src/wam/dump.lisp @ 209ecb9eeb25

Use a queues instead of lists for the logic frame pending predicates

I wonder if this is ACTUALLY faster, since often there will probably only be
a couple of entries in a particular predicate's list?  But then again there are
some HUGE predicates (e.g. successor relations), so it'll benefit us there.

Either way, conceptually the thing should be FIFO, so as long as using queues
doesn't COST us performance I'm happy.
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 05 Jul 2016 23:37:14 +0000 (2016-07-05)
parents 410acaae0c14
children 92c590f78133
(in-package #:bones.wam)

(defun registers-pointing-to (wam addr)
    :for r :from 0 :below +register-count+
    :for reg = (wam-local-register wam r)
    :when (= reg addr)
    :collect r))

(defun heap-debug (wam addr cell indent-p)
    nil "~A~A~{<-X~A ~}"
    (if indent-p
      "  "
    (switch ((cell-type cell))
        (if (= addr (cell-value cell))
          "unbound variable "
          (format nil "var pointer to ~4,'0X " (cell-value cell))))
        (format nil "structure pointer to ~4,'0X " (cell-value cell)))
        (destructuring-bind (functor . arity)
            (wam-functor-lookup wam (cell-value cell))
          (format nil "~A/~D " functor arity)))
        (format nil "~A/0 " (wam-functor-symbol wam (cell-value cell))))
      (t ""))
    (registers-pointing-to wam addr)))

(defun dump-heap (wam from to highlight)
  ;; This code is awful, sorry.
  (let ((store (wam-store wam)))
    (format t "HEAP~%")
    (format t "  +------+-----+----------+--------------------------------------+~%")
    (format t "  | ADDR | TYP |    VALUE | DEBUG                                |~%")
    (format t "  +------+-----+----------+--------------------------------------+~%")
    (when (> from +heap-start+)
      (format t "  |    ⋮ |  ⋮  |        ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
    (flet ((print-cell (i cell indent)
             (let ((hi (= i highlight)))
               (format t "~A ~4,'0X | ~A | ~8,'0X | ~36A ~A~%"
                       (if hi "==>" "  |")
                       (cell-type-short-name cell)
                       (cell-value cell)
                       (heap-debug wam i cell (> indent 0))
                       (if hi "<===" "|")))))
      (loop :for i :from from :below to
            :with indent = 0
            :for cell = (aref store i)
              (print-cell i cell indent)
              (if (cell-functor-p cell)
                (setf indent (wam-functor-arity wam (cell-value cell)))
                (when (not (zerop indent))
                  (decf indent))))))
    (when (< to (wam-heap-pointer wam))
      (format t "  |    ⋮ |  ⋮  |        ⋮ |                                      |~%"))
    (format t "  +------+-----+----------+--------------------------------------+~%")

(defun dump-stack (wam)
  (format t "STACK~%")
  (format t "  +------+----------+-------------------------------+~%")
  (format t "  | ADDR |    VALUE |                               |~%")
  (format t "  +------+----------+-------------------------------+~%")
  (with-accessors ((e wam-environment-pointer)
                   (b wam-backtrack-pointer))
    (when (not (= +stack-start+ e b))
        :with nargs = nil
        :with arg = 0
        :with currently-in = nil
        :for addr :from (1+ +stack-start+) :below (wam-stack-top wam)
        :for cell = (wam-stack-word wam addr)
        :for offset = 0 :then (1+ offset)
        (when (not (zerop addr))
          (switch (addr :test #'=)
            (e (setf currently-in :frame offset 0 arg 0))
            (b (setf currently-in :choice offset 0 arg 0))))
        (format t "  | ~4,'0X | ~8,'0X | ~30A|~A~A~%"
                (case currently-in ; jesus christ this needs to get fixed
                     ((= addr +stack-start+) "")
                     ((= offset 0) "CE ===========================")
                     ((= offset 1) "CP")
                     ((= offset 2) "CUT")
                     ((= offset 3)
                      (if (zerop cell)
                          (setf currently-in nil)
                          "N: EMPTY")
                          (setf nargs cell)
                          (format nil "N: ~D" cell))))
                     ((< arg nargs)
                          (format nil " Y~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
                        (when (= nargs (incf arg))
                          (setf currently-in nil))))))
                  (:choice ; sweet lord make it stop
                     ((= addr +stack-start+) "")
                     ((= offset 0)
                      (if (zerop cell)
                          (setf currently-in nil)
                          "N: EMPTY =================")
                          (setf nargs cell)
                          (format nil "N: ~D =============" cell))))
                     ((= offset 1) "CE saved env pointer")
                     ((= offset 2) "CP saved cont pointer")
                     ((= offset 3) "CB previous choice")
                     ((= offset 4) "BP next clause")
                     ((= offset 5) "TR saved trail pointer")
                     ((= offset 6) "H  saved heap pointer")
                     ((< arg nargs)
                          (format nil " A~D: ~8,'0X ~A"
                                  arg cell (cell-aesthetic cell))
                        (when (= nargs (incf arg))
                          (setf currently-in nil))))))
                  (t ""))
                (if (= addr e) " <- E" "")
                (if (= addr b) " <- B" "")))))
  (format t "  +------+----------+-------------------------------+~%"))

(defun pretty-functor (functor-index functor-list)
  (when functor-list
    (destructuring-bind (symbol . arity)
        (elt functor-list functor-index)
      (format nil "~A/~D" symbol arity))))

(defun pretty-arguments (arguments)
  (format nil "~{ ~4,'0X~}" arguments))

(defgeneric instruction-details (opcode arguments functor-list))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode t) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "~A~A"
          (opcode-short-name opcode)
          (pretty-arguments arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-variable-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "SVAR~A      ; X~A <- new unbound REF"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-variable-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "SVAR~A      ; Y~A <- new unbound REF"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-value-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "SVLU~A      ; new REF to X~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-value-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "SVLU~A      ; new REF to Y~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-structure+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GETS~A ; X~A = ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-structure+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PUTS~A ; X~A <- new ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-variable-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GVAR~A ; X~A <- A~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-variable-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GVAR~A ; Y~A <- A~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-value-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GVLU~A ; X~A = A~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-value-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GVLU~A ; Y~A = A~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-variable-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PVAR~A ; X~A <- A~A <- new unbound REF"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-variable-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PVAR~A ; Y~A <- A~A <- new unbound REF"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)
          (second arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-value-local+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PVLU~A ; A~A <- X~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-value-stack+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PVLU~A ; A~A <- Y~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-call+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "CALL~A      ; ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-constant+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GCON~A ; X~A = CONSTANT ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-constant+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PCON~A ; X~A <- CONSTANT ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (second arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-set-constant+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "SCON~A      ; SET CONSTANT ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-unify-constant+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "UCON~A      ; UNIFY CONSTANT ~A"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (pretty-functor (first arguments) functor-list)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-get-list+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "GLST~A      ; X~A = [vvv | vvv]"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defmethod instruction-details ((opcode (eql +opcode-put-list+)) arguments functor-list)
  (format nil "PLST~A      ; X~A = [vvv | vvv]"
          (pretty-arguments arguments)
          (first arguments)))

(defun dump-code-store (wam code-store
                        (from 0)
                        (to (length code-store)))
  ;; This is a little trickier than might be expected.  We have to walk from
  ;; address 0 no matter what `from` we get, because instruction sizes vary and
  ;; aren't aligned.  So if we just start at `from` we might start in the middle
  ;; of an instruction and everything would be fucked.
  (let ((addr 0)
        (lbls (bones.utils::invert-hash-table (wam-code-labels wam)))) ; oh god
    (while (< addr to)
      (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction code-store addr)))
        (when (>= addr from)
          (let ((lbl (gethash addr lbls))) ; forgive me
            (when lbl
              (format t ";;;; BEGIN ~A~%"
                      (pretty-functor lbl (wam-functors wam)))))
          (format t ";~A~4,'0X: "
                  (if (= (wam-program-counter wam) addr)
                    "  ")
          (format t "~A~%" (instruction-details (aref instruction 0)
                                                (rest (coerce instruction 'list))
                                                (wam-functors wam))))
        (incf addr (length instruction))))))

(defun dump-code
     (from (max (- (wam-program-counter wam) 8) ; wow
                0)) ; this
     (to (min (+ (wam-program-counter wam) 8) ; is
              (length (wam-code wam))))) ; bad
  (format t "CODE (size: ~D frame(s) / ~:[OPEN~;CLOSED~])~%"
          (length (wam-code-stack wam))
          (wam-code-closed-p wam))
  (dump-code-store wam (wam-code wam) from to))

(defun dump-wam-registers (wam)
  (format t "REGISTERS:~%")
  (format t  "~5@A -> ~8X~%" "S" (wam-subterm wam))
  (loop :for register :from 0 :to +register-count+
        :for contents :across (wam-store wam)
        :when (not (cell-null-p contents))
        (format t "~5@A -> ~8,'0X ~10A ~A~%"
                (format nil "X~D" register)
                (cell-aesthetic contents)
                (format nil "; ~A" (first (extract-things wam (list register)))))))

(defun dump-wam-functors (wam)
  (format t "        FUNCTORS: ~S~%" (wam-functors wam)))

(defun dump-wam-trail (wam)
  (format t "    TRAIL: ")
  (loop :for addr :across (wam-trail wam) :do
        (format t "~4,'0X ~A //"
                (cell-aesthetic (wam-store-cell wam addr))))
  (format t "~%"))

(defun dump-labels (wam)
  (format t "LABELS:~%~{  ~A -> ~4,'0X~^~%~}~%"
          (loop :for functor-index
                :being :the :hash-keys :of (wam-code-labels wam)
                :using (hash-value address)
                :nconc (list (pretty-functor functor-index
                                             (wam-functors wam))

(defun dump-wam (wam from to highlight)
  (format t "            FAIL: ~A~%" (wam-fail wam))
  (format t "    BACKTRACKED?: ~A~%" (wam-backtracked wam))
  (format t "            MODE: ~S~%" (wam-mode wam))
  (dump-wam-functors wam)
  (format t "       HEAP SIZE: ~A~%" (- (wam-heap-pointer wam) +heap-start+))
  (format t " PROGRAM COUNTER: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-program-counter wam))
  (format t "CONTINUATION PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-continuation-pointer wam))
  (format t " ENVIRONMENT PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-environment-pointer wam))
  (format t "   BACKTRACK PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-backtrack-pointer wam))
  (format t "         CUT PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-cut-pointer wam))
  (format t "HEAP BCKTRCK PTR: ~4,'0X~%" (wam-heap-backtrack-pointer wam))
  (dump-wam-trail wam)
  (dump-wam-registers wam)
  (format t "~%")
  (dump-heap wam from to highlight)
  (format t "~%")
  (dump-stack wam)
  (format t "~%")
  (dump-labels wam)
  (dump-code wam))

(defun dump-wam-query-code (wam &optional (max +maximum-query-size+))
  (with-slots (code) wam
    (dump-code-store wam code 0 max)))

(defun dump-wam-code (wam)
  (with-slots (code) wam
    (dump-code-store wam code +maximum-query-size+ (length code))))

(defun dump-wam-full (wam)
  (dump-wam wam +heap-start+ (wam-heap-pointer wam) -1))

(defun dump-wam-around (wam addr width)
  (dump-wam wam
            (max +heap-start+ (- addr width))
            (min (wam-heap-pointer wam)
                 (+ addr width 1))