y))))

(with-database *d*
  (facts (succ num1 num2)
         (succ num2 num3)
         (succ num3 num4)
         (succ num4 num5)
         (succ num5 num6)
         (succ num6 num7)
         (succ num7 num8))

  (facts (legal robot a)
         (legal robot b)
         (legal robot c)
         (legal robot d)))

(with-database *d*
  (rules ((goal :state robot num100)
          (true :state (on p))
          (true :state (on q))
          (true :state (on r))
          (true :state (on s))
         ((goal :state robot num0)
          (true :state (off p)))
         ((goal :state robot num0)
          (true :state (off q)))
         ((goal :state robot num0)
          (true :state (off r)))
         ((goal :state robot num0)
          (true :state (off s)))

  (rules ((terminal :state)
          (true :state (step num8)))
         ((terminal :state)
          (true :state (on p))
          (true :state (on q))
          (true :state (on r))
          (true :state (on s))

(defun extract (key results)
  (mapcar (lambda (result) (getf result key)) results))

(defun to-prolog-list (l)
  (if (null l)
    (list* 'list l)))

(defun initial-state ()
    (with-database *d*
      (extract :what (return-all (init :what))))))

(defun terminalp (state)
  (with-database *d*
    (perform-prove `((terminal ,state)))))

(defun legal-moves (state)
  (declare (ignore state))
  (with-database *d*
    (return-all (legal :role :move))))

(defun roles ()
  (with-database *d*
    (extract :role (return-all (role :role)))))

(defun goal-value (state role)
  (with-database *d*
    (getf (perform-return `((goal ,state ,role :goal)) :one) :goal)))

(defun goal-values (state)
  (with-database *d*
    (perform-return `((goal ,state :role :goal)) :all)))

(defun next-state (current-state move)
  (let ((does `(list (does
                       ,(getf move :role)
                       ,(getf move :move)))))
    (with-database *d*
        (extract :what
                 (perform-return `((next ,current-state ,does :what)) :all))))))

(defvar *count* 0)

(defstruct search-path state (path nil) (previous nil))

(defun tree-search (states goal-p children combine)
      ((recur (states)
         (if (null states)
           (destructuring-bind (state . remaining) states
             (incf *count*)
             ; (format t "Searching: ~S (~D remaining)~%" state (length remaining))
             (if (funcall goal-p state)
               (recur (funcall combine
                               (funcall children state)
    (let ((result (recur states)))
      (when result
        (reverse (search-path-path result))))))

(defun buttons-goal-p (search-path)
  (let ((state (search-path-state search-path)))
    (and (terminalp state)
         (eql (goal-value state 'robot) 'num100))))

(defun buttons-children (search-path)
  (let ((state (search-path-state search-path))
        (path (search-path-path search-path)))
    (when (not (terminalp state))
      (loop :for move :in (legal-moves state)
            :collect (make-search-path :state (next-state state move)
                                       :path (cons move path)
                                       :previous search-path)))))

(defun never (&rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))

(defun dfs ()
  (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))

(defun dfs-exhaust ()
  (let ((*count* 0))
        (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))
      (format t "Searched ~D nodes.~%" *count*))))

(defun bfs ()
  (tree-search (list (make-search-path :state (initial-state)))
               (lambda (x y)
                 (append y x))))

; (sb-sprof:with-profiling
;     (:report :flat
;      :sample-interval 0.001
;      :loop nil)
;   (dfs-exhaust)
;   )