package.lisp @ 564c709801aa

Implement the query code runner

Also adds a few convenience functions for functors, and makes structures print
more nicely in the heap dump.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 10 Apr 2016 16:02:54 +0000
parents e29b793a6e91
children d16b5b360398
(defpackage #:bones
  (:use #:cl)
  (:export #:hello))

(defpackage #:bones.utils
  (:use #:cl

(defpackage #:bones.wam
  (:use #:cl
  (:import-from #:optima #:match)
  (:shadowing-import-from #:cl-arrows #:->))

(defpackage #:bones.paip
  (:use #:cl #:defstar #:bones.quickutils)
  (:documentation "Test?")

   ;; Unification, constants
   #:fail #:no-bindings

   ;; Destructive unification

   ;; Database management

   ;; Lisp data structures as results

   ;; Interactive queries