src/wam/cells.lisp @ 1dd07907df49

Implement the stack, register designators, and track permanent vars

Still need to implement the machine code changes to handle permanent vars, as
well as the allocation instructions.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 15 Apr 2016 20:28:35 +0000
parents 6138ec555cde
children b36cb61805d4
(in-package #:bones.wam)

;;; The cells of the WAM are essentially N bit bytes, with different chunks of
;;; bits representing different things.  All cells have type tag bits in the
;;; low-order bits and their value in the higher-order bits:
;;;   value         type
;;;   vvvvvvvvvvvvvvTT
;;; The contents of the value depend on the type of cell.
;;; NULL cells always have a value of zero.
;;; STRUCTURE cell values are an index into the heap, describing where the
;;; structure starts.
;;; REFERENCE cell values are an index into the heap, pointing at whatever the
;;; value is bound to.  Unbound variables contain their own heap index as
;;; a value.
;;; FUNCTOR cell values are again split into two chunks of bits:
;;;   index     arity
;;;   iiiiiiiiiiAAAA
;;; The index is the index into the WAM's functor table where this functor's
;;; symbol lives.  Arity is the arity of the functor.

(defun* cell-type ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns heap-cell-tag)
  (logand cell +cell-tag-bitmask+))

(defun* cell-value ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns heap-cell-value)
  (ash cell (- +cell-tag-width+)))

(defun* cell-type-name ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns string)
  (eswitch ((cell-type cell) :test #'=)
    (+tag-null+ "NULL")
    (+tag-structure+ "STRUCTURE")
    (+tag-reference+ "REFERENCE")
    (+tag-functor+ "FUNCTOR")))

(defun* cell-type-short-name ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns string)
  (eswitch ((cell-type cell) :test #'=)
    (+tag-null+ "NUL")
    (+tag-structure+ "STR")
    (+tag-reference+ "REF")
    (+tag-functor+ "FUN")))

(defun* cell-functor-index ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns functor-index)
  (cell-value cell))

(defun* cell-aesthetic ((cell heap-cell))
  "Return a compact, human-friendly string representation of the cell."
  (format nil "[~A~A]"
          (cell-type-short-name cell)
          (eswitch ((cell-type cell))
            (+tag-null+ "")
              (format nil " ~D" (cell-value cell)))
              (format nil " ~D"
                      (cell-functor-index cell)))
              (format nil " ~D" (cell-value cell))))))

(defun* cell-null-p ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns boolean)
  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-null+))

(defun* cell-reference-p ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns boolean)
  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-reference+))

(defun* cell-functor-p ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns boolean)
  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-functor+))

(defun* cell-structure-p ((cell heap-cell))
  (:returns boolean)
  (= (cell-type cell) +tag-structure+))

(defun* make-cell ((tag heap-cell-tag) (value heap-cell-value))
  (:returns heap-cell)
    (logior (ash value +cell-tag-width+)

(defun* make-cell-null ()
  (:returns heap-cell)
  (make-cell +tag-null+ 0))

(defun* make-cell-structure ((value heap-cell-value))
  (:returns heap-cell)
  (make-cell +tag-structure+ value))

(defun* make-cell-reference ((value heap-cell-value))
  (:returns heap-cell)
  (make-cell +tag-reference+ value))

(defun* make-cell-functor ((functor-index functor-index))
  (:returns heap-cell)
  (make-cell +tag-functor+ functor-index))