test/paip.lisp @ 1dd07907df49

Implement the stack, register designators, and track permanent vars

Still need to implement the machine code changes to handle permanent vars, as
well as the allocation instructions.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 15 Apr 2016 20:28:35 +0000
parents e38bc4395d65
children d8d6647dd9fb
(in-package #:bones-test.paip)

(def-suite :bones.paip)
(in-suite :bones.paip)

;;;; Utils
(defun alist-equal (x y)
  (set-equal x y :test #'equal))

(defmacro unifies (x y bindings)
  `(is (alist-equal ,(if (eql bindings 'no-bindings)
                    (unify ',x ',y))))

(defmacro not-unifies (x y)
  `(is (eql bones.paip:fail (unify ',x ',y))))

(defmacro with-db (rules &rest body)
    ,@(mapcar (lambda (rule) `(rule ,@rule))

(defmacro proves (query)
  `(is-true (return-all ,query)))

(defmacro not-proves (query)
  `(is-false (return-all ,query)))

(defmacro proves-with (query results)
  `(is (set-equal ',results (return-all ,query)
                  :test #'alist-equal)))

;;;; Unification
(test constant-unification
  (unifies 1 1 no-bindings)
  (unifies foo foo no-bindings)
  (unifies (a) (a) no-bindings)
  (unifies (a b c) (a b c) no-bindings)
  (not-unifies 1 2)
  (not-unifies foo bar)
  (not-unifies a (a))
  (not-unifies (a) (a b))
  (not-unifies () (a)))

(test variable-unification
  (unifies ?x 1 ((?x . 1)))
  (unifies ?x a ((?x . a)))
  (unifies ?x ?y ((?x . ?y)))
  (unifies (?x (f ?x)) (2 (f 2)) ((?x . 2)))
  (unifies (likes sally ?thing)
           (likes ?person cats)
           ((?thing . cats)
            (?person . sally)))
  (unifies (?x + ?y)
           (10 + (1 + 2))
           ((?x . 10)
            (?y . (1 + 2))))
  (unifies (?x + (?y + ?z))
           (10 + (1 + 2))
           ((?x . 10)
            (?y . 1)
            (?z . 2)))
  (not-unifies (?x ?x) (1 2))
  (not-unifies (?x ?y ?x) (1 1 3)))

(test occurs-unification
  (not-unifies ?x (f ?x))
  (not-unifies ?x (f (?x 1)))
  (not-unifies ?x (?x ?x))
  (not-unifies ?x (?x ?y))
  (let ((*check-occurs* nil))
    (unifies ?x (f ?x)     ((?x . (f ?x))))
    (unifies ?x (f (?x 1)) ((?x . (f (?x 1)))))
    (unifies ?x (?x ?x)    ((?x . (?x ?x))))
    (unifies ?x (?x ?y)    ((?x . (?x ?y))))))

;;;; Basic Proving
(test prove-facts
  (with-db (((likes kim cats))
            ((likes tom cats)))
    (proves (likes kim cats))
    (proves (likes tom cats))
    (not-proves (likes kim tom))
    (not-proves (likes kim))))

(test prove-rules-simple
  (with-db (((likes kim cats))
            ((likes sally ?x) (likes ?x cats)))
    (proves (likes sally kim))
    (not-proves (likes sally sally))))

(test prove-member
  (with-db (((member ?x (?x . ?tail)))
            ((member ?x (?y . ?tail)) (member ?x ?tail)))
    (proves (member 1 (1 2)))
    (proves (member 2 (1 2)))
    (proves (member (x) (1 (x) 2)))
    (not-proves (member 1 ()))
    (not-proves (member ?x ()))
    (not-proves (member 1 (a b c)))
    (proves-with (member ?x (1 2 3))
                 (((?x . 1))
                  ((?x . 2))
                  ((?x . 3))))
    (proves-with (member ?x (1 1 1))
                 (((?x . 1))))
    (proves-with (member (?x ?y) ((a b) (c d) 1))
                 (((?x . a) (?y . b))
                  ((?x . c) (?y . d))))))

(test prove-last
  (with-db (((last ?x (?x)))
            ((last ?x (?y . ?tail)) (last ?x ?tail)))
    (proves (last 1 (1)))
    (proves (last 2 (1 2)))
    (not-proves (last 1 ()))
    (not-proves (last 1 ((1))))
    (not-proves (last 1 (1 2)))
    (proves-with (last ?x (1 2 3))
                 (((?x . 3))))
    (proves-with (last ?x (1 (2 3)))
                 (((?x . (2 3)))))))