src/paip-compiled.lisp @ 1dd07907df49

Implement the stack, register designators, and track permanent vars

Still need to implement the machine code changes to handle permanent vars, as
well as the allocation instructions.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 15 Apr 2016 20:28:35 +0000
parents 6b2403fb07d8
children 5593ae4bcb5c
(in-package #:bones.paip)

;;;; Utils
(defun find-all (item sequence
                      &rest keyword-args
                      &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
  "Find all elements of the sequence that match the item.

  Does not alter the sequence.

  (if test-not
    (apply #'remove
           item sequence :test-not (complement test-not)
    (apply #'remove
           item sequence :test (complement test)

(defun find-anywhere (item tree)
  "Does item occur anywhere in tree?"
  (if (atom tree)
    (if (eql item tree) tree)
    (or (find-anywhere item (first tree))
        (find-anywhere item (rest tree)))))

(defun interned-symbol (&rest args)
  (intern (format nil "~{~A~}" args)))

(defun new-symbol (&rest args)
  (make-symbol (format nil "~{~A~}" args)))

(defun find-if-anywhere (test expr)
  (cond ((funcall test expr) t)
        ((consp expr) (or (find-if-anywhere test (car expr))
                          (find-if-anywhere test (cdr expr))))
        (t nil)))

;;;; UNIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Variables
(define-constant unbound "Unbound"
  :test #'equal
  :documentation "A magic constant representing an unbound variable.")

(defvar *var-counter* 0
  "The number of variables created so far.")

(defstruct (var (:constructor ? ())
                (:print-function print-var))
  (name (incf *var-counter*)) ; The variable's name (defaults to a new number)
  (binding unbound)) ; The variable's binding (defaults to unbound)

(defun* print-var ((var var) stream depth)
  (if (or (and (numberp *print-level*)
               (>= depth *print-level*))
          (var-p (deref var)))
    (format stream "?~A" (var-name var))
    (write var :stream stream)))

(defun* bound-p ((var var))
  (:returns boolean)
  "Return whether the given variable has been bound."
  (not (eq (var-binding var) unbound)))

(defmacro deref (expr)
  "Chase all the bindings for the given expression in place."
    (loop :while (and (var-p ,expr) (bound-p ,expr))
          :do (setf ,expr (var-binding ,expr)))

;;;; Bindings
(defvar *trail* (make-array 200 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
  "The trail of variable bindings performed so far.")

(defun* set-binding! ((var var) value)
  (:returns (eql t))
  "Set `var`'s binding to `value` after saving it in the trail.

  Always returns `t` (success).

  (when (not (eq var value))
    (vector-push-extend var *trail*)
    (setf (var-binding var) value))

(defun* undo-bindings! ((old-trail integer))
  (:returns :void)
  "Undo all bindings back to a given point in the trail.

  The point is specified by giving the desired fill pointer.

  (loop :until (= (fill-pointer *trail*) old-trail)
        :do (setf (var-binding (vector-pop *trail*)) unbound))

;;;; Unification
(defun* unify! (x y)
  (:returns boolean)
  "Destructively unify two expressions, returning whether it was successful.

  Any variables in `x` and `y` may have their bindings set.

    ;; If they're identical objects (taking bindings into account), they unify.
    ((eql (deref x) (deref y)) t)

    ;; If they're not identical, but one is a variable, bind it to the other.
    ((var-p x) (set-binding! x y))
    ((var-p y) (set-binding! y x))

    ;; If they're both non-empty lists, unify the cars and cdrs.
    ((and (consp x) (consp y))
     (and (unify! (first x) (first y))
          (unify! (rest x) (rest y))))

    ;; Otherwise they don't unify.
    (t nil)))

;;;; COMPILATION --------------------------------------------------------------
(deftype relation ()

(deftype clause ()
  '(trivial-types:proper-list relation))

(deftype non-negative-integer ()
  '(integer 0))

(defun prolog-compile (symbol &optional (clauses (get-clauses symbol)))
  "Compile a symbol; make a separate function for each arity."
  (when (not (null clauses))
    (let* ((arity (relation-arity (clause-head (first clauses))))
           (matching-arity-clauses (clauses-with-arity clauses #'= arity))
           (other-arity-clauses (clauses-with-arity clauses #'/= arity)))
      (compile-predicate symbol arity matching-arity-clauses)
      (prolog-compile symbol other-arity-clauses))))

(defun* clauses-with-arity
    ((clauses (trivial-types:proper-list clause))
     (test function)
     (arity non-negative-integer))
  "Return all clauses whose heads have the given arity."
  (find-all arity clauses
            :key #'(lambda (clause)
                    (relation-arity (clause-head clause)))
            :test test))

(defun* relation-arity ((relation relation))
  (:returns non-negative-integer)
  "Return the number of arguments of the given relation.

  For example: `(relation-arity '(likes sally cats))` => `2`

  (length (relation-arguments relation)))

(defun* relation-arguments ((relation relation))
  (:returns list)
  "Return the arguments of the given relation.

  For example:

    * (relation-arguments '(likes sally cats))
    (sally cats)

  (rest relation))

(defun* compile-predicate
    ((symbol symbol)
     (arity non-negative-integer)
     (clauses (trivial-types:proper-list clause)))
  "Compile all the clauses for the symbol+arity into a single Lisp function."
  (let ((predicate (make-predicate symbol arity))
        (parameters (make-parameters arity)))
        `(defun ,predicate (,@parameters continuation)
              (mapcar #'(lambda (clause)
                         (compile-clause parameters clause 'continuation))

(defun* make-parameters ((arity non-negative-integer))
  (:returns (trivial-types:proper-list symbol))
  "Return the list (?arg1 ?arg2 ... ?argN)."
  (loop :for i :from 1 :to arity
        :collect (new-symbol '?arg i)))

(defun* make-predicate ((symbol symbol)
                        (arity non-negative-integer))
  (:returns symbol)
  "Returns (and interns) the symbol with the Prolog-style name symbol/arity."
  (values (interned-symbol symbol '/ arity)))

(defun make-= (x y)
  `(= ,x ,y))

(defun compile-clause (parameters clause continuation)
  "Transform away the head and compile the resulting body."
        (mapcar #'make-= parameters (relation-arguments (clause-head clause)))
        (clause-body clause))
      (mapcar #'self-cons parameters))))

(defun compile-body (body continuation bindings)
  "Compile the body of a clause."
  (if (null body)
    `(funcall ,continuation)
    (let* ((goal (first body))
           (macro (prolog-compiler-macro (predicate goal)))
           (macro-val (when macro
                        (funcall macro goal (rest body) continuation bindings))))
      (if (and macro (not (eq macro-val :pass)))
          (make-predicate (predicate goal)
                          (relation-arity goal))
          (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (compile-arg arg bindings))
                  (relation-arguments goal))
          (if (null (rest body))
            `#'(lambda ()
                 ,(compile-body (rest body) continuation
                                (bind-new-variables bindings goal)))))))))

(defun bind-new-variables (bindings goal)
  "Extend bindings to include any unbound variables in goal."
  (let ((variables (remove-if #'(lambda (v) (assoc v bindings))
                              (variables-in goal))))
    (nconc (mapcar #'self-cons variables) bindings)))

(defun self-cons (x) (cons x x))

(defun compile-call (predicate args continuation)
  `(,predicate ,@args ,continuation))

(defun prolog-compiler-macro (name)
  "Fetch the compiler macro for a Prolog predicate."
  (get name 'prolog-compiler-macro))

(defmacro def-prolog-compiler-macro (name arglist &body body)
  "Define a compiler macro for Prolog."
  `(setf (get ',name 'prolog-compiler-macro)
         #'(lambda ,arglist .,body)))

  = (goal body continuation bindings)
  (let ((args (relation-arguments goal)))
    (if (/= (length args) 2)
      (multiple-value-bind (code1 bindings1)
          (compile-unify (first args) (second args) bindings)
          (compile-if code1 (compile-body body continuation bindings1))))))

(defun compile-unify (x y bindings)
  "Return 2 values: code to test if x any y unify, and a new binding list."
    ((not (or (has-variable-p x) (has-variable-p y)))
     (values (equal x y) bindings))
    ((and (consp x) (consp y))
     (multiple-value-bind (code1 bindings1)
         (compile-unify (first x) (first y) bindings)
       (multiple-value-bind (code2 bindings2)
           (compile-unify (rest x) (rest y) bindings1)
         (values (compile-if code1 code2) bindings2))))
    ((variable-p x) (compile-unify-variable x y bindings))
    (t (compile-unify-variable y x bindings))))

(defun compile-if (pred then-part)
  (case pred
    ((t) then-part)
    ((nil) nil)
    (otherwise `(if ,pred ,then-part))))

(defun compile-unify-variable (x y bindings)
  "X is a variable, and Y might be."
  (let* ((xb (follow-binding x bindings))
         (x1 (if xb (cdr xb) x))
         (yb (if (variable-p y) (follow-binding y bindings)))
         (y1 (if yb (cdr yb) y)))
      ((or (eq x '?) (eq y '?)) (values t bindings))
      ((not (and (equal x x1) (equal y y1)))
       (compile-unify x1 y1 bindings))
      ((find-anywhere x1 y1) (values nil bindings))
      ((consp y1)
       (values `(unify! ,x1 ,(compile-arg y1 bindings))
               (bind-variables-in y1 bindings)))
      ((not (null xb))
       (if (and (variable-p y1) (null yb))
           (values 't (extend-bindings y1 x1 bindings))
           (values `(unify! ,x1 ,(compile-arg y1 bindings))
                   (extend-bindings x1 y1 bindings))))
      ((not (null yb))
       (compile-unify-variable y1 x1 bindings))
      (t (values 't (extend-bindings x1 y1 bindings))))))

(defun bind-variables-in (exp bindings)
  "Bind all variables in exp to themselves, and add that to bindings (except for already-bound vars)."
  (dolist (var (variables-in exp))
    (when (not (get-binding var bindings))
      (setf bindings (extend-bindings var var bindings))))

(defun follow-binding (var bindings)
  "Get the ultimate binding of var according to the bindings."
  (let ((b (get-binding var bindings)))
    (if (eq (car b) (cdr b))
      (or (follow-binding (cdr b) bindings)

(defun compile-arg (arg bindings)
  "Generate code for an argument to a goal in the body."
  (cond ((eql arg '?) '(?))
        ((variable-p arg)
         (let ((binding (get-binding arg bindings)))
           (if (and (not (null binding))
                    (not (eq arg (binding-value binding))))
             (compile-arg (binding-value binding) bindings)
        ((not (has-variable-p arg)) `',arg)
        ((proper-list-p arg)
         `(list .,(mapcar #'(lambda (a) (compile-arg a bindings))
        (t `(cons ,(compile-arg (first arg) bindings)
                  ,(compile-arg (rest arg) bindings)))))

(defun has-variable-p (x)
  "Is there a variable anywhere in the expression x?"
  (find-if-anywhere #'variable-p x))

(defun proper-list-p (x)
  "Is x a proper (non-dotted) list?"
  (or (null x)
      (and (consp x) (proper-list-p (rest x)))))

(defun maybe-add-undo-bindings (compiled-expressions)
  "Undo any bindings that need undoing.

  If there ARE any, also bind the trail before we start.

  (if (= (length compiled-expressions) 1)
    `((let ((old-trail (fill-pointer *trail*)))
        ,(first compiled-expressions)
        ,@(loop :for expression :in (rest compiled-expressions)
                :collect '(undo-bindings! old-trail)
                :collect expression)))))

(defun bind-unbound-vars (parameters expr)
  "Bind any variables in expr (besides the parameters) to new vars."
  (let ((expr-vars (set-difference (variables-in expr) parameters)))
    (if expr-vars
      `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(,var (?)))

(defmacro <- (&rest clause)
  "Add a clause to the database."
  `(add-clause ',(make-anonymous clause)))

(defun make-anonymous (exp &optional (anon-vars (anonymous-variables-in exp)))
  "Replace variables that are only used once with ?."
  (cond ((consp exp)
         (cons (make-anonymous (first exp) anon-vars)
               (make-anonymous (rest exp) anon-vars)))
        ((member exp anon-vars) '?)
        (t exp)))

(defun anonymous-variables-in (tree)
  "Return a list of all variables that appear only once in tree."
  (let ((seen-once nil)
        (seen-more nil))
    (labels ((walk (x)
                 ((variable-p x)
                  (cond ((member x seen-once)
                         (setf seen-once (delete x seen-once))
                         (push x seen-more))
                        ((member x seen-more) nil)
                        (t (push x seen-once))))
                 ((consp x)
                  (walk (first x))
                  (walk (rest x))))))
      (walk tree)

;;;; UI -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar *uncompiled* nil "Prolog symbols that have not been compiled.")

(defun add-clause (clause)
  "Add a clause to the database, indexed by the head's predicate."
  (let ((pred (predicate (clause-head clause))))
    (pushnew pred *db-predicates*)
    (pushnew pred *uncompiled*)
    (setf (get pred clause-key)
          (nconc (get-clauses pred) (list clause)))

(defun top-level-prove (goals)
  "Prove the list of goals by compiling and calling it."
  (clear-predicate 'top-level-query)
  (let ((vars (delete '? (variables-in goals))))
    (add-clause `((top-level-query)
                  (show-prolog-vars ,(mapcar #'symbol-name vars)
  (run-prolog 'top-level-query/0 #'ignorelol)
  (format t "~&No.")

(defun run-prolog (procedure continuation)
  "Run an 0-ary Prolog prodecure with the given continuation."
  (setf (fill-pointer *trail*) 0)
  (setf *var-counter* 0)
  (catch 'top-level-prove
         (funcall procedure continuation)))

(defun prolog-compile-symbols (&optional (symbols *uncompiled*))
  (mapc #'prolog-compile symbols)
  (setf *uncompiled* (set-difference *uncompiled* symbols)))

(defun ignorelol (&rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))

(defun show-prolog-vars/2 (var-names vars cont)
  (if (null vars)
    (format t "~&Yes")
    (loop :for name :in var-names
          :for var :in vars :do
          (format t "~&~A = ~A" name (deref-exp var))))
  (if (continue-ask)
    (funcall cont)
    (throw 'top-level-prove nil)))

(defun deref-exp (exp)
  (if (atom (deref exp))
    (cons (deref-exp (first exp))
          (deref-exp (rest exp)))))

(defmacro ?- (&rest goals)
  `(top-level-prove ',(replace-wildcard-variables goals)))