contrib/gdl-benchmark/run-temperance.ros @ 45622a0c4e96

Set up the basic framework for the benchmark
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 24 Aug 2016 15:43:20 +0000
parents 9da17791e5da
children 1f0a36161f17
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"

;;;; Dependencies -------------------------------------------------------------
(ql:quickload :uiop :silent t)
(ql:quickload :unix-opts :silent t)
(ql:quickload :split-sequence :silent t)
(ql:quickload :losh :silent t)
(ql:quickload :temperance :silent t)

;;;; Package ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defpackage #:temperance.contrib.gdl-benchmark

(in-package #:temperance.contrib.gdl-benchmark)

;;;; Benchmarking -------------------------------------------------------------
(defun read-file (path)
  (with-open-file (file path :direction :input)
    (loop :for form = (read file nil 'eof)
          :until (eq form 'eof)
          :collect form)))

(defun read-gdl (path)
  (read-file path))

(defun read-trace (path)
  ;; (moves m1 m2 ...) -> (m1 m2 ...)
  (mapcar #'rest (read-file path)))

(defun load-gdl-preamble ()
  (push-logic-frame-with t
    (rule t (not ?x) (call ?x) ! fail)
    (fact t (not ?x))

    (rule t (or ?x ?y) (call ?x))
    (rule t (or ?x ?y) (call ?y))

    (rule t (distinct ?x ?x) ! fail)
    (fact t (distinct ?x ?y))))

(defun build-clause (clause)
  (if (and (consp clause)
           (eq (first clause) '<=))
    (destructuring-bind (arrow head . body)
      (declare (ignore arrow))
      (apply #'invoke-rule t head body))
    (invoke-fact t clause)))

(defun build-database (gdl)
  (push-logic-frame-with t
    (mapc #'build-clause gdl)))

(defun normalize-state (state)
  ;; TODO: should this be excluded from the benchmark?
  (remove-duplicates state :test 'equal))

(defun initial-state ()
    (query-map t (lambda (r) (getf r '?what))
               (init ?what))))

(defun terminalp ()
  (prove t terminal))

(defun roles ()
  (query-map t (lambda (r) (getf r '?role))
             (role ?role)))

(defun goal-values ()
  (remove-duplicates (query-all t (goal ?role ?goal))
                     :test 'equal))

(defun next-state ()
    (query-map t (lambda (r) (getf r '?what))
               (next ?what))))

(defun apply-state (state)
  (push-logic-frame-with t
    (loop :for fact :in state
          :do (invoke-fact t `(true ,fact)))))

(defun apply-moves (moves)
  (push-logic-frame-with t
    (loop :for (role . action) :in moves
          :do (invoke-fact t `(does ,role ,action)))))

(defun clear-state ()
  (pop-logic-frame t))

(defun clear-moves ()
  (pop-logic-frame t))

(defun move= (move1 move2)
  (equal move1 move2))

(defun move-role= (move1 move2)
  (eq (car move1) (car move2)))

(defun legal-moves ()
  (let* ((individual-moves
             (query-map t (lambda (move)
                            (cons (getf move '?role)
                                  (getf move '?action)))
                        (legal ?role ?action))
             :test #'move=))
           (equivalence-classes #'move-role= individual-moves))
           (apply #'map-product #'list player-moves)))

(defun build-traces (traces)
    :with roles = (roles) ;; ugly to depend on the logic here but whatever idc
    :for trace :in traces
        :collect (loop :for move :in trace
                       :for role :in roles
                       :collect (cons role move))))

(defun run (modes limit gdl-file trace-file)
  (declare (ignore modes limit))
  (build-database (read-gdl gdl-file))
  (build-traces ())
  (print (roles))
  (print (build-traces (read-trace trace-file)))
  (print (initial-state))
  (print (terminalp))
  (apply-state (initial-state))
  (print (legal-moves))

;;;; CLI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun program-name ()
  ;; dammit roswell
  (let ((ros-opts (uiop:getenv "ROS_OPTS")))
    (if ros-opts
      (read-from-string (second (assoc "script"
                                       (let ((*read-eval*))
                                         (read-from-string ros-opts))
                                       :test 'equal)))
      (first (opts:argv)))))

  (:name :help
   :description "print this help text"
   :short #\h
   :long "help")
  (:name :verbose
   :description "verbose output"
   :short #\v
   :long "verbose"))

(defparameter *required-options*
  (format nil "Required parameters:

  SEARCH-MODES   A space-separated list of one or more of {dfs, fdfs, mc}.

  LIMIT          A positive integer denoting the playclock limit (for dfs/mc)
                 or depth limit (for fdfs).

  GDL-FILE       Path to the GDL file to run.  Does NOT need the version with the
                 extra base propositions.

  TRACE-FILE     Path to the corresponding trace file."))

(defparameter *verbose* nil)

(defun usage ()
  (let ((prog (program-name)))
      :prefix (format nil "~A - Benchmark Temperance for GDL reasoning." prog)
      :suffix *required-options*
      :usage-of prog

(defun die (message &rest args)
  (apply #'format *error-output* message args)
  #+sbcl (sb-ext:exit :code 1)
  #-sbcl (quit))

(defun parse-modes (modes)
  (-<> modes
    (split-sequence:split-sequence #\space <>
                                   :remove-empty-subseqs t)
    (mapcar #'string-upcase <>)
    (mapcar #'ensure-keyword <>)))

(defun parse-limit (limit)
      (parse-integer limit)
    (parse-error (e)
      (declare (ignore e))
      (die "ERROR: limit '~A' is not an integer.~%" limit))))

(defun main (&rest argv)
  (multiple-value-bind (options arguments)
      (opts:get-opts argv)

    (setf *verbose* (getf options :verbose))

    (when (getf options :help)
      (return-from main))

    (when (not (= 4 (length arguments)))
      (die "ERROR: All arguments are required.~%"))

    (destructuring-bind (modes limit gdl-file trace-file) arguments
      (run (parse-modes modes)
           (parse-limit limit)