
Start debugging entry
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 25 Dec 2016 11:30:22 -0500 (2016-12-25)
parents f0833ca00887
children 9e1018f1abb3
branches/tags (none)
files content/blog/2016/12/chip8-debugging-infrastructure.markdown


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/content/blog/2016/12/chip8-debugging-infrastructure.markdown	Sun Dec 25 11:30:22 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+title = "CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Debugging Infrastructure"
+snip = "Let's figure out what the hell is going on."
+date = 2016-12-31T14:50:00Z
+draft = true
+In the previous posts we looked at how to emulate a [CHIP-8][] CPU with Common
+Lisp.  After adding a screen, input, and sound the core of the emulator is
+essentially complete.
+I've been guiding you through the code step by step and it might look pretty
+simple, but that's only because I went down all the dead ends myself first.  In
+practice, when you're writing an emulator for a system you'll need a way to
+debug the execution of code, so let's look at how to add some debugging
+capabilities to our simple CHIP-8 emulator.
+The full series of posts so far:
+1. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: The CPU](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-cpu/)
+2. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Graphics](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-graphics/)
+3. [CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: Input](http://stevelosh.com/blog/2016/12/chip8-input/)
+The full emulator source is on [BitBucket][] and [GitHub][].
+[CHIP-8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8
+[BitBucket]: https://bitbucket.org/sjl/cl-chip8
+[GitHub]: https://github.com/sjl/cl-chip8
+<div id="toc"></div>
+## Disassembling
+The first thing we'll need is a way to take an instruction like `#x8055` and
+turn it into something we can read.  The easiest way to do this seemed to be to
+copy the dispatch loop from the CPU emulator and turn it into a disassembly
+(defun disassemble-instruction (instruction)
+  (flet ((v (n) (symb 'v (format nil "~X" n))))
+    (let ((_x__ (ldb (byte 4 8) instruction))
+          (__x_ (ldb (byte 4 4) instruction))
+          (___x (ldb (byte 4 0) instruction))
+          (__xx (ldb (byte 8 0) instruction))
+          (_xxx (ldb (byte 12 0) instruction)))
+      (case (logand #xF000 instruction)
+        (#x0000 (case instruction
+                  (#x00E0 '(cls))
+                  (#x00EE '(ret))))
+        (#x1000 `(jp ,_xxx))
+        (#x2000 `(call ,_xxx))
+        (#x3000 `(se ,(v _x__) ,__xx))
+        (#x4000 `(sne ,(v _x__) ,__xx))
+        (#x5000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                  (#x0 `(se ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))))
+        (#x6000 `(ld ,(v _x__) ,__xx))
+        (#x7000 `(add ,(v _x__) ,__xx))
+        (#x8000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                  (#x0 `(ld ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x1 `(or ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x2 `(and ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x3 `(xor ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x4 `(add ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x5 `(sub ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x6 `(shr ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#x7 `(subn ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))
+                  (#xE `(shl ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))))
+        (#x9000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                  (#x0 `(sne ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_)))))
+        (#xA000 `(ld i ,_xxx))
+        (#xB000 `(jp ,(v 0) ,_xxx))
+        (#xC000 `(rnd ,(v _x__) ,__xx))
+        (#xD000 `(drw ,(v _x__) ,(v __x_) ,___x))
+        (#xE000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
+                  (#x9E `(skp ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#xA1 `(sknp ,(v _x__)))))
+        (#xF000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
+                  (#x07 `(ld ,(v _x__) dt))
+                  (#x0A `(ld ,(v _x__) k))
+                  (#x15 `(ld dt ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#x18 `(ld st ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#x1E `(add i ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#x29 `(ld f ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#x33 `(ld b ,(v _x__)))
+                  (#x55 `(ld (mem i) ,_x__))
+                  (#x65 `(ld ,_x__ (mem i)))))))))
+There are a lot of other ways we could have done this, like making a proper
+parser or adding functionality to `define-opcode`, but since there's not that
+many instructions I think this is pretty reasonable.  Now we can pass in a raw,
+two-byte instruction and get out something readable:
+[SBCL] CHIP8> (disassemble-instruction #x8055)
+(SUB V0 V5)
+[SBCL] CHIP8> (disassemble-instruction #x4077)
+(SNE V0 119)
+Disassembling a single instruction will be useful, but it would also be nice to
+disassemble an entire ROM at once to see what its code looks like.  Let's make
+a little helper function to handle that:
+(defun dump-disassembly (array &optional (start 0) (end (length array)))
+  (iterate
+    (for i :from start :below end :by 2)
+    (print-disassembled-instruction array i)
+    (sleep 0.001)))
+The `sleep` is there because Neovim's terminal seems to shit the bed if you dump
+too much text at it at once.  Computers are garbage.
+Other that than, `dump-disassembly` is pretty straightforward: just iterate
+through the array of instructions two bytes at a time and print the information.
+Let's look at the printing function now:
+(defun print-disassembled-instruction (array index)
+  (destructuring-bind (address instruction disassembly)
+      (instruction-information array index)
+    (let ((*print-base* 16))
+      (format t "~3,'0X: ~4,'0X ~24A~%"
+              address
+              instruction
+              (or disassembly "")))))
+Once again we'll delegate to a helper function.
+`print-disassembled-instruction` just handles the string formatting to dump an
+instruction to the screen.  Running it for a single instruction would print
+something like:
+Address    Disassembly
+ |          |
+ v          v
+200: 8055 (SUB V0 V5)
+      ^
+      |
+      Raw instruction
+The helper function `instruction-information` is simple, but we'll be using it
+in the future for something else, so it's nice to have:
+(defun instruction-information (array index)
+  (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction array index)))
+    (list index
+          instruction
+          (disassemble-instruction instruction))))
+`retrieve-instruction` is simple (for now):
+(defun retrieve-instruction (array index)
+  (cat-bytes (aref array index)
+             (aref array (1+ index))))
+These functions *could* be combined into a single, bigger function, but I'm
+a strong believer in having each function do exactly one thing only.  And as
+we'll see, each of these "simple" tasks is going to get more complicated in the
+real world.